    Post count: 10

    First of all, being a female, I can relate to precisely what you have gone through and what you are currently going through. Embrace it all! These are the very best times of your life and marriage! To answer your earnest questions, no, you did not break the rules because you saved intercourse for when your husband returned. Yes, you could be angry with Scott because he was greedy and definitely pushed the boundaries of your previously established rules. That deserves definite correction with a detailed discussion first with your husband alone then together with Scott. Scott needs some type of punishment such as no staying over for 2 weekends while you instead invite a different lover. That alone will make Scott really contemplate, self-assess, and offer sincere contrition for what he did. When a boyfriend knows someone else is temporarily (and possibly permanently) taking his place, he can very well be corrected according to YOUR terms and NOT his terms. You will be pleasantly amazed and deeply touched at how you can develop and nurture a very unique form of love with boyfriends together with your husband. I’d like to continue this commentary and have it be a discussion with you. I forwarded my contact address in a previous e-mail. Hope to talk with you soon!