Marriage Evolved discussion Role Discussions Submissive Husbands Her lover move in during quarantine Reply To: Her lover move in during quarantine

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    I’m sorry to read you want Wayne to move – I think you have worked well with yourself and is in a very interesting development now when Wayne (and Jenn) has taken a more physical dominant role. Don’t you want to see where this can bring you? I imagine a few days more would bring your submissiveness to a completely new level.

    You wrote about getting Wayne’s respect a few posts back. I don’t think you will ever get it honestly: The few men who has fucked my wife has never really respected me either. We could small talk and got along well, but there were always this “I fucked your wife and you know how she liked my big dick” that was unspoken between us.

    What I think you should ask yourself is more about where Jenn’s respect has gone. She seems to put it all on you “you asked for it and has to live with it” – but does she really respect a husband if she puts an unpleasant situation on him? If you want to end this, I think you and Jenn has to talk and she has to ask Wayne to leave, not you. There’s a reason you got married, had children and promised “till death do us apart” and it goes both ways

    And even if Wayne leaves, he can still visit you. It would be less unusual to have a friend during the weekend for the neighbors and you all three can live out what you just did the past weeks as many weekends you want.

    Personally, I think Wayne is a type that doesn’t want to settle in a poly marriage. If he’s the business man you describe it’s too boring for him, and no opportunities to meet other married ladies which I’m sure he would