Home discussion Lifestyle Discussions Getting Started Wives who Play Solo while, Hubby at Home with Kids.

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    • #35634

        Does this apply to you and if, so are you the more sexually confident and dominant partner in the relationship?

      • #35649

          My wife has met another woman alone once. It was extremely sexy to send her away and get her back well fucked. We have talked about doing it with a man too but not realized it yet

          • #35650

              Your experience is very unique because I never considered same sex playmate for the Hotwife. Hope to hear future exploits when she plays with men and you also, need to service another ‘HOTWIFE” to bring some balance into your marriage…lol…wifey will love it…

          • #35877

              This is what we did. I would stay home and she would date. So great. Worked really well.

              • #35939

                  Stay at home but, anticipation of her playing and being pounded no doubt makes it all the fun….

                  • #35945


                • #35879

                    This is the current set up we have right now. I wait at home while she is with her boyfriend. I get told how the date went after she gets home.

                    • #35938

                        Damn without mercy she keeps your locked until she returns…..no doubt, her play is so kinky you’re ready to burst out of chastity…..

                    • #35933

                        This has been our current set up with bulls she has found. Nothing like being left home with the child while she goes and gets pleasured.

                        • #35936

                            Nothing like a kinky wife getting pounded-hard by her bULL while, the foreplay and anticipation in your mind gets you ready for playtime when she gets home

                        • #35940

                            My wife had a long distance relationship for a couple of years. I would take her to the airport and collect her. I was very content at home taking care of the domestic side of things.

                            • #39434

                                Nothing like cerebral foreplay until wifey returns from playtime.

                            • #39416

                                I know I am, always horny and wet and can’t have just one bull I’ll get board. Changing it up keeps it hot.

                                • #39433

                                    Very sexy and insatiable appetite but, as you said, lover variety….naughty lady….

                                • #39423

                                    My wife prefers to meet bulls alone at first, she finds it to be more relaxed and less stressful.

                                    Without me there she doesn’t have to think so much about balancing what she says with two different guys there and is free to just focus on herself and her bull, getting to know him better. She then introduces me to meets after a few dates, when she feels more relaxed and knows what she and her bull want.

                                    • #39432

                                        Wife very sexually self-confident such that she does the intros, “honey, meet my new lover”…..

                                    • #39468

                                        we recently got back into the lifestyle, but with a 6 month year old baby. ive found myself staying at home babysitting. in the past i would watch 80% of the time.

                                        • #40006
                                          Cathy & Jerry

                                            A lover’s baby?

                                            • #40242

                                                I have a two year old and a four year old at home that my husband takes care of when I go out on dates.

                                          • #39477

                                              I play alone for the most part, that is without hubby. Times a gf a I would take a guy home. Couple times I’ve gone with a couple I met, and more than a few times I’ve been with a couple men. Unfortunately I still don’t feel totally comfortable having hubby there. A few times I’ve let hubby watch through a door crack or hiding in the bathroom.

                                            • #39478

                                                I’ve only done it a few times. And I really don’t enjoy it as much. My Boyfriend asked me out alone a few weeks back. Although I had a wonderful time it’s not my preference. It’s a much more intense experience for me if hubby is there watching and involved. Some times it’s just him watching and bringing us towels and water and other times it’s MMF. Either way this lifestyle is for the both of us.

                                              • #39479

                                                  Excellent if, hubby’s presence enhances the intensity of playtime with the Bull and long-term success in the marriage then, do what works in the sexual spectrumm. Hope you keep us all updated on your naughty exploits….

                                                • #39486

                                                    Although my BF does come over during the week while hubby is at work. We either record it or he watches on FaceTime through our phones. Hubby enjoys this just as much as I do. But most of our experience is together. Honestly I would feel like I was unfaithful or cheating on him is he wasn’t included. I do realize our dynamic is somewhat different than a lot or couples on here. And it has changed and evolved as we go along.

                                                  • #39497

                                                      sounds great, mmf lifestyle is great . good for you guys

                                                    • #39979

                                                        My wife only plays alone with the men she sees. Her time with them is time away from me and her home life.

                                                        • #39982

                                                            The cuckold life is different for each couple. It is what satisfies each couple that makes it correct for them. Some folks want to lump us all together. Again, it’s like a buffet, take what you like and leave the rest.

                                                        • #40121

                                                            We have been married for over 35 years now. In our first 5 years of marriage she cheated on me twice. Which then later evolved us into doing threesomes. I felt I missed out on so much of what went down, so We have been Hotwifing since 2003 and in 2010 we transitioned into a Hotwife and Cuckold. I have been in a chastity caged since January 2018 and only let out after eating the creampie. She has been with just over 30 men since we have been married. Some long-term lovers and some one nighters. I have watched her with every guy she has been with since we started this adventure. (after I found out she cheated on me) Now she would like to date a guy without me being there with them. She promises to tell me every detail afterwards. For you guys that let your wife go out with another guy while you stay home. How do you feel, before, during and afterwards, and what should I expect on her return home? How long does she stay out, just a few hours, over night? Anyone let her go for a weekend??

                                                            • #40125
                                                              Cathy & Jerry

                                                                You have a pretty wife, it’s great that she has a lover. My wife has been with her lover for several years. They stay in B&B’s and resorts all over. They travel as a married couple and register where they stay as married. He takes her on holiday trips as well and I’m happy for them. I know she’ll never leave me so I’m happy to let him make love to her and treat her as his wife. She told me that he’s the best lover she’s ever had and he’s miles ahead of me as a lover. He’s very large where it counts, I’m tiny. He makes sure that she has many orgasms before he leaves his huge amount of semen inside of her. If you two have a very good bond and trust each other implicitly then let her have her freedom to spend as much time where she wants to, she’s getting the loving she needs and her lover is enjoying being inside of her where he should be. Let nature take it’s course for them and your marriage will be the best it’s ever been. Just ask her to always be honest with you about what happened during her nights with him, I’m betting she’ll be happy to tell you about how he’s making her feel like a woman again. Keep us updated please

                                                            • #40123

                                                                Interesting how everyone is so different but it’s all great!

                                                                • #40127

                                                                    Your correct Erin, different for everybody.

                                                                    • #40130

                                                                        Yes! 🙂

                                                                      • #40133

                                                                          respect and love

                                                                        • #40134


                                                                          • #40462

                                                                              True every one is different my hotwife hss 4 regular guys thst she wees one about every 3/4 weeks. I’m not involved except at times helping her get ready. A few times the same regular comes to the house to pick.he
                                                                              Up we might sit have a drink.togethet they kiss hug etc t .but no sex.in our house . It has been rewarding for us she has changed alot her confidence dress etc eheter going out with him.friends or myself the reclaim.sex is great We both agree she could never go bavk.to a one cock woman

                                                                          • #40267

                                                                              I call it the sexual spectrumm with gradations over the lifetime you spend in the Lifestyle….lol.

                                                                          • #40241

                                                                              My wife always saw her first boyfriend alone while I stayed home with the kids. Honestly I don’t think she would have ever had sex with another man if I’d been there. She never liked the idea of being watched while having sex.

                                                                              • #40268

                                                                                  How is she now…has she grown more sexually self-confident and wants you present during playtime with her boyfriend.

                                                                              • #40245

                                                                                  I do the same when my wife dates. Sometimes I gt to see kissing and thats about it. Then sent to bed.

                                                                                  • #40269

                                                                                      She’s a devlish teaser….lol…keeps you hanging

                                                                                  • #40271

                                                                                      Yes, each cuckold has in their mind what specific they want to see or imagine happening. When that initial interaction graduates to initial intimacy like a kiss or a touch, the fuse is lit.

                                                                                    • #40272

                                                                                        To answer Tackle’s question, we’re getting closer with her current bf

                                                                                        • #40418

                                                                                            Excellent , hope to hear progression of the dynamic and future naughty exploits.

                                                                                        • #40455

                                                                                            My wife always insists on early dates alone while I’m home entertaining the family.

                                                                                            We used to meet new bulls together but she found it to add pressure and create an awkward dynamic while meeting alone is just natural and relaxed and fun. Of course after a while it becomes a more three way dynamic but those early play dates are as you describe.

                                                                                          • #40486

                                                                                              There’s nothing like staying home with family while your wife is with a lover – for me the essence of being a cuckold

                                                                                              • #40573
                                                                                                Cathy & Jerry

                                                                                                  Same for me Tom, When we started in this lifestyle 16 years ago Cathy would leave me with our daughter. I truly loved knowing that while I was at home making dinner etc, Cathy was at her lover’s home naked in his bed with him between her legs. Just the thought that he was making love to her and inseminating her made me feel so happy, it just felt so perfect, so “Natural!”

                                                                                              • #40494

                                                                                                  Locktober has begun and no doubt an increase of comments about Hotwives being extremely adventurous with various Bulls/playmates while, chastity Charlie remains locked in restriction for the next 30-days or “longer”….

                                                                                                  Looking forward to reading comments from hubbies at home (with the kids) while, reminded who owns the family jewels.

                                                                                                • #40571

                                                                                                    We would almost always play together before we had children, Started with swinging in our 20s and evolved into cuckolding. Now with two preschoolers she more often goes alone on her dates. Sometime we have kids at grand parents and we play at home or all three go to a party or club.

                                                                                                  • #40665

                                                                                                      We don’t have any family around us. My wife always plays alone because we Dont have anyone else to watch the kids

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