Membership FAQ features many functions which are sensitive to abuse by spammers and those with malicious intent. For this reason, registration is required for most functions on the site.


Q: Do I have to be a registered member to look around?
A: Absolutely not.

Q: What does registration cost?
A: Not a damn thing – never has.

Q: What’s done with my information?
A: Nothing other than to operating the site. I have not and will not ever share member information with anyone else for any reason. If you would like to request your information to be deleted, contact me directly.

Expanded Profiles

For a long time it has been requested that members have a better way of using the site to find prospective partners in this experience. I have always resisted that not wanting to turn the site into a ‘hook up’ site. I feel the site has been established as something other than that for a long time now and I see this is a reasonable way to both grow the community and deepen the experience here for members.

Q: How does the expanded profile help members find each other?
A: When members complete their profile, their answers can be searched for using the Advanced Search form on the Member Directory.

Q: I already had a profile – how is this different?
A: The member profile now consists of three tabs: Basic, Lifestyle, Matchmaking. The new, third tab includes specific fields to help match searches.

Q: How do I register and create my profile?
A: Register by clicking this link. After you register and confirm your email address by clicking the link sent via email, you can complete your profile.

Q: I didn’t receive an email. What do I do?
A: People register and validate their email address every day so I know the process works. Check junk mail and ‘clutter’ if your email client has that folder. Otherwise, you may have entered your email address wrong and my have to try registering again.

Q: I already have a profile – how do I update the new expansion of it?
A: Use the menu bar along the top of the page and navigate to the profile edit option.

  1. If not logged in, the Log in and register options are displayed in the top, left corner of the page. Log in.
  2. While logged in, click where it says ‘Howdy, YourName’ (right side) to see the menu options available to you.loggedin
  3. profile-edit-menuNavigate to Profile, then Edit.Note that this is also the most direct way to edit your profile photo and cover image. The profile photo is what shows as your icon and the cover image is the larger, rectangular header image on your profile.
  4. There are three tabs to each profile.tabsThe profiles, profile media, member search, and community groups are only available to registered, logged in members, so your profile information is never public.

Member Search


Only registered, logged in members can access the Member Directory. If not logged in, visitors are redirected to the log in page. On the Member Directory, look for the Advanced Search button and click it to open the search form.

As with any search tool, the more elements you define, the more narrow the search results will be.

  • Name
    This will search for the entry under their member name. This may not always match the name members chat with.
  • State/Province
    Search entries should be two letters only
  • Locality
    The city field in a profile can hold more than one city but should be searched for one city at a time.
  • Seeking
    Multiple selections can be made, but only profiles with all of them selected would be returned.
  • Status
    Typically not an important filter to set.

Keep in mind that until and unless profiles are completed – in particular, the Matchmaking tab, few results will be available through the search.

Media Uploads

The uploading (and organization into albums) of media is NOT CURRENTLY enabled.

File Limits

  • Sizes: Images must be less than 1MB and video must be less than 50MB. In special circumstances, I can enable an alternative upload method if a couple has content they want to share via this community that is larger than those limits. For information on that, contact me directly.
  • File count: there is a daily, monthly, and lifetime limit on the number of files a single user may upload.


Q: I get a notice that my country is blocked. What can I do?
A: I restrict site access from some countries for security and cultural reasons – if your country is blocked, you probably can’t even read this.

Q: I got locked out because I forgot my password. What do I do?
A: Accounts are limited to 8 login attempts. If you go over that, your account will be locked out for several hours. I will not specify how long for security reasons.

Have a question not answered here? Contact me and I’ll see what I can do.