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Communication is key to survival or a relationship. Ask your wife if she was faking it as part of role play. However, you should be worried and should do something about it.
In every consensual D/s relationships there are rules and limits agreed to ahead of time. If he is not respecting those and more important, if your wife is not respecting and enforcing those, its time to end the relationship – either with the bull or the wife.
First, ask you wife for the non-play version. Then have as serious talk.
Second, point out to her the rules you have and:
a) if she gets knocked up by the bull you will sue him for child support, child care and mental anguish.
b) you might divorce her and use DNA testing and her getting knocked up against your rules as cause.
c) if she got an STD from him you will report him to the CDC. People have been prosecuted for knowingly passing HIV.
Third, point out to her that if they are fucking 3 times a year he is likely fucking others. She needs to get tested for STD because she just fucked a whole chain of people. Are you having sex with your wife? You need to get tested too. (you should anyway).
There is a certain cultural bias to not use condoms which results in higher STD rates among certain demographics. I’ll let you research that one but CDC has some statistics worth checking if you have a racial, nationality or cultural side to your kink.
And no, Herpes is not harmless. There is evidence that like Papiloma virus, it might contribute to increased rates of cancer. Yes, it is only “some evidence” and “might”.
And, yes, you are dealing with the ugly side of sexual kink but now is the time to make a stand, and hope you got lucky.