Marriage Evolved discussion Lifestyle Discussions Getting Started Wife want Bull to live in part time-I have a a question Reply To: Wife want Bull to live in part time-I have a a question

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    I would like to make a suggestion here.

    One it time you grew a pair. Not a big pair but a pair.
    One send the wife out for a spa day. A long massage any thing to get her out of the house for at least four hours.

    Start making a meal say supper.

    Call her boss / Boy friend / bull and invite him to dinner.

    When she get home tell her that her boss / boy friend / bull has been invited to dinner and she should get read for dinner.

    Have her clothes laid out. Something nice.
    I would suggest a short skirt, bra, and see through top also matching panties to the bra. You do not want her looking for clothes. Also change the sheets to new sheets 500 thread count or better. Put away the blankets and comforters they won’t be needed.

    When he gets there you answer the door. Make him comfortable. Give him a drink.

    Allow your wife to make her entrance.

    Allow them some alone time before the meal

    Over dinner which you serve to them. Have them facing you.

    Ask them direct questions. Start with little one. Like have you shared a coffee? Tea? Every time they answer reach into a bag by you of her wife’s underwear. Put the ugly ones on top. Take a pair of scissors ✂️ and cut both sides and the crotch and drop them in a waste basket with the reply “won’t be needing these any more”.

    Make sure you have counted both her underwear and her panties. This is important. You want the last pair of panties the ones she has on to be the one the correspond to the last question “would you like to go up stairs and fuck for the night”

    When the answer is yes have your wife stand up. Walk over reach up her skirt remove her panties with the comment “won’t be needing these any more” followed by the remark run along you two I will clean up dinner. Followed by call if you need any thing.