Marriage Evolved discussion Lifestyle Discussions True Experiences Cuckold Couple Training a First Time Couple

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    • Professor
        Post count: 29

        I met Tim and Tina on another site, they are from PA and Tim and I get along great right from the start. Tim is 39 and Tina is 35. They didn’t seem to have any marital problems, but Tim stated that he felt that his wife was not really enjoying sex and that he felt that there was something missing. He complained to me about his sexual skills and that he felt inadequate in some way.

        We talked for about an hour online and it seemed to me that he was just looking for some validation that he was still a good husband, but that sex was something he felt tremendous pressure about.

        I told him that I was a real cuckold couple trainer and had been doing so for 10 years and that I specialize in first time couples because of the exact issues and feelings he was talking about.

        He asked more questions, how does it work? what are the steps? are there rules? what happens to him after his wife has a Bull? Will he ever get to have sex again?

        All of these questions are like the FAQ of cuckolding 101 and being a Bull and trainer for 1st time couples, I’m very familiar with them. So I assured him, that sex would be on the table, and that he and his wife make the rules, the boundaries and the limits. With me, there will be a lot more communication and honesty than before and maybe more than any other Bull after me will provide, but their relationship will be stronger and able to decide what man they want to bring in.

        I told them that I do training for about 6 months, and after that, usually couples are ready to venture forth and start living the life on their own.

        He was excited, but he didn’t know what his wife would say. And I reassured him that I would not be moving forward without his wife, there would be no deceit, no trying to trick her or manipulate her. He had mentioned he read some online stories and blogs about “setting” his wife up on a date. And I told him that none of that is reality and that his wife deserves to be treated with respect and honesty. So I recommended that he tell her about his feelings and that he wanted her to have fun and be fulfilled.

        I told him that he needed to be relaxed and take his time. Nothing happens in one night. So he took a couple weeks to get the courage to reveal to his wife his true feelings and she was open and comforting. She did not say “yes” but she also didn’t shame him, which he was really scared of.

        (Ill finish more later) hope to hear your comments

      • rs
          Post count: 6

          You met with Tim one on one, will you do the same with his wife to set her mind at ease and answer her questions? Will the training be together or separate?

        • Professor
            Post count: 29

            I should have said this upfront – but i changed the names to protect discretion. But the story is true.

            So, Tim texted me that he spoke to his wife and as I wrote earlier, she did not shame him. But he complained that he felt she was not interested and now what should he do? I had to explain to him that what he “thought” he heard her say and what she actually said are two different things. And the biggest issue for him as a future cuckold is that he can’t put words in his wife’s mouth. He needs to listen to what she actually said and go from there.

            As it turns out, his wife did not shame him and never said “no.” That means that she is open to the idea, but as most women, they want more information. A lot of cuckold wannabes have done a lot of research and fantasizing about being cuckolded and its a huge mistake for them to think – the minute they tell their wife – honey i want you to fuck another guy, isn’t that great for you? – that she should jump for joy.

            Its really immature and disrespectful to your wife to assume she will jump at the chance to fuck someone else. Its really disrespectful.

            So I said to Tim, “She married you because she is in love with you – so she isn’t going to just fuck some dude because your fantasy is to watch her do it. She is a lot smarter than you and she isn’t falling for that trick.”

            Tim said “its not a trick.” So I replied “you might not think so, but it says to your wife, honey i love you, but I don’t want to have sex with you anymore.”

            And with that statement, Tim stopped arguing. He tried to explain to me that was not the reason that it was the opposite. So I suggested to him that if that were true, how come he hasn’t said that to his wife? Doesnt she deserve to know your thoughts and feelings?

            After about an hour of arguing back and forth, he finally agreed that his wife deserved the truth from him.

            I told him not to text me until he had a heart to heart with her. It took him 2 days, but he texted me and told me that he told her how he felt and she actually said “I love you and it doesnt matter to me that you are less endowed in the bedroom.”

            Tim was frustrated, but i had to reassure him again. She didnt say “no.” His insecurity is a lot to handle and so I continually reinforce that his wife loves him and that she isn’t saying “no.”

            The next step is for me to speak with Tina and I told him to let her know that he found a Sex Professor and a real cuckold couple trainer in NY and that he wanted her to speak with me. He did that and we were unable to talk for about a week, but we finally got on the phone and had a conversation. Tina was very nervous and a bit apprehensive about the conversation, but we ended up talking for an hour and she asked all the questions she could think of. She laughed a lot during the call and she felt at ease.

            We ended the conversation with her final question, “So what happens now?”

            I told her that the next step is to set up a meeting for all 3 of us. I could tell she was nervous, but she said “ok”.

            I texted Tim the next day and told him the dates i had available and he set up the meeting.

            We met in the middle, which is Jersey and we went to a restaurant. Macaroni Grill actually. We got a table in the corner and we ate and talked and laughed. His wife was nervous at first, but usually within a few minutes most wives get very comfortable with me.

            After dinner, we went to our cars and I walked the couple to theirs and I kissed the wife. She embraced and gave me a long deep erotic kiss. I left them with “Tim text me”

            (thats all for now, I will finish the story later)

          • johndough
              Post count: 8

              It sounds like progress was made especially with the parting long erotic kiss. What has happened since then?

            • uhohithinkiwantherto
                Post count: 7

                Would love to hear how this turned out.

              • PJ_UK
                  Post count: 10

                  Sounding good so far and also believable, so looking forward to the following installments

                • Professor
                    Post count: 29

                    So Tim didnt text me right away. But a few weeks later. I thought, like i always do, that they weren’t serious and that the reality was more than they could handle.

                    But Tim texted me and said that Tina wanted to meet me. I texted him back and we arranged a when and where.

                    The where was a restaurant, Tim was going to arrange for us to have dinner, so he did reservation, he pre-paid the meal (which is always just so nice and helpful). So we met up and Tina and I had a lovely dinner. We talked and got to know each other more.

                    After dinner, I walked her to her car, she wanted me to follow her home. But at her car door, I kissed her and we locked in an embrace for a bit. She looked at me and I said, can I get in? She said “yes, but not knowing what I had really asked.”

                    I got into the passenger side and she got in the driver’s side.

                    We sat there staring at each other and she looked very nervous. I said, “Don’t be nervous, everything is going to be ok.”

                    She didn’t really relax, but she was a little more patient than before.

                    I leaned in for another kiss and she was very willing. I then pinched one of her nipples softly and she moaned, so i pinched it much harder this time and she sucked on my tongue in her mouth. I pulled away and I grabbed both nipples with both hands and pinched them and then pulled them away from her body, stretching her tits as I pulled.

                    She looked at me, in a deep gaze, almost trance-like. I had her.

                    I told her that I thought she was a hot slut. She looked at me and nodded.

                    “What do hot sluts do?” I asked.

                    “Suck cock sir,” she replied.

                    Good girl. Are you going to show your Master how well you suck cock?

                    She nodded again.

                    I asked her how far her house was, and she replied about 15 minutes.

                    I got out of her car and I followed her home.

                    As soon as we got to her house and walked inside, I told her to strip immediately.

                    Once she was naked, I grabbed a bunch of her hair and led her to the bedroom. I threw her on the bed and pulled out my cock. I grabbed the back of her head and made her start sucking on me. I began to grow in her mouth. I had known her husband was quite small, so when I grew in her mouth she had never had a cock as big as mine before reaching the back of her throat.

                    I began to face fuck her and she was getting wet as my cock buried into her throat.

                    I asked her, “Do you think you’re a good cocksucker?”

                    She nodded and mumbled with my cock deep in her mouth. I corrected her, “no you aren’t. You have never had a real cock to practice on. We will have to change that. Are you ready to be fully trained?”

                    She said “yes” in a mumbled voice.

                    “Good girl.”

                  • Anonymous
                      Post count: 2

                      Long time from the last update. What happened next?

                    • johndough
                        Post count: 8

                        No info in a long time leads me to believe this is nothing but a story

                      • Professor
                          Post count: 29

                          I had so much trouble logging back into this site. I have a Mac and for some reason the flash isnt working. So until that is fixed, I can’t participate in chat or any features.

                          If you wish to hear the end of the story, just email me, I think that still works.

                        • Professor
                            Post count: 29

                            I still cant log into the chatroom, but I can post again.

                            Continued from before…

                            Tina and I were in the bedroom and at this point she felt totally at ease. She wasn’t thinking about her husband, she wasnt being self-conscious. She was just in the moment.

                            What we did that night was a lot of foreplay. I showed her several different positions for blowjobs, I also gave her time to just explore a cock for the first time. I told her to hold it in her hands, feel it from top to bottom. Study it, look at it. She never felt she had time to do that and just be in the moment. She always felt pressure to start sucking or jerking it off.

                            I explained to her that each man has specific touch-points on his cock that are more sensitive than others and that is how he masturbates. So I showed her my 2 spots and she was fascinated.

                            At this point, I told her to get her husband and let him come into the bedroom.

                            She went and got him, he was very nervous. I told him to get a chair and sit down. So he went into the other room and brought a chair and sat down while his wife was in bed with me.

                            I told them they needed to communicate with each other. I asked Tina, how do you feel?

                            She said, that she felt comfortable and was having fun.

                            I told her to ask Tim how he felt. And Tim said that was he was very nervous. So I encouraged Tina to ask him why. She did and he explained that he had no idea what was going to happen. They both looked at me and that’s when I said.

                            The whole process, I explained is a slow one. It’s not a good idea to rush into something and then regret it later. Right now, your wife is open and happy to hear your ideas and fantasies and so when I leave thats what I want you two to do.

                            She is also very excited to continue to learn sexually. Again, a positive.

                            But you both need to discuss how you feel about Tina having sex with someone else.

                            So I asked Tina, “how do you feel about that?”

                            Tina answered, “Well, I think I would have sex with you, but I dont want to be sleeping around. I feel comfortable with you, you take things slow and I really like your cock, so I definitely want to know what it feels like.”

                            I asked Tim how that made him feel, and he answered, “I’m very confused. I thought I would be super excited about this, but now Im just really nervous.”

                            I told Tina that Tim’s feelings are normal and that he is feeling this because he sees how excited you are, and he hasn’t seen that excitement since you first started dating. So his natural feelings are that you will not want him anymore, or that you might consider leaving him for someone better in bed.

                            Tina cut me off -“I wouldn’t do that.”

                            I told Tina that I knew that and she knew that, but Tim’s fantasy is just that, a fantasy and now that reality is here – his emotions are running away with him.

                            Tina asked “What do we do now?”

                            That’s why this is a process and I told Tim this takes about 6 months. But for now, we have done a lot.

                            We all got dressed, I kissed Tina and I left.

                            Over the next week or so, Tim and Tina had a lot of chats. Tina was in constant communication with me. I encouraged her to make sure that Tim talked about this everyday at least once, otherwise he could retreat into his mind and that would be bad.

                            Tina asked if we could get together again and I asked her would Tim like to watch or not?

                            She answered, “no, he isnt ready for it.”

                            So I told her that we could schedule some time together.

                            I texted Tim and told him the hotel to book and the day and he texted me back “Done. And then the day of he texted me the hotel room #”

                            I met Tina at the hotel, and we went to the room together.

                            I got into the bed and I asked Tina to get into bed with me. We just laid in bed next to each other, talking. I asked her how she was feeling, about the conversations with Tim. What were her fantasies at this point.

                            She kept coming back to, I love Tim, but I dont understand why he is nervous, this is what he wanted. I just dont want to feel guilty.

                            I told her to call Tim and they talked for about 5 minutes and she got off the phone. I asked her how she felt now, she told me Tim told her to have fun.

                            I said, “he wants you to be happy and that’s the bond that no one can get in between. So you just have to protect your relationship, all the sex and men will come and go, but the relationship is the strongest thing.”

                            She smiled and I asked her to lay with me in bed. She put her head on my chest and I stroked her hair. I asked her to tell me about the naughty thoughts she had about my cock. She was very open and started to describe her fantasies.

                            I undressed her, and kissed her. I gave her a sensual massage and showed her something that Tim could do for her. It’s a labia massage, where her partner can focus on just rubbing and massaging her lips. She enjoyed that thoroughly and was writhing with pleasure and anticipation. She was also very wet at this point.

                            I looked into her eyes and asked if she was ready to be entered, she said “yes” coyly.

                            I put a condom on and I looked directly into her eyes. I positioned my cock head at her entrance and I slowly penetrated her. Her pupils dilated slightly and her eyes opened wide. Then she winced a second, and I stopped.

                            I looked down at her and asked “are you ok?”

                            She said “yes, its just a lot bigger than Tim”

                            “You want me to stop right here?” “No, please go deeper.”

                            I pushed in further inside her and I slowly slid in all the way until the bottom of my shaft was pressed against her pelvic bone. The head of my cock was pressed against her cervix.

                            Tina had a grin on her face, and I moved her legs up toward my shoulders and then I took the back of her legs with my hands and I pressed them down toward her face. I moved slightly forward and balanced myself on her legs with my hands and I pressed my cock head down half an inch more into her and against her cervix.

                            Tina let out a moan “Oh God! That feels good!”

                            I asked her if she was ready, she said “Yes, please, please.”

                            So I slowly started to fuck her, moving in and out with ease and just hitting her cervix lightly with the head of my cock. She was incredibly wet and her labia lips were wrapped tightly around my cock.

                            I showed her numerous positions, the one that was the most difficult was her on top, she did not feel comfortable balancing herself on top of me and riding.

                            Because this is a thread about training, I wont bore you with all the details. Tina enjoyed everything we did, but it was basic sex.

                            We spent about 3 hours together and afterward we showered together and then we got dressed and we both went home.

                            I did not hear from Tina or Tim for 2 weeks after that – which happens a lot. Some couple retreat completely. Some couples need time to process. The positive aspect of what we did was that it was not “cheating”. Because there is no deceit between husband and wife, if they decide this is a one-time thing – It can be just that. No one blames the other and it’s a hot fantasy that can be used to spice up their sex life.

                            For Tim and Tina they weren’t done, but it did take some time.

                            I heard from Tina 2 weeks later, apologizing for being so distant. I asked her if everything was ok. She told me that Tim wants to watch us have sex.

                            I told her that we could arrange that.

                            Tim set up the hotel again and texted me the room #. I met them at the hotel and we went up to the room.

                            This time Tina was more nervous than Tim, which is also normal and common. Tim didnt know what to do.

                            I told Tina to lay on the bed with me, and Tim sat in a chair. I told Tina to tell Tim why she is nervous. She tried but was having difficulty getting her thoughts across.

                            So I decided to help. Tina, are you nervous because you dont want to disappoint Tim?

                            She said, Yes. “why would you disappoint him?”

                            she said, “this is his fantasy and I want to look hot for him. I just dont know how to have good sex and I’m not that good with you and I just feel weird.”

                            I told Tim that his wife learned some new things in bed the last time we were together and because they are new, she isnt an expert and so that is what is making her uncomfortable.

                            He asked me “what can i do?”

                            I told him that he could just prepare her. Help her take off her clothes, take her into the shower. Wash her body. Kiss Her. Tell her how much you love her. Ask her if she would like to start with you in the bathroom hearing her sounds and when she is ready she will call you in and you can sit in that chair. Would you be ok with that?”

                            Tim said, yes i can do that.

                            So he took Tina into the bathroom, I heard the shower go on and that’s how it happened that night.

                            Another 2 weeks went by before I heard from them again. Tim texted me this time and said that it’s impossible to coordinate their schedules to find time to see me, so Tim wanted to send Tina to me and just take pics and call him. I told him that makes perfect sense.

                            And so Tim had finally wrapped his mind around the whole dynamic and was now accepting of his wife’s need for a lover and was willing to just wait at home.

                            I continued to train Tina for about 3 more months. She learned and got very good at deep throating. I am about 8 inches, and she was able to take about 6. She also was able to use her lips and tongue to massage the cock while she gave the blowjob. She learned how to give a cock massage, which I encouraged her to use and practice with Tim.

                            He thoroughly enjoyed that. She would report back to me that he lasted approximately 90 seconds, she was a little frustrated because she wanted to practice her technique more. I told her to tell Tim that one of the playmates you will have after we are done will be a cock that she could massage. Tina liked that a lot.

                            I also helped her with her body image and self-confidence and she started to enjoy riding a cock a lot. She still did not have a lot of rhythm or balance and I suggested that she make some girl friends that could go dancing with her so she could practice moving her body.

                            I network with a lot of people in this lifestyle, so I was able to introduce her to another wife.

                            I wanted to give as much pertinent information as possible for couples that are considering this, but invariably Im sure I missed some points. If you have questions, just post them and I will try and answer them as they come up.

                            Good luck to all those cuckolds, and wives in 2018!

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