Marriage Evolved discussion Role Discussions Submissive Husbands Starting to first explore my sexual inferiority

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    • Alzado
        Post count: 1

        I’m in my early 40s and just coming to realize my sexual inferiority. I have a couple questions for you more experienced cucks.

        Is it normal to be aroused by your own inadequacy? I imagine myself naked and in service to a true Alpha and it makes me so horny. Is this weird?

        Also, since I’ve started coming to terms with my inadequacy, I find myself being turned on in new ways. Like, I’m really hot for big cocks now. Wasn’t before. But now my bull’s cock would be the main attraction if I had the chance to do this. Are you guys attracted to dicks now too?

      • SubHubAndWifey
          Post count: 26

          I assure you that what you are experiencing is absolutely 100% normal – in the context of being a cuckold. I was also approaching 40 when I started coming to terms with my inadequacies. At that point in our lives we had been swingers for several years, and I had seen enough to realize I am not the hung sexy stud I once thought I was. I had seen my wife be satisfied by lovers in ways I could never satisfy her. I began to always desire this for my wife – or was it for me? We evolved from swingers to more of a “hotwife” couple where our focus was on finding men for sexual liaisons with her. These men were usually “alpha males” – much more dominant then me. I took to my natural role as submissive, and incorporated ways to serve them into our “playdates”.

          I became very sexually attracted to our bulls, and enjoy orally servicing them very much. Yet I don’t consider myself gay or even bisexual. I have no interest in sexual relationships with men outside the context of cuckolding. I feel that when I orally service our bull it represents his dominion over myself and my wife. It is the way I let him know he is our master. Only in the context of cuckolding – with my wife present to witness my submission – do I suck cock.

          What you’re feeling are very normal feelings for a cuckold to have.

          • latetotheparty
              Post count: 13

              good answers……

          • Dean
              Post count: 6

              I too started to get turned on by my wife’s boyfriend. For me it was totally the dominance he had over my wife and myself. The humiliation was painful at first, as was the constant jealousy that my wife liked sex with him so much better. The first time I was so excited to be on my knees in front of him, cleaning him. Now I try my hardest to please him because that means I get to watch him and my wife together. There is no greater joy for me than to kneel before him, knowing he just made my wife so happy. My wife has an afterglow for hours and even days afterwards, which she never did for me.

            • Andre
                Post count: 14

                it has been one of the biggest parts of my journey as i accepted my submissive role towards my wife and then towards her chosen lovers but has taken me levelsof excitment i never thought possible inferior to her lovers is one of my biggest sexual triggers to accept the domminence of another male as well as my wife is unbelievable roller coaste of emotion but once i learnt to trust in my own feeling the best pleasure for me and my wife as it was the biggest boost to her when i let her take the lead and willinly accepted her control of me love it

              • carolinacuckandwife
                  Post count: 15

                  I like this thread. Good honest admissions here. I have had relationships in the past that allowed my cuck husband to be an integral part of the bedroom. Almost intuitively, he has known his place and the times that he has sucked my Bull or Dom’s cock while wearing his lacey cuck panties are some of my favorite memories we have enjoyed in this lifestyle. Even now, he has favorite types of guys that he eagerly wants me to be involved with. I don’t consider him to be gay or bi in any sense of the words but he knows (and I know) what size or girth of cock that he enjoys me being with. We went through a bit of a dry spell as far as relationships that involved him in the bedroom, but lately (maybe the last 6 or 9 months) I have been fucking a gorgeous guy with a really big dick and I think my husband is probably even more into him than I am. My husband and him are friends and the times with him that I have watched my husband turn into a submissive, panty-wearing cuckold in front of his friend is a huge turn-on for me especially when he rubs my lover’s cock, licks his balls, sucks his dick, or cleans up creampie from my pussy without any regard for this guy being a good friend of ours. And thirty minutes later, they might be drinking a beer together talking about guns and other regular guy stuff 😉

                • Bellaazz
                    Post count: 84

                    It took a while for me to embrace my submissive side also. Although I have never sucked my wife’s bull’s cock, if he or she wanted me to I would. I know what you mean about starting to become obssessed with her bull’s cock. I seem to be doing that a lot too. I don’t know if it is because he is so much larger than me, I mean probably 3 times my size, or because he can give my wife such pleasure that I couldn’t. I can only make her cum with my tongue but the first time he fucked her, she had two orgasms just from his cock. When he suggested I might enjoy eating his cum out of her, I thought he was crazy but the more I thought about it, the more I started becoming obsessed by it. I HAD to do it and now it is one of our most enjoyable sexual activities. Maybe his cock will be next ?

                  • iwannabecuck
                      Post count: 9

                      I can’t consider myself as submissive person (maybe I just lying to myself). However, being a cuckold husband for a quite some time, changed many aspects of my habits and behaviors.
                      At the beginning of our hotwife\cuckold relationship, when I was allow to penetrate my wife after her dates, one night, I pulled my penis out of her vagina and came on her belly. She started pushing my head toward her pussy, and for some reason, I licked my own cum from her body, before I started my oral work on her pussy.
                      My wife noticed it and asked if like taste of my own cum.
                      After that, eating of my own cum from her, became one of my mandatory routines.
                      When her first steady boyfriend released his semen inside of my wife for the first time, and I witnessed this historic moment, I was so exited to see his cum inside my wife, that I barely stop myself from starting my wife’s cleanup right away.
                      When her boyfriend left and I returned to our bedroom and eat out my wife to her orgasm.
                      Then, she asked me if it will be OK with me to clean her out in front of her boyfriend.
                      I believe that she shared this conversation with her boyfriend, because, they changed their scheduled meeting to the next day. And, of course, I performed my wife’s cleanup in front of her boyfriend for the first time.
                      The taste of his cum was different than my own, I would say – less salty, and combined with my wife’s juices, it created perfect cocktail for me to taste. It did not take long before the boyfriend asked me to try to taste my wife’s juices out of his cock………
                      As of now, my wife has steady boyfriend for 1.5 years. My duty is to cleanup both of them, but I never sucked his cock to the end yet……

                    • AlphaBull
                        Post count: 1

                        As a dominant Bull, I can share with you that I didn’t understand at first why my past 2 cucks were fixated on my cock. Yes, I was easily more than twice their size in both length and girth. But it was when they were Fuck Licking (did I spell that right?) that I could tell they were enjoying having big balls in their faces and my giant shaft within range of their noses and tongues. For you cucks or wives with cucks who get aroused by Bull cock, you should keep in mind that they are likely as straight as I am. Some might be bi, but the point is to remember the context as to WHY they are aroused. Its the experience of humility and submission WITH A FEMALE PRESENT that makes all the difference. I would never allow any male to service me outside of the bed of a hot wife where I am making love to her. My power as a lover shoots off the charts when I am dominating her weaker male simultaneously. All 3 of us knew what we were doing and why it was so much fun. Thank about it. If a cuck is going to offer his female to another male and suffer the humility that this entails, would he not want her to be fulfilled by a giant Bull with both the size and the testosterone/dominance that a real Bull brings to the table? The only other thing I would add is that for me, Cuckolding only works because, well, there is a cuck involved. If I were to have sex with a married woman and it were hidden from the husband, that would be an affair. And so what? For me to express my natural born need to be Alpha of a “pack”, there needs to be a beta male along with the female. Chemistry amongst any 2 much less 3 people is always a mystery, but when it works, it can be the most amazing and intimate bond and this includes the bond between Bull and cuck. My past wives loved their cucks deeply and would never have accepted me if it were not for the submission and honor that their cucks showed me. I was powerful and dominant with my couples and they adored me for it. Given the deep true that they each placed in me, I felt very close to them and we miss each other even to this day. My past cucks miss me as much as their wives do. What they miss is not just cock, per se, but the power it represented in their lives. I may only have been Bull to 2 couples thus far, but each was a long term situation and I would not trade either of them for anything. I miss the attention I received from both the wives and the cucks. Cuckolding is 3 people, not 2. Just one Bull’s experience, but I wanted you to have a Bull’s viewpoint if that’s helpful.

                        • JsCuck
                            Post count: 54

                            Great viewpoint, AlphaBull. You clearly have excellent insight into cuckolding relationships and the couples who were involved with you were undoubtedly very fortunate.

                          • HappyCuckold
                              Post count: 12

                              I find an intelligent Bull, like AlphaBull, to be even more attractive. I bet you provide incredible service to the hot wives and lucky cuckolds you have! Well spoken and so true. Being humiliated and emasculated is essential to the cuckold experience IMHO. The cuckold must learn to accept this, then to enjoy same. It is his reward for focusing on his Hot Wifes satisfaction instead of his own selfish and foolish needs. And this submission must be done in front of females and Bulls to be true and honest.

                            • Anonymous
                                Post count: 44

                                As a Bull I agree 100% with ALPHA Bull. It is about all being together on the same page. I have no desire to have a guy suck my cock normally, but with the wife there I expect it and love it. The pleasure she gets from seeing this is so great.

                            • Older Cuck with Hot Wife
                                Post count: 16

                                I realized I was inferior and a bit of a submissive from the very beginning of our marriage. My cock is a little below average in size and I have never been able to last more than a minute before cumming. This was not very satisfying for my wife and we had very candid and honest conversations about it as newlyweds. I encouraged her to find lovers but only asked that I get to meet them and have a vote on whether she had sex with them or not. So for 40 years I can honestly say I’ve met every lover – and in most instances have eaten dinner or had drinks with them. Her rule is that she doesn’t want me to be in the same bedroom when she was having sex. And that’s a rule we haven’t broken – though I’ve listened to her having sex and seen her flirting, kissing, and fondling her lover in public and even a few times in our hotel suite while I watched tv. Most of her lovers were dominant – but very polite and understanding. I have never been tempted to be intimate with any of them.

                              • goodhusband
                                  Post count: 9

                                  I feel very inferior to each lover. And there have been several. All larger than me. This feeling of inferiority has become overwhelming and has caused me to experience what is known as “subspace”. While I feel no physical attraction for any lover had by my wife, as some have described above, I do feel totally envious of their endowment. I find that her lover’s large cock commands a special presence onto itself. And his large balls only add to this affect. I find myself wishing I had even half of what these guys have for their cock and balls. Truly I am so very envious of their package. I can see on her face, how attracted my wife is to their largeness. This act of nature produces a profound psychological affect on my wife, and upon me, as well. Along with the large cock and balls of each lover enjoyed by my wife, comes a man with confidence. I can easily see how large equipment creates a feeling of real confidence. And, this confidence allows her lover to be able to manage the special and most unusual behavior and emotions of a cuckold husband, while satisfying the wife and himself. But, the bull must also maintain an erection thru it all. This kind of male confidence, only adds to my feeling of envy. I can see how attracted my wife feels towards this kind of equipment and confidence. All this produces the overwhelming feeling, within myself, of inferiority; and, this places me in the altered reality, mentioned above, as subspace. With this feeling of subspace comes my submission. For certain, offering my wife to another man, and actually helping her make herself available to him, is a giant submissive act. My wife and her lover enjoy their sex together; they enjoy their lovemaking and intimacy; they become locked together in ecstasy; while I struggle with emotions of embarrassment, humiliation/being humbled; jealousy; inferiority; a small cock and balls; incredible sexualized excitement; and, a wife that needs a man better than I, just to feel sexually satisfied.

                                • gary001
                                    Post count: 30

                                    Although I have never seen my wife’s boyfriends equipment, my wife has described it as at least three times the size of my little penis. Does this make me feel inadequate? You bet it does, the mere fact that she has to make love with another guy alone, makes me feel inadequate and so it should! He is a superior male than I am or ever will be, otherwise he wouldn’t be the one my wife has chosen to couple with. The fact that she has to be intimate with him makes me feel inadequate.
                                    Every time I see her kiss him, be it passionately or just a quick peck on his lips, makes me feel inadequate. When we are all out together and she holds his hand and spends most of her affection to him, makes me feel inadequate. When I hear her tell him how much she’s in love with him makes me feel inadequate. BUT, that’s a good thing! We are as cuckold husbands an inferior male to the bull or boyfriend. That alone, gives me the buzz and excitement, knowing that I will never be the man that he is and I will never take his place as the sexual partner with my wife.

                                  • Hercuckslav
                                      Post count: 61

                                      My Hotwife had a relationship with a Lover (Bull) for two years and on some occasions I was required to be in attendance. On a few occasions I was forced to such his cock, my wife enjoying the spectacle as she likes seeing physically powerful men having sex together. She enjoys it even more when she directs the activity and I was required to arouse her lover as she kissed him and mocked me, instructing me how to give better head to him as they discussed my technique. She also had me licking his anus as he fucked Her on several occasions and again I was extremely roused to follow her instructions and pleasure him for her. Lastly I often eat his cum after he had pleasured her as she sat over me and talked to him as I serviced her. I am not gay or Bi, but loved being Dominated by her and him in these ways and would not hesitate to do them again…..

                                      Embracing being a cuckold can lead to things you never thought would arouse you or interest you in any way, indeed doing these things to a man alone (i.e. not in a cuckold content) are an extreme turn off for me! Go figure!

                                      • Anonymous
                                          Post count: 44

                                          This is how it should be. It is pleasing for him as well when she is there and directing.

                                      • Anonymous
                                          Post count: 10

                                          Nowadays I clean my wife’s and her bull’s genitals after sex. In the past I couldn’t even clean my cum from her pussy, but now I feel comfortable with it. I would never thought that I could be able to do it…

                                        • Michael
                                            Post count: 14

                                            I have always been bisexual but I always leaned toward women more than men. When I hit my fifties however I noticed that I was getting turned on more by well endowed men even more so than women. Then I realized it wasn’t just the size of the man’s dick but also if I saw him as an alpha male. Over the past ten years I have become much more submissive and extremely attracted to alpha males.

                                            • slaveofwife
                                                Post count: 92

                                                thats wonderful, I can very much relate to that.

                                            • Hercuckslav
                                                Post count: 61


                                                Recognising that you are now Inadequate but are still very much essential is crucial to a happy cuckold marriage. I have come to realise how important it was that I finally recognised, accepted and now embrace my own inadequacies. I now even get pleasure from recognising my inadequacies. Being able to to do so, has ultimately allowed me to identify, understand and effectively commit to my new role in life, finding a place and purpose that is essential. That role is one of a genuine cuck to a loving Cuckoldress!

                                                Being called or identified a cuck is not a sex play position, our a temporary name. Once you have been cucked by your wife you are always a cuck, you cannot undo the act, nor can the door be effectively closed. Everything has changed once the journey has begun. You cannot take away the excitement and pleasure the act has provided to all parties involved, the Hotwife, the Lover/s and the cucked husband. However you must also recognise that a cuck can only enjoy the pleasures of Her infidelity once he strips away the jealousy and anger and accepts and manages these emotions as essential to his very sexuality.

                                                Being a cuck is like holding a genuine function at work, a front of shop worker, a delivery man, or even an organisational manager, perhaps all of the above. A cuck has an important list of functions and to become a genuine and essential cuck you must first have understood the changes that have taken place within yourself and your wife, only then can you adapt to these changes, fully evolving and combining them into one essential function within your marriage. It is perhaps surprising to realise that a cuck’s role is so very similar to that of a traditional husband. My role as her cuck requires that I love and cherish her, care and support her, provide and protect her, guide and help manage her, provide a place of safety and love for her, defend and promote her. These functions are the same regardless if you are her husband or her cucked husband. But to be a cuck You are therefore only essential if you accept your adapted place and work diligently to fulfil the new additional functions within the marriage which are: recognise your inadequacies and allow her to supplement you with another. Encourage and support those changes. Manage your cuck angst with integrity and emotional responsibility. Accept your changing sexual relevance and pleasures and those of your wife’s. Allow her to find that new selection of sexual roles or services you can provide so she can feel engaged with you but get everything she needs in addition through her Lover/s. In turn this will provide everything you need as a dedicated cuckold, making you an essential part of your marriage.

                                                Why am I a cuck? In short, honesty provides the vehicle for change, and acceptance delivers the change. I am no longer my wife’s “cock” of choice for a variety of reasons. I am not able to penetrably pleasure my wife like Her Lovers can, this is a fact, not an assumption, she has told me so openly, lovingly and honestly. Her Lover may have a smaller cock than me, but he knows how to pleasure Her with it, the way he enters her, the way he rides her for hours, the way he uses all of her orifices, and the excitement of the anticipation of these things that they bring to her. There is simply no comparing with her husband, he no longer provides that level of excitement and enjoyment, that time has passed. But it is not only her lovers cock that brings her pleasure, it is his excitement and willingness to explore her, to hold her vibrator in just the right spot for twenty minutes so she can cum hands free. It is how he holds her legs down as he pleasures her with his mouth and eager fingers, how he kisses her with such desire and need when they first see each other, and well into the night as they make love. It is also the emotional connection however deep it may run, the meeting of these emotions and needs with another. No one can ignore the truth, the honesty and integrity of these facts, and no one should try and make excuses for them.

                                                But that does not make her husband redundant, far from it. Her cuck husband can be so useful in helping her cum as she recounts and baths in the joy of these moments with her lover, sharing them as you would exiting and pleasurable news of any kind. Her wetness as she remembers his touch, the anticipation of his open mouthed sensual needy kisses, the excitement and pleasure as her lover examines and learns her body, providing for her like a Lover should. He may not be perfect but he is far more sexually exciting than Her cucked husband. This is a painful truth initially, but once accepted leads to a deeper understanding and acceptance between husband and wife.

                                                Therefore as my wife adapts me to a new role I become her essential cum waiter, a vital role to help her enjoy her new found needs and a role that requires encouragement and assistance to make her pleasure complete. These are physical functions and are but one simple example, but there are more important emotive ones as well as I have described.

                                                My main purpose and place is to love, support, cherish, protect and pleasure my wife, but not only in a traditional sense. As a cuck I accept my inadequacies and adapt to them, I have a new purpose and do not therefore become redundant. Vanilla affairs make a husband redundant potentially to the point of divorce. Cuckoldry makes husbands essential if they recognise their place and purpose and can adapt to them effectively. A cuck will always be the essential husband within the marriage if he can provide love and care to his wife and support her in her emotional and sexual journey with another.

                                                I am now proud of my inadequacies and hence my new role. Slowly as a married couple we sexually consider corporal punishment and chastity as alternatives to my inadequacies, the role of cum waiter, the role of toilet servant, the role of anal slut and bisexual play toy. All of these new improved functions provide pleasure to my wife, security and reliance, combining them with her very different needs and desires, ones I cannot fulfil. Our marriage and sex life is therefore more diverse and expansive, filled with emotionally integrity and true closeness, arguably in advance of a traditional marriage where sex and its importance are often pushed to the background and therefore become an area of resentment and disharmony, leading to misrepresentation and deceit. None of this pervades our marriage, therefore my essential role and my inadequacies and their realisation are the back bone to contentment and love. It is not a game, it is truth in its bare form, being a cuck is being a real person with a real purpose and responsibilities. I embrace them all more and more as each day passes.

                                              • Committed_Cpl
                                                  Post count: 7


                                                  For me it is not about inferiority and inadequacies but about channeling my strengths towards Michelle. As a cuckold I have learned to look positive in what I can give her and focus on that instead of being insecure about what I can’t provide to her. I’m her husband os I provide a safe and secure home and family, I gave her two beautiful daughters.

                                                  When we started into this lifestyle Michelle and I learned a lot about my strengths. I have always been great in orally pleasing Michelle but that improved a lot. She now never has to tell me when to be soft, to go slower or when she likes it harder and more intens. Due to my experience I just know.

                                                  Others things I did learn to enjoy and show my strength is whenI help her to get ready I am very good in bathing and shaving her, moisturize her body with body lotion and even help her dress. I even improved my skills on painting her nails but I am still not as good as she is …. learning point.

                                                  When she is with her Bull I now love to be there to undress her for him or when they do it themselves to fold the clothes they drop on the floor. To fill up the wine glasses and to be as proud as I can be when she is pleasing her Bull sexually and or is pleased sexually bij him. In my opinion it helps to focus on your strengths, on what you can provide instead of what you can’t. For me to know I don’t need to try to perform sexually in a way I can’t made me the most proud cuckold she could have ever dreamt of.

                                                • AndiCuck
                                                    Post count: 26

                                                    If I was not a satisfied cuckold to my amazing hot wife I probably would be 100% gay. I enjoy the taste of his cum in her and slurping itup more than licking her. I always hope to be allowed to suck and clean his cock. And never once have I seen her with a guy who is not at least twice my size so it is easy to worship their cocks.

                                                  • Voyeurcuck
                                                      Post count: 131

                                                      I discovered my own inadequacy on our first date with a Bull. We had chatted a lot before and even met at a chemistry check so I knew he was turning her on. He also told he was well hung, 8 inches long and 7 girth which I thought was just bragging.
                                                      We met in a summer house and have decided we should start giving my wife massage as a start. Soon the clothes came off ..and I saw he was not lying about his size. He took over on the massage and in two minutes he has given my wife her first squirting orgasm in her life….and that was before he even had penetrated her.
                                                      They went in the bedroom while I made the living room tidy but I could clearly her how she said “you got the biggest and most sexy cock I’ve ever seen”….and soon after I could her him spanking her and then her moans when he finally penetrated her.
                                                      Later I was let in and even fucked her. But I could hardly get hard with him around and ended up spurting in my wife almost instantly.
                                                      He was thought far from finished and fucked her for another hour with short breaks to make her squirt again.
                                                      It was very emotional to witness and we had some tough tals in the following days until I realized I was not the man I thought I was but my wife love me anyway. And she of course deserves to feel better endowed men when possible as long I’m part of the setup too

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