The Why, Who, What, & How

Chatroom moderators will maintain room order by enforcing rules and applying practical sense when handling disputes and situations not explicitly covered by the rules. I am currently revising who our moderators will be and once that is settled, they will be listed here.

Current Moderators: steve69, sussex_couple, HoustonCuckCouple

Moderators can:

  • ban entirely from chat
  • gag users (prevent speech without removing)

Moderators cannot:

  • ban from the site
  • review chat logs
  • change passwords
  • provide technical support (see FAQ)

Challenging Moderators

If you feel a moderator misunderstands your intent or behavior, you are encouraged to try to clear the air to prevent further miscommunication or removal from the chatroom. This is best done in a private chat to reduce drama/interference in the public chatroom. If the conflict cannot be resolved, it is best to follow the directions of the moderator and address the concerns directly to me (use the form below).

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