Marriage Evolved discussion Role Discussions Submissive Husbands Her lover move in during quarantine Reply To: Her lover move in during quarantine

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    I agree with TransStar. Voyeurcuck and bpcuckold you two may be stepping over the line, you do not know Dave or his wife, you have no right to assume you know where this situation is heading, other than this pandemic will pass. In everything Dave has shared to this point his wife clearly loves him, she is confident enough in her marriage to pursue her needs and, I believe, she knows her own husband well enough to allow him to pursue his own needs. Dave is experiencing all the emotions a person in his place would and should. I applaud him and his wife for taking the chance they have. Sometimes we think to much and do not feel the experience. If there is encouragement to be offered it may be to try and turn off the brain and just feel, feel the energy, feel the excitement, feel the anxiety, most of all feel the love of the others within your shelter in place household. I support your love for your wife and her for you. If the feelings wane, you will know then it is time to make a change.
    As a side note, none of us know Wayne either, we cannot possibly typecast him in one direction or another.
    One last thing, right now Wayne and Jenn are, for lack of a better term, in their honeymoon stage, this too will pass.