Marriage Evolved discussion Role Discussions Submissive Husbands Her lover move in during quarantine Reply To: Her lover move in during quarantine

    Post count: 7

    Dave, I sent you a long private message that may
    have misread the situation. I really thought Wayne
    was a bad actor that wanted to ruin your lives in
    his love of power.

    I am surprised that you dread Wayne leaving,
    I would be jumping for joy. I do want to thank you
    for posting, as the dynamic made me think about
    my past relationships, one of which was abusive.

    Do you realize that you and Jenn both took
    a huge risk? Will you and Jenn be “owned”
    by Wayne going forward? Will he be calling the shots?
    How much time will Jenn and Wayne be on the
    phone once he is gone?
    Assuming Jenn opts to stay with you what will
    you do to reset the marriage? If you did not
    please Jenn in the past, didn’t she
    hold out on you by not communicating?
    Do you really think the chemistry with Wayne will
    last forever? (unlikely) She will mourn the fact
    that he is gone how will you fill the gap?

    What is your daily contact like with Jenn?
    When was the last time you bought Jenn flowers?
    Get some sweet cards. Leave notes on a
    card each day. Tell her how much you love her. What she
    means to you. Tell and text her every day how much you love her.
    Each day you must remind her of the most special times you
    have shared with her.

    I am dumbfounded by her behavior in all of this. If she
    still loves you,(I think she does) you have a lot
    of communicating to do. I now think a lot of the
    conventional wisdom about women is B.S.
    Let’s face it women can behave like animals. 🙂