Marriage Evolved discussion Role Discussions Submissive Husbands A discussion about cuck mentality

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    • Coffee
        Post count: 28

        Hi there! I apologize if there is an article that exists on the topic, or if it’s something that is played out, but I thought I would ask anyway.

        Cuckoldry isn’t going anywhere for me. There has never been any sexual act that has lasted the test of time. This is who I am, it feels right. After years of either denial, or taking breaks from seeing our long term bull, we always go back, with more knowledge than we did last time.

        Some time ago (the summer before last I want to say) we had a pregnancy scare. I posted about it before, so I’ll only lighly touch on it. To fast forward, she was scared of me bailing, I reassured her, we got into this together, I have your back. Don’t worry. Turned out, no baby, so we were good.

        Skip to now.

        I won’t share it with her. But this idea has been the biggest turn on to me ever since that experience. And I know this is something huge in the cuckolding community. We are well adjusted adults, and any decision we ever make will be ones that work for us, and ones that will be carried out responsibly, and without people getting hurt.

        That being said, it amazes me that our heads go to this place. It’s taboo, it’s.. alot of things. I’m sure it’s something built in, as it feels like a response that occurs pretty naturally, with very little input from having to think hard about it happening.

        Every snapchat I get now, or session that occurs when I’m home, I get fixated on that moment he cums in her. Fills me with excitement, it’s one of the most stimulating things that hit me.

        I have recognized this before, and thought deeply on the “what ifs?”. My opinion hasn’t changed. We both agreed to this, whatever happens, we are in this together.

        That, and biological parentage is a very minor part of being a parent at all. Something that comes from my own upbringing.

        We do not have PiV sex. If we go by what are bodies want, I don’t think it’s something we may ever do again, or at least not consistently. Thus, I’m pretty ok with a surprise occuring due to these facts.

        I guess my question is, what is your take on this being a source of gratification? Why do you think it turns you on so much? Would love to hear takes from people that either are supportive of this kind of thing, and people who think it is awful.

      • TransStar
          Post count: 140

          When I was about 21 my gf starting dating others. It hurt a lot but I discovered it turned my on, too. My wife has declined to cuckold me. But I have fantasized about her having a lover or bf. It would be so overwhelming to have eye contact with her when he enters her and when he releases. I think it would somehow be calming for me. I’d feel like I am no longer expected to fill her sexual needs. She would have found someone else eager and hopefully more capable of satisfying her.
          She would be ‘mortified’ if others found out. I suspect I’d like others knowing especially if he was a younger capable alpha with a big dick. How many of her friends have gotten completely bored with their husbands. Their husbands are not handsome. And they can’t skate well or dance well. (I have a theory: you f like you skate or dance. mechanical, rigid or fluid and graceful with variations in speed and rhythm) I know the husbands tell me things like, “my wife wanted to have sex last night. I just wanted to go to sleep. Didn’t we just have sex 2 weeks ago?”

          Yes, there’s some about admitting to yourself and her expressing that I’m a sub that is calming. I no longer have to solve everything.

          Hopefully some day I can say “thanks, Mr for taking my wife out for the evening.”

        • Coffee
            Post count: 28

            Good point!

            It’s also what’s best for sub folks like us honestly. We start allowing ourselves to have a fulfilling sex life.. as counter intuitive as that may seem to others.

          • Cucksmith
              Post count: 5

              Psychological conditioning.
              My mother was very loving, but only conditionally if I abided her rigid rules. Then at 18 I joined the Army as an Infantryman for four years. Needless to say I was conditioned to accept my role as an expendable piece of Uncle Sam’s property. Ex cheated on me in my 30’s and in the fallout afterwards I’d have happy-warm-fuzzy-feeling dreams that Mr Bull would stop by every few months to make the ex happy again and to laughingly humiliate me. Now in my 40’s I’m fully conditioned to crave recognition and, most importantly, APPRECIATED for my subservient role. Over the years it has progressively gotten more and more humiliating because that’s exactly what I’m chasing – appreciation for my humility. The thought of being a treasured cuck by Her AND Him is what has brought me(us) to this online community.

            • Anonymous
                Post count: 120

                Cuckolds do you believe, once a willing cuckold, always a cuckold?

                • jeb
                    Post count: 11


                    • Anonymous
                        Post count: 120

                        Yep me too.

                    • schemeofthings
                        Post count: 3

                        I did believe that once a cuck always a cuck for many years. Now in my seventies I am not so sure that is true.

                      • motley
                          Post count: 79

                          i became a cuckold at 40; still a cuck at 74. And with the same lovely lady.

                      • Coffee
                          Post count: 28

                          Everyone is different, and the only constant in life is change.

                          That being said.

                          I think it’s true for some. It is definitely my case.

                          I have a hard time thinking about not being a cuck. It doesn’t seem like something either of us would want to abandon.

                          • portscuck
                              Post count: 15

                              Yes, i do believe that.

                          • Thehusband
                              Post count: 25

                              When the husband loves the wife, the anguish of the husband not being able to satisfy his wife sexually it’s painfull, with many doubts and mental conflicts. Gradually he wants solutions and he develops a compersion feelings. The Husband’s satisfaction is projected onto wife’s happiness.

                            • DTLA
                                Post count: 2

                                I believe once a cuck always a cuck. At least it’s true for me.

                              • Squier
                                  Post count: 17

                                  Sure, once a cuck always a cuck. There are things that only know one direction, cuckolding is one of them.

                                • Anonymous
                                    Post count: 120

                                    Reply to coffee. I think that the more experiences we have in life, the more we learn and move forward. In a loving cuckold relationship, 2 people share the experience, no matter what the involvement of the husband. I think that as cuckolds, encouraging, supporting and loving our wives, we understand a woman may get pregnant, with what ever the precautions are in place. Well thought out plans can be over turned by the needs of the flesh. Which of us cucks can say we would deny, or try to deny our cuckoldress when she is the throes of passion. It is exactly where we want her to be, and can not be denied. It is mind over matter, and the fact of the matter is we want her to have the absolute best love making session she has ever had every time she is with her bull/boyfriend.

                                    • Coffee
                                        Post count: 28

                                        This is very true. The most intense, pleasurable feelings come from what I know she is feeling. And the authenticity and raw passion they have. It’s sometimes a bummer I can’t do that for her personally, but seeing her still have those experiences that I cant give is something special.

                                    • Coffee
                                        Post count: 28

                                        Agreed with all of the above. Every time they meet my brain is still, to this day on high alert, in good ways! I know what they are doing, and I know what they have been doing for years now, and it still turns me on more than ever. Never did move away from the direction of exclusivity between our bull and her. We make out, and we cuddle, and have become more akin to high school sweethearts in terms of our affection. I think my brain has been wired to associate all of my sexual desires to theirs.

                                        Every now and again i get the creeping feeling like we should do something about that. (that is, having sex) but it never feels right. We tried taking breaks in the past, or just forcing it, and it just doesn’t work. We both have become so accustomed to this situation that feels good for everyone. The only time this is a problem, is when I reflect on the expectations of a SO. Which I have learned only serves to hurt myself, or our relationship.

                                        Anyone else end up minimizing your sexual encounters with your SO?
                                        Not saying its good or bad, just curious on takes, and your experiences.

                                        Love hearing everyone’s feedback, I know everyone’s journey is different, but I am grateful to hear that our relationship isn’t something isolated, and others experience it similarly at times.

                                        another year into it! thanks for all the replies btw.

                                      • quiet5hubby
                                          Post count: 5

                                          i am a submissive cuk to my dominant wife…..i am just learning how to behave here sorry if i am inappropriate

                                        • mrdnrm
                                            Post count: 34

                                            This is one of the better threads on this site. Most of everything I read above seems real to each of you. I agree with most of it from experience. One can only talk from personal experience as fact for oneself, however that same statement can only at best become a generalization for cuckolds. For instance, a cuckold is a subordinate person. It’s not a fact only a generalization.

                                            For us, I am Cuckold for sure and I greatly and passionately love being one. I am a big dominating control freak. I am a small business owner and control everything at work and home. My Hotwife is very submissive and does what she is told. My Hotwife has a very hard time expressing herself and is a very pleasing person. She had never did or say anything to hurt anyone’s feelings. Until she gets a few drinks in her, yeah o’boy, sometimes a hard way for me to learn things.

                                            It short, I was aware of my shortcomings in the bedroom before we met over 34 years ago, but I could only mask it over a few years of marriage. I knew it was me that would have to make adjustments in the bedroom before we self destructed, as she was reluctant to fully express herself. For me it was my deep love for my wife that I was ready to become submissive in the bedroom and surrender all control. But I had to be the one to introduce the thought of another man to satisfy her sexually. It went beyond persuasion to the point of me telling her she had to do it for both of us. She was a reluctant Hotwife right up to her third lover who rocked her hard. That was what really changed everything for us.

                                            We have been a Hotwife and Cuckold Couple since 2003. Since that turning point she has fucked over 40 different men. Some assholes, some good one nighters, some quickies on the beach or in a parking lot outside a club or pub and a few long term steady lovers for two to four years each. My cock has been caged since March of 2018 and I have been pussy free since January 2021. I am only allowed to cum by jacking off and only after she has had a lover that made her cum, and has cummed inside her and I have eaten her clean. Once that has been accomplished she will unlock my cock and I am free to jack off while she and her lover watch me. Oh and yes I am still that dominate figure outside the Hotwife and Cuckold situation or bedroom.

                                            I love very much being her Cuckold Husband, over the past few years we have started telling others outside our circle about who we are. In 2020 she started wearing a necklace with the key for my cage. She doesn’t wear it around friends and family, however has started wearing it out in public in our local area, prior to that it was only outside our local area. This is an incredible turn on for me. I am so looking forward to her telling others that I am her caged cuckold.

                                            • slaveofwife
                                                Post count: 92

                                                being a submissive is truly a great feeling!

                                            • mike
                                                Post count: 3

                                                Me and my wife are in a cuckold relationship. My wife has a regular bull/boyfriend for the last 6 years and they are getting quite emotional, which I like a lot. However, I just wanted to say that for me also the greatest sexual excitement is watching them together, knowing that they are together and so.

                                                • Anonymous
                                                    Post count: 120

                                                    My wife is seeking a regular boyfriend. The more emotional, the more genuine, and the more genuine, the better relationship for all.

                                                    • mike
                                                        Post count: 3

                                                        It is something very convenient in our lifestyle

                                                  • Shel
                                                      Post count: 21

                                                      I have found virtually all submissions to be extremely interesting. With my ex, we transitioned from a straight relationship to swinging to cuckolding. To hear her talk on the phone with a long time bf ratcheted up my angst. Or on a rare occasion being invited to join them for dinner at a local restaurant and seeing them touch, kiss and talk across the table from me was so satisfying for my cuck mentality, and of course humiliating. We divorced not due to sexual inadequacies, but for reasons not fit for discussion here.

                                                      • Anonymous
                                                          Post count: 120

                                                          Understand, Went through one as a cuckold also.

                                                      • cucky
                                                          Post count: 19

                                                          Male ago is your worst enemy. Fortunately we cucks start losing it with time, finally it disappears and we start enjoying our condition in plenitud, after your male ego is gone, there is not limits, sissification, servitude, humiliation is all part of it, living in a sex less marriage while your wife have it with her lover two, three times a week and you always with an smile and been cooperative and usefull. I don’t know if I been brain watch, but I’m know that I adore my wife, respect her lover and I’m happy.
                                                          I talk about this with my wife and she told me.- you never going to be with a woman again and that’s because you are happy eating real man’s cum. Is true.

                                                        • cucky
                                                            Post count: 19

                                                            This is me, taking it from my wife’s lover. This rarely happens but when it does I’m so grateful

                                                            • slaveofwife
                                                                Post count: 92

                                                                You are so lucky you have ni idea. My wife still have not taken in a lover despite my many attempts to let her know im totally ok with it. Eventhough my family and friends can clearly see that she’s the one who is in charge of the marriage.

                                                            • Cuckaroo_banzai
                                                                Post count: 21

                                                                I think it’s like a drug where you’re always looking for more and more. And a bull impregnating your wife with you raising the child, that is about as high as the stakes get. I can see the appeal for sure as a fellow cuck who it not *that* deep into it. Good luck!

                                                                • Anonymous
                                                                    Post count: 120

                                                                    Age is also a factor.

                                                                • Tom
                                                                    Post count: 12

                                                                    Every couple’s experience and emotional and sexual needs are different, but at the root of it for us is the tension between love for my wife and my inability as a husband to provide full sexual gratification and fulfilment for her. That painful contradiction is probably a fact of many marriages, and different solutions may evolve in each one: it can be set aside and ignored, so that neither partner ever achieves full gratification; it can result in affairs/cheating by the wife in search of gratification, and sometimes the end of the marriage; or it can lead to sexual openness, which for some may be swinging and different sexual partners for both, but for us has meant my wife having boyfriends and me supporting her as a cuckold. It doesn’t end the painful contradiction but it’s the best way we have found to enjoy what it offers us.

                                                                  • motley
                                                                      Post count: 79

                                                                      Great input Tom. It reminds me of article by Luvr on this site:Tending To Your Marital Garden Posted by Luvr | Mar 14, 2011

                                                                    • menace08
                                                                        Post count: 3

                                                                        Is normal that every time I try and stop this lifestyle the urges get stronger to stay in it. Then the more submissive I become. Same thing with my sissy side. Every time I stop it’s like a drug, it gets harder to stop and takes more control over me. Is this the same for most of us?

                                                                        • Cuckaroo_banzai
                                                                            Post count: 21

                                                                            I wouldn’t say I’m exactly the same, but since coming out to my wife as a cuck, I do find it addicting the more and more submissive I am and the more she loses respect for me as a man.

                                                                            • slaveofwife
                                                                                Post count: 92

                                                                                I know exactly where you are coming from because I am the same.

                                                                          • menace08
                                                                              Post count: 3

                                                                              How does that make you feel?

                                                                            • Cuckaroo_banzai
                                                                                Post count: 21

                                                                                I like it. It feels good.

                                                                              • cutdickasian
                                                                                  Post count: 12

                                                                                  I believe once a cuck always a cuck is a true universal fact. My 2 cents on this:

                                                                                  See the social norm is every male should be alpha. But once you are introduced to this cuckold concept you start to see a line. If you are meant to be an alpha bull you will easily dismiss it and continue being an alpha.

                                                                                  But for someone who is naturally a cuck. There are stages, like denial first, then the ego and fear of crossing than line, then softening to it and thinking what if I try. And once you cross the line all that fear is gone, the ego is broken and you accept your true self. It may fade for a while but it will always come back harder and prove yourself a cuck stronger than before. Therefore its useless to fight it.

                                                                                  Embrace your cuckold personality and be happier than ever!

                                                                                  • motley
                                                                                      Post count: 79

                                                                                      Perfectly said cutdickasian. thank you. It has been over 25 years since we have been active in this lifestyle but i still feel like an accepting cuckold husband.

                                                                                  • menace08
                                                                                      Post count: 3

                                                                                      That makes sense

                                                                                    • berlincucky
                                                                                        Post count: 5

                                                                                        Yes, I would really like to be in a cuckold marriage. BUT it irritates me that on certain websites users keep writing, apparently enthusiastically, that they are looking at the huge cock that is conquering their wife, that they are talking about cleaning and so on.

                                                                                        What is the real goal of being a cuckold?

                                                                                        The husband is unable, for whatever reason, to give his wife sexual happiness. A website writes: “A survey of over 1,000 German citizens showed that good sex has a positive effect on the perceived happiness in the entire relationship.” This shows that experiencing sexual happiness has an important meaning in life. Wife and husband must be aware of this before getting married.

                                                                                        Yes, I am aware of this and that is exactly why I reject the repeatedly expressed vision of looking at the lower half of the wife’s body during sex.

                                                                                        I also reject it when it is said that the wife cheated. The wife has gotten what life needs. And if the husband also agrees to this, then it is not cheating.

                                                                                        What is the consequence? If your wife’s happiness is really important to you, look at your wife’s face and read her happiness. Only that is important !

                                                                                      • cucky
                                                                                          Post count: 19

                                                                                          Berlin you are totally confuse about cuckold life and mind. Your vanilla approach to the theme is irrelevant, for must of us cucks life happiness and all is about our wife’s, we have beta personalities, our manhood is gone, we are permanently excluded from regular sex, that’s why we envy our wives and become devoted not only to her but to her lover masculine attributes, cleaning my wife’s after sex is one of the few things I get and for that I’m grateful and enjoy to the max, and she’s so proud of me because I eat her man’s cum.

                                                                                          • Cathy & Jerry
                                                                                              Post count: 207

                                                                                              Good for you Cucky, keep up the good work. Our wive’s sexual needs are paramount and cucks need to keep that in mind at a all times. Once they have a “Real” lover inside of them we should always let him make love to her like she deserves then serve them both if required to do so!

                                                                                              • slaveofwife
                                                                                                  Post count: 92

                                                                                                  I love my wife and hope one day she takes on a lover so that I may serve them both happily.

                                                                                              • Cuckaroo_banzai
                                                                                                  Post count: 21


                                                                                                • Cuckaroo_banzai
                                                                                                    Post count: 21

                                                                                                    Well said Cucky. Well said.

                                                                                                • cucky
                                                                                                    Post count: 19

                                                                                                    Thank you Cuckaroo.

                                                                                                  • ukgalAndCuckHubby
                                                                                                      Post count: 5

                                                                                                      If my wife is happy, then I am happy. If my wife is pleased then I am pleased. If my wife is being satisfied then I am satisfied. I gained more pleasure knowing she is being properly taken care off and from watching her with her well-endowed lovers. I am here for her, and her pleasure is my pleasure. I am a cuck, and I derive pleasure from being her cuck hubby.

                                                                                                      • Anonymous
                                                                                                          Post count: 120

                                                                                                          Sometimes my wife likes to make love and sometimes she just likes to be fucked. Either way I am happy. Once a cuckold always a cuckold.

                                                                                                      • dickletbrandon
                                                                                                          Post count: 1

                                                                                                          There i no way out of it. Once a cuck – always a cuck. You need to learn to enjoy it and make the best out of it. And there are many ways to do so – each need to find his own.

                                                                                                          • Cuckaroo_banzai
                                                                                                              Post count: 21

                                                                                                              Also well said. Just reread this and good thoughts on the loss of the male ego. I’m to the point where mine is 100% gone. I have zero jealousy. It’s fabulous.

                                                                                                              • slaveofwife
                                                                                                                  Post count: 92

                                                                                                                  I don’t have an ego my wife puts me in my place and lets everyone know who’s in charge!

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