Marriage Evolved discussion Role Discussions Submissive Husbands Admitting my inferiority to myself


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    • Leo
        Post count: 3

        I am new here and will save you the details…but I have been reading this site for the last week.

        While we arent in a cuckold relationship, I see myself as a sexually inferior husband. Our relationship started well with sex once a week, then changed to once every other, to monthly, to [my wife is pregnant] the last time we had sex was almost 9 months ago when I knocked her up.

        I used to feel angry that I wasnt having sex, but I guess I have just started to accept that I am not the type of guy that girls get wet for. I am pretty good looking, but when it comes to sex I seem more like a whiney boy than a powerful man. Over the last few years I have given my wife more oral than we have had sex. She has never given me oral once.

        Is it time that I stop lying to myself and accept that the ideal sex life is not for the inferior boys like me? I dont think my wife would ever admit that she could use someone much better in bed than me.

      • Cathy & Jerry
          Post count: 207

          Speaking as a cuckoldress, maybe it’s time to start working on being a cuckold. Are you hoping she’ll find a better lover? Would you help her find one if she agreed to try it? If you say yes to just these two questions then being a cuckold might be in your future. If she’s not being satisfied by you then chances are you’ll be able to eventually convince her that you still love her and don’t want to be without her but you feel she would be happier if she could have a lover to take care of her sexual needs and desires. My husband was much the same as you, he was very poor in bed but good with his tongue. That was fine but I needed a man with a real cock who knew how to use it. My husband is only 3 inches hard and I could barely feel him in me. That was 12 years ago, and now I always have a lover to take care of me and my husband is happy to not have any sex with me (6 years cut off). He sees how happy I am when I’m having amazing sex, and he’s happy along with me. Maybe this is what you need to consider doing, and really show your wife you care about her needs that you’re unable to take care of. A happy wife is a happy life lol.

          • slaveofwife
              Post count: 92

              I love this response.
              My wife has no respect for me at all and I absolutely love it.
              She chats openly to my friends whilst I sit on the sidelines waiting to be spoken.
              Ive always been submissive.
              My family and friends are aware that she is in charge of the marriage, and they don’t even respect me, I don’t mind as long as they respect my wife.

          • Leo
              Post count: 3

              Thank you so much for your advice. I feel like what you share with me is what I needed to hear.

              When you say work on being a cuckold…do mean personally or with my wife?

              Could you share from a cuckoldress opinion how I might begin to share these thoughts with her?

            • Cathy & Jerry
                Post count: 207

                That can be different from person to person. But what my husband did was sit with me after (very bad) sex and told me he had been thinking about our sex lives. He asked me to be honest with him and tell him if I’m satisfied. I had told him in joking ways that he wasn’t doing it for me but this time I was serious and told him his little cock wasn’t doing a thing for me, then I started crying. He hugged me and explained that he understands and always knew it deep down. He told me that he loves me very much and would never want to be without me, then asked me if I would like to have a lover for sex only. I was shocked at first and said “No” and asked if he was hoping I would so he could play with another woman. I was pissed off for sure but he again calmed me down and explained that he never wants to disappoint another woman and laughed, I calmed down and giggled to that as well. I said “ok, so where is this going”? He explained more that he would really like me to be sexually happy and would like to see me have a lover to take care of that. He even offered to help me find someone online. I always had men hitting on me at work (co-workers and customers) and if I wanted to I could agree to meet with one. After about three weeks or more of thinking about it and talking more about it, I decide to give it a try. I met with a man one evening and brought him home, and I told him that my husband was out for the weekend and I was cheating on him. My husband had a camera set up so he could watch from another room he was staying in for the night, to be sure I was safe. We had amazing sex that night and when he left the next morning my husband came to me and said that he was horny all night watching me get laid and hearing me having orgasm after orgasm, and asked me if I wanted to continue seeing him, to which I responded with a resounding YES!! lol. Anyway that was many years ago and many lovers ago, but again you need to feel her out maybe while having sex (as poor as it might be). And while this is going on, talk sexy to her about how hot it would be to see another cock in her hot wet pussy. This kind of talk should get her going and maybe even allow for the discussion to happen. Being that I don’t know her I can’t tell you much more than that. Try reading what others have done on this site and others. You’ll do fine if you take it slow and maybe even slow down how often you have sex with her to make her more more willing to consider sex with another man and eventually turn you into a full cuckold. Let us know how you do.

              • Leo
                  Post count: 3

                  Thank you so much for sharing your intimate story and your advice again. Your logic seems rather sound in the matter as well as your perspective.

                  Thank you.

                • Cathy & Jerry
                    Post count: 207

                    You’re very welcome. I hope your hopes to be a cuckold become a reality for you. Please let us know how things are progressing for you.

                  • Anonymous
                      Post count: 4

                      As an experienced bull I can easily spot an inexperienced cuckold and/or cuckoldress, you can tell by their body language and the way they constantly keep looking to one another as if they’re constantly reaffirming their life-changing decision with each other, checking again and again to make sure it’s both what they really want.

                      As an experienced bull and alpha male it’s important to very clearly and very quickly set the dynamics of the relationship. You are here to take this man’s wife, you should never ask for permission from a cuckold, he is beneath you and you should not concern yourself with the wishes of inferior men. However, it’s important to receive permission from the cuckoldress for obvious reasons. You should never ask her permission in such a way that you appear desperate or pleading, never say please, ever, only cuckolds plead for sex, you are an alpha male and she should be honored to offer herself to you.

                      The very first time I take another man’s wife I prefer to do so in missionary, eye contact is an extremely powerful tool, if you notice her eyes wandering in the direction of her husband you should immediately demand that she stare into your eyes and look nowhere else until you say otherwise. This is also a good time to let the husband know his place, after commanding that she stare into your eyes you should also say something along the lines of “don’t look at that loser, I’m your man right now”. It’s important that you humiliate the husband, it will help him accept his inferiority. This is not done out of malice (In fact I pitty cuckolds) but rather in an effort to help the cuckold accept his new role and life.

                      It’s 100% natural and normal for a female to seek a mate with superior genes, an alpha male has a responsibility to spread his seed and impregnate healthy and fertile women. A cuckoldress should never be ashamed of wanting what nature wants for her, and an alpha male should never be ashamed of doing what he was designed to do (dominate weaker/inferior men and inseminate their women).

                      We all have purpose and role to play, Mother Nature is smarter than us, your purpose as a beta male is to support your wife and help her raise the children of alpha males, I can attest to the fact that alpha males in general make terrible fathers as that is not our intended role. Take heart in the fact that you’ll be a better father and husband than I’ll ever be, while you get to enjoy the family life I’ll be moving on to the next woman who requires seeding and then the next and the next and so on. A happy family life is something I’ll likely never get to experience as my instincts prevent me from ever dedicating myself to a single woman for the rest of my life. Instead I take comfort in the fact that I’m helping to create healthy and strong children who will hopefully be raised in a loving family.

                      Just my thoughts from the other side of the fence, hopefully you take something useful from them.

                    • Anonymous
                        Post count: 5

                        My inferiority now is obvious to everyone. When you piss in a piss bag strapped to your leg and wear a nappy to bed in case you leak out from your cock and have to use a vacuum pump or a pill to get hard you know your inferior. Before my accident I was ok at sex but probably not great. I know I am good at oral now but that’s about it. When I do oral it’s always after the bull has finished and the wetness of my wife’s pussy is amazing. The taste different from it used to be. I am inferior in every way as a man now I can’t even walk but I am happy when my wife is happy.

                      • William
                          Post count: 1

                          I am new here as well and I was forced to admit my shortcomings by the girlfriend of the man that was fucking my wife. It was a very emasculating experience and one that I still haven’t recovered from.

                        • Michael
                            Post count: 14

                            I think I accepted being an inferior lover the first time I caught my wife cheating with a much older man. She had been cheating with him for two years before it came out in the open. I knew in my heart of hearts my wife preferred a much more aggressive man than me, but for her to be satisfied by a man so much older than either of us, was a very humbling experience to say the least. We fought about it at first, then I told her I did not want our marriage to end and that if she needed extramarital activity to satisfy her needs, I was ok with it. At first she was dead set against it. I knew she changed her mind when we went to a holiday house party a few months later. She was talking to a guy one of our friends brought with him. It did not take long for her to start openly flirt with him. It was so obvious that a few of our lady friends asked me what was going on with my wife and the other guy. I just told them she had a few drinks and was being friendlier than usual.
                            That was the night I realized in her eyes I would always be inferior to her lovers.
                            That was many years ago and now when we are out together and she so callously flirts with another man I love it. I get so excited I want to jerk off right there.

                          • SubHubAndWifey
                              Post count: 26

                              Before i got married i always tried as hard as i could to be an alpha male. Highschool and college football etc. Always overcompensating for who i really was and i kept up the charade as long as i could but you can’t fake it forever. After marriage my wife quickly realized She is the strong one and i am the weak one and that was not what she bargained for in marriage. She needs a
                              “take-charge” alpha male. so long story short now she has one but it’s not me. He is a better man than me. Strong, dominant, commanding, powerful… i am happy that she has what she needs in a man. She deserves it. i fully accept my inferiority and unworthiness and so does my wife. i feel like this acceptance has set me free.

                            • Older Cuck with Hot Wife
                                Post count: 16

                                I admitted my inferiority 40 years ago when still a newlywed. Though we had a good sex life it was obvious from the beginning that my wife needed more with sex than what I had to offer. For one thing I’ve never been hung and cum too quickly, usually within a minute. She was a good sport but I knew she wanted more. So, after only about three months of marriage I supported her first relationship outside of marriage. It was somewhat humiliating at first (and still is sometimes) as her lover would hang out at our apartment and seduce her or I would watch him rub oil on her at the pool in my presence. He was several years younger than both of us and hell I was only 21. And he was a bit cocky knowing he was pleasing my wife in ways I couldn’t. He let me know in no certain terms that he was the dominant male and that I was subordinate in this sexual relationship. I learned over time to be less sensitive – after all I was the one encouraging her to play. She has never asked me to wear a cage but she has denied me sex when she was saving it for her lover. It works for us – even now after all those years.

                              • Anonymous
                                  Post count: 27

                                  You can have the perfect trusting relationship or marriage but you can’t be perfect at everything,If your wife/girlfriend is not completely satisfied at home in the sex department Outsource,Its ok to not be perfect at everything.

                                • Don
                                    Post count: 17

                                    I’ve accepted my inferiority. My wife and I have been married over 30 years. I could tell, from pretty much the beginning of our relationship, that I was not satisfying her in bed.

                                    I’m not small. About 5-6″ in length, but I am pretty narrow. When my wife and friends would start joking about “size matters”, my wife would interject “girth matters.” So, she was giving me hints about the lack of thickness of my penis. Plus, I lacked in stamina, as well. I could only last about 5 minutes at the most.

                                    It wasn’t a problem for me to accept where I stood compared to other men. I had played team sports and I knew, even as a kid, that not everyone had the talent to be the star player.

                                    Luckily, for me and my wife, I knew I was meant to be a cuckold. Soon after our relationship became sexual, I found myself constantly fantasizing about better men fucking my wife. My fantasies transitioned well to reality.

                                  • Maggiescuck
                                      Post count: 6

                                      In reading all these other posts it sounds all to Familiar of the Sexual Relationship Between my Wife and I. And it’s almost as though we all have One thing in Common our Inability to Sexually Satisfy our Wives. As for me once I was able to Admit that my Little Penis Coupled with Being a Premature Ejaculator was Unable to Pleasure Her through Intercourse, and that to Really Bring Her to Orgasm I generally had to to do so Orally or by Hand. I’ve Read what Cathy Cuckoldress of Jerry wrote that if I’ve thought about Her Finding a Better Lover or Helping Her to Find One. The answer is (YES). In fact we used to fantasize in the Boudoir about bringing another man into our Relationship/Marriage but that was 12-13 years ago. But I think I pushed the issue to hard and to fast and She Suddenly stopped wanting to Hear about it anymore. Yet the thought of Serving and Servicing my Wife and Her Well Hung Bulls has remained Constant. In fact it’s Always Been a turn on when She talks about other Good Looking Men, Her younger Coworkers who she says Flirt with her and one in particular that She’s talked about on Several occasions who is in his late 30’s, Tall, Muscular an Ex-Football Player she describes as “Super Good Looking with a Milk Chocolate Complexion”. And that although neither she nor her Girlfriends that she works with have actually seen it, my Wife says it’s Very Evident from the Huge Bulge in his Scrub Pants that he’s Very Well Hung. My own Little Penis drips with Sexcitement Hearing Her Talking about other Men as well as when she kids about the size of my Penis. What it Really Boils Down To is that I Love my Wife and that For Me Ultimately Her Pleasure Comes First and Foremost. If that Comes at the Hands or I Should say the Cock of a Real Man then All She Need is to Tell Me So.

                                      • Michael
                                          Post count: 14

                                          It’s been my experience with my wife that if she is talking about another man a lot, chances are pretty good she is either sleeping with him already or they are making plans to. If you’re lucky she is and it will come out sooner or later. I just hope for your sake if she is or does sleep with him it doesn’t get you so crazy you leave her. It almost did for me. After I settled down and realized my hurt was more to my ego than my heart, I was better prepared to deal with it. I realized I had no worry about losing her because he had asked her to leave me for him. She told him absolutely not. That she loved me and if he continued to insist on it, they would have to go their separate ways. so eventually I was able to understand it was really about my inferiority in our sex life that was the issue.
                                          I learned to accept her having lovers and eventually became very aroused by it. She had never been happier than when she was getting together with a new lover. It was and is still very exciting to watch her transform from an everyday housewife to a dolled up woman eager to please a man. Even if it is another man.
                                          We’ve been married for 22 years now and love each other as much as we did in the beginning. Maybe even more

                                      • ukgalAndCuckHubby
                                          Post count: 5

                                          Over the years I became more and more disappointed after having sex with my wife. I looked in her face and, in my mind, I let her down, disappointed her. I did not give her the pleasure she deserves. She would tell me it was OK, not to worry and that she enjoyed it, but I did not believe her. I was not big enough and did not last long enough to have any real pleasurable effect. Over the years I realized she was not having sex with me because she wanted to but because I wanted to. When I was finished, she would grab her magic wand and dildos and pleasure herself. I am an inferior cuck, and I derive pleasure from being a cuck.

                                        • Cuckaroo_banzai
                                            Post count: 21

                                            I can relate to this. For decades I try to portray an alpha man all the while fantasizing about my wife with other men. I finally admitted to myself that I was inferior and wanted to be a cuck, and it’s been very liberating. My wife after 4-5 years finally did cuck me and she still does.

                                            • slaveofwife
                                                Post count: 92

                                                You are a very lucky man. I envy u.
                                                I am still waiting for the day my wife will turn me into a cuckold.

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