Home discussion Lifestyle Discussions True Experiences Affair with colleague

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    • #33904
      Belinda jenson

        This happened a while ago (30 years ago). I was married and 26 years of age hubby was 25. One night there was an office party and hubby was overseas due to work. As I was lonely I went to my colleagues house. let’s call him B. Some of other colleagues went as well but they left soon after. I stayed back and one thing led to another and we hooked up. so time passed and we continued to talk. the affair continued. I would tell my hubby that work was finishing late and told him that I would be staying at my sister’s place which was conveniently closer to workplace. however I would instead spend the night with B. B was much better in bed so I decided to tell my hubby that work finished late on Fridays and I wanted to spend time with sister so would leave Friday morning for work and return sunday afternoon. Overtime I gradually grew closer to be and things got more Passionate. well one thing led to another and I fell pregnant to B. It couldn’t have been hubby due to I using condoms when having sex with him. Also I had unprotected sex with B during my most fertile time. Hubby doesn’t follow my calendar so he doesn’t know. Hubby was mildly surprised and I told him condom must have broken. He Accepted it as he didn’t follow.my calendar and was not aware of my regular affair with B.
        More to come…..

      • #34002

          Please continue…

        • #34004
          Belinda jenson

            So I fell pregnant. My colleague knew all about it and he promised to not confront my husband about it. My hubby on the other hand was thrilled at the prospect of being a father. I told him I was not in the mood for sex and would only have it with him occasinaly. but obviously I was sex hungry and therefore have sex with colleague behind his back regularly. My Sister lives a bit far away. she knows about the situation. I told my hubby that sister needed some help as she had just moved and I would stay with her for 3 weeks. Me and my colleagues jobs allowed for temporary transfers to other cities. So instead we both went and stayed at sisters home. We fucked like newlyweds through out the 3 weeks. then later we moved back. I continued to see colleague regularly and every time hubby asked for sex I would just like and tell him I wants up for it but truth was I was becoming less attracted to hubby and becoming more drawn to colleague…. more to come

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