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    • neohiohubby
        Post count: 3

        Luvr, I like your site . Lots of good insite. Perhaps I’ve missed it but do you have an opinion on the existence of Alpha Cucks?
        I believe I am one and don’t share all the submissive sissy traits of your typical cuck . If a dude tried to humiliate me or tease me I’d most likely whip his ass …. But I do enjoy watching my wifey with other men and women and couples And mfm . The idea of my wifey being a total slut turns me on and now turns her on too. . I enjoy her experiencing bigger cocks than mine . She’s loving all the attention and feeling even sexier about herself . Our sex life is off the charts . I will never be cut off or locked up and only forced to eat cream pies Made to where panties or pegged tho .

        Please explain , Bill

      • neohiohubby
          Post count: 3

          I can’t believe all the views and not one response ! Come on guys man up . What’s your opinion of the Alpha Cuck . Getting a bit worried here that there’s absolutely no discussion and no one willing to address the issue I’m asking about . Perhaps this silence is an indication of what cucks become once weened off the pussy?I’m really not trying to be a jerk but somebody man up !

          • Anonymous
              Post count: 4

              I agree, I’m both assholes get a ass whopping!!! with me. Like the kink but bteer be cool!


          • nigelcuck
              Post count: 47

              Hi, no problem in fact I think you have hit the essence of the thing. This is not about big cocks biology or anything like that. It is about in some cases bi men, closet gay men, but not all. It is also about guys who enjoy the liberated bitch wife. I love slut clothes and so on they are a work of art. Women however live in a peer dominated culture in our western society they are continuously looking out for the slut, the woman who could steal their man.They wear clothing which they feel other women would admire not essentially other men. They spend a lot of time comparing clothes etc. A balance is struck between respectability and attractiveness. The liberated woman however will wear sexual clothes to attract men.We men love ass hugging tit showing skimpy outfits. We think they are beautiful to behold and love the women in them.Such outfits give women power and other women do not like it. Other women will exclude them unless they dress as a group. Their mothers will criticise them. Cuckolding liberates them and gives them permission to be a slut. You have given her the permission and she loves it.The cuckolding cocks etc is just part of the performance art. I say performance art as I believe some of this exists in that world. Art is a means to extract a reaction good bad or indifferent by means of something from which this was not intended. This is done by taking something out of context. Cuckolding is like performance art where excitiment is gleaned by your partner giving a performance she is the artist.When she gets into it properly she will work as good as her imagination.The context of marriage is one in which by its very definition your spouse is monogomous. Therefore being multi partner is out of context and therefore possibly artistic. The panty wearing bi male slut just takes it a stage further. The fact that he is not bi or gay but doing a bi or gay thing is again out of context and artistic licence is applied to make this exciting.


              Eating cream pies is something I am not actually sure why people want to do it. It is however a physical reaction by those who are very much in love with the female. It is primal and operates at that level and cannot be considered cognitively.I have experienced the desire to lick my wifes ass when I found out she had been with another man. It was not a fetish it came from somewhere else.


              What you are experincing is a sort of advanced swinging voyeurism. There are degrees of cuckolding and there does exist the cuckold who is very much chained by love to a woman who obviously does not love him but he is inclined to licking and so on. there is also the cuckold who will loose her if she does not have other men , cuckolds by necessity.There are cuckolds who are actually gay and married and use this to have men. There are cuckolds who are cross dressers who use this to cross dress.


              I think you want a dressed liberated slut performing for you and others, you want a stage. You are alpha and are sort of topping from the bottom. You may want a slut submissive as a dominant. Food for thought

            • neohiohubby
                Post count: 3

                Nigelcuck, ” I think you want a dressed liberated slut performing for you and others, you want a stage. You are alpha and are sort of topping from the bottom. You may want a slut submissive as a dominant. Food for thought”

                Very very well said and intelligently explained. I also don’t mind the occasional couple to couple interaction . In my perfect world wifey would cuck me 80% and we would party with couples together 20% Thank you very very much !!!!!

              • Luvr
                  Post count: 288

                  The problem is you come at it from the perspective that sharing your wife is what equates to being a cuckold when, in reality, it’s the role you play in sharing her that defines your ‘label’.

                  If you’re in control of sharing her – and share her from a position of authority in the marriage, you’re not a cuckold – you’re being her Dom, basically. Sharing her is an exercise of dominance on your part and submission on hers.

                  If you prefer to more be the voyeur and let her make the moves/decisions, then you’re taking a submissive role and are essentially her cuckold. Overt, heavy humiliation is never a requirement of cuckolding but rather one of many aspects that couples explore and enjoy as expressions of the experience.

                  Many men who find they’d prefer the cuckold role find the humiliation that can come with it to be very conflicting and very threatening to their ego. Many will still choose to share her and assert control when and where they can to try and have it both ways. While this is understandable, it’s also counter-productive and cheapens the experience for both spouses.

                • StokieUKCpl
                    Post count: 32

                    I wouldnt descibe myself as naturally dominant…though I can play that role and do enjoy it. I am not a sissy cuck..but I am a cuck and proud. I have a reasonably sized penis and I can satisfy my wife. But I love her being with other guys. It gives me a huge thrill to know she is or will be with another man. Why? If I knew that I’d be a genius…but for me the emotions that overwhelm me when my wife cuckolds me are incredible…and nothing compares to it.

                    As to the cleaning of my wife…yes. I will suck the ejaculate of another man from my wifes pussy. It is the ultimate submission for me to do that. Both to my wife and to the is his gift to me. Nothing gives me more pleasure than looking up at my wifes pussy from a 69 position as her bull makes love to her…I get to watch as her lovers cock enters my wife. I watch as he fucks her from just a few inches away. Then because he knows I want to see…he will at the point of cumming leave just the tip of his cock inside her…and I get to see his cock jerk, pulse and throb as he spurts his bull cum inside my wife. His seed invading her body. Then the best bit…when he withdraws….oooooh fuck!! Gaping battered cum filled dripping pussy…my ultimate Cuckold scenario…and it drips on my face…then she sits back and Cuck gets his reward. Does this make me a sissy?   No it does not…it is for me a sexual act which gives me immense pleasure…my wife also enjoys the power she has over me…and the fact that she can ask of me what she desires…once the session is finished..we go back to our lives. Am I unable to satisfy my wife? Absolutely not!! Infact the cuckolding has invigorated our sex lives….our whole lives.


                  • nigelcuck
                      Post count: 47

                      Very useful comment from Luvr even thought we do not see eye to eye on all things.There is a type of, lets, say idea about that equates cuckolding in it’s most pure form to a sort of voyeur come dominant topping from the bottom, dressed slut whore wife type scenario. I eluded to this above. It is closely related to the hotwife phenomena where if not careful could become abusive.As I stated above if the woman enjoys the liberation and the permission to be a slut and the man likes the show it could work quite well. However I concur with Luvr that cuckolding in it’s pure form is something different. I do not agree that it is as deep as a latent biological need, there is something more related to our social needs involved. I believe our need for connection is much stronger than is given credit for in our society. The rise of what has been called the nuclear family man wife and children in a seperate unit to the exclusion of others is one factor. In the UK the rise of the welfare state, (not a bad thing for the control of disease and so on) has isolated people from the need for community assistance.Very often people like me live quite family centric lives with few friends calling. My wife who does not work currently has little opportunity to interact with other males and no other males have any impact on her life. However I believe women and men need interation with members of their own and the opposite sex regulalry in order to function properly. I say all this as I believe these societical norms are so ingrained now they are creating lonliness and needs which can manifest sexually. Biologically women do not display when they are fertile neither they nor the males know very often. Evolutionary biologists do not have a reason for this. However the fact that the woman does not know her fertile time and neither does the man leads to sexual recreation. Some have proposed that we may have evolved like this to insure close social bonds as the woman assisted the men by entertaining their sexual needs. If true, and this is a big huge step, there may be a desire among women to entertain men ( ladies please forgive my assumption as that is all it is ) However couple even a small latent desire with a huge amount of social lonliness and a new phenomena may arise. The female desire for contact with more than one man could arise quite strongly and would manifest sexually as sexual entertainment as the way to connect. Hence cuckolding is born. Then lets look at the male. What we know about males is their strong desire for sexual entertainment. There are well documented cases of powerful men being tumbled by their sexual desires.These desires are sharpened by masturbation another form of sexual entertainment. If my assumption is near correct, women desire male social contact ( some would say this is biologically based and associated with child rearing) I would say it may be but over the last 500,000 years or so the biological bit has been well submerged under the social nature of people. In fact we may be biologically social as in herd animals such as elephants or wolves. We are not however wolves or elephants but we may have started off like that and the desire to connect may still be there.Again an assumption, but if correct the woman would flirt with the males and offer sex to those she liked most in order to keep them close. My wife carried this out with at least one man. So, what is this telling me/us if true. Firstly I have met a good few women and I have found 100% of the time that women flirt as in they will in some cases unconsiously and almost immediatley send out hidden sexual signals such as playing with her hair and so on. All women I know love talking to intersting men of all ages. Lots of older men can forge realtionships with young women simply by being interesting to them. Women do not judge men by the size of his cock or his pectoral muscles. A dull uninteresting bull will get nowhere against a wimp who makes them laugh, sorry bulls.If you want to have sex with a woman make yourself interesting to her and listen to her needs socially and be genuinely interested in her and her children her pets and so on the things she cares about and she will want you in her social circle for ever. So where does this leave cuckolding. I am not sure. It is no secret women will offer sex to men they like. Must we as males ask ourselves where we get our kicks from in seeing our wives with other men. Is it a comfort to share some of the responsibility of living with a complex person as is the human female. Are females naturally dominant in that they offer the sex we need and cannot get anyother way. Have we masturbated ourselves and trained our minds to want more fantasy . I would love a reply Great subject

                    • Mercator7841
                        Post count: 6

                        I’m one of those guys who enjoys his wife fucking other men, but I certainly don’t relate to the sissy side of cuckoldry.  I was the one that got her into it, and I’m the driving force behind what we do – which is to meet guys in hotel rooms for 1-on-1 sex whilst I simply enjoy the show.  I like to think we’re pretty equal in our marriage, taking time to discuss and agree on most things, but I guess when it comes down to sex I am more dominant and she is slightly submissive.  I think what we do works well for us, it certainly adds a lot of spice to our sex lives, and by her being content for me to make the arrangements, I guess it takes all of the pressure (and any guilt she might otherwise feel) off her. 

                      • Murphy233
                          Post count: 1

                          I see something different going on here It is a growing acceptance of the lifestyle, but a changed lifestyle, one where it will gain greater acceptance and popularity. Some aspects will gain others will lose.


                          Humiliation and denial hold back broader acceptance of the lifestyle.  Like may other social changes  liberation of the marriage is on the way. Even the term cuckolding has derogatory connections. At its basics the fundamental issue is Wife’s Sexual Liberation. And I see it coming broadly.


                          If it starts to get accepted by feminists then what is narrow will become mainstream and expected. It will arrive faster than any one expects, especially in the context of  that  wife has carried out her duties for ten twenty years . Now she is entitled to fun. The emphasis today  is on the tantalizing experience of the husband and the unleashing of the wife’s libido, to restart the marriage.


                          Picture the supermarket magazines with such titles on the cover  –  “Threesomes for fun”, “Bringing a new man into the bedroom”,  “How to be a successful cougar?”, “Sex after your date”.  Today there are discreet hints of the lifestyle. But they can easily become widespread and increasingly accepted. The forty year old wife will be lured not by her husband’s persuasion but what other wives are doing.


                          Be prepared for a dramatic upsurge. Much will be changed and be lost in the process.

                          Get ready.


                        • LuvsItWet
                            Post count: 14

                            Murphy, I think you’re right but the acceptance will start at a much younger age for the wives.  The harried young mother, trying to hold down a job, take care of a demanding family, and enjoy any kind of private sex life with an increasingly absent or indifferent husband will start to look at those slightly older, more experienced and self possessed women in their work place or neighborhood and start to question the validity of monogamous denial. 

                            She’ll look around at her options. 

                            She’ll be open to suggestion. 

                            That’s when a tabloid question like “Could you use another man in your life?” will find fertile ground. 

                            That’s when sites like these will see a new set of eyes.

                            That’s when some unsuspecting hubby will have a freshly showered and primped wife in a new teddy snuggle up under his arm and say, “Honey, I’ve been thinking…”

                          • pauld
                              Post count: 3

                              This is an interesting subject. I like to draw a distinction between sharing ones wife and with being a cuckold. I can only talk from personal experience here and don’t wish to draw too many conclusions with regard to evolutionary theory, the role of society etc. Though I did enjoy reading about Nigel’s thoughts and believe they need some more consideration. 

                              We have been married 36 years and a cuckold couple for 10 years. For seven of those my wife, sarah, has had a boyfriend whose name is Michael. For five of those years Michael lived with us, latterly (two years) now having his own house. This si for sound financial reasons of getting onto the property ladder! For all of those seven years Michael has shared our bed. I am submissive and so is Sarah.

                              We have four children and bringing them up became our focus and raison d’être in life. It took all our energy and love. When they grew up and left one by one we discovered a black-hole where our sex life should have been. Both submissive, though not realising it, and quite passive we were chasing our tails as it were. We experimented with threesomes. We experienced quite a few men and earlier in our marriage swapped partners a little. I had many opportunities to watch sarah with other men. Yes it was sexy but not intimate, romantic and certainly not cuckolding.

                              It was when we met a dominant man, not sarah’s present boyfriend, who picked up on and understood our submissiveness that our sex life and relationship took on a new dimension. We had structure and focus. Sarah responded in ways I hadn’t imagined possible and she became more dominant with me. In a sense her lovers dominance was channeled through sarah onto me. Sarah became a completely new sexual being, alive and vibrant. She also became more healthy having suffered from rheumatoid arthritis from an early age. Her symptoms began to ameliorate though not go away completely.

                              Whilst I’ve been denied sexual intercourse for seven years our relationship is more intimate, erotic and fulfilling than I imagined possible. Michael and Sarah are inclusive and keen to include me, my submission is a pleasure.

                              What I want to stress, though, it is not just sex. Our whole lives have changed. The relationship informs all aspects of who I am and my relationships, whether they be intimate with Sarah and Michael, or just friendships and work colleagues. Life has a direction and focus.

                              I doubt our relationship would work for many others. It is right for us. It bears out many of the ideas that Luvr talks about though is not conclusive in any sense. Physically I don’t have a small penis. Yes Michael is bigger than I am, but as Nigel says, sarah had decided on sex with Nigel before she saw his penis. She was turned on by his mind, natural assertiveness and dominance. I don’t have those same characteristics. Some might call me an alpha male at work. I have a high power, responsible job at a senior level and have a team beneath me. I often give presentations in front of hundreds of people and it doesn’t worry me. But I am submissive with Sarah and Michael.

                              To conclude I don’t think what contributors have presented here is cuckolding. It is one thing to enjoy watching your wife with another man and remain in control. It is completely another to have ones sexuality under the control of ones wife and her dominant boyfriend.

                            • Worshypper
                                Post count: 3

                                The Alpha Cuck is the man that gets Mental (Mindom) understanding with his wife and encourages her Sexual Freedom.

                                The Alpha Cuck gets such pleasure in having her wife enjoying Hotwife Lifestyle that she loves him.

                              • Exxciteus
                                  Post count: 3

                                  I am happy that I found this thread here. I have read a lot of what Luvr wrote about the submissive dynamics in a Cuckold relationship, and I have learned that in a lot of ways I my crave it. As I would like to watch my wife with another man, I would like him to have a larger penis than mine, and I would like her to be more satisfied with that sexual experience then she typically is with our love making.

                                  Until I read some of this information, I wouldn’t have associated these traits with submission.

                                  I however have no ambition to give up sex with my wife entirely, (though at this point our sex life is intermittent at best) and I do not want to be chastised, or humiliate in any extreme way.

                                  My wife and I broke up for a few months very early in our relationship (about 15 years ago). While she was away she had a brief relationship with another guy. When she came back to me we discussed in detail her sexual encounters. She detailed everything. It turned out that the guy had a much larger penis than I. And he had in fact ipregnated her, though at that point we didn’t know for sure it wasn’t mine. (she later had an abortion).

                                  When she told me about it it turned me on emencely. I continued to ask questions until she got annoyed with me.

                                  I found after that I would fantasize about her having sex with him and others. It started to influence the pornography I enjoyed.

                                  After a couple years we decided to have a family. We tried for a couple years with no luck, and I found out I was not capable of fathering a child.

                                  At this point I found the idea of sharing her with other men even more attractive. So in 2004 I approached her with my perversion. She was upset by the thought and we left it at that for a few weeks.

                                  One night we got drunk and had some good raunchy sex and she started roll playing about involving another guy. Needless to say, we had AMAZING sex. The next day when I attempted to discuss it, she was ashamed and embarrassed and refused to discuss it.

                                  Over the years since, this has been a part of our sex life. It has progressed to be very graphic and get us both very turned on. Unfortunately, it has never progressed any further. She is afraid to move forward.

                                  We are now in our late thirties and our sex life has really slowed. We have sex between 1 and three times a month, and often it is just routine, as Lovr would call masturbating using her. But sometimes we still have great sex.

                                  I need to make some changes. I am not satisfied with our sexuality at all. She says she just isn’t interested in sex any more. I know she could be quite sexual if we managed to light the fire.

                                  I’m not sure if this is a question or a confession. But it’s my story in a nut shell.


                                • Wyatt
                                    Post count: 8

                                    I recently found this website so I’m sorry that I missed the timeliness of this thread, but I found it really interesting. My wife and I have been married for 10 years and consider ourselves to have a cuckold lifestyle; we have two kids by different men and are considering having one more very soon. But the term alpha cuck caught my attention because weak and dominated doesn’t fit my personality and she desires to be dominated from time to time. During those times it is totally my decision to decide who, when and where she has encounters with other men. Other times we engage in BDSM sessions where she is punished for being with other men.
                                    Even so, the majority of my days are still spent thinking about her with other men, being pregnant with their children, planning our next cuckold vacation and I love being inside of her and feeling just how small and incapable my penis is of satisfying her. But as much as we have enjoyed it over the last ten years, we still crave variety.

                                  • T Wanker
                                      Post count: 1

                                      Looking at the definitions and reading through the thread, I would say that the definition that applies to me is more “hotwife” much more than “cuckold.” Oddly, although I haven’t seen much on the religious aspect in what I’ve read so far, sexual liberation — at least if you grew up in a religious culture — means fucking other people. Certainly the dominant and submissive power dynamics play out with sex, but if you are moving towards sexual liberation against a dominant culture, the move towards liberation is the move of a dominant individual.

                                      At lest in my instance, this move from religious oppression lead to the odd situation where my wife and I are both sexual dominants. We both like the top position. Yet both of us enjoy the other having sex with someone else and as our relationship has progressed, we both get the best erotic charge when thinking about the other being, what in religious parlance would be “unfaithful.” We view it as a dominant couple, but our individual experiences with others place us also in the realm of cuckold and cuckquean. My wife is bisexual, so for her that includes women as well as men. My wife cucking me with a woman has absolutely no impact on me as a dominant Alpha male.

                                      The only long term relationship we have had as a couple has been with a woman, who self-identified as a submissive. My wife ran the show with her and eventually I was incorporated in as well on occasion, although I never actually had intercourse with the woman. My wife and I have worked to always keep our activities in the open and won’t act without the other’s permission. This doesn’t change the fact that we both sexually get off on when the other person has sex with someone else.

                                      The thrill of her fucking another guy doesn’t come from any desire for me to be subjugated or shamed, rather it is the thrill of sexual freedom and an affirmation of my dominance in that other men want the woman I fuck every night — a woman that loves sex so much she’ll fuck them, she’ll fuck women, and she can and did seduce them. I was the first to encourage her to fuck other guys, after our experience with the woman. She has fucked four other men, four or five other women and sucked the cocks of a couple of more guys. I’ve never seen her fuck someone else, but I have watched her suck the other cocks. Conversely, she has watched me have sex with one of the two other women, I’ve fucked during our marriage, watched several other women suck my cock and encouraged me to find other sexual partners.

                                      I get a sexual charge from her being sexual with others. I’ve eaten her out after every guy she has fucked and then I fuck her hard after. She only went bareback once, and I ate her out after that and pounded her hard in response. She loved and I loved drilling my cock into her and scooping out his sperm before shooting my load into her. I wanted to lick and fuck every remnant out of her. I also enjoy eating her out after she fucks a guy who is wearing a condom. I can taste the latex on her cunt and I get her wet all over again and then get to thrust my bigger and more familiar cock in without any protection. To me that is Alpha Cucking. Yes other men fuck my wife, but I fuck her harder, longer, more often and in a way that is far more pleasing to her than any of them can imagine.

                                      Not to mention, the same wife gets off in the same way by letting other women get just a sampling of me, before she takes back my cock, smelling their cunts on my balls and my beard. Oh, and for your pleasure, a beautiful shot of my wife’s lovely ass. You could have it, but I’ll fuck any remnant of you out of her.

                                    • almostcuck
                                        Post count: 1

                                        hmm well I’m new to this site but I found some of the comments interesting. I just wanted to put in my two-cents.

                                        First, I think we all can clearly see that we all have slightly different definition of what a cuck is or isn’t. I don’t know for certain if I am a cuck, but I know who *I* am and what *I* want and it doesn’t much matter to me if it matches to Webster’s, or anyone else’s, definition. For me, I’m absolutely interested in my girlfriend sexually teasing and humiliating me, but have no interest in the bull or other man being directly involved in that. For both of us, we seem to think of the “bull” as more of a sex toy than some kind of domineering force that my wife might leave me for. In any case, I don’t think there is any right way, just do what feels right for you and don’t assume everyone else fits in that box.

                                        Second, (and the reason I decided to write) I see a lot of comments both here and elsewhere talking about cuckolding being “natural” and overcoming the things that keep us from that sexually liberated natural state, including (but not limited to) declaring the importance of penis size. I hope I’m not killing anyone’s buzz, maybe some of these comments are in fantasy/play time but I don’t just disagree, I STRONGLY disagree! 😉 The arguments being made fall right in line with a neoliberal narrative; we escape culture to become sexually liberated individuals. If it suddenly became the norm for women to fuck alpha males in front of their beta husbands (to use the site’s colloquialism)… I would lose ALL interest in it. The fact that my girlfriend teases me about these things is sexy precisely because they are “wrong”. If you take away the taboo elements of sexuality, you might start to become a bit bored. Have you picked up a magazine lately? They are telling us to have sex… not for love… not for lust… but to lower our blood pressures… but don’t get too attached or obsessed, cause that will lower productivity! My point is simply that sexuality is fascinating precisely because it exists at intersection of… EVERYTHING. Sex is NOT primal, it is primal, cultural, unconscious, and based on individual experience and so so much more. There is a reason sex can be so cathartic, a reason why we often chase the same troubled kinds of mates. I don’t KNOW all those reasons or have those answers, but I know it is much more complex than some basis for evolution or individual choice. For very long we have thought that sex is dirty and we wish to escape that, but do we not also have to admit that the very dirt we wish you to rid ourselves of is sexy as well? Be careful what you wish for! That my friends, is culture and religion, and I don’t want to be a computer. If I did, I’d hump my girlfriend for 5 minutes and call it a night.

                                        Now to penis size, because its a popular topic and because it exemplifies my point. Women do not naturally want a giant penis! I’ve seen inside enough bedside tables to know that what women chose as sex toys are often quite reasonable and even small in size, if they are even at all phallic! Women don’t buy giant dildo’s, their perverted boyfriends get it for them (me for example). I’m not well endowed AT ALL and I’ve never had an issue getting a women to orgasm. Couple that with the knowledge that the majority of women, the majority of the time, DO NOT orgasm during intercourse… that’s just fact. So there is really very little PRIMAL reason to want a big cock. I will even add to that then when I’ve had any difficulty getting women to orgasm, it was not under-stimulation but OVER-stimulation that was the problem. Simply slowing it down and “resetting” often did the trick. I could see a big cock over stimulating, at least in your first few encounters with it…. but I agree that size does matter! But it matters CULTURALLY more than anything else. Pretending that culture doesn’t matter, only helps to take away something, an idea, that is fun to encounter and interact with.

                                        Black men are not going to steal all the white women. And yet many people here have these kind of fantasies. The fantasy itself (which there is absolutely nothing wrong with) is rooted in colonialism. And now we have people that engage and interact with this idea for whatever reason (often to psychologically deal with REAL shit). We should celebrate that as we celebrate size (or smaller if you want – I’m all for diversity) but I think its important that we acknowledge that its not about being natural (or not solely) but engaging with our culture and in some cases overcoming it.

                                        I think this was too long. Sorry if I went a bit off topic.

                                      • HotwifeErinscuck
                                          Post count: 13

                                          I too am in the alpha cuck category. I am not submissive and DO NOT like humiliation. I view myself as a caged tiger when it comes to chastity. When I am caged for long periods I become so horny I want to attack my wife sexually. I love bondage, I love tying her up and playing with her. I love helping her with other men, I am bi and seem to like it, not solo but with my wife. Nothing against a good trained sissy, but it is not for me. I have been self lock for almost 10 years and love being in a cage. The way it cradles and grips me. But this is just me and I support all the styles on here. I just love it all!

                                        • chuck
                                            Post count: 1

                                            For me I find that I am an alpha in everyfay life, but in the bedroom I like the reversal, I liike for her to be sexually liberated and explore her desires and kinks. I love her being my pornstar. Even though i am submissive in the bedroom and love that role, if need be I will retake contro, when a line is crossed.

                                          • AlphaKala
                                              Post count: 9

                                              I was the Dom in a marriage of 22 years and we did not worry about silly labels and categories like some on here seem to do. We shared a great life and both of us participated in our decisions. It is never a black and white who is dom and sub. We both enjoyed her sexuality and her having sex with many others all the time. I would, for example, pick out her clothes and when we were out have her spread or show her tits to men I wanted to see get excited. If they were into her I would tell her to approach them and take them for sex in the closest place, I would usually go with them. At other times she would be the one that found some one to have sex with and who decided she needed a certain form of stimulation that day. I am looking for a new wife to share like this since she passed.

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