Marriage Evolved discussion Lifestyle Discussions True Experiences Announcement – wife is now committed to having a real relationship with her bull

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    • Billy_2005
        Post count: 3

        I just wanted to let you know that after a long conversation last night my wife and I have agreed that she will have a relationship (not just sex) with her new boyfriend – they have only been seeing each other for two weeks but things have already gone beyond sex – they talk, they have common interests and are compatible intellectually, emotionally and physically…this is clearly a huge step forward for us but we’re both happy – she is seeing him twice a week and she is already interested (after he gets tested) in having unprotected sex with him – she is post kids and has had her tubes tied so there is no pregnancy risk. This arrangement makes her feel sexy, wanted and cared for – as a sign that things were moving quickly she told me that they liked holding hands, kissing and talking. He is taking her away to the country for the night on saturday and having her over for a long evening and overnight tomorrow night – in the past it was just sex and she always wanted to come home straight away – now, she wants to stay there with him.

        If others are interested in hearing how this develops please leave a comment and I’ll tell the story as I see it – be mindful that this is my wife and my marriage in your comments.


      • live2serve_her
          Post count: 6

          That is very exciting. How does her boyfriend feel about the arrangement? Is this relationship involve you being present while they have sex and hang out? 

        • Tina
            Post count: 1

            Hi Billy.  I am new to the site and just exploring this lifestyle cautiously.  From what I read in your post, aren’t you afraid your wife will leave you for her new boyfriend since they are having a relationship now and not just sex?  How committed are the both of you in your marriage?  This cuckold lifestyle is a bit unbelievable to me, I guess because I have always had vanilla relationships. 

          • she plays he watches
              Post count: 47

              Hello Billy,  you are transcending into a wonderful part of your lives. You wife seems to be taking all the right steps and you are very encouraging. Enjoy.

            • R. Chris
                Post count: 1

                It sounds like you have a great wife and a great relationship.  I am interested in updates to your life since you wrote your first post in the thread.

              • matmagic99
                  Post count: 142

                  In what way does them having a relationship, as opposed to a weekly/monthly sexual fling, enthrall you more?

                • Anonymous
                    Post count: 19

                    That is exactly what we seek. A big commitment with the Bull. Strong feelings.

                    • Anonymous
                        Post count: 120

                        emotional ties with great sex. Yes!

                    • Bondjg
                        Post count: 1

                        Sounds great, love to hear how things progress!

                      • cutdickasian
                          Post count: 12

                          This is so beautiful. It tells that a cuckold relationship is truly moving in the right direction.

                        • Cathy & Jerry
                            Post count: 207

                            This was back in 2015, it would be nice to know how things are going now, any updates

                          • Anonymous
                              Post count: 5

                              Just giving a major “heads-up” to everyone about the so-called “operator” of this website who calls himself, “Luvr.” He gives the disclaimer about all the things he is not allowed to have people talk about in the chat rooms because he is actually a convicted rapist. If he allows any of the disclaimer topics for discussion in the chat rooms, then the Arizona Parole Board will incarcerate him once again.

                              • Cathy & Jerry
                                  Post count: 207

                                  If you can’t provide proof to support your accusations then it looks like you’re just “bent” because you didn’t get your way with something in here. Show your proof or walk away, leave the web site.

                              • Erin
                                  Post count: 26

                                  Very exciting, happy for you and your wife!

                                • Tom
                                    Post count: 12

                                    As a husband it’s very exciting to see that emotional bond develop over time between your wife and another man

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