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  • Author
    • Anonymous
        Post count: 2

        60 y/o F looking for committed cuck

      • Anonymous
          Post count: 3

          im a 53 year old cuck. very interested. please msg me.

        • sliprytung
            Post count: 1

            Hi Chantrelle,

            I am from Ohio. About 3 hours from Columbus. Midway between Cantom and Youngstown. I am not new to cuckolding. I was married for 16 years and my wife at the time, cucked me for maybe the last 12-13 years. Actually, she cucked me with 3 ex-boyfriends about 3 hours before I married her. I didn’t find this out until about 4 years after the fact. I found out when I was clearing out the bedroom closet to Do some painting and I came across 5 of her diaries. These were from before we married, right up to the day before I found them. It took a few weeks to read those diaries when she was not around, but I read all of them. I was addicted. I couldn’t get enough of it. She had sex with 38 different men in 4 years of marriage to me while I was at work or when she went out with the girls. I never suspected anything, but this new found knowledge aroused me like nothing ever had before. When I finally approached her about everything, she did not try to deny it. She simply said now that I know, she doesn’t need to hide it anymore. And she didn’t.

            I’ve been by myself a few years now, and have dated several women. The relationships are always short lived because I lose interest quickly. I want to be with a woman who sleeps with other men. I won’t be happy until I find her.


          • LASSI
              Post count: 1

              Hope you have found what you are looking for.

            • Fikret
                Post count: 5

                I am a cuckold and I am looking for cuckoldress to marry. Please get in touch.

              • Bambam
                  Post count: 5

                  I’m not in Ohio but I would move there for you
                  I’m 56 and very much want to marry a cuckoldress
                  I will treat you like the Queen you are

                • VenerablePerv
                    Post count: 1

                    Hi! It’s been several years since your post. Did you find who you were looking for?
                    If not, can we chat about it? I’m in NW Ohio and I’m actually a Stag cuckold looking for a Vixen, hotwife, FWB… married or unmarried would work for me.

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