Marriage Evolved discussion Role Discussions Submissive Husbands Are ALL Cucks at Leat a little Submissive?

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    • Anonymous
        Post count: 120

        A thought?

      • Anonymous
          Post count: 5

          I am definitely a submissive cuckold. I think it is part of what attracted me to cuckolding.

        • Squier
            Post count: 17

            Yes, I think so. To me the term “Cuckold” means a (at the least a little) submissive man. Otherwise I call him a Wifesharer.

            • Anonymous
                Post count: 120

                Yes for what ever reason we become or like being a cuckold we are submissive.I also believe that once a willing cuckold, always a cuckold. You all agree?

            • Squier
                Post count: 17

                Of course. I do!
                First you don’t know whats “wrong” with you.
                You hide and struggle those obviously humiliating and enormous feelings and thoughts.
                But they are getting stronger, more clear.
                Then you start to research, and step by step learn what kind of man you are.
                Luvr says: the penis doesn’t lie. Thats right.

                Once you believe that penile truth, soon the moment comes to not only believe it but accept it, let it in by free will, internalise it, become addicted to it

                Then it turns from a simple kink to obsession and finally you identify being a Cuckold is your long hidden, naked DNA of Sex.

                So, what way back can there be? And why should one want to go back?

                • Anonymous
                    Post count: 120

                    There is no way back, and if there was, I wouldn’t look for it.

                • Maggiescuck
                    Post count: 6

                    Although we have yet to engage in the Cuckold Lifestyle if my Wife decided to Embrace it I’d most definitely be Submissive to her. I already consider myself a Self Admitted Bi-Curious Submissive Sissy Boi who’s not ashamed to admit it. Especially since I have a Little Penis, Coupled with Being a Premature Ejaculator and Would have No Problem with her Enjoying another man who could Sexually Satisfy Her 🙂

                    • Anonymous
                        Post count: 120

                        Its good to know who you are, and come to terms with that person. I hope your wife would visit here and talk to some of the other ladies here who have traveled the same road. I am a cuck who has discovered about myself, I get more pleasure from seeing or knowing my wife is being pleasured by someone who can give her what she really needs. Out women do not want to hurt us, but when they understand us, and know we care about them and ourselves, then they realize we are competant and happy being our selves, a cuckold boyfriend/husband.

                    • Cathy & Jerry
                        Post count: 207

                        Cathy has been cuckolding me for 16 years and cut me off sex for just over 8 years and I don’t miss it at all. I’m very tiny and could never hold it for more than two minutes so why bother. I’m a good husband but totally useless in bed so why fight it? She’s been dating her current lover for over a year and a half and they have both admitted that they are very much in love which is exciting for all of us. Cathy is on here quite often to help others to achieve happiness in this lifestyle, including women who are looking for help to understand their husband’s obsession with cuckolding. Truth be told it’s not about us as cuckolds, it’s about our lovely wives who deserve a real cock, a real man between their legs and in their minds. I fall in love again with Cathy over and over again when I witness her love for him, her passion when he’s inside of her and kissing her as a real lover does. Hearing her recently tell me that she wished she was younger because she would love to have his baby not only excited me but made me realize just how much in love with each other they truly are, it’s fantastic!! I sure love this lifestyle!!!!

                      • Anonymous
                          Post count: 120

                          Melissa has know about me as a cuckold since we met over a year ago. She liked the idea a little, but like most women, asked what is in it for me? Over time and with this site she understand fully now. We both agree I will never be inside of her, as I do not pack what she wants and needs. It has brought us closer together. On her date nights I am locked up, and wait for her to come home. I am much older and like others a good partner for her but can not give her what she nees in sex. She dates, and is looking for that man that she can fall in love with and dominante her like she wants in bed.

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