Marriage Evolved discussion Role Discussions Submissive Husbands Are we born this way?

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    • cuckinct
        Post count: 6

        IS being submissive a genetic trait? I have always been submissive. It started showing more in high school. I would basically do anything anyone asked me to do without question.

      • SubHubAndWifey
          Post count: 26

          Yes. I think so. As for me, I spent much of my life fighting and compensating my sub tendencies. It wasn’t until we started dabbling in swinging that it became crystal clear that I am no alpha. If you go into the swing lifestyle thinking you are gonna be “the man”, it usually doesn’t long for reality to set in. We naturally progressed toward the cuckold couple we are now. But I am in charge of people at work, so I spend my days pretending to be the alpha male that I know I’m not… and that can be very difficult.

        • chris
            Post count: 9

            I don’t know if it’s genetic, but I know people just sort of “are who they are” if that makes any sense. Sometimes it just takes time to figure that out.

            There’s the alpha-male jock who turns out to be a closeted homosexual power bottom, the meek, nerdy guy who finds his groove and becomes a leader, and the guy who thinks he’s a ladies man, but really just wants the ladies to take him with a strap-on..

            I think it happens to everyone; some earlier than others, some later.

            I’ve always had submissive tendencies, but like SubHub I tried to fight them and it didn’t do anyone (especially me) any good. Once I embraced them, I can’t begin to explain the contentment I feel at finally being who I always was.

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