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September 13, 2011 at 8:17 pmPost count: 11Hi Lurv.
I really related to your article, “Baby Induced Role Change” and it has touched a sensitive spot in me. In fact, while Emma and I were reading through the article, my “Truth Detector” automatically showed its reading, demonstrating to Emma how important and true this article is. Without it leading to any sexual play, Emma and I humbly (at least for me) discussed the article as mature adults.
This article explains a lot about us since Emma gave birth to our child: the post pregnancy weight loss, the change in wardrobe, the lack of marital sex, her extra-marital affair with a co-worker giving rise to a foundation for her cuckolding, the fundamental shift of my role as a sexual providing husband to a non-sexual partner. When confronted by Mother Nature’s ideals for a successful marriage, this article demonstrates that cuckoldry is not just a simple choice made by a committed couple. It is Mother Nature’s plan.
Cuckoldry can’t be viewed as just a married woman’s opportunity to have casual sex or an opportunity for the simple pleasure of other men to indiscriminately eject their seed into fertile-proven wombs.
Cuckoldry holds a much deeper meaning and purpose for the continuity of marriage and the procreation of mankind.
Looking back on becoming a father, Emma and I do acknowledge a drastic drop in my testosterone and with that, Emma’s views upon me being her sexual partner changed and the course of nature slowly changed my marital role, obligations and responsibilities within our marriage.
Becoming our child’s caregiver and household maintainer, doesn’t mean that I have failed as a husband. In fact, this article provides consolation and restores my dignity with the roles I have been naturally assigned although they now heavily conflict with my former “mating” behaviour with Emma.
This article helps Emma and other married women, to understand and respect the dignity involved with alloting Emma with another male to fulfill my former marital duties, by proxy, in an effort to fill this newly created marital gap.
The invitation provides Emma and I the opportunity to defer and accept the presence of a strong male role model to offer guidance and leadership to our marriage on concerns such as sexual intimacy and family planning, issues that most monogamous couples find difficult to overcome.
With such a significant role, we expect him to fulfill his biological role and become sexually involved with Emma and for his involvement to become common place within our relationship.
I also acknowledge that the way he demonstrates leadership to Emma will be completely different to how he demonstrates leadership towards me. The relationship between Emma and I will be under his guidance and his perogative. My purpose would be to serve them both (being the more compatible sexual partnership), defer to his leadership and ensure that our marriage is the proper place for him and where his relief is promised. His presence within our marriage will also provide me with a renewed sense of usefulness.
His strength of presence and our growing emotional attachment to him would become integral to the success of our marriage. His distinct alpha male qualities should feed Emma’s maternal instinct to procreate and further entrench me in nature's role for me. His guidance will help me encaptulate the essense of being a selfless marital partner relieving me to be a better father and confirm that naturally, our marital bed is a place for sleeping, not a place for I to do “naughty” things with Emma which causes disharmony within the family unit, leading him to take further measures on me.
(Every woman in their child bearing years should have access to proper sex to promote procreation, to relieve the stress of motherhood, to maintain the health of her womb and other reproductive organs, to have appreciation of the role she plays in the world as a woman and as a mother, and especially with cuckoldry, breathing space within marriage, amongst other reasons. It’s normal and part of nature. This is my bid for my wife, Emma.)
July 22, 2012 at 8:51 amPost count: 19This is so true. I have spent many a night babysitting and bottlefeeding while my wife enjoyed an adult and refreshing night of wining, dining, making love, and sleeping with her lover and mate. This is good for all of us and strengthens the bonds while reinforcing the differences in the roles we have chosen.
December 6, 2012 at 5:35 amPost count: 47Avery interesting post. A similar thing happened to me after my wife had her fourth child. She was still of childbearing age and is just within it now. I dont’t think there is anything biological going on or even some sort of hidden human behaviour. As a normal male you absolutely love your child no doubt of that. You become a dad and that in itself pshycologically makes a difference in that the last ” dad” she had around her was he own dad. Therefore you have matured into a different role. She will start t see you in that role. A father is not a sexual role it is a provider and so on. Up until the current generation say of 20 to 30 year olds now a father figure was more authoritarian and so on. As you swooned around the child/children a softer side was seen, very positive and good for all of us. However your partner has no mental cognitive equipment to deal with you as a dad, softer side, and you as a lover perhaps harder more male side. The current generation are slightly different as they have been reared by softer perhaps better more empathetic fathers who took far more to do with them as children.If I am right young women may be able to balance the softer dad side with their more carnal desires and the young will be able to mix and match better.Young educated people are also far more understanding of relationship needs and so on.In fact cuckolding may even be a one off phenomena which affected one generation, those who were liberated enough to look outside the marriage but also repressed enough to want to. A generation brought up by 1950s parents who had marriage underpinned by religon and society and often married because they were at the age when you do. Young women who would now be 40s to 50s only saw their fathers in a particular way and were not prepared for the ” new man” which arose in the eighties. Their mothers just gave up sex at about 35.I suffer from this because try as I might my wife cannot get beyond me as a dad of the kids and her attitude to this role coupled with her view of her father is nearly impossible to break down. I could not become a dom male to her if I tried for a start she is domestically dominant she runs the domestic areas washing cooking and so on therefore she will see the need to nag a bit from time to time I am sure this strikes a chord with some or many.I have a domestic and economic relationship with her. In some respects she is the cleaner and I am the bank manager and in other respects she is the boss and I am a messy kid.Hardly fertile ground for mindblowing sex. However her lover who was also in that situation at home only worse as his wife earned more than him, was not in that relationship with her. To him she was a tasty little married slut and to her he was a handsome sexy man. You have solved the dillema by allowing her lover to have his way and she is happy you continue with the domestic. The only problem I have, and this is real for cuckolds, is where do we get that relief of having a relationship with a woman just for her a proper sexual relationship. I dont think cuckolding will entirely answer the problem. Personally I have a close lady friend who is aware of everything and needs me for other assistance at this stage not sexual but very very close. I could not exist wihtout her.
February 24, 2014 at 8:32 amPost count: 3@bazram said:
This is so true. I have spent many a night babysitting and bottlefeeding while my wife enjoyed an adult and refreshing night of wining, dining, making love, and sleeping with her lover and mate. This is good for all of us and strengthens the bonds while reinforcing the differences in the roles we have chosen.
I can identify with you in so many ways. When our first child was born once my wife starting having sex with her lover again I spent any nights “babysitting and bottlefeeding” as well while she was off getting a proper fucking.
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