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    • Anonymous
        Post count: 28

        I have seen my wife do things with other men in one date than I have ever done with her in one week. Long blowjobs, long sex, public nudity, public sex, anal, A2M, cum on food, gang-bangs, bondage, two girls sharing 1 or multiple cocks, extremely long and aggressive deep-throating, bukkake, slapping, and swallowing multiple loads. I’ve even seen her fall asleep (covered in baby batter) with a cock in her mouth. I’m sure I missed a few.

        The point is, there are times when my mind wonders what it would be like to experience those things with her. I sometimes imagine her beautiful mouth wrapped around me like in our first two years of marriage. Or I daydream about entering her vagina. Or, even though we never did it, I imagine trying anal with her. And I admit I do get jealous sometimes. But then, I step back for a minute and think of the path we have been on. I think of the first threesome that set this all into motion, and the wonderful journey we have had. I think of how beautiful she looks, and how completely happy she is knowing that she does not have obligations to perform sex with me. I love seeing how devoted she is to her boyfriend(s), and how natural it looks, and feels. I think how lucky I am to have her as my wife.

        I’m so grateful that I get to watch as often as I do, and that I do get to witness her perform in such a loving and passionate manner. I’m very lucky that I can masturbate as much as I want, whether when I am watching her perform, or in private to my own thoughts. I do not clean her, but rather I eat her out before she and her boyfriend(s) have sex. I must say, there is something very erotic, rewarding and satisfying knowing that, me eating her out is for the benefit of another man’s penis , and never my own. I am not allowed to have any naked pictures of her, because we feel that her nakedness is meant only for her boyfriend(s), and I completely agree. Even when she is naked at home, and it is just her and I, I can only touch her occasionally, or eat her out, but never masturbate to her. I only masturbate to her [physically] when she is performing with her boyfriend(s). But still, I am very lucky and very blessed to have her as my wife, and live this wonderful and rewarding lifestyle with her. An it has been so rewarding and emotionally bonding to watch as she has progressed in her skills and sexual performance these last couple of years. I am also very lucky that I am able eat her out. She has talked a few times of possibly having her boyfriend’s baby, and nothing would make me happier, or more honored than to help raise her baby.

        When all of these things are taken into consideration and remembrance, it helps me come back to reality and remember that none of that other stuff matters, because that other stuff isn’t what “love and marriage” are all about. Love and marriage and the rings on our fingers signify and represent trust, devotion, the journey together, unity and walking the path together side by side, the joy and happiness that we find in one-another, as well as with the wonderful, and beautiful memories we get to share. And all those things are based on choice. It’s about who we choose to spend our life with. And she has chosen me to spend the rest of her life with, and I realize how lucky I am for that, and how lucky I am that I can call such a beautiful woman my wife. Having her, loving her, supporting her, watching her—this is good enough for me.

        Then I think to myself, I shouldn’t take any of this for granted. It would be selfish. Changing it all, would ruin everything that we have, and everything that we have built. It would destroy her happiness, and she doesn’t deserve that. She deserves to have her happiness and her choices respected—her body, her choice, her happiness.

        And when I combine that all together, I realize I am More than happy to have things this way. Just because she is my wife does it mean I should expect her to do for me, or sexually perform for me, the way she performs for her boyfriend(s). That would be very uncouth. Watching her beautiful and talented body is all I really need. And I have my hand which does a great job.

      • Anonymous
          Post count: 21


        • Hercuckslav
            Post count: 61

            anonymous, so well written and I could nit agree more. I posted this yesterday but I thought it might be relevances to your thoughts and hence I share it again with you~:


            Recognising that you are now Inadequate but are still very much essential is crucial to a happy cuckold marriage. I have come to realise how important it was that I finally recognised, accepted and now embrace my own inadequacies. I now even get pleasure from recognising my inadequacies. Being able to to do so, has ultimately allowed me to identify, understand and effectively commit to my new role in life, finding a place and purpose that is essential. That role is one of a genuine cuck to a loving Cuckoldress!

            Being called or identified a cuck is not a sex play position, our a temporary name. Once you have been cucked by your wife you are always a cuck, you cannot undo the act, nor can the door be effectively closed. Everything has changed once the journey has begun. You cannot take away the excitement and pleasure the act has provided to all parties involved, the Hotwife, the Lover/s and the cucked husband. However you must also recognise that a cuck can only enjoy the pleasures of Her infidelity once he strips away the jealousy and anger and accepts and manages these emotions as essential to his very sexuality.

            Being a cuck is like holding a genuine function at work, a front of shop worker, a delivery man, or even an organisational manager, perhaps all of the above. A cuck has an important list of functions and to become a genuine and essential cuck you must first have understood the changes that have taken place within yourself and your wife, only then can you adapt to these changes, fully evolving and combining them into one essential function within your marriage. It is perhaps surprising to realise that a cuck’s role is so very similar to that of a traditional husband. My role as her cuck requires that I love and cherish her, care and support her, provide and protect her, guide and help manage her, provide a place of safety and love for her, defend and promote her. These functions are the same regardless if you are her husband or her cucked husband. But to be a cuck You are therefore only essential if you accept your adapted place and work diligently to fulfil the new additional functions within the marriage which are: recognise your inadequacies and allow her to supplement you with another. Encourage and support those changes. Manage your cuck angst with integrity and emotional responsibility. Accept your changing sexual relevance and pleasures and those of your wife’s. Allow her to find that new selection of sexual roles or services you can provide so she can feel engaged with you but get everything she needs in addition through her Lover/s. In turn this will provide everything you need as a dedicated cuckold, making you an essential part of your marriage.

            Why am I a cuck? In short, honesty provides the vehicle for change, and acceptance delivers the change. I am no longer my wife’s “cock” of choice for a variety of reasons. I am not able to penetrably pleasure my wife like Her Lovers can, this is a fact, not an assumption, she has told me so openly, lovingly and honestly. Her Lover may have a smaller cock than me, but he knows how to pleasure Her with it, the way he enters her, the way he rides her for hours, the way he uses all of her orifices, and the excitement of the anticipation of these things that they bring to her. There is simply no comparing with her husband, he no longer provides that level of excitement and enjoyment, that time has passed. But it is not only her lovers cock that brings her pleasure, it is his excitement and willingness to explore her, to hold her vibrator in just the right spot for twenty minutes so she can cum hands free. It is how he holds her legs down as he pleasures her with his mouth and eager fingers, how he kisses her with such desire and need when they first see each other, and well into the night as they make love. It is also the emotional connection however deep it may run, the meeting of these emotions and needs with another. No one can ignore the truth, the honesty and integrity of these facts, and no one should try and make excuses for them.

            But that does not make her husband redundant, far from it. Her cuck husband can be so useful in helping her cum as she recounts and baths in the joy of these moments with her lover, sharing them as you would exiting and pleasurable news of any kind. Her wetness as she remembers his touch, the anticipation of his open mouthed sensual needy kisses, the excitement and pleasure as her lover examines and learns her body, providing for her like a Lover should. He may not be perfect but he is far more sexually exciting than Her cucked husband. This is a painful truth initially, but once accepted leads to a deeper understanding and acceptance between husband and wife.

            Therefore as my wife adapts me to a new role I become her essential cum waiter, a vital role to help her enjoy her new found needs and a role that requires encouragement and assistance to make her pleasure complete. These are physical functions and are but one simple example, but there are more important emotive ones as well as I have described.

            My main purpose and place is to love, support, cherish, protect and pleasure my wife, but not only in a traditional sense. As a cuck I accept my inadequacies and adapt to them, I have a new purpose and do not therefore become redundant. Vanilla affairs make a husband redundant potentially to the point of divorce. Cuckoldry makes husbands essential if they recognise their place and purpose and can adapt to them effectively. A cuck will always be the essential husband within the marriage if he can provide love and care to his wife and support her in her emotional and sexual journey with another.

            I am now proud of my inadequacies and hence my new role. Slowly as a married couple we sexually consider corporal punishment and chastity as alternatives to my inadequacies, the role of cum waiter, the role of toilet servant, the role of anal slut and bisexual play toy. All of these new improved functions provide pleasure to my wife, security and reliance, combining them with her very different needs and desires, ones I cannot fulfil. Our marriage and sex life is therefore more diverse and expansive, filled with emotionally integrity and true closeness, arguably in advance of a traditional marriage where sex and its importance are often pushed to the background and therefore become an area of resentment and disharmony, leading to misrepresentation and deceit. None of this pervades our marriage, therefore my essential role and my inadequacies and their realisation are the back bone to contentment and love. It is not a game, it is truth in its bare form, being a cuck is being a real person with a real purpose and responsibilities. I embrace them all more and more as each day passes.

          • Hercuckslav
              Post count: 61

              I am so very grateful to be Her cuck

            • slaveofwife
                Post count: 92

                this is such an amazing thread, I loved the honesty and how grateful you all are.

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