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    • JandJ
        Post count: 4

        We are a mid and late 40s white couple iin the Southeast Michigan area. We re both highly educated and professionally employed. We have spoke of the Hotwife lifestyle for a few years but have not yet crossed the line. We have been to a swing club and let others watch us, but not yet join. The Mrs has sexted with other guys while I go down on her and have let a guy direct us what to do and take pictures for him. Our issue, I guess my issue is the fear of the “what after”?. If it were up to her we would have already been with several men, but when we get close to an actual meet, I always find something wrong with the guy and back out. I guess the fear of the guilt feelings afterwards holds me back. How did everyone overcome that? I fantasize of watching her with a more dominant male and that is also what she wants, but I can’t get over that guilt feeling. This frustrates her to no end. Any help is appreciated.

      • Say_Oy
          Post count: 66

          I have not been where you are so maybe others have better advice, but it seems to me that you are having trouble committing. You need to decided what you really want. Are you too jealous to really go through it? Who’s idea was it to get into cuckolding?

          If you are not really OK with this you need to tell your wife and stop frustrating her with bait and switch. If you really want her to go through it maybe you need to step out of the selection process. The guy is going to be primarily fucking your wife. So maybe you need to let her pick without your input and go on her date alone. If she is happy it does not matter if she picks Mr. Wonderful or Sid Sleazy. It’s her choice.

          Or tell her you can’t go through with it… and hope she does not cheat behind your back.

        • JandJ
            Post count: 4

            The weird thing is I’m not jealous at all and im the one who got her into this. I just fear what happens after allowing her to fuck a big cock. Will she still love me? Respect me?

          • Say_Oy
              Post count: 66

              You took a kid into a candy store and now you are saying they can’t have any because it may rot their teeth.

              You say “If it were up to her we would have already been with several men…” so it sounds like you want to be part of the scene… serving the bull sexually, but you are afraid her seeing you like that will cause her to lose love and respect for you… well, did you already tell her what you wanted to do with the bull? It sounds like you should express your concern to her and better set the ground rules for your role and behavior when you are with the bull and when you are outside the bedroom (or back seat of the van or…). Tell her that you want this to be viewed as Roll Play, like an actor in a movie or on stage. Whatever happens, the situation will evolve and change and you need to be ready to work with it.

              If your marriage and friendship is strong then it will survive. If not, it was already on the rocks. Since you opened Pandora’s box you need to deal with it and not going through with it will leave the wife frustrated, and diminishes you in her eyes for having failed to go through with something you “promised”. If you don’t go through with it she will have a secret affair eventually.

              My suggestion is when screening the bull make respecting you outside the bedroom a condition. When you meet for the initial screening if he is respectful and follows all the rules you set then do it. Have the understanding that you will contact him if there is to be a repeat and talk to the wife after, see how she treats you. Also check out Fetlife for discussions on dominance and submission and this site for definition of Alpha cuck. Tell them that even when you submit “in the scene” you want to be Alpha cuck when outside the scene.

            • JandJ
                Post count: 4

                Neither of us is interested in the entire cuckold thing. Both of us are interested in the Hotwife aspect, where she gets satisfied sexually while I get to watch and then “reclaim” her. Again, I only fear the aftermath, like how will she ever respect me again for letting her take a more dominant lover

              • Say_Oy
                  Post count: 66

                  Ask her.
                  And is it really respect that you want or are you afraid she won’t love you after great cock? If she says you can reclaim her then I think that is your answer… she is partly doing this for you.
                  And back to the original suggestion. Let her go alone the first time so you can’t cock block her at the last minute. Then have her tell you and show you pictures / video while you reclaim her.

                • JandJ
                    Post count: 4

                    Very interesting idea. We’ve talked extensively about this but always said she could only go by herself once we were both very comfortable with the guy. I am ok with a regular thing for her but only if we both like the guy

                  • Anonymous
                      Post count: 27

                      Maybe a few social get togethers and let your wife do a little flirting could help,Build up to the big event slowly.continue with role play and graduate into threesoms.A tip for her first solo meet with her Bull..Keep yourself busy that nigh/Day..catch up with a Friend/Go play golf or what ever it is you enjoy doing.And what ever you do don’t annoy your partner by texting every ten minutes..Relax and embrace the tidal wave of emotions that are about to flood you.

                    • WillTell
                        Post count: 3

                        hi. i’m no shrink and i dont play one on tv. but when a hubby sabotages the culmination of their role play and real swinging adventures, well, then, bucko, it’s time to assess and address what’s holding you back. if you got a great wife and marriage, you talk this through. let her know the anxiety you feel. she is a wife and a woman and therefore smarter than you and me. she will figure out the answer and the way to overcome your hesitancy. she will make it work. let her. let her lead.let her set out boundaries with you and your bull. and dont get amped up and bent out of shape if the edges of the agreement get blurred a bit. it’s ok. it’s sex. it’s fucking. enjoy the hottest live porn show you ever will see. this is not going to be a problem … tell her you love her. tell her to say the same to you while she is getting fucked. that will reignite the ties that bind… until you go and try, you have no data and no path to resolution. just a frustrated wife who will get pissed at you for that… self fulfilling prophecy coming at you…. be ready. time to put your toe in the water.

                      • Anonymous
                          Post count: 44

                          It sounds like she really wants this and you want it as well. Just tell her that you agree that from here she is in charge and will make the decisions. In return she will agree to deliver to you a really sexy hotwife. Enjoy all that she has to offer. Enjoy watching and enjoy her freshly fucked pussy.

                        • viperco
                            Post count: 9

                            I think if we are honest with ourselves we all had some of the same anxieties when starting out. If you went to the edge of this based on what you and your wife want, then go though the door to the other side to really see what pleasure it can bring both of you. You can always stop if you and your wife agree. As for fear of losing her to a bigger cock, that will not usually happen if you both want to have a hot wife marriage.

                          • skylars_cuck
                              Post count: 1

                              This is an old post but it kinda describes my situation. We both agreed to try the hot wife/ cuckold thing n we selected a bull but I have the same fear of where it ends up. So I fear committing to it. I read all the posts but it’s easier to be said than done

                            • Anonymous
                                Post count: 1

                                Yes committing is hard

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