Home discussion Lifestyle Discussions Getting Started Can use advise on my wife knowing..

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    • #33643

        Hello all, I was thinking about leaving this site open on my computer and a few other searches about How do I tell my wife I want her to fuck other men, maybe cuckolding stuff, watching only, All so she can think she found it on her own and i get caught and now its out there, really would like to know anyone’s true advise on what I am thinking of doing,, Thanks

      • #33740

          Or suggestions at all?

        • #33745

            Its a good start. If you think that will spark her interest and knowing you would be open to it.

          • #33746

              She will ask you what this is most likely and “confess” to her this is the type of kink you are into. Hopefully, she will have sex with other men because she loves you and wants you to be happy. kik robvanjan

            • #33859

                All people are different and what works for one couple may not work for others. Personally, I think “leaving the site open” is a bit weak and could easily be misunderstood by your wife as simple porn watching.

                How many hours have you been spending on these fantasies? 100? 1000? 10000? Even if your wife has had the same desires, I’m almost certain you have several times more spent on this.

                If you want – and really want – her to be with other men, you have to be more direct and risk taking. Remember how you won her heart long time ago? Did you discretely left the menu card for a restaurant in her school bag or did you risk a no and asked her out?

                Whisper in her ears one day you have sex how you fantasize about her with other men. Plant a thought in her mind, wait, water the thought next time, step by step lead her mind in the same direction. And then one day, when the time feels right propose her more openly about taking next steps.

              • #33869

                  Great thoughts Voyercuck admire your directness and intelligent way..

                • #35758

                    I get asked this question all the time, and the harsh truth is that you are not “ready” for this lifestyle. A strong and healthy cuckold relationship requires tremendous strength and courage on the part of the cuckold. If you are “afraid” to talk to your wife about your sex life, you are 100 miles away from starting a real one.

                    You are still in the realm of fantasy play and if you decide to embark on this lifestyle, it will destroy your relationship.

                    A cuckold is not a “weak” man, quite the opposite. A cuckold is a “brave” man. What he is not, is potent, virile, or sexually relevant. But the other qualities, which is what most women seek, “strength of character, loyalty, security” that is why your wife will embrace the lifestyle.

                    Women are rational thinkers when it comes to sex and relationships. They weigh the odds, and the pros and cons. Men are less rational when it comes to sex. We go on instinct. That is why women choose not to have sex more often than men. That is why women choose to pursue certain relationships and “not” others.

                    If your wife believes that you will never leave her, that your relationship is secure enough – she will have relationships with as many men as she likes.

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