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    • #9651
    • #11532


        By the new layout, looks like there was a revamp to the site.

        At the moment, I’m unable to access the chat, Java.

        Click the button and I don’t see anything happening.

        Can see others have made it in, so perhaps something with chat changed and I need to change a setting?


      • #11535

          No issues this evening, getting into the chat.

        • #15143

            i joined this site as a member on monday but used it a few times as a visitor but i am unable to enter the chat room as it keeps saying jn735 access rejected from your ip address. i have messaged the moderators a few times to solve the problem but i am not getting any replies

          • #17577

              It’s strange but my avatar pic keeps disappearing in the chatroom. I’ve uploaded it three times to my profile and it was on display but after I logged out and logged in again it disappeared.
              I am not talking about my CM profile but my CM Chat profile pic.

            • #17578

                The new chat does have issues with the avatar disappearing. At this point I don’t have a solution other than resetting it and reloading the page. If I find out more, I’ll share it.

              • #17579

                  Thank you Luvr.

                • #17606

                    for 22 hours i have not been able to login into chat. I login to the site but if I want to join to the chatit sasys that I have to login. I login again, select the chat and it says I am still not logged in.
                    It happens in Opera and Chrome.
                    In Firefox it says I should log in but at last it lets me in.

                  • #17609

                      That happened to me today. I logged out of chat, logged out of the site, closed my browser (Firefox), came back, logged in, and then went to the chat launch page http://cuckoldmarriage.info/chat/ and it was fine.

                    • #17617

                        Hello, I cant seem to the get the chat module to load. Can you please help?

                        All I get is this

                        CUCKOLD MARRIAGE INFO CHAT ROOM

                        Private messages are disabled for guests (not logged in to the site). Home (new tab) | Chat Rules | Chat Instructions | Log In/Register (free)

                      • #17618

                          Same here. I can’t login at all. I login to the main site but the chat page allways identifies me as guest. 🙁

                        • #17669

                            Login now works but my name does not appear on the list of chat users. 🙁

                          • #18882

                              as of the last few days when I go to the chat i don’t get the members list.

                              if i then click on the mobile chat i get it but it thinks i’m not logged in. If i go back to the home page i’m still logged in and everything is fine.

                              any one else having such problems?

                            • #20092

                                I am having sporadic issues seeing the chat member list – the blue thingy on the right randomly doesn’t show up. First time I thought it was an anomaly but it has happened twice since then within a week.

                                Any help would be appreciated.

                              • #20099

                                  Anyone here who can help with the problem of the chat list not showing?

                                • #20296

                                    Chatroom is not loading for me either. Not in mobile or desktop. =(

                                  • #20970

                                      Having troubles with the chat room the last couple of days. Won’t load for me now.

                                    • #21256

                                        Good evening when i refreshed my page after getting home form work. My chat popup isnt working i have turned off my ad block and preformed a disk clean up and nothing works help please

                                      • #21258

                                          Chat room not working for me either. Ok last night, but logged in this morning and the chat popup doesn’t work.

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