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    • rvaCuck
        Post count: 10

        I am currently deployed with the the military. My beautiful wife texted me tonight and asked if it was ok that she fucks one of our friends. She was already planning on sleeping overnight at his house because she had had a few too many drinks. She has fucked him in the past when I was away or when he stayed over at our house. I lover her so much, and of course I have her permission to guck him. I did ask for details later…

      • Denied
          Post count: 25

          Lovely story and nice that she phones you to ask permission. Or maybe just to tell you so you’ll be thinking about it all night. Don’t push her for details let her tell you in her own way she is doing this for her pleasure not yours. You will see in her eyes how it went. You love her and want her to be happy and she had found a lover who she prefers over you. You say he is one of your friends. How does that feel when you see him?

        • rvaCuck
            Post count: 10

            She called me this morning and told me about her extended orgasm from being fucked in multiple positions last night.

          • Snuffy
              Post count: 12

              sounds nice,
              in a controlled way she gets to unharness the sexual energy she has pent up, in your absence, with your Blessing.
              I am sure that when you return home there will be some incredible energy flowing between you …. and your lucky friend… does he know you know?
              I am the friend who is blessed with a lover whos husband endorses our sexual relationship, and it will be in 15 years… the right people can turn into a long term benefit to all.

              thank you for sharing and for your service.

              be safe.

            • onthesidekines
                Post count: 24

                Just a few quick questions.

                How long have you been deployed. Have been deployed five times over the years to some real shitty armed vacation locations. My former wife (widower here) used to wait at least a month before going on dates.

                I always knew her friends with benifits having met them before deployments. I may not have seen them together however I had met the guy.

              • rvaCuck
                  Post count: 10

                  Currently I have been away a little over a month. This is my sixth shitey armed vacation location. I have met and am on good terms with all of her lovers.

                • onthesidekines
                    Post count: 24

                    Wow 6th deployment. You are either a real rare special job person or you really pissed someone off.

                    • rvaCuck
                        Post count: 10

                        Probably a little of both. But I do get to do some cool stuff. And it’s fun (and agonizing)to get updates from the wife while I am away.

                    • lola-breed (couple)
                        Post count: 2

                        I am self isolated with my husband. I am not complaining but we have been planning to see with our bull. He cannot arrive because of flight delay and borders closing :-(. It has to be such a wonderfull Easter…

                        • rvaCuck
                            Post count: 10

                            Sorry to hear that. I hope he eventually gets to visit.

                            • lola-breed (couple)
                                Post count: 2

                                Sorry 🙁 No way to see each other soon. And it is getting worse, there is no even sign of seeing soon. But he is a real gentleman. He has just found a way to make me happy. He has ordered online a new vibrator for me and set my delivery address. My husband will take care of me using the toy that my lover has chosen. It is somehow a way to be with both of them anyway…. 🙂

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