Marriage Evolved discussion Looking For Someone Males Seeking A Cuckoldress cuck relationship PA or willing to move fetlife:seekingapurpose

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    • Jes
        Post count: 5

        ou may have seen some of my other posts on multiple groups. But like the key concept of marketing, nobody will by your product if they don’t know its for sale. In the past I have always seek a woman who was more of the “queen of spades/black only” category. This was more to do with upbringing than popularity from porn. For years I spoke to 100’s of women about relocating for my cuck relationship. Most of the time I couldn’t move but now I am unattachment free. After so many talks it becomes hard to even see how even a couple who have been together for years could even make a cuckold relationship work, let alone start it from the start. Also, there is so many reasons why a woman would want cuckold relationship that really have nothing to do with the cuck. Many just want the freedom they didn’t get well they were married but also have sex with her partner, some like the idea of a more passive male partner but don’t want to include other men, some want a cuck who is there during sex but isn’t involved at all, some just enjoy humiliating /name call, or the “ I 100% want this for 2 days then disappears “and many already have partners and just want to try a cuck for a night. I’ve been a third supporter for a number of couples and have actually been the passive cuck so to speak many times. So good times some didn’t understand what I was seeking.

        I some get upset when they say you have to have a woman to be a cuck. I understand that but I cant help that I found the cuckolding notch at a young age and ever sense its been a cooping mechanism ever since. Its not at all about feeling unworthy. I don’t feel or want to feel any less of a man. I’ve lived a very macho type of life I would say. From the military, physically demanding jobs, lifting etc. It’s about the worship and the sacrifice. The more I give the more I worship. It’s about accepting a role that most men would rather die than to be in. Its being able to do things that would completely strip you of your masculinity in the eyes of most woman. But as a cuck you’re not labeled straight, bi, gay. Being a cuck Is its own sexually mindset. I need a woman who understands that I need her to want a CUCK relationship. Not a open relationship, not a swinging relationship, not a poly relationship. Not a “you go out get fuck and come home “relationship. But a true cuckold team partnership. One where sex isn’t compete without her cuck eating his and her cum. Where she loves the idea than whenever her jaw gets tired that she can call her cuck in for cuck sucking. But without thinking less of him for doing so. She wants a cuck licking her clit each time she fucks not just on special occasions. She should be more about a partnership than pleasure, even though in most cases she should have both. To me she should be more than just a woman, she should be a purpose.

      • Lancelot
          Post count: 19

          Thanks for an articulate post, Jes. My only quibble is a semantic one. If you are a man seeking a cuckoldry-based relationship, but dont have a partner, that would him more of an ‘aspiring’ or ‘wannabe’ cuck. There is no shame in this, of course, but I think it’s worth pointing out. Anyways, good luck in finding your partner for this.

        • Professor
            Post count: 29

            I dont know if my words will bring any clarity to this or not. But a cuckold is a mindset. If you believe you are a cuckold, then you are one. The issue that you have is that you aren’t acting like a cuckold at all.

            I have written about this in the past on this site. A cuckold is not a “weak” man, in fact he is a “brave” man. He is just not sexually relevant to the relationship. That is all the cuckolding means, sex in the relationship. Your wife, your partner, does not NEED you sexually.

            If you can concentrate on the non-sexual aspects and build a strong and loving relationship, then any woman will cuckold you. You seem to think there is a “unicorn” woman that will cuckold you. But every woman will if you are truly yourself.

            Women are kinder and more compassionate people than you “assume” that’s been your problem all along.

          • Anonymous
              Post count: 2

              Well, my goodness, don’t we have the experts answering this post! Cuckolds come in many different flavors, with many different desires and needs. Many different styles of this life are lived by a diverse group of people. No one fits in the same peg hole!

              Jes, I totally get what you are saying, even if others want you to “fit” into their idea of what that peg hole should look like! Don’t let anyone tell you anything different than what you want and see for yourself!


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