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    • Ed
        Post count: 1

        Hi my wife is looking to experience a Dom bull. Hung more than myself. She wants to cuck me and have me submit to him, suck his cock and eat his cum from her pussy. Is this a cuckolds job?

      • Luvr
          Post count: 288

          Ed, what your ‘job’ is should be determined by you two as a couple. I’ll admit that this is my third re-write of this reply because the other two I simply call you out as a male dick chaser, but perhaps I’m wrong.

          Such overt male/male acts do happen and do happen to heterosexual cuckolds as an expression of submission. Withing that context, it’s part of this community, but when it becomes a matter of a bisexual or entirely gay male hiding behind this lifestyle for an agenda of his own, I take issue with it.

          Rarely do I ever see a wife new to this lifestyle express ANY interest in those acts.

          Everyone is free to draw their own conclusions and reply as they choose to.

        • MrROCKhard8inches
            Post count: 3

            I read a post where a guy said he had to wear a chastity type belt.
            I do Not want to do that.
            I want to masturbate while I watch and even have limited physical participation pleasing my wife.

            Am I on the wrong forum? Is that what a “cuckold” has to do?

          • Ralph
              Post count: 13

              My first and only, so far, cuckolding experience concerned a man who had a medical condition that prevented him from having an erection. I substituted for him in “servicing” his wife.
              However, should I ever again be a Bull, I would require my naked cuck to wear a chastity device while I am present and servicing his wife. It is not about his pleasure, it’s about hers. I would also want him to be present during the sexual encounter. Attending to his wife or me, taking any videos or pictures, but all the time unable to touch and satisfy himself. Once I leave the house, or where ever the encounter took place, he can remove the chastity device.

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