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    • Coffee
        Post count: 28

        Hey there!

        We have tried a couple of devices, but none of them work well for me. It’s something we think is fun, but havnt found the right fit.

        The CB6000s left too much room for me to grow, and even purchasing the XL ring they offer still left enough room for me to slip out.

        I have big balls, so.. somewhere between the XL ring they offer, and the largest that comes with the device seems to be what I need.

        However.. it’s tough to go spend a few hundred dollars on something that might end up being unsuitable.

        I’m under 4 inches.. havnt tape measures in forever, but I think on the end side of 3. (While erect). So I’m probably in the minority. The nub cages would probably work best, or if there is another extra small option out there.

        Would love to hear which you folks use.

      • desertsub
          Post count: 3

          When we first started chastity (about 6 years ago) we tried several of the off the shelf cages, the last one being the CB6000s, which was also too small for me. Like you I HAD big balls. We found that I had very low testosterone levels a couple of years ago and I was started on testosterone injections. At that point we were told that there was a medication I could take that would prevent my testicles from shrinking, otherwise they would atrophy. My wife told the doc “He doesn’t need it!” and sure enough, my balls are much smaller now!

          Anyway, when my wife decided that she wanted me locked most of the time she had me order a custom cage from Mature Metal. I already knew what base ring diameter fit me best and after talking with them at Mature Metal and telling them how the tube on the CB6000s fit they recommended sizing that would fit me better. We ordered a custom sized Jail Bird cage from them and I have been locked in it for around 90% of the time for close to 6 years now. It is an open design so hygiene is not a problem. It is money well spent if you’re serious about long term chastity. A properly sized cage is extremely comfortable and can be worn indefinitely. I do have to put a bit of silicone lube at the base of the base ring every morning but that is all.

          This is my Jail Bird;

        • Coffee
            Post count: 28

            Wow! That’s awesome! And I really like the cage design you have. I don’t think I’m ever going to not be into chastity, along with everything else 🙂 thanks for the pointers!

          • allistan
              Post count: 13

              There are a lot of size and design options at dhgate ..very inexpensive to find what works for you..Slow shipping but the quality on what I have gotten has been very good..

            • motley
                Post count: 79

                Agree with allistan. trick is to find the correct base ring diameter (around penis and balls) that will remain in place even when everything is loose.

              • Anonymous
                  Post count: 5

                  We had the same issues when getting me caged , it’s really not easy getting a good fitting cage.

                  Ideally you’d get it custom made, there are places that will build to order but it isn’t cheap or practical for most.

                  My first cage was a steel cage with fixed ring but I couldn’t get my balls through. The cage itself was too big but the ring was too small. I ended up going through several cages before getting the one I wear now which isn’t perfect either.

                  It’s a small steel cage which is still a bit too big but the ring is hinged so it opens up and then closes behind the balls with the locking mechanism holding it in place. I’d suggest getting one with a hinge since its overall more adjustable and very secure. The only problem I have with my current cage is that it is pretty heavy so we’re thinking of shopping for a plastic one and then using the steel cage for special occassions.

                • 40HSquirter
                    Post count: 28

                    My husband has a very small dick or more of a clit but huge balls. The normal rings were to small. We finally found a 3d printed cage with a 65 mm ring. This is the first device he can wear for days with out his balls turning blue.

                    When I want to totally prevent erections, I use the micro tube. He can achieve a partial erection with the small tube. We found this on OXY.

                    • Cuckboye
                        Post count: 11

                        Do you have a picture? We have been looking for something similar, but I have smaller testicles.

                    • spin419
                        Post count: 17

                        HT-V4 knockoff from Amazon’s Fyjennic store

                      • spin419
                          Post count: 17

                          Caged play

                        • NMCpl505
                            Post count: 1

                            I’ve been in a FLR for the better part of 47 years of marriage and for the last eight years +/- my wife has locked me in several different types of cages. She has never felt like I needed to be locked on permanent basis until a couple of months ago.
                            A few days ago she sat me down to explain how it was going to be going forward and that she has already ordered a new device for my permanent locking of my cock. It is from Koalaswim and is described as a Munchkin Hardcore Inverted with Padlock Male Chastity Cock Cage. In looing at this device my only real concern, aside from a bit afraid of the affects of being locked in this permanently, is that it states that one must also insert the penis plug, aka Cather.
                            I’ve heard that some men have had bad experiences with catchers while others had no problems.
                            This is going to happen even over my concerns so I’m hoping to get as much insight from other users of what I need to be aware of.
                            Thank you.

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