Marriage Evolved discussion Role Discussions Submissive Husbands ED issues in threesomes

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    • Voyeurcuck
        Post count: 131

        My wife and I have had a few nights with either other couples or with an extra man. The last one’s by far the most rewarding for my wife (and me).

        The threesomes have been without the “typcial” cuckold setups and me and the other guy were supposed to “serve” my wife equally. But every time I discover serious issues with my erection, I struggled getting hard enough to penetrate or suddenly got flaccid inside my wife.

        Normally, I would say I’m about okay and no major ED issues. But when in threesomes something else kicks in. Last time, i even took a pill (low content) to be safe, but it didn’t seem to help much. And the more flaccid I got, the harder the other man’s cuck seems to be and the longer he fucked my wife

        Do other cucks experience the same? Is it a natural way of reacting as cuck or can something be done to help?

      • GoddessMarianne
          Post count: 12

          Excellent timing. As we evolve in our cuckold relationship. We both occasionally desire lovemaking, when Marianne does not have a lover such as now, we make love more frequently and the more we attempt the more I am unable to penetrate our maintain an an erection OR orgasm. Inversely when she is with a lover/bull especially when I am not present I am like a teenage boy. Hard as a steel rod and even a short video or listen on phone … very little stimulant and I will explode in a orgasm and yes see lights, images and stars. I sense it is many things biological, mental or ultimately who we are meant to be. We both believe the more we follow this the better it will be for both of us.

        • TransStar
            Post count: 140

            ED does occur more frequently with age. It is one of the reasons I have encouraged wife to find a lover or sex partner. It’s also a reason why I would like her to require me being castrated. It would take away the option of her being pleasured by my penis. And the stress of me needing to perform. Plus, she is very assertive and sometimes I resist her leadership. We would likely get along much better if she would demand control instead of being assertive and attempting to share leadership at home. Perhaps some day she will realize the many benefits of a more compliant sub husband.

          • Anonymous
              Post count: 44

              This is all so normal and you are ready to be a good cuckold. If you need to perform you are not able to but when you watch you get hard as a rock and if not caged will ejaculate. Enjoy watching in your cage and enjoy the feeling of being hard but unable to ejaculate. You will be so ready to be a good cuckold hubby and perform your part by cleaning your wife and her lover.

            • spin419
                Post count: 18

                ED would be a complete non-issue for me. Mine wouldn’t be the dick of record anyway. You go in with the attitude you’re gonna be doing other stuff, more supportive in nature. That would just assure it.

              • cutdickasian
                  Post count: 12

                  Calling it ED would not be the right thing in my opinion. You get erection when you are supposed to and you don’t when you are not supposed to.

                  Cuckold is more about the brain and mentality than about private parts. Yes a cuck having a small dick etc helps adding into the experience but its all about the mentality of an alpha male, a beta male and his hotwife.

                  With time brain rewires itself and I believe this is a smooth transition of a cuck’s sexuality of what he’s supposed to be. One dick that’s supposed to work is gonna work at that time. Other one is going to get humiliated.

                • Cuckaroo_banzai
                    Post count: 21

                    I’ve never done one but I think for me it would be rock hard or shrunken inside of me. No in between!

                  • rem503
                      Post count: 16

                      My limp penis aches for my wife to be with her steady boyfriend. It isnt hard anymore so I love how my bride is fucked by her boyfriend.

                    • quiet5hubby
                        Post count: 5

                        Accpeting the ED issue and keeping my wife happy with a lover makes our world just fine now

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