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    • Elleetmoi
        Post count: 2

        About us:
        20 years married, 5 years ago at my request (the husband) launched with cuckoldry. First as a roleplay. My wife did it more to please me than to please herself. She wanted from the beginning only dating without me. But the situation has changed. A year ago my wife encountered her true lover. Since then, I have to learn to accept what is to be a real cuck. She chose 100% for her lover. She desires emotional and sexual only to him. She is loyal to her lover. she says “I am so from him, take it or leave it” Since then she prefer only enjoying herzelf at home afther her dates and want me no more around….Please react? Is this ultimate or ruined cuckoldry marriage?

      • Luvr
          Post count: 288

          Cuckolding is meant to be something shared between you – she’s being completely selfish in it and has not made this something that you share in together. You can either accept being her victim (she’s basically cheating on you since you share no part in this) or you can have it stopped unless or until this is an extension of your relationship and not a replacement of it.

        • Elleetmoi
            Post count: 2

            Thank you for you replay luvr.


            My wife pushes the boundaries again!!!
            Dating with her lover without consulting me and by all of her own principles she received her lover for the first time at home when a was go working.
            She wants her lover as now more and more at home and as soon as possible in our bed.
            She says: I am full of my lover and you must live with that. I’m his (fuck) wife, I do everything for my lover. and yes, I fantasize about him makes me pregnant
            Enjoying after her afaire with me does not work anymore together. She sends me to the bedroom and I hear her after enjoying all the night long when she is downstairs.

            How pure it is, the better it works for us. No game but real.

            All advise and reactions are very welcome

          • RedFrenchDoors
              Post count: 4

              There really isn’t a lot more to add in terms of a reaction beyond what Luvr has already observed.

              I do pick up one slightly different connotation between your first and second posts. Are you saying that you are so masochistic that you enjoy her rejecting you? Is this rejection the way she includes you?

              You said in your second post though, “No game but real.” If her rejection of you is real then as Luvr pointed out you really don’t have an arrangement including wife/cuck/bull – it is simply a cheating wife and her boyfriend.

              And he should know how to lead things so that all three of you are included. The absence of this description in your posts supports Luvr’s original observation.

            • Thehusband
                Post count: 25

                Hi Elleetmoi!

                Your case is very common. If you like, fine! But beware you must have a role in the trio: if you are sissy, you can be housemaid, for example, and to be your best confidant. Women love to be princesses. If you not are sissy, you can just accept the fact like a man beta.

                However it is still a dangerous marriage. To not end the marriage you have to show, without pressing, you are the one who loves more your wife.

                Before, I think, you should have a talk with your wife about your person in her life.

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