Marriage Evolved discussion Looking For Someone Couples Seeking Men experienced NC couple seeking Dom

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    • carolinacuckandwife
        Post count: 15

        my Hotwife, Cheryl, and i are searching for a Dom to participate with us in our cuckold marriage. we are both quite experienced in the lifestyle and we are now looking for more than a Bull to satisfy Cheryl sexually. i have been a cuckold to my wife for many years and i am submissive to her in all aspects of our personal life. i am also submissive to her sexually in addition to being submissive to her chosen partners. we are not looking for a Bull with the largest cock imaginable to impale her pussy with his balls slapping against her ass as he fills her tight pussy with cum (although this is quite agreeable to both of us ;-) we are, instead, looking for a Dom to lead us both through all aspects of our cuckold marriage. we do expect her Dom to include me as her cuckold in some fashion which would include me being present to watch, listen, photograph, or serve both Hotwife and Dom in some fashion in maybe 1 out of 6 couplings so that we can avoid the feeling of her simply cheating on me with someone simply trying to nail a piece of married pussy. i am in my fifties and she is in her forties. we have been corresponding with LUVR and we have submitted ourselves to be “verified” on this site. we are located in north carolina but a little travel is not completely out of the question.


      • Anonymous
          Post count: 3

          Very nice.   I’d like to chat with you.  

        • Lyle
            Post count: 4


            I am quite impressed with your verification story and your post here.  Are you still looking for the evasive Bull?  Please let me know as I would be very interested in hearing more about you two and your desires.  I too am in North Carolina – not Charlotte mind you – fairly close by.  Thanks.  Please feel free to email me at  I hope to hear from you soon.


          • carolinacuckandwife
              Post count: 15

              Lyle, sent you an email. we’re also on yahooIM as carolinacuckandwife

            • bullman4us
                Post count: 9

                Detailed message sent to you on YIM

              • dahar253
                  Post count: 1

                  Great post and I am very nearby …and currently without a couple . I am 5’11” @ 184 lbs , 50 years old boxer and masters swimmer , single , with 8 “, and two graduate degrees , working in my own business harvin253@gmail.comunnamed.jpg

                • redkitten
                    Post count: 10

                    Hi, I am in SC and new to all tbis. I am a sub and my wife dominant. I would like to follow ya’ll relationship as I know I’ll never satisfy my wife in the love making area. Thanks for the posts.

                  • bd83
                      Post count: 11

                       Hi Carolina c&w,

                      I’m not sure of which part of the state you’re residing.  I’m on the coast in Wilmington and interested, as well as experienced.  I look forward to hearing from you if there’s interest.


                    • carolinacuckandwife
                        Post count: 15

                        Yahoo IM at carolinacuckandwife or


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