Marriage Evolved discussion Role Discussions Submissive Husbands Fantasy vs. The Real Thing.

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    • Anonymous
        Post count: 4


        Personally, my fiancée and I have role-played and added some crazy fantasies during sexual intercourse. Lately, during our usual acitivites I’ve had the fantasy of seeing her get impregnated by another man such as a Bull. There are limits to our “word-play”, but this fantasy has sparked incredible satisfaction in my mind and she wonders what drives me so wild during sex. I love to share with her, but I fear this one may go too far, although she’s fine with another man joining us or her enjoying a man alone. I just thought I’d share this trivial story.

      • Anonymous
          Post count: 6

          Being cucked is one thing but bringing a child into this world is completely different. That is a HUGE step. Once you are married and the both of you are truly ready to be parents I would say then is the time to talk about.

          Until then, have fun! You and her can still role-play that fantasy with her lovers if she is on the pill.

        • dany
            Post count: 3

            I have the same fantasy sometime, seeing her get impregnated by a Bull that is. I’ve told my fiancée that I’d like to share her with another man, but I have yet to admit about the cuckold fantasy. I think fantasies are good as long as you can separate reality from fiction. Let me explain. In the heat of the moment, things seem exciting and fun, but when one sits down and really thinks about the whole picture, it’s a totally different story. I have weighed my relationship, talked to some men online, and discovered that there is a reality afterwards, once the first cuckold act has been performed by the couple and their Bull. In this reality, you have to think about the solidity, the level of trust of your relationship because you both have to live with your decision afterwards. Some men told me that one’s wife may develop incredible emotional bonds with her Bull, despite promising not too, and that’s part of the risk. However, once I sat down and thought about this, I’m confident about my relationship and I know we would enjoy an incredible cuckold lifestyle, but I have to let and give her time to decide.

          • Anonymous
              Post count: 216

              I had not choice when it came to my wife at the time being impregnated by another guy. I had no idea she was fucking another guy and had been for more than a year. When she told me she had developed a chronic yeast infection and could not have sex with me until it cleared up I believed her. Months went by without intercourse and really no sex at all. I had no idea she had come off the pill and they were trying to get her pregnant. of course they had to make sure my seed did not get in her cunt during this time.
              My wife did not come out and tell me she was having an affair. Instead she informed me that she was pregnant and I was not the father.

              My world feel apart in that moment. But not to get into all the details, I begged my wife to stay with me, that I would raise the kid as mine, that I would accept the world knowing it was his kid, that I would be okay with them still fucking, whatever she wanted. I was willing to be submissive to another man in our marriage. But she wanted him and she divorced me.

            • JsCuck
                Post count: 54

                So sad to hear that Dan. It is a lot to process and I hope your current adventure helps.

              • Bdoon
                  Post count: 1

                  What a difference! Fantasy is not real but reality came way too quick!y. My sleek sexy Italo American wife and I played with “other man/dildo” fantasy like many couples. Both of us left our first marriages to be together. Making love 3-4 times a week.
                  Debbie had casually mentioned an intern at her job cracking on her a number of times in our games
                  The night I will always remember I lay in bed watching her take her clothes off and she just said . unexpectedly ” I might do it”. I asked her WTF she was talking about? Her response caught my attention “.I am going to go to lunch with Byron”. I said “Lunch? Who the fuck is Byron?”
                  The next moment completely changed our lives. I cannot forget it.
                  With only stocking and heels on , her back to me she said ‘You know…( she was now bending over. her beautiful tight but full ass pointing at me as she pulled off a shoe) Byron, the intern at work asked me to lunch again” “What?” was all I could say as I caught my breath. “You know, Byron…the intern…that tall young black guy you met at the Christmas party”
                  I was too stunned to answer. I felt so weak and dizzy as she climbed into bed with me. The next morning as she headed out the door on that tight skirt she said “Call me”.but what I noticed was she did not kiss me goodbye…something she always did.
                  My thoughts were bugging me all morning at work..confusion, anger, resentment but also an undercurrent of excitement I did not want to acknowledge
                  A couple times I actually focused out on an image of Debbie with this kid.but snapped out of it.
                  At 1 PM I figured she would be back for lunch if she actually.had gone to lunch with him. I called… no answer. I called again…no answer
                  That weak dizzy feeling from last night came over me. Called again about an hour later and every 20 minutes after that. I had to actually calm myself down. The receptionist at her office told me she went to lunch and had called later that she had a personal emergency and would be back tomorrow. Oh my God …I pretended to work.but continued calling her. My mind was racing…divorce,.images of her and him though I really did not know what he looked like..
                  racist thoughts, words filling my head…nigger…whore but I was fully aware I had a hardon and was being overcome by this powerful but very submissive sexual excitement I had never felt before…not even when we played.
                  At 6 PM when I was home going crazy she called. I will spare the details but to summarize..
                  ” At the motor inn with Byron…he is at least twice the man you are ..I wish you were here…I have been coming over and over..soon as I think there is really this huge black couch me…for real, I have had incredible orgasms like I have never had before…sorry I did not call…I felt, realized I was completely powerless…helpless..I could hardly speak. Reality.Reality…here and now..About 9 PM she came home …she smelled like alcohol and other things and said wait until she had a shower. She was totally unapologetic and seemed to enjoy her couched ( and overt) humiliating talk. All she wanted was for me to go down on her I expected myself to get angry and walk out but it did not happen. Wednesday she told me they had gone out again when she returned about midnite. Thursday night as I started to fall asleep she told me…commanded me to make sure our house was clean as Byron was coming over Saturday nite..Why could I not at least protest? Why was I staying with her?
                  I will not get into Saturday nite..only to say I was completely diminished when Debbie made me drop my pants next to that 5 lb roll of black meat hanging between his legs. Debbie loved it …vomiting humiliating verbal .verbiage over me even as she was kissing him while making me tongue her ass with lube all over my tongue so it went all the way in. I will never forget the way they both laughed at me and I took it.
                  Debbie kept me engaged all nite but only with my tongue and fingers.
                  Hours later after Byron had left and we were in bed she told me she really loved me but this was going to be a regular thing from now on. When she wrapped her hand around my semi hard ” dickie,” she called it I had an explosion of orgasm like I had never had before.
                  For the next few months this was my reality …but after Christmas it was Byron and a friend of his. My mind had become totally warped to succor her desires. Even at work people noticed I was different
                  And then, one Friday nite she told me two of Byron’s friends would be even tomorrow and he had agreed they all would fuck me as well as her
                  Saturday morning I left Debbie
                  It has been ,2 years and she still calls me or stops by to get me to return. Neither one of us wants to go thru divorce shit again and I. believe she thinks she will get me back.
                  I do not pry with her though she still is so sensuous looking. I know she is dating a white guy and I often feel like warning him but realize that would imply she still has a hold on me
                  I am slowly recovering and have started seeing someone but I often have ED problems. This lady however is deep and thoughtful and I have shared a little of my former life with her. We do not play fantasy games though I know she wants to sometimes.
                  Funny before this wonderful lady the only women I was attracting were white women married to black men. One of them actually told me she wished she had married a man like me and had her husband on the side as her lover…we never went out again.
                  Reality never aligns with fantasy. Reality is overwhelming and you cannot compartelize your life.. You are what you do.
                  I still get very excited thinking about Debbie but I no longer act on my insanity and I get happier each day.


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