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Tagged: risk
March 31, 2019 at 1:24 pmPost count: 2Hi all
New to the site and new to cuckolding as well. My wife and I have talked about it for a couple of years but have not moved forward yet. We have been inching closer but have not pulled the trigger yet.
We have discussed whether it makes more sense for the first time to be with someone she or I already know? Or if it should be with a stranger? I would be curious to hear your thoughts on this.
We both agree that someone we know would be safer but obviously there are risks involved when you introduce a friend into a relationship like this. She is more comfortable if it were either an ex-boyfriend or an old fuck buddy. Do you think that is playing with fire? I want her to be as comfortable as possible.
Curious as to what your thoughts are on this?
I appreciate it!
James -
ParticipantApril 1, 2019 at 9:06 amPost count: 54Her comfort is the most important thing here. My advice would be to warm her up to the idea, but if she decides to really move to the next step, to let her choose her Bull.
April 2, 2019 at 5:02 amPost count: 2I won’t lie, the humiliation factor of her fucking a friend or an ex boyfriend is very hot in my opinion.
December 24, 2019 at 1:33 amPost count: 11This is also my opinion. It must be very exciting and arousing. And the best choice.
ParticipantJuly 11, 2023 at 8:25 amPost count: 26I agree
April 9, 2019 at 2:07 amPost count: 6We are also working towards the next step. I would rather it be someone unknown to me. If she would go for it, I would be ok with her choosing an ex-boyfriend.
December 24, 2019 at 1:56 amPost count: 11You don’t have to be afraid of an ex-boyfriend.
She is with you and will remain so. If only because she gets this freedom from you.
In terms of pleasure, a good ex-boyfriend is a great choice and due to the intimate relationship that you both have had with your wife, a good opportunity for a deep friendship for three.
April 14, 2019 at 2:46 pmPost count: 8it needs to be a stranger for sure. the total anonymity will put her to ease and she can escape.
May 6, 2019 at 3:33 pmPost count: 1My wife and me, we are talking about this point, and we thought in an stranger was the best option. But…last wednesday a college´s friend invited her to go out. I was very excited because they were kissing. After that we talked, She wanna fuck him, she feels comfortable and she knows he is gentle. He lives 2 hours from here, so I want her to be his weekend girlfriend. What will happen? only missing five days!
Cathy & Jerry
ParticipantMay 8, 2019 at 1:10 pmPost count: 207We look forward to reading all about her time with her new lover. 🙂
June 16, 2019 at 5:05 amPost count: 92Please let us know how it is going so far. Have you taken the step?
Vegas Couple
June 21, 2019 at 5:23 pmPost count: 1The cuckold lifestyle is a completely different life than our regular lives. In other words it’s “The Big Dark Secret” of our lives.(LOL) Anyway, For the first few years she wanted only strangers that I would pick and she would decide yes or no. She wanted no friends to know about us, no family, no nothing. Total anonymity. Now she has relaxed a bit, has a steady boyfriend, and a couple other men that come over on occasion, depending on her mood. Friends in our opinion are a bad idea, because it changes the dynamics of the friendship. Could go south and you lose a friend out of it. So our opinion is stranger all the way.
November 29, 2019 at 3:50 pmPost count: 6it needs to be a stranger for sure. the total anonymity will put her to ease and she can escape.
I get this, but how can a person expect total anonymity in the age of social media? Do bulls respect the need for anonymity?
If so, then I will be much more confident looking for one!
ParticipantNovember 30, 2019 at 1:11 amPost count: 77for what its worth the first time is crucial. if we are with a stranger we can if we feel afterwards was a big mistake walk away and put it behind us. friends can get emotionally involved etc and may even let slip events. not good idea! the more rational way is to hav a holiday vacation event with a stranger we like and whom likes us. chemistry and interaction needed .relax more on holiday.away from home feel safe using hotel room etc. w may even find as many do that very first sexual encounter with another guy will occur without hubby in same room as. can often b inhibiting. thats an area you both need to discuss. dont just have sex with a stranger. to ‘achieve’ cuckold status. need to feel we have. a bit of humour. fun and warmth all round. if we get it right its very rewarding and can give lasting good memory and help us decide way to go forward or ..indeed of was not for us ..
December 24, 2019 at 1:46 amPost count: 11The best choice in my opinion would probably be a good ex-boyfriend.
Since the sexual inhibition threshold is lower and the joy of having sex together again is also an important factor in making it a beautiful first time.
Since the pleasure of the woman is always the focus and her happiness is mine, I personally accept every decision my wife makes.
You can also experiment with men and learn from mistakes. Your wife’s sexual biology chooses the right one.
Good luck and have fun. -
December 27, 2019 at 1:06 pmPost count: 9Hi James 1978
I’m new on here too and thought this was a really good post! My bf of 10 years told me he was into this lifestyle and I was hesitant at first, but intrigued and definitely have gotten really into it. I felt like I was starting from behind at first because he had been exploring his likes and dislikes for a lot longer than me. He was already at the point where he was thinking about specific guys fucking me when he told me about his fantasies. I felt like I needed some time to get to that point and we did a lot of role play, flirting, and watching porn before I actually slept with somebody else. In the end it was somebody we knew, a single male friend of mine who my bf had seen naked once and mentioned was huge (he was). It felt much more comfortable for me with somebody I knew and now having done both I generally prefer it with people I know and so does my bf. I know some couples find the aftermath of sex with friends awkward and uncomfortable and that’s definitely something to think about, but for us it was worth it. Good luck!
April 2, 2020 at 12:42 amPost count: 28Several of my friends have fucked my wife. It’s not a big deal. It’s sex. Afterward we play cards or watch TV. The only thing it changes is the range of things you can do together.
ParticipantApril 19, 2020 at 12:14 amPost count: 92you are such a lucky man, if only my wife was like yours.
April 23, 2020 at 6:21 amPost count: 1That is great news for you. I think its truly platonic love!
June 17, 2021 at 4:32 amPost count: 12My exwife screwed many of my friends and coworkers. She was very open and non discrete so everyone knew I was aware of what was going on. She never asked my permission to pkay but never lied about it when asked. I few of my buddies even asked me if I was OK if they screwed her and would just tell them she could screw whoever she wanted. This worked great for us for years until she got evolved with a coworker of hers.
March 27, 2022 at 7:28 amPost count: 1My wife engages in conversations with strangers
April 26, 2022 at 8:15 pmPost count: 1I think I agree with most of the comments. There is risk on with both, however. With someone you know you don’t only risk that specific person’s friendship / relationship, but you also risk that the person might share information with other people in your or her circle of friends, co-workers or family.
With a stranger, especially if she do not share much information, there is little chance of getting your reputation sullied. However, the guys is a stranger. Could be a weirdo, criminal, have a disease, whatever.
Wither way, you need to think it through. -
ParticipantMay 3, 2022 at 10:11 amPost count: 13Where would be the best place for the wife to meet a bull? Have three children, so social meet ups are kind of hard for us. Any ideas?
ParticipantMay 3, 2022 at 2:40 pmPost count: 79Do do you have overnight babysitting? Like grandparents? Local hotels are best with a restaurant that you can all meet in. You can book a room for the night and even check in beforehand. If the Bull is not to her liking you can just have a nice night together. If he is you can hang out at the bar as they get acquainted in the room. Oh yea, as just about to be cuckold husband, you pay for everything.
May 4, 2022 at 1:08 pmPost count: 25lol motley you are such an expert
ParticipantMay 5, 2022 at 5:05 amPost count: 13Thank you Motley, I don’t mind paying. Is there a website or something where you can meet these men? We tried Adult Friend Finder and that place was freak circus. We were told about Ashley Madison which we are going to try. Just wondering if you knew or recommend any other.
Cathy & Jerry
ParticipantMay 5, 2022 at 11:53 amPost count: 207Really give Ashley Madison a try. You won’t have to pay being that she’s a married woman looking for an affair. Men have to pay, even to send a PM they have to pay for that as well so it’s quite a bit less likely you’ll find many flakes on there. You’ll get lots of guys from around the world asking to see any pictures she has but just ignore those or deny them. Eventually she will have some local fellows checking her out and wanting to talk to her, get to know more about her. Every lover Cathy has had over the last 8 years has been from A.M. She should post (or you if you’re posting for her) that she is looking to cuckold her husband with his (your) permission, then post what she is looking for, what turns her on, what turns her off. What body type, cock size preference if she has one, etc. It really works for us while the others were a pain in the ass with the idiots just looking for photos to rub off on or fakes who will get her worked up then when it’s time to meet they don’t show. This only happened once with a fellow she met on A.M but that was because he was in a fender bender on the way to meet her lol. So again, give it a real try, don’t give up and I promise that she’ll be feeling a nice cock inside her pussy real soon. Good luck
September 5, 2022 at 9:11 amPost count: 18Yes, to find the right guy is like the famous needle in the haystack. We use to find them through website’s and kept those guys writing emails. Once they understand there is no way to get between her legs soon, most of them dropped out by themselves. Choosing from the remaining and the one she liked, we arranged a first meeting in a coffee shop. A coffee takes not too long and sometines a bit full of surprises.
One guy, for instance, aged in one month for about 15 years, the other one claiming to be single but the fresh marking on his ring finger. In other words, it may come down from 50 applications down to 2 or 3 which she would take into consideration. Followed by different dinner invitation in a Restaurant to get a better view on those 2 or 3 guys, we discussed together the options available.
Finally we arranged another dinner appointment with her favorite, and invited him after that to our house.Now 17 years in this lifestyle we made in only one case a wrong decision. Well actually this case was rather special. Being the owner of a monster tail my wife liked it for 3 or 4 times in a month. But spending a short vacation with him was a entirely different issue.
September 10, 2022 at 11:55 amPost count: 18The issue is the following. Your friend may know other people you both know. If one day something goes wrong and she is breaking it up. You are not only loosing s friend but he may talk sh.. to people you both know. Be aware,.
September 19, 2022 at 6:14 pmPost count: 7my first time was with a random guy, but the one that got me going was a friend of my cuck..
October 4, 2022 at 1:37 pmPost count: 3Friends, definately, then they keep coming back for more of her!
October 6, 2022 at 12:16 pmPost count: 1My wife has just split from her previous long term lover of the last 3 years. Surprisingly for me, she’s already identified a replacement, her ex from 15 years ago. According to her, he’s very happily single and wants to remain that way and was never marriage material- however he was the best sex she’s ever had. She’s contacted him and he is definitely keen – very keen. It’s strange and slightly unnerving that she’s returning to a previous lover but we both know what he has to offer so it feels like a good decision
October 9, 2022 at 2:14 amPost count: 18Sometimes it seems a good decision to go back for her to a previous lover. Both know what they had together and it is easy to connect from there.
Just a few month ago an ex lover of my wife put himself into the picture again. To clarify the situation of the past a bit better. My wife was very much in love with him and he moved in to our place after he spend 6 month every weekend with us as her Lover. We lived for another 3 years together and my wife had in those 3 years many times the desire to get pregnant.
I was against it because of my Job. As I would have looked into a crystal ball in this time, I faced a job transfer which was the reason we had to move pretty far. My wife was somehow crushed and it took her one year to get over it and started a new relation with another guy. But she never developed with him more than a profound sympathy.
Now this guy, her big love, turned up out of nowhere with an e-mail suggesting to spend a week or so with my wife somewhere.
My wife strictly refused. She went through that pain of separation from him and was not willing to face that again. In her words: If he wants to see me he can come to us to visit. But I will not go to bed with him. -
December 2, 2022 at 6:26 pmPost count: 6Speaking for myself, I wouldn’t mind if my wife cuckolds me with a friend or a stranger. A friend who lives locally who we both like would be ideal as he could call around at any time of day to be with my wife, whether I was home or not. I don’t mind not being present but would like to be at least told details of the encounter later. Otherwise, she’s just a cheating wife.
A stranger however, is probably more exciting for her and for me. The sense of the unknown adds some electricity to the encounter.
I am 10 years older than my wife (she is almost 50 but looks 40) so if I could choose a regular Bull for her, he would be in his 20’s or 30’s, have a firm body, a handsome face and a bigger and thicker than average cock. IF he was bisexual, all the better. A black guy would be perfect! -
April 10, 2023 at 11:40 amPost count: 2If you take your time and you communicate, being completely open and holding nothing back from each other. Hopefully, the two of you, will reach a point where your both ready and willing to go beyond the roleplaying, the fantasizing, and make what you’ve been talking about a it reality. If that happens, and you two decide to take that leap of faith, hopefully your experience is similar to ours. Because for us, our relationship, the love, the trust and the bond between us, has only grown stronger and deeper, each and every time my wife has felt the pleasures of another man’s cock. From the very first time, I saw my wonderful wife penetrated, by my BF from college, while worshiping her beautiful pussy, from beneath her, in a 69. This was just the third time she had felt a new cock, and I saw the vary moment, the head of his long thick smooth cock slipped between her perfect pink lips, and disappeared deep into her beautiful pussy. It was so very unexpected, yet really exciting, mesmerizing, confusing and really fucking hot, all at the same time. With her moans growing louder, I, felt her thigh muscles flexing against my face, and I knew she was about to orgasm, any moment. She said something, but i couldn’t make out the words, until she began to frantically cry out, “OK, Ok, ok, yes, Yes, YES! No, go ahead, it’s ok, it’s ok, it’s… OH FUCK, YES! Oh my god!” Then as she screamed out, “Noah I’m fucking cumming!”, I felt his weight push forward, keeping his cock buried deep inside her. I watched, as his ball pumped, what I new I needed, deep inside her. She new it too! I think we all did. Because, as soon as his head, slipped out of her, she sat up and road my face, for a long time. Surprisingly, through two more of her incredible orgasms, and well after, my tongue had found, and I had savoured, all of my best friend’s cum. She continued to ride my face, to the point, where all I could tastes, was the salty sweaty sweetness flowing from her beautiful pussy.
The game didn’t end there, and neither did the fun. As the night went on, the truths became more intimate and personal, and the dare more erotic and explicit. I’m not sure how it finally ended, but the last thing i remember is us laying side by side watching the sunrise…
Oh yeah,and I’m pretty sure we were all still naked.
So, If have any questions or want to know any of details of what went on, I dare you to ask me? Truthfully, you can ask us anything.
ParticipantApril 10, 2023 at 12:37 pmPost count: 79Getting back to that original question i cannot but think that a couple’s first time is best with an experienced bull who has been through this before. First a non-sexual meet to ascertain compatibility and mutual attraction. If that works out than both sides can state expectations. An experienced lover with have the stamina to see that the lady wants to continue as an active hotwife.
May 14, 2023 at 1:16 pmPost count: 6I can contribute from a new cuck , new experience something I have worked for over many years
We are 42 yrs married some soft experience but never all the way until last week
Right gut right time right place
We knew this guy years ago who was visiting us going thru a divorce
We discussed playing and possible bi play would be nice ,
Long story short naked hot tub some play leads to bedro9m for my wife and I was shocked to see her give in to him and his wishes for her first time
Comfort zone was key
Then next morning we had breakfast b4 his flight , takes my wife to his room for a proper send off. -
September 5, 2023 at 10:51 amPost count: 3Start as strangers but when you find a good bull you spend enough time together to become good friends.
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