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    • NewportCuck
        Post count: 8

        Hi, my wife and I are reaching out to the community to make connections and help her cuckold me. She has finally agreed and is ready to go.

      • Anonymous
          Post count: 12

          Hello there. Not sure it is appropriate for me to be the welcoming person, but I shall dare speak for the rest in saying we are glad to have you around. Cheers!

          • NewportCuck
              Post count: 8

              Thank You.

          • PhilIAM
              Post count: 1

              You seem to be further along the path than my wife and me.

              Any progress since your first post?

            • Gracie
                Post count: 92

                That is truly great. I suggested to my wife that she start fucking other guys as I knew I was not satisfying her. She put up very token resistance then agreed, which told me a lot. haha.

                There can be many reasons why a couple enters into a cuckold relationship, not just for a reason similar to mine.

                I hope you and your wife are making a lot of progress and you are both enjoying it. Please give us an update.

                Gracie, feminized cuck

              • goodhusband
                  Post count: 9

                  First, be sure to talk this out and be sure. Decide what is okay and not okay.
                  Only you and she can know what is acceptable. Think about…..and talk about……if you should be there the first time (or at all). Many will say the husband should not be present the first time. As far as our situation, I was present the first time and things worked out well. I think if I had not been there, things would not have gone as well for both she and I as a couple. But, some would disagree. And, I have been present most times, following the first. I suggest that you help her get ready. This is exciting for you but it also tells her by your actions……that you truly want this to happen. If while helping her get prepared you begin to have second and third thoughts, this is common. Try to relax with it. But if you can’t… can make the offer that you want it to happen…..but that you now feel you should not be there. Or, you can speak about calling it off. I felt this way and choose to let it happen as planned. I expected the feeling of angst. I thought about my wanting her to receive more pleasure than I had been giving her. I tried to work off her excitement as I helped her get ready. When she and he are first together be ready to feel some discomfort. And excitement. You may even feel confused. You may feel left-out. I was able to deal with these feelings. Your penis may not get hard at first….soon it will……or it may be hard right away. I felt very embarrassed. He was very large and I knew she really would enjoy it. I was envious of his cock and balls. I suggest that you sit somewhere out of the way and let them get to know one another sexually. If you have tears, deal with it. If you want to cry, go to another room. Let your wife and her lover enjoy this time together. I climaxed before even touching myself. And, while watching and for some time after…..I could get an erection repeatedly (never happened before this). If their intimacy causes you to feel deeply hurt…..remember….you want her to have really good pleasure. Another man giving your wife pleasure and being given pleasure by her….will likely take you down some notches. Expect to feel humbled, meaning humiliated. Realize that their kissing is very pleasurable for her. If you want to be cuckolded and for her to receive pleasure from other guys, you’ll want her to feel comfortable. She will need to know, at this juncture of the first time, that you are okay with this and that you actually want it. Show your wife how much you love her and feel good about her pleasure. Expect to feel inferior to her lover. Love her so much that you’ll deal with this.

                • gary001
                    Post count: 30

                    Once you take the leap into a cuckold marriage, there is no going back. I can speak from experience and say that is was the best decision of our lives. Even now there are pangs of jealousy as my wife couples with her boyfriend, knowing that she is enjoying his large cock instead of my tiny penis, but the flood of emotions are so freaking hot and make you crave more. My wife, Christy, cuckolded me after six months of marriage, I had only tried to fuck her about twenty times and every time it was a disaster. She was a virgin when we married and I owed it to her for her to be sexually satisfied and now, eighteen months later, she has a wonderful, loving, sexual relationship with her boyfriend. Being denied her body is so freaking hot and erotic for me and knowing that I’ll never have sex with her again, is also very hot.

                    All three of us have talked about how and when and how often she can enjoy great sex with him and I think that’s important, He is doing me a great favor by giving my wife the sexual pleasure that I can’t give her and so, I look up to him as being a better man than I ever could be. Being in a cuckold marriage has in my opinion brought Christy and I even closer, she tells me constantly how her love making session went and it gives me the opportunity to relieve myself and also show her that I support her and her boyfriend 100%. Her body and sex belong to him and I gratefully accept that and appreciate all that he does for her. I love the love that they share together and when he spends the night with her in our matrimonial bed, I sleep in the guest room. Once a cuckold…Always a cuckold. The pangs of jealousy and fear, soon go. Just enjoy the knowledge that your wife is finally enjoying a great sex life, albeit, not from you but from another guy.

                  • Denied
                      Post count: 25

                      Please be careful how you start on this journey. Like many others I fantasised about about seeing my wife with a black guy and persuaded her to come to a club in South London for mixed couples and singles. She was reluctant but enjoyed the attention and I loved seeing her dance close with younger black guys. She didn’t want to take it further but I persuaded her to give out her number and she got a few calls. I told her it wouldn’t do any harm to go on a date and see what happens. I’m sure I was more excited than she was.
                      She has seen him for a few months now but it hasn’t worked out how I’d visualised it. Neither of them are comfortable with him staying overnight (we have a 15 year old daughter) and I feel I’ve been excluded from this.
                      It’s not something I’d planned for and it doesn’t seem fair. Any suggestions please?

                      • Hercuckslav
                          Post count: 61

                          Dear Denied,

                          I understand how you might feel about being discluded physically from the occasions your wife meets her lover. It can feel very much them and you, but can I suggest an alternative view point!

                          The reasons why you want, enjoy, suffer, being a cuckold are individual to us all but the constant should always be that cuckolding enhances the marriage through strong communication between wife and cuck. The support you provide her to date other men you should see as a personal strength (motivated by your sexuality) and her willingness to express herself sexually with another whilst continuing to love and respectt you is a sign that all is well within your cuckod marriage. She and her lover may not want you involved, watching or being close during their love making sessions and you should accept this, as it is their preference. cuckolding is an act between wife and cuck and not done just for your visual pleasure. I am sure your wife shares the details of her dates and involves you on a one to one basis. Embrace this, allow her her preferences and do not undermine or complain. Rather, talk, discuss, share your feelings but tell her you understand her reasonings and wish for privacy and to keep it away from your family members.

                          It is always hard to be a cuck, indeed I read somewhere on this site a cuck stating that for him the feelings of angst and jealousy disappear quickly!! When my Hotwife is away with her lover they are always with me, the painful angst and jealousy (indeed as they fall deeper in love with each other and their desire grows as well as their sexual adventures I feel more angst than I thought possible). This angst is the very motivator for my sexual pleasure (the emotional pain of being a cuck) and I sincerely hope they do not disappear!

                          Embrace the challenge of your situation, show love and support to your wife and don’t ruin what appears to be a wonderful entry into cuckolding for you and your wife. You may regret ultimately forcing her to stop cucking you!

                          Best of luck

                      • Denied
                          Post count: 25

                          Thank you that was very useful and supportive. I’m not sure I’m a real cuck I don’t get any sexual pleasure from this just the pain. I do try to talk to her about my feelings and she is sympathetic but won’t stop and I don’t want to make her. She is getting attention and proper dates and has long phones calls with him away from me and our daughter. It has transformed her and that’s good for all of us.
                          Id love to create a safe home environment for him to come and meet us so he can feel at home here. It doesn’t feel right fire everything to be secret.

                        • Gracie
                            Post count: 92

                            @Denined as far as you being a “real” cuck, it doesn’t matter if you do or don’t get sexual pleasure from it. You are a cuck. Period. So now, accepting that, you need to channel the pain you are feeling into arousal at the pleasure your wife is feeling.

                            You are taking a very good approach in trying to make your home environment one that is good for her lover. IN that vein, make no effort to hide anything while at home. You should just go with the flow.

                            • latetotheparty
                                Post count: 13

                                You are very generous in your replies to others…

                            • gary001
                                Post count: 30

                                @ Denied, The pain that you feel is common and it was the same for me when my wife first started on this new lifestyle. I felt that she didn’t love me or want me every time that she was with her boyfriend, but those feelings were the very feelings that gave me the excitement. Like Gracie says, channel those feelings into positivity and make a comfortable environment for you wife, her lover and you family.
                                Accept the fact that you are a cuck husband now and thrive on those feelings, in my opinion, they are the backbone to making things work.

                              • Denied
                                  Post count: 25

                                  I am sure you are right I need to feel positive about our situation.
                                  I will try and get her to bring him home once in a while. Even if it’s not for sex because of our daughter I’d feel better if he was more part of our family. Just to know that he could fuck my wife if he wanted to will give me a lot to think about.
                                  And it’s right for our daughter to know her mum has a special friend. She will accept that.

                                • gary001
                                    Post count: 30

                                    How old is your daughter? I agree, it should be commonplace for your daughter to see her mom with another “Friend” Even kissing him, otherwise she could feel there is something not right.
                                    After a while, she will pay no attention to seeing her mom kissing and possibly being more than friendly to this other man. But you have to let her see that daddy doesn’t mind.
                                    Don’t feel threatened by your wife’s intimacy or even love with her sexual partner. My wife loves and is in love with her long time boyfriend, I accept it and think it’s a beautiful thing to witness, I have watched their love blossom over the past year and I know that he is her #1.

                                  • Denied
                                      Post count: 25

                                      I do accept that my wife loves her boyfriend and that he loves her. It has transformed her she looks forward to her dates and is happier at home too.
                                      We have kept the truth from our daughter (she is 14) and she tells her that she is going out with her girlfriends but I don’t think she believes that and I think she has started losing respect for me. I don’t want her to pity me.
                                      It’s hard handling an unusual situation like this when there are children involved but there must be ways of being open about this to her. I am sure if my wife’s boyfriend was a visitor and not a secret lover (or whatever she thinks he is) and I was happy with it she’d come to accept that it’s odd but not a threat to the family. We still do family stuff together.
                                      I don’t know I don’t think she should see them being intimate. I think that’d be too hard for her to process.
                                      I will talk more to my wife about being more open.

                                    • MatureMUK
                                        Post count: 77

                                        never an easy area. trying to do best for a daughter and protect her and keep everything sort of confidential can be difficult.
                                        we need to possibly think about bringing him into contact as a ‘friend’ of you both and he just giving her a lift to meet others? with time she. will learn he is a ‘special’ friend and not a threat to family life , just an addition . some have used dancing. instructor or personal trainer etc .
                                        trying to reassure her another man not displacing daddy in home. later we. will have to have a mum /daughter chat and explain life is more complicated than simple just having a husband do everything and its nice to share things like chores with others.
                                        we need to say nothing is done without all being. happy and acting as adults. One day she. too may find just one man not fulfilling enough and every couple has right to own choices in life. good luck.

                                        • Thehusband
                                            Post count: 25

                                            Hi Danied! I could give my opinion that would be step by step with lucidity … but I would rather suggest this article, in my opinion very very lucid:

                                            • Anonymous
                                                Post count: 7

                                                We’ve read that article and are trying that path with our girls – 10 and 12. Very hard for me, lots of conflicting emotions, but the advice there is solid for a long-term successful situation. We want them to be solid in knowing mommy and daddy will be together and help them understand there will be new roles.

                                              • Thehusband
                                                  Post count: 25

                                                  In my opinion, girls are better than boys to understand life. And ages are conducive to the concepts of mental construction. The hard work here is if your daughters like your wife’s boyfriend or not. If they like him, understanding his intimacy with your wife is a natural step for them built day by day.

                                            • gary001
                                                Post count: 30

                                                In my opinion, let your daughter see him as mommy’s special friend, and as soon as she sees that he’s not replacing you, she will come to terms with the fact that her mom has a special friend who she kisses in front of her dad, as long as she sees that you are okay with it, she’ll soon accept it as a normal part of life. I didn’t mean they should be intimate in front of her, but over time, they may start to be touchy and stuff, like when your wife gets ready to meet him, your daughter will probably see that your wife is putting a lot of effort into looking nice for her special friend. And also, if your wife talks about him in front of your daughter, you should act calm and make it a normal conversation. It is okay for you wife to love this special friend and your daughter should start to get used to this other guy being around. Most of our friends know that my wife has a very special friend who takes her out for dates and that she spends a few nights a week with him. At the beginning, I did feel embarrassed about people knowing that my wife has a boyfriend, expecting them to judge her or me, but after a while, we found that in spite of our fears, people soon come to terms with it.

                                                • Anonymous
                                                    Post count: 7

                                                    It’s hard to accept that but I think you are spot on. We’ve even talked about with a long-term situation letting the girls go out with mommy and the bull for a night out – dinner etc.

                                                    • Denied
                                                        Post count: 25

                                                        Our daughter knows about sex of course and must assume that her mum’s relationship is sexual. I want her to accept it as I have but i don’t want her to pity me for ‘letting it happen’. I just want to normalise it although it may seem odd to her. Surely letting them all go for a dinner date would exclude me even more. I’d prefer him coming over and me cooking for all of them so my daughter can see I’m really ok with the situation.

                                                  • gary001
                                                      Post count: 30

                                                      That’s a great idea! Slowly bring him into your family life and allow her to ask questions, if one of those questions is if mom’s relationship with her boyfriend is sexual, be honest and tell her that their relationship is sexual and let her see that it is no threat to your marriage.
                                                      I would explain that, her mom needs her boyfriend just as she needs you and show her how happy you are that her mom has sex with him and reassure her that there are no problems with your marriage, just that her mom needs sex with him as a normal part of her relationship with him.

                                                    • Gracie
                                                        Post count: 92

                                                        It is far better to be very open with your daughters then to try to sneak and conceal. They will know anyway, but by being open you can explain and get them to adjust how they feel about it and about you. It can be hard explaining, but you need to do it.

                                                      • Denied
                                                          Post count: 25

                                                          These posts have been very useful It’s always good getting advice from others who have been through this unusual (to us) situation even though everyone is different.
                                                          My wife’s lover who hasn’t been comfortable about visiting us at home has agreed for us as a family to go out for a meal together this weekend. He will become a real person to me maybe a friend and not a threat. Our daughter who must have thought there is ‘something funny’ going on will see we are all comfortable with this arrangement and not think our family is in danger of splitting up. I will be happier not having to keep secrets I think this will break the tension.
                                                          As we are in public there won’t be any ‘intimacy’ it’s just a get to know you meal. He won’t be coming home with us.
                                                          I don’t think her boyfriend has had previous experience of this although we did meet him in a ‘mixed’ club and I want him to feel at ease and relaxed. I think they have genuine feelings for each other and I want him to know that I approve.

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