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    • #19906

        Fiancé and I got into hotwifing quickly. She took her boss as a long time lover and they met up a few times a week. They went out regularly and he took her on vacations. They loved lunchtime sex in our bed and never cleaned up. She would use my pillow to soak up the cream pie and he came a lot. This went on for 6 years with a few pregnancy scares.
        Our only sex was me masturbating with her cuddling me full of his cum. She often said she was not really attracted to him but they had good sex and fun. She decided to try another lover. She met with an old boyfriend from high school. We were in our early 40’s now. He was going through divorce and I should have seen it but he made her beam. They met nearly every night for sex. She would come home so happy and content. More and more she stopped sharing their sex with me. She made excuses like I took a shower. No more cream pies no more telling me stories of how many orgasms she had. She stopped taking pics of his cock in her or the cum he just left in her.
        By the time I protested it was too late. She wanted to move on him. She left me 6 months later and they have since married.
        I wanted her to be happy and sexually fulfilled always. Now she is.

      • #19907

          I’m so sorry to learn this sad story for someone of such good intentions.

          I hope you find another love of your life and then take (or make go) things differently.

          thanks for sharing and giving us all ‘of good faith’ a warning.

          It can happen so quickly



        • #19924

            this is part of risks one takes when involving other men. grass may in fact be greener so to speak.

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