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    • Sophie&Mark
        Post count: 6

        So I think we’ve kind of taken our first step…my husband Mark and I were headed out together this evening and he had to take a work call as we were walking into the restaurant.  I told him I’d wait at the bar and so I sat and ordered a drink.  There was only one bar stool available but since I figured we would be headed to our table when he walked in I took it anyway.  The guy to my right was very cute and struck a conversation with me (which, hey, I didn’t mind) and out of the corner of my eye I saw Mark walk in and make his way to the opposite end of the bar.  Although we’d planned this scenario out during our foreplay I’d never actually think I’d find myself getting hit on at the bar while he watched.  We talked for a few more minutes and the conversation got progressively more risque (which was weird with Mark there, and because I’m married..but still exciting..)  before he finally alluded to my ring and asked where my husband was.  Needless to say he was a bit perplexed (and it was a bit awkward for a sec) when I pointed to the other side of the bar and explained my husband enjoyed watching his wife get hit on, but he quickly got over it and asked if he could call us sometime.  I took his number and Mark and I headed off to dinner.  I feel like a teenage girl all over again..this is crazy.

      • Luvr
          Post count: 288

          That’s great news – hopefully he turns out to be more than just a blip on the radar, but even if not, it’s an incremental experience that will be good for you both.

        • Sophie&Mark
            Post count: 6

            I called him and we’ve set up a date for this weekend.  Will keep everyone posted!

          • Luvr
              Post count: 288

              You now have several days to plan your date preparations and your husband’s role in helping you get ready for a date with another man. Your husband should be included in all preparations which include bathing you, seeing to shaving/trimming and helping you choose the most appropriate date-wear for a hotwife.


              Remember: you’re not going out with your husband, you’re going out with a prospective boyfriend; dress accordingly.


              One more thing: no intercourse for your husband after today.

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