Recently, I have discovered this web and I have to say that it´s really good! First of all, I tell you my situation..We are a young couple (my wife has 30 and I´m 32) and I have been a cuckold before we were married because of my little penis and that I can´t take pleasure to her,but we love each other to much,that´s true..
Nowadays my wife has a regular bull or boyfriend I have to say,who it´s seeing my wife since two years ago,all the relationship between them it´s great at the point he came home to live with us since a few months..You can imagine,they sleep together in the marriage room; I went out to the guests room; I don´t fuck anymore my wife, the family of mi wife´s boyfriend know that she´s his girlfriend,but I want to share with you a great notice that I have know last week…she´s pregnant of her bull!! 🙂 We were all so happy and of course we are going to continue our relationship,and when the child grow we will explain him or her in order he understand our lifestyle…
Best wishes for all of you,your hotwifes and their bulls;)