Marriage Evolved discussion Role Discussions Submissive Husbands Her lover move in during quarantine

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    • DD22
        Post count: 36

        In a bit of a dilemma so advice is appreciated. Wife’s bf/Bull who moved away last year has asked if he could move in with us during the virus pandemic. He wants to get out of his large city to join us in the country side. He is willing to pay for C19 testing and if positive he won’t come. We have not seen him in almost a year and we lost touch until he texted both of us to ask. Wife has not had anyone else since he moved and he says he’s only been with one woman a couple times but broke up.
        My wife had mixed feelings about it but this morning told me she is 80/20 on him hunkering down with us. They had great chemistry in and out of bed but he never spent the night. I’m going from “no way” to “OMG it could be so hot and push my sub side far!” He treated me respectfully as my Dom and her Bull. Their date nights were fun role playing but this would be 24/7 reality as wife said she would like to try out the roles while he stays.

      • Voyeurcuck
          Post count: 131

          Well,it sounds like any cucks wet dream, but could of course turn into a night mare if the quarantine drags out and the chemistry is gone. Have you decided yet?

        • DD22
            Post count: 36

            After a lot of conversation we decided to have him stay with us. Jenn was excited but nervous to see him after such a long time. I loved the look on her face and smile when he pulled up. He moved in yesterday afternoon and the 3 of us had a long serious conversation on ground rules. We all agreed the role play is fun and intense but anyone can end it at any time. Jenn is still working daytime while Vince and I will be home. He works online most of the day so he and I will have occasional time together and he has agreed to help me with some projects on our small farm. We also agreed on household chores and sharing costs for food etc.
            Once that was out of the way Vince asked me to leave while he and Jenn had a private talk. I left them at the kitchen table and went outside for a walk to clear my mind. Jenn and I had talked about submitting completely to Wayne during his stay so my mind was racing about what they were discussing. 30 minutes later he texted me to come back to the kitchen.
            There was a different feel to the room now. I could tell by her makeup and hair they had been kissing. She was smiling and sitting closer to Wayne. He told me to get them some wine and then sit across the table from them. I did so and he filled me in on their conversation. Jenn told him about our fantasy of being owned by her Bull and he was now our “owner” after 6PM. During the day we were all equals but after 6 he would be in charge of us and Jenn would be over me. We agreed on a safeword. Jenn and I will need to ask his permission to be together sexually, we can not have intercourse though as he wants that for himself. Wayne and Jenn will sleep together in the master bedroom while I sleep in the basement guest room. As before I may watch when allowed but must stay off the bed clothed and no talking.
            Wayne then asked Jenn if she would like to sleep with me one last time last night. We hadn’t made love in a few days so I was ready for this chance. Jenn looked a little put off but said OK. Wayne told us he was going to unpack his car and left us. Before he did though he turned around to give Jenn a long passionate kiss. He stopped and looked right at me and said “enjoy her for tonight but no fucking!”. My heart sank.
            We got ready for bed. I realized probably my last time on the Tempurpedic King for a while. Jenn was already covered up when I got in naked. We cuddled and to my surprise she was wearing PJs (we usually sleep naked). As my hand went to her waistband she took my wrist firmly and said she didn’t want me to touch her pussy as she was saving it for Wayne. She gave me a hand job but let go as I started to cum. She handed me some tissue to wipe up then kissed me and said, “I love you. Now let me rest for Wayne.”
            As I write this she is at work and I helped Wayne move his stuff into the master bedroom while I moved my things out. Jenn left me a list of chores to do while Wayne works online. I’m trying to keep my mind on the tasks at hand but I can’t wait for her to get home around 6 tonight.

          • Voyeurcuck
              Post count: 131

              Whow,thanks for sharing thes exiting moments, I hope you will fillmusnin with more in the coming days

            • DD22
                Post count: 36

                it’s almost 11pm now. Around 3pm Wayne came outside to help me move some large logs I had cut up last week from a fallen tree. I’ll use some next season for heat and sell the rest. Wayne is from the city so we had fun joking about the contrast of cultures. Although late March the temp was over 80F. I watched Wayne unbotton his shirt for relief. I forgot about his defined chest. Jenn was smitten on their first date night when his chest hair stuck to her sweat….her words, not mine. We finished stacking the firewood and Wayne thanked me for allowing him to escape the big city for a while. I could only say it was our pleasure.
                So I’ve had a couple glasses of wine as I wait in the living room. As Jenn texted earlier for instructions I made some light appetizers, had some music on, candle light. Wayne showered while J drove home. It was and still is a strange feeling of being in limbo…she’s mine, but not.
                So she got home and Wayne didn’t make any moves; Just stayed in the backyard while J and I talked about our day. She wanted to shower and get dressed for Wayne and wanted me to help. I put the appetizers back in the fridge.
                Wayne still had not come inside. Jenn showered. I waited on the bed (against the rules I knew). I was her come out to dry off. Though usually trimmed now no pubic hair. The hair dryer made any talk impossible.
                Then there was a knock from the hall on the bedroom door. I opened it and Wayne told me it was time for me to leave. Just then my phone buzzed with a message from Jenn: Baby Wayne owns us. We talked about this for so long Is this for real? Yes lets do this. I want to too now. Please leave us alone for tonight.
                Here I am.

              • portscuck
                  Post count: 15

                  So beautiful. I hope we will read more about you new experience.

                • Voyeurcuck
                    Post count: 131

                    I’m eager to hear how your first nights as submissive couple was. Did you hear them in the master bedroom or were you sleeping far away without any sign of what happened? When did you see them again in the morning? We’re there any signs of what happened or was it just an “ordinary morning” with a guest in house?

                    I like the way Wayne seems to manage your both. He’s not ordering you around not just let you know it’s time with his calm way of being the leader. Somehow it must be way more humiliating to be lwad that way than if he hand cuffed you right? You accept your role and his right to your wife without resistance?

                  • Michael
                      Post count: 14

                      It sounds to me like you are living the cuckold dream. I remember my wife’s first bull. He was very much the same way with us. Whenever he would tell me something him and my wife were going to do, I would say to him that we hadn’t talked about it yet. He would simply say very calmly, “I don’t need your permission. Just ask your wife who she listens to”
                      My wife would just look at me and not say a word. She’d have that look that says, Well what?

                    • DD22
                        Post count: 36

                        Monday morning update. It feels good to have this outlet and write about my feelings and situation.
                        I left off on the night of the 27th….after I left the bedroom Wayne closed the bedroom door completely (when he visited previously they left the door slightly cracked open so I could watch. Only once was the door shut completely-their third date night in 2018 which I will share later).

                        With door closed I stood facing it in the hall way. Thinking about Jenn drying her naked and freshly shaved body in front of him. No sound except her hair dryer. Then silence. I waited about 5 minutes and then suddenly the door opened and Wayne stood there in his boxers.

                        I should take a moment and describe him. Although he is a city guy and works in IT he doesn’t look the part at 6’3″ and his body is all lean chiseled muscle like a baseball player’s. Jenn remarked about his perfect tight ass often. To compare I am 5’10” a bit overweight with love handles, soft flat butt and man boobs. Wayne has very masculine features: jaw line, dark thick hair and Jenn loves his chest, arm, and leg hair (I have almost no body hair at all). Jenn is 5’6″ 125lb 36B tight yoga body. Blonde shoulder length hair. perfect pink nipples and lips. Seeing them together is like watching Greek gods make love.

                        Ok, so Wayne is standing in front of me now and says, “Hey this is a special night for Jenn and I so I want you to not interrupt or even stand outside trying to listen. Jenn agrees with me on this. We want each other tonight in complete privacy. Is that understood?” Wow, that hit me hard! My head was spinning and I felt like I was punched in the gut! I thought I would be able to watch since it had been so long since. Just then Jenn, totally freshly nude, came around him (I hadn’t seen her standing behind his larger frame) and took my hands, looked me right in the eyes and said, “Please give us this first night alone. I want To be Wayne’s completely tonight without feeling observed. I will always love you but we, and you, need this tonight baby.” I took in a deep breath and meekly said “OK”. She gave me a sweet quick kiss on my cheek and then told me to leave the hallway and watch TV or something. Wayne smiled at me, nodded and then closed the door. I heard the knob turned to lock position.

                        In a fog I went to the kitchen and poured a scotch. My hand shook as I brought it to my unkissed lips. The rest of the night is still foggy as I drank too much and passed out in the living room. I remember walking by the bedroom door and briefly chatting and laughing but I kept my word and did not linger.

                        The next morning I was the first on up. Made coffee and took the dogs out for a walk. As I was heading back to the house I saw our bedroom curtains open up and there was Jenn, still naked. She saw me and waved and made the OK sign with her hand. I did the same to her. Wayne came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her belly. She leaned into him, tilted her head and they kissed. She looked at me and mouthed “Thank you” and then “Breakfast please”.

                        I made breakfast for them and heard the regular morning routine in the now open bedroom. They were in the shower together so I had to peak in the bedroom. The candles had burnt out save one. The bedsheets partially of the mattress. It smelled heavy with sweat and was warmer than the rest of the house. The shower turned off. I waited in the kitchen for them. Wayne came out wearing his boxers only and asked for coffee. He told me thank you and said Jenn would be out shortly but he wanted to chat with me first. Since it was Saturday and Jenn was off for the weekend they wanted to spend more time together during the day: going for walks, watching movies, some sex. Jenn told him about my desire to be sub and Wayne wanted to help me with that side. So for the weekend Jenn and Wayne would be excluding me from their togetherness. Jenn came out wearing Wayne’s white button down dress shirt and her pink panties only. She kissed Wayne and then me (again on the cheek). I made her coffee and overheard her whisper to him, “did you tell him yet?” He said yes. Jenn just smiled at me sipping her coffee as I served a light breakfast.

                        I said I would be out doing chores. They said have fun and then went back to the bedroom. From outside I saw the curtains close.
                        The day went quicker than I expected. Jenn made us dinner and the conversation was fun and light. They invited me to watch a movie with them. I sat on a separate couch from them. Occasionally seeing them kiss, whispering, and giggling. After the movie Jenn told me to please tidy up the bedroom and put new sheets on the bed. I did so and they began more making out. I had not been in the bedroom since the morning and now it was even messier. Cum stains were prevalent and I noticed the mattress askew on the foundation. I couldn’t help but smell the sheets. I could smell Jenn’s body lotion mixed with his musk.

                        I quickly made the bed and but the stained sheets in the wash. Music on, candles lit and there they were coming in the bedroom. This time Jenn simply said thank you and then walked me out, kissed my cheek, and closed and locked the door. Pretty much a repeat of Friday night. Same thing the next morning except they slept? in until 10:30. The day was a repeat and I was getting more frustrated. Jenn could sense it so she came to me while Wayne was showering before bedtime.
                        She said, ” I know this is challenging for you but we are living out a fantasy you started and that I want now more than ever. Wayne wanted me to check in with you. He’s very pleased that you’re being a good sub and not being a pest.”
                        (during their prior date nights I tended to want too much involvement and got a bit pissy a couple times).
                        She continued, “Wayne has fucked me so hard so many times I lost count over the last two night that I’m too sore to fuck tonight. I don’t want to be touched down there but I know you probably need to cum so I’m going to ask Wayne If I can pleasure you tonight.” I had cum twice since he arrived. I was trying not too but couldn’t help myself during the more intense feelings.

                        I was so happy to have her touch and maybe suck me!!

                        They came out to meet me on the couch. Wayne spoke, “Jenn asked if I would allow her to make you come. I’m saying yes but you may not be happy about how.” Jenn kinda frowned to me and mouthed “I’m sorry.”
                        Wayne standing behind her lifted up her T-shirt exposing her torso, her everyday underwear. She looked so little next to him. He ordered her to her knees in front of him and undid his belt, jeans down not underpants. I had remembered he had a long cock (maybe close to 8″) but I forgot about its girth. So thick with a big head. I’m only 5″ and thin.
                        He took his big hand behind Jenn’s head and drew her toward his semihard rod. Her mouth opened and I could see she had started drooling. Slowly she sucked on the head. Wayne looked at me and told me if I wanted to cum I could watch and touch myself but had to say in my pants.
                        My hand went to my crotch and after 3 minutes of watching I came. The warm goo stuck in my briefs. Jenn continued her task. Having already cum my libido was lower and I found their exhibit less erotic and more hypnotic. Minutes went like hours. Her nose pressed against his pubic hair I watched his body tighten, his ass hard as a rock, the muscles in his legs and torso became more defined. She started to gag with his hand holding the back of her head. Then he allowed her about two inches less in her mouth as he grunted loud. Jenn’s tiny manicured hand grasped his ball sack and I saw his cock twitch then pulsated and get even thicker. I saw Jenn’s neck make swallowing motions and some of Wayne’s cum escape down her chin. Jenn had never swallowed mine and only allowed me to cum in her mouth a few times when she was a little drunk.

                        His cock made a popping sound when it left her mouth. Still hard she gabbed the base squeezed and it shot a wad right under her left eye. She wiped it off and came over to me. She kissed me right on the lips and forced a small amount of Wayne into my mouth. Whisperd “swallow it like I did”. I did so. Wayne then informed me they were going to sleep because Jenn needed a respite to recover and that tonight (Monday) he might allow me more witnessing.

                        Today doesn’t feel like a Monday. Quarantined and cucked.

                        • slaveofwife
                            Post count: 92

                            this is so beautiful!

                        • TransStar
                            Post count: 140

                            Thank you so much for sharing your situation as it unfolds. Did you thank him yet for ejaculating in your wife’s mouth? If you want to cum again you may want to show appreciation for sharing his cock and sperm.
                            What did his cum and your wife’s saliva taste like? How did you feel when she gave it to you? Sounds like a bonding moment for you and your wife. Perhaps this is a wonderful new normal.
                            Might they permit you to document their intimacy with video or still pic’s?
                            Your story makes me think of how exciting and humbling it would be to share my wife. To see ones wife on her knees servicing her bull must be so thrilling.
                            Is there at least some relief knowing you will not have to perform sexually? Knowing your wife is being pleasured by a capable bull / lover must give you some satisfaction. It’s such a wonderful gift for a sub to give his wife. I have offered this gift to my wife but she has reservations. I would likely want some close friends to know
                            Have you told anyone you are a willing cuckold? Aren’t you just bursting to tell? Who to tell first? Friends? Family? Colleagues? Are your neighbor s aware?
                            Thx again

                          • Voyeurcuck
                              Post count: 131

                              Thanks for sharing, you really had a special weekend…. whow!
                              I like the way Wayne and Jen seems to play with you, making you do things you deep down want so much but can’t really ask for. Like kissing her cum filled mouth. I kissed my wife in a cafe once right after she has given a guy a BJ (we were checking out a Bull potential) and I still remember the taste of his cock blended with my wife’s spit.. wonderful.

                              I look forward to the days coming, you must be really on the edge and constantly aroused?

                            • DD22
                                Post count: 36

                                To answer a few of the recent questions.
                                no we keep this private
                                Wayne is not asking for me to thank him
                                Jenn’s lips tasted salty and were a bit sticky when she kissed me
                                Jenn has grooved into this easier than expected
                                I’m doing my best to keep busy and focused on non sexual things while Jenn works and Wayne is busy online for his employer
                                Jenn is on her way home as I type and I’m looking forward to having her to myself from 5-6 to reconnect after this weekend.

                              • TransStar
                                  Post count: 140

                                  Well thanks for being honest and not just telling me what I want to hear. I’ll now I assume that you’re being truthful and I just writing hot fiction.

                                  Yeah make the most of your time together. Talk, hold hands, tell her about your day. Ask how she is feeling. Tell her what feels scary/ what feels overwhelming.

                                  Are all of the ground rules you to light out still being respected? Wayne will decide what is best. But they should make sure you are respected, too.

                                  I would have some difficulty because I’m intelligent but I’m also submissive. so there’s a point at which I’ll push back. But I would be hesitant because I would not want to … Revert to how things were before he moved in. My desire to be submissive ebbs and flows. Is that how you are?

                                  What projects are you working on?

                                  How long have you and your wife been married?

                                  Do you have kids?

                                  If you need something to get your mind off things do you have Netflx? “Tiger King” is very entertaining.

                                  Is there something we could do to help you ease into this role?

                                  What do you most enjoy about this new situation?

                                  What are your concerns?

                                • TransStar
                                    Post count: 140

                                    “Jenn has grooved into this” -That’s kind of what we hoped for right?

                                    “Salty” & “sticky” – yeah it’s an acquired taste huh? But something I came to crave in time.

                                  • DD22
                                      Post count: 36

                                      Thank you for the comments, questions and support. I’ll try to address some in todays journal entry.
                                      Quarantine day 5 with Wayne and Jenn

                                      Tuesday morning 8AM. Jenn just left for work (essential employee manager at a farm supply company). I was up at 5:30 tending our small farm (repairing fencing and building a tractor shed, feed chickens and goats). I showered and made coffee for Jenn. It was nice to have quiet alone time with her to chat. Especially after last night

                                      Wayne made us a light dinner and engaged me in conversation asking about my chores and prefarm life (I left corporate cubicle life a few years ago after Jenn’s late father left us the farm. Nice not have a mortgage). Jenn was quiet. More demur in a sweet way. She told me this morning it was nice to see Wayne interested in me; it made her feel more connected to both of us. After dinner they shared a bottle of wine in the living room and watched some TV while I cleaned up. When I finished I went to the master bedroom to put fresh sheets on our (their) bed. Wayne had requested this during the first night when he arrived-fresh sheets every night. The old sheets were still unstained as they took the night off (Sunday) because Jenn was sore from two nights of hard fucking. She told me this morning that her body was still acclimating to his 8″ thick cock and felt better today after their lovemaking last night (Monday). And really that is the best description of what I witnessed last night.

                                      After making their bed I came into the living room. Wayne had removed his shirt and Jenn’s head rested on his lap with her face toward his abs. I stood away in a shadow and watched her fingers trace the outlines of his abs and pecs. He saw me and waved me closer. He motioned for me to sit next to him and told me to take off my shirt too. Now this was embarrassing because I’m really not in the best shape. Not fat but not a hard body like his. Jenn noticed and reached out to my chest but Wayne took her hand back to his chest. He caressed her hair and upper back. His big hand kneading her with a massage. She was purring. She was wearing cozy pj’s and I noticed a fresh pedicure. This went on about 15 minutes when Wayne said it was time for bed. Jenn got up to get ready and stood before us. I could sense she was comparing my body to Wayne’s. Very humbling.

                                      Wayne spoke and said tonight I could be in the bedroom but the rules were same as when he was a regular back when he visited about every 4-8 weeks: I must stay off the bed, clothed, no talking, no masturbating. I agreed and he went to get ready for bed. I sat there waiting when Jenn came out still in her cozy pj’s. She took my hand and lead me to the bedroom. she had me sit in the overstuffed chair in the corner and told me to be quiet and wait. The master bathroom door was still closed while Wayne dried off from his shower. Jenn sat on the edge of the bed facing me smiling. The door opened and a rush of clean steam swept out. Through this cloud Wayne stepped out naked. Jenn let out a little girly gasp as his majestic body move toward her. She stood in front of him and he took her face in his hands and they kissed deeply. Her small hands moved to his ass and her nails dug in slightly but really not any fat there, all muscle. She loves his baseball player butt (her description). they ended the embrace and Wayne walked her toward me. He left her there and went to the bed to lay down. No words yet. Just Jenn standing in front of me. Finally Wayne said, “take off her clothing and panties for me then bring her to me.”

                                      I stood in front of Jenn and she lifted he arms so I could remove her top and then her bottom pj’s. I noticed she had a new belly ring in. I looked closed and saw it was a gold and diamond? encrusted “W”. I looked up at her face and she just smiled and shrugged. Her pink nipples and areola were hard and tight. She had a pair of white lace panties on I had never seen before and she whispered that Wayne had brought her some presents when he arrived. I heard Wayne order me to remove her panties and then bring Jenn to him. Kneeling in front of her I slide the panties down her thighs slowly and noticed they stuck to her crotch a bit from the wetness I could smell from her vagina. She was freshly shaved aside from a thin landing strip. She stepped out of them and I took her hand a walked her to the bed. Jenn turned to me, kissed my right cheek and told me to “go sit now”. I did so.

                                      Wayne now stood towering before her. Deep kissing, hugging. He lifted her and gently placed her on the bed so she faced me. He parted her legs and his freshly shaven face went down to give her his mouth and tongue. Still looking at me she bit her bottom lip then closed her eyes. Her fingers running through his hair. I could tell by her breathing and arching back her orgasm was beginning to boil up. Before it could though Wayne stopped and kneeled between Jenn’s thighs. His cock was fully erect and I saw the candle light reflect off his precum. Wayne positioned himself to enter Jenn. I heard him whisper to her saying “look at your husband the whole time I’m inside you.” She looked at me, eyes half closed, as his large head entered her but left the thick shaft out. Then suddenly her eyes wide open as he went all in with one quick thrust. Her arms wrapped around his upper back and her legs went up bring her knees to her shoulders. I was worried about her sore pussy but I didn’t notice any signs of pain from her. Her body meet each one of his deep thrusts with it’s own push. They found a deep fast rhythm and Jenn mouthed to me “I’m going to cum”. My cock was rock hard in my jeans and I so needed release. Wayne’s body was dripping with clean sweat and Jenn’s forehead was beading with her own sweat. Deep primal moans from Wayne and Jenn’s gasps signaled their mutual orgasm. Jenn shouted something indecipherable but I did make out “fill me up!!”. Both their bodies tightened and convulsed as one. My cock throbbed and I shot in my underwear without even touching it.

                                      The room was silent now except their loud breathing and moans. Jenn never stopped looking at me but did so now locked into an open moth kiss with Wayne. Her legs settled and Wayne dismounted. When he did the smell of their sex was evident and rich. Wayne sat on the edge of the bed and instructed me to come to him. Once standing in front of him I could see his waning erection glistening with Jenn’s wetness and some cum still leaking. Jenn let out a quif and I saw some cum leak down in to her pink anus.
                                      He unbuckled my belt and undid my jean button and zipper. Jenn sat up now too as Wayne pulled down the elastic of my underwear to reveal that I had cum in my pants. Jenn smiled and then Wayne said, “Oh my you enjoyed that too! I was going to let you have seconds with your bride tonight but since you came already it’s time for you to go to your bed now.” He let go of the elastic band and it snapped my belly. Jenn looked at me and said, “Oh baby I wanted you tonight and Wayne said if you didn’t cum you could be inside me. I think it’s time for you to go now.”

                                      Pulling up my jeans I was speechless. I walked out and closed the door behind me.
                                      I didn’t sleep well.

                                      I hear Wayne getting up now and he likes his coffee ready so I’ll sign off for now.

                                    • TransStar
                                        Post count: 140

                                        OMG! Thank you so much for sharing. That is so understanding that your dick got hard and you came in your own pants.

                                        I so wish for my wife to look at me while a big bull fucks her. Although you’re description read more like a lovemaking session. Does that make it easier or more difficult for you?

                                        If Wayne makes this offer again… Would you be interested in picking your wife clean afterwords? Would you be permitted to make the request?

                                        It must have been nice to hear she still wants you. maybe in a quiet moment with Jen you could ask if you could hold her hand the next time.

                                        Do you two still get alonr time where you could go for a walk on the farm?

                                      • DD22
                                          Post count: 36

                                          It was more than just fucking. They made love and came together in front of me. When Wayne was a regular visitor 2 years ago their sex was usually just that…physical. Now I see a deeper side to their relationship developing. It is a different feeling for me. Sill sorting it out and trying not to be jealous.
                                          I can only make requests to Jenn as the 3 of us agreed at the first meeting. Wayne has final say.
                                          She’s been very busy at work and has to go in earlier than usual so our time together is limited to morning and 5-6pm when she arrives home. After 6pm she belongs to Wayne. It would be nice to spend more alone time with her. I wish I had spoken up at the meeting and made it 7pm.
                                          I made coffee for Wayne this morning and he told me he and Jenn continued “making love” after I went to my room. He asked if I noticed the belly ring Jenn now wore with his initial. He said that when (if) he leaves I may replace it. Not sure what will happen when she gets home.

                                        • TransStar
                                            Post count: 140

                                            It’s a different feeling for sure. Feel free to describe how you feel too. It’s okay and we will be as supportive as possible.

                                            Absolutely ask Jenn to petition for more husband and wife time. Til 7 pm, more time MWF, more weekend time. Heck yeah.

                                            I reread your prior post. So you actually saw his cock pulse his sperm into you wife’s mouth?!?! How did it feel to see that? Jealousy, thrilling, humbling all at once? But does it kind of feel right to be submissive to Wayne, too?

                                          • Voyeurcuck
                                              Post count: 131

                                              Nice reading as usual. The belly ring is really sexy, I’ve tried to talk my wife into a belly piercing but she’s notorious afraid of needles unfortunately. A good way to show the Bulls ownership.
                                              Is the belly piercing something she got when Wayne started seeing her, I remember it from your other post? Or is it not related to her HW life except now?

                                            • DD22
                                                Post count: 36

                                                Wednesday morning and Jenn and I had alone time over coffee before she headed out to work. She told me they just made out but did not have sex last night because they wanted to just snuggle. She liked resting her head on his chest and the way the tufts of hair felt on her cheek, the way he smelled and synching her breathing to his drifting to sleep.
                                                Wayne was up early and headed out on a grocery run. He did grab a coffee to go and kissed Jenn before running errands for the household. He’s been helpful when not working online from my office in our son’s room (lives out of state and is 22y/o). Yesterday Wayne helped me put up new fence posts. Great to have another guy digging holes for the posts…we did it in half the time as I would have alone. We had a cold beer together the celebrate the job. He’s the strong silent type so we didn’t have much conversation but he asked how we met.
                                                We started dating in high school and stayed together in college. Lost our virginity to each other. Married at 23 and had our son the next year. When he moved out at 20 we found ourselves empty nest at 44 and Jenn and I hit a slump. I have always had a high sex drive and Jenn dealt with it well. She would play along with my kinks and surprised me when she agreed to try swinging when I brought it up. I put up a profile on a swing site and we met a few fun couples over 2 years. During this time she got her belly ring since I found it so sexy. We only played 4 times because finding another couple where all got along was difficult. Jenn was very picky choosing men and found most unattractive or jerks. She’s not bi at all so that really limited us; most women in the LS are bi we discovered. Seeing her with another man was so sexy. I confided to her that my desire to watch her was becoming greater than my wants to be with other women. After a lot of discussions we agreed I could put a post online soliciting men for her to possibly meet. Lots of vulgar guys out there! Cock photos, rude remarks turned us off. We did find two men a few months apart and Jenn had sex once with each a few months apart. Both were MFM with me but not as great as we hoped for. Me and the guys came way to quick and Jenn was left disappointed on both occasions. after the last MFM about three years ago we decided to stop and just be together. After a few weeks I checked our post online and saw a response that peaked my curiosity. His stats looked good as Jenn liked tall, fit, handsome men (the swinger guys and solo guys were all my size and physique). His writing was articulate and polite. I shared the info with Jenn and they shared some intro texts. They found they had similar tastes in books, music, and exercise. We agreed to meet him the following Saturday night at a local restaurant bar.
                                                They hit it off right away. After a half hour of flirting conversation Jenn said our code word signaling she liked him and wanted to go further. That was also my cue to back of from the conversation and let them talk. Sitting there reading their body language I could see the mutual attraction building.
                                                Wayne excused himself to the men’s room and said to us, “I hope you’ll be here when I get back!”
                                                Jenn smiled. We agreed to have him come to our home and Jenn asked me if I would go home now to prep the bedroom and she would let Wayne drive her back. That was a surprise but also very exciting. Wayne returned very happy to see us still there. I ask him if it was ok to drive Jenn home since I needed to clean up the house a bit for our guest. He readily agreed but had a request that I just watch and stay clothed…he was not into MFM at all. I was almost ready to say no…Jenn and I expected MFM fun. Jenn said OK to him and I was outvoted.
                                                When they arrived about 30 minutes later I had the bed made, music and candles going. They continued their conversation in the living room, some kissing and then Jenn said it was time to go to the bedroom and took Wayne’s hand leading him there with me following. They got naked and Jenn told me to got the condoms out. She sucked him and then placed one over his massive cock and looked at me while holding it.
                                                She laid down on her back and he got on top of her. I was surprised how little foreplay there was but she had 3 glasses of wine and was tipsy. When she drinks she goes right for fucking.
                                                It was awkward not being involved. He tried to enter her but his size was more than she ever had so he went in slow while she breathed through the initial pain. He came in about 5 minutes. Jenn did not cum but said she enjoyed feeling him. He wanted another round but Jenn said another time. It wasn’t the fantasy we hoped for but after he left we agreed that he had potential for another date night.
                                                A few weeks later we had him visit and things went well. More kissing and foreplay than the first time but I was jealous and it was apparent. I wanted to be involved but Wayne said it was a deal breaker for him and Jenn glared at me. Not my finest moment but I stayed quiet as they continued. He fucked her harder than the first time and after a while Jenn was able to take in most of his thick 8 inches. As he pumped her faster the condom broke and Jenn had to stop to get him a new one. Wayne was a bit frustrated (we only had left over regular sized condoms) and was getting a little soft. Jenn worked her mouth and hand on his cock and got it back for action. She rolled the condom over it and got up for doggie style. He grabbed her waste and thrusted into her pounding her hard and then came hard. They uncoupled and he asked her if she came. Yes she told him. They stayed snuggled on the bed for a few minutes and then Wayne said he thought he should go home. They kissed and Jenn went to freshen up. Wayne thanked me and said he hoped to see Jenn again soon. “up to her”, I said. We shook hands and he left.
                                                In bed now Jenn said she was too sore to be touched but was willing to give me a hand job. I came after just a few pulls. I asked her if she wanted to see him again and she said she wasn’t sure. She confessed she faked her orgasm to not make Wayne feel bad.
                                                The next morning Wayne texted her asking for another date a few weekends away. Jenn handed me her phone and said it was up to me. She was 50/50. I texted back “OK third time’s a charm 😉 ”
                                                I’ll copy the story of the third date in the next post.

                                              • DD22
                                                  Post count: 36

                                                  On their 3rd date night he arrived at 7pm and I sat on the couch across the living room from them as they chatted and sipped wine as usual. She invited him to our bed and I followed as usual but he asked me to leave the bedroom ( I had witnessed the first two times but always off the bed and I stayed dressed). I did as told but stayed outside and listened in thru the opening in the partially closed door. He told her how much her adored her and had been tested for STD’s a few days prior and he showed her the paperwork verifying all clear. I could see him lightly caressing her neck and chest while she was processing this. After a few minutes she moved her hand to the back of his neck pulling his face to hers. They kissed passionately longer than I could ever recall…and then she spoke’ “I have been wanting to feel your cock deep inside me and filling me up ever since the first time. It’s just my husband and I agreed you would need to use a condom. But I want to feel you so bad right now I’m conflicted…” There was a moment of silence between them; my heart was beating so fast and strong I was afraid they would hear it! I was also so conflicted because the thought of it was so intense. Another man had never cum inside her. I had to walk away and pour myself a drink and sat in the living room waiting. And waiting. After about and hour I heard the bedroom door open. My wife came out naked aside from her belly ring, covered in sweat, flushed skin. I could almost see the heat rising off of her skin. Without saying a word she stood in front of me while I sat on the couch and she parted her legs. Slowly at first I saw thick white fluid start to leak down her inner thigh. She took my hand and placed it over her crotch. Instantly she let loose and my hand was covered with his cum and her juices. Aside from the hot goo I was holding I was overwhelmed by their mixed musky smell. Without thinking I brought my hand to my mouth and licked it. She smiled, leaned over to kiss me and said, “Thank you for not being mad baby. He had clean testing a few days ago and I couldn’t resist. It feels so good I want more if that’s ok?” At a loss for words I could only nod ok and she went back with him for another few hours with the door shut completely. I was tempted to peek in but felt I should give them private time. Around 1am I awoke to hear them talking and kissing by the front door and then I heard his car start and drive away. She(now in panties and his T-shirt)came to me and took my sticky hand to invite me to bed. The sheets were all over the place and cum stains were all over them. She was exhausted and sore down there so we spooned and drifted to sleep. The next morning she told me if we were to continue with him she wanted to go bare and be filled up. I agreed. I was able to witness most times. Eventually he moved away but we still had pillow talk about that date night.
                                                  Jenn is happy he’s back now.

                                                • TransStar
                                                    Post count: 140

                                                    A steamy hot romance

                                                  • Voyeurcuck
                                                      Post count: 131

                                                      Thanks for sharing your detailed story. I see a lot of common experiences in how we get into the cuckolding game, the issues finding a matching couple, the preference of MFM for both of us and the desire and evolution into “real” cuckolding with her and the stranger coupling alone. We have not come as far as you, but our next session will be with my wife and her “catch” alone and me watching. Then maybe later MFM. Her next catch which she has met on a bar just before the lockdown is actually openly preferring her alone

                                                      I’m really impressed about your history with Wayne. Both the fact you were told not to get involved from the start. And also how the first two dates went and still Jenn wanted to see him for the 3rd time… and then completely surrenders to bareback sex. Do you think the condoms were a limiting factor for the first two encounters? How do you do with birth control? Assuming Jenn is still fertile, is she on the pill? Or is this another aspect that thrills the setup.

                                                      Is Wayne seeing others when not with Jenn? I would imagine such a hunk would have other women in the long periods without seing Jenn

                                                    • DD22
                                                        Post count: 36

                                                        To answer some questions:
                                                        Wayne had a vasectomy before we met. He is a widower. His wife died in an accident before we met him. He is 4 years our senior. Jenn is not on birth control. I also had a vasectomy years ago. Wayne is not seeing other women and told us he only had a couple flings after he moved away. He told us no woman has even come close to Jenn’s beauty.

                                                        Thursday morning. Day 6 with Wayne
                                                        Jenn surprised me at 4AM. I normally rise at 5 to do morning farm chores and then make her breakfast at 6 before she heads to work. She came downstairs to the guest bedroom (now my bedroom) and spooned me. Not remembering where I was or the situation at first I pushed by backside into her and she wrapped her right arm around me holding me tight. “mmmmmmmmmmm” we both purred together.
                                                        “Are you awake?”, she whispered.
                                                        I mustered “kinda”.
                                                        “I love you”, she replied
                                                        “I love you too”, and then it hit me all at once remembering what was going on. The c19 virus pandemic, quarantine, and Wayne in our home. A sense of uncertainty in my gut. Nausea. A rush of panic. I had to pee.
                                                        Rushing up I banged my little toe on the nightstand. That hurt like a you know what! Made it to the toilet and drained my bladder. I washed up and brushed my teeth. Catching my reflection in the mirror. Damn ‘love handles’ over the waistband of my white Fruit of the Loom tighty whities. I shook my head at myself thinking I can’t compare to Wayne. Flicked the light off and got back into bed. Jenn was leaning up on her left arm wearing Wayne’s sweatshirt and I could see the crotch of her red panties.
                                                        She patted my side of the bed and I got under the covers with her. Her body was so nice and warm as she spooned me again. We just stayed like that for a few minutes when she told me She snuck down to see me while Wayne slept deeply. She missed me.

                                                        Wayne had a long conference call last night that lasted past 6pm so Jenn and I made dinner together and she told me about her day at work. Office gossip and changes due to the pandemic. Thankfully everything is fine. She’s enjoying working and told me it’s fun to hear the other women complain about their husbands while she lives with this secret. Like me she doesn’t have anyone to talk about it. Journaling here and getting feedback is a great help in dealing with the emotions I have.

                                                        Wayne came to the kitchen and we could tell he was not happy. His company lost a large client that he had brought in years ago and it accounted for a fair amount of his income. He said he’d be fine but this was unexpected. Dinner was served but the conversation was flat. We settled into the living room after we all helped cleanup. Jenn went to him and hugged Wayne and he leaned down and kissed her. On the couch they talked about a book they started reading together. I’m not into fiction so I tuned out and scrolled on my phone for the latest news. I’d occasional glance over and see them holding hands, talking and laughing.

                                                        They stood up and Jenn announced they were going to bed early. It was 9:30. Jenn kissed my cheek and Wayne told me’ “It’s been a rough day man.” They left me alone. I waited 10 minutes to let them get ready and then walked down the hall to the bedroom door which was open about an inch or so. This allowed me to peak in. No candles or music. My eyes took a while to adjust and shapes finally resolved. Jenn was laying on top of Wayne in a 69 fashion and was orally servicing his hardening cock. Their height difference made a true 69 activity almost impossible as her crotch could not meet his mouth. Instead Wayne’s hands cupped her perfect round ass and squeezed her buns. Jenn sat up, her back to his face and the shuffled up to rest her pussy on his mouth while she help his fully erect cock at its base in her tiny hand; there was still a lot of shaft and his engorged head visible.
                                                        As he licked her she held the cock tighter and it moved back and forth as her body rocked the same. She came. I could tell be how her body tightened and shook. She didn’t make a sound though and never let go of Wayne’s cock. She got up and walked straight to the door and said, “show’s over now”. She shut the door in my face and I heard her lock it. Defeated I went to bed and forced myself not to masturbate. Eventually sleep came until Jenn woke me up.

                                                        She asked me if I wanted to try the position she did with Wayne last night that she allowed me to watch. I did. She took of my underpants and her shirt but left the red panties on. Kneeling she turned and lifted her left thigh over my chest and laid on me and began sucking my penis. The fabric of her panties concealed what I craved. Jenn was easily able to take my thin 5″s into her mouth and I couldn’t help but reach to hold her buns and then I pulled the red fabric to the side of her crotch. I felt wetness and sticky warmth. I started to push my index finger into her but she said, ” no…stay out of there.” My fingers were covered with her juices. Correction-their juices as I could smell his cum as I brought my hand to my nose. Inhaling deeply I started to come and Jenn’s mouth left my throbbing penis spurting on its own. Jenn quickly got off me and tossed me some tissue to wipe up with.
                                                        “Did you smell him inside me?”
                                                        “He fucked me after I closed the door and we fell asleep. Then around 3 he woke me up fingering me and he got on top of me and came hard and quick. He really filled me up both times! Then he rolled over and started snoring. It was almost like he was acting out a wet dream. We didn’t talk or kiss that second time. He just came in and ejaculated deep inside me. I couldn’t sleep and I wanted to snuggle you. I feel bad about closing the door last night but I wanted to help Wayne destress. He had a bad day yesterday.”
                                                        “it’s OK. I understand. Thanks for this morning. Your lips felt so good! I miss making love to you.”
                                                        “I know you do but unless Wayne approves you cannot be inside me. Plus I’m more stretched out now and I really wouldn’t feel you. He’s so big!!”
                                                        She didn’t mean to but it made me feel bad. I had to put that aside. Jenn was happy. I should be too.
                                                        She put her finger under her panties and her her gooey finger on my nipples and then blew on them making them harden. Then she did the same to her’s and told me “blow”. When I did I watched her soft pink nipples harden and poke out. She turned and leaving said, “time to get ready for a new day!”
                                                        I made her coffee to go and she drove away. Wayne still asleep.

                                                      • Voyeurcuck
                                                          Post count: 131

                                                          Honestly, I think you have a very supportive and loving wife.

                                                          Being uncertain about yourself and comparing you to Wayne is natural, and somehow part of the game you 3 play. Don’t let it put bad thoughts in your mind.

                                                          The fact Jenn came to you early in the morning tells she really cares about you and your well-being. And no matter how much Wayne looks like a greek god, she’s married to you and wants you as her life companion.

                                                          You probably know in your heart, but Jenn is somehow split between the two of you, she tries to please Wayne and “distress” him but also feel responsible for you and your feeling. She could say something like “how stretched she is” which can be extremely hurting for you, but don’t take it for too much. Either she is sore – which could be for several reasons but Wayne’s size – or she simply thought you wanted to hear how big Wayne is as part of your game. And no matter how different the two of you are in size I’m sure she can adjust and feel you as good as Wayne.

                                                          And remember – once the qarantaine is over and Wayne drives back to the city to rebuild his customer portfolio, you still live with beautiful sexy Jenn on your farm… so you are in fact the winner!

                                                        • DD22
                                                            Post count: 36

                                                            Thanks for the kind advice VoyeurC. It’s been a roller coaster of emotions as we mark one week with Wayne ruling the household.
                                                            I didn’t interact at all with Wayne yesterday. After Jenn left for work I also left to get some supplies and was out almost all day. Around 2pm Jenn texted me and said her office was having computer problems so she was coming home early. I notified her I was still out and likely not home until 6ish. She asked if I told Wayne about her morning surprise to me. “No. Didn’t see him at all.” She texted back quickly, “good please don’t say anything about it to him!!”
                                                            I didn’t think much more about it as I continued my tasks to get home as soon as I could.
                                                            Jenn’s car was in the garage when I go home at 5:30.
                                                            She and Wayne were sitting at the kitchen table. Jenn looked visibly shaken and I could tell she had been crying because her mascara was running down her lower eyelid. Wayne was holding her hands and told her to tell me why she was crying. “Honey, Wayne said he is mad that I visited you yesterday morning in your bed and he feels we should be punished because we did not get his permission. We agreed last week that he “owns” us. I didn’t consider that yesterday and wanted to be with you. I should have asked him first.”
                                                            Wayne spoke up addressing both of us, “Look at me. You both broke an important rule. Jenn, your body belongs to me during my stay. Had you asked I likely would have allowed you two to be together sexually. yes, this is just a role play and we agreed on safe words. Would either of you care to slow or stop things? I can leave with no hard feelings if that’s what you need.” He stood up and Jenn sobbed, “No no no! Please stay. I want to be with you!” She looked to me with pleading eyes.
                                                            Wayne kissed her and wiped away a tear.
                                                            “What do you say Dave?” he asked me.
                                                            I had a chance to end it now if I wanted. Truthfully I felt it might be best but I knew Jenn would never forgive me. It’s just fun kinky role play right? That song by The Clash run through my mind: Should I Stay or Should I Go
                                                            “Yes Wayne I’m sorry and I’d like you to stay.” There, I said it.
                                                            “Good. I am grateful you’ve allowed me to shelter here and enjoy being your owner.”
                                                            We all agreed we were not very hungry so we skipped dinner. Wayne and Jenn went to the master bedroom without a word to me. They both got up and just walked away. Jenn was still in her work clothes but her slacks highlighted her perfect ass and legs as I watched her follow Wayne.
                                                            The door shut and I was left sitting at the kitchen table alone. I heard the door open 10 minutes later. Wayne was now wearing a business suit and tie. Polished shoes. Very impressive executive look.
                                                            “Dave I need you to come with me right now please.”
                                                            I got up and followed him. The door still closed from the hallway Wayne told me to strip down naked. I did as told. Nervous my cock was shrunk tight and tiny. He looked at it and rolled his eyes.
                                                            He opened the door. The lights were on and sunlight filled the room. My eyes stung as they adjusted.
                                                            Jenn was also naked. She was standing bent over with her hands holding the iron work footboard of the bed. It took me a moment to process that her wrists were bound and tied to the iron rail. Her boobs pulled down no longer round orbs but more stretched.
                                                            Every blemish and wrinkle apparent in the brightness of the room. I saw myself in the mirror and my flawed body was also exposed.
                                                            We both knew better than to say anything. Wayne walked over to Jenn and spread her cheeks firmly. Both holes fully exposed. Then he let go and took hold of her breasts. He was rubbing his hands on her back now and I saw goosebumps on her arms and legs.
                                                            Wayne opened his briefcase and told me to pick one. Inside were 4 items: a paddle, a small whip with many strands of leather, a pack of wooden clothes holders like for hanging laundry, and a long plastic and metal rod with metal clips at the tip.
                                                            “Pick one Dave”
                                                            I grabbed the paddle. No reason…I just had to pick something and didn’t really give it thought.
                                                            “Good choice! Very good. Now you both admitted breaking a rule so some punishment is required. Dave, you are going to spank Jenn as I instruct. you are not to stop until I say so. Understand?”
                                                            “yes Sir”
                                                            “Stand here.” he stood near Jenn’s bare white ass and motioned a spanking arm gesture.
                                                            Now in position I raised my arm holding the paddle. My hand shook.
                                                            “Higher Dave.”
                                                            I raised my right arm above my shoulder. Jenn and I had played some spanking kink alone and I enjoyed being spanked but she was not really into receiving. I would be careful.
                                                            “Now!” Wayne ordered.
                                                            The paddle hit Jenn perfectly centered and she shouted “Ouch!”
                                                            “Again and keep it going!”
                                                            I administered 3 quick smacks in a row.
                                                            “Dave enough with the love pats. This is for punishment not kink. Make it harder!”
                                                            The next spankings were harder and Jenns ass was glowing red welts were developing. Her hands griped the railing.
                                                            I lost count after 20 but kept going waiting for Wayne to end it. Jenn had been yelling but Wayne told her to be quiet. Though I could not see her face I suspected her eyes were tightly closed bearing the pain I was giving.
                                                            “OK. That’s enough.” Wayne finally said.
                                                            My hand stung and my shoulder was sore. He took the paddle from me. Placed back into the briefcase and closed up.
                                                            Jenn’s body was sweaty. It dripped down her ass crack and boobs. Wayne untied her and she stood up. Her body was all pink. She wiped her flushed face and felt her buns.
                                                            Wayne embraced her and they kissed. Her butt was still glowing red. When he backed away I saw her sweat stains on his suit.
                                                            “Now Jenn you have a choice. Dave also broke the rules by allowing you to be sexual with him yesterday. You my punish him with the weapon of your selection as Dave did to you and then sleep and fuck with him tonight. Or…you can set Dave free and I will care for you tenderly tonight. What would you like Jenn?”
                                                            Jenn didn’t hesitate, “I want to stay with you Wayne.”
                                                            I was floored! He was going to let us make love tonight and she declined it!
                                                            “Well Dave it looks like it’s time for you to go now. I was looking forward to seeing how she might punish you but perhaps this is her way of doing that. We will see you tomorrow.”
                                                            He opened the door and I exited without saying goodnight to Jenn. The door closed I stood naked in the hall. Picked up my clothes and heard Wayne lock the door.
                                                            This morning I heard Jenn’s car leave for work. There was a note on the kitchen counter for me: Everything is ok. I love you. Jenn

                                                          • Voyeurcuck
                                                              Post count: 131

                                                              You really got your hands full with Wayne living in your house?

                                                              I wonder what the spanking did to you? Did you enjoy spanking your wife? How was the idea of her spanking you? Do you think you would have enjoyed being punished like that in front of Wayne? Perhaps even to the extend of getting erect?

                                                              Wayne really seems to know the Dom role. I expect you would be domesticated way more in the coming days so be prepared

                                                            • DD22
                                                                Post count: 36

                                                                Wayne meet with me the morning Jenn left the note on the kitchen counter. Our discussion is the reason why I’ve not made a recent journal entry. He told me everything was ok and he felt Jenn and I had done well following his instructions the night before. Long story short as I have limited time online as explained below.
                                                                Jenn came into the room and sat next to me on the couch. Wayne stood at the other end of the living room away facing us. He told us to hold hands and listen to him as he wanted to make some things clear if he was to stay. I reached for Jenn’s hand and she squeezed mine.
                                                                Wayne told us he understood our need to be intimate but Jenn should have asked his permission. If we choose to continue our roles this is a key rule. Our sex is in his hands so to speak. Jenn squeezed my hand a little harder and my grip also firmed as we watched him speak. He was pleased with how we accepted and went through with the spanking punishment. He mentioned the Stanford prison experiment from the early 1970’s which I remembered from a college psychology class. Look it up and you’ll understand the mind games Wayne used on us. Wayne then brought something up that neither I or Jenn considered then or just now, “I was surprised neither one of you used the safe word to stop the spankings.”
                                                                Jenn and I looked at each other wide eyed with this realization.
                                                                Wayne continued, “I would have ended the session right then if you spoke it. However I may have also ended this whole game and I may still if you break rules or start over using the safe word.”
                                                                He continued with more rules:
                                                                Jenn and I can only be online an hour a day. Wayne noticed me wince. “Yes, Dave that’s something I noticed about you: always on your phone or laptop when not working. I don’t want you surfing the net for news or porn. Too much facebook too. Jenn you get enough screen time at work. Less online time and more attention to my wants!” (thus my limited time writing this)
                                                                He did allow us more time to reconnect. Instead of 6pm he made it 6:30pm now for his taking Jenn for himself. If Jenn got home at the usual 5pm we now had 90 minutes alone without Wayne. We could talk and catch up but no sexual interaction unless preapproved by him. Light kissing was ok. He made sure that Jenn knew this was primarily her responsibility not to overwork my male sex drive. Our hands loosened our grip and Jenn placed her hands together on her lap.
                                                                “Now Dave you have watched Jenn and I enjoying our bodies together. You enjoy watching us I know. I want to see you and her fuck right now. Jenn stand up and pull your pants down. Your panties too.” She did. I could still see red marks on her buns and a small bruise. I felt bad but my erection grew tight in my pants.
                                                                “Take off your clothes now Dave.” I did. Jenn removed her blouse no bra on. We were naked except our wedding rings.
                                                                My cock was fully erect and Wayne told me to sit back on the couch. “Jenn, facing me go and sit on his lap and allow your husband’s cock inside you now….wait before you do come here.” Her naked body followed his order. He reached to her crotch with his right hand and smiled. “Oh you are so wet and ready!” He licked his finger and sent her to me.
                                                                Jenn’s back to me she took a couple steps backward and slowly positioned her hips and sat on my lap. My cock throbbed against her ass and pussy. She wiggled and took her hand positioning my very sensitive penis at her opening. It went in smoothly and quickly. She sat motionless. Then started rising and falling. I could see Wayne’s eyes locked on hers. She was fucking me but could only see Wayne. I was getting very close. My legs tightening. “Dave you cannot cum unless you ask me. Are you close?”
                                                                “not yet wait”
                                                                “trying to”
                                                                “no wait”
                                                                Jenn was going faster. Sweat on her back smelled so good…her natural scent.
                                                                “I’m close!!”
                                                                “I’m can’t…”
                                                                “Jenn get off him NOW!”
                                                                Jenn quickly stood up. My cock flopped out and started shooting cum on my belly and legs.
                                                                “You didn’t think I was going to let you dirty that pussy did you? Ha ha!”
                                                                Jenn held her crotch to keep from dripping
                                                                he took Jenn and bent her over undid his pants and grabbed her hips and entered her. Again his towering frame looked too big for my 5’6″ 120lb wife. I imagined the head of his cock deep inside where I could never reach. Jenn came and the as he continued went limp allowing Wayne to lift her off the floor and move her body while he stood still; using her like a sex toy. She came again and then shouted “Oh baby I keep cumming!”
                                                                Wayne’s body stiffened and he now held her tight to him and unloaded deep in her.
                                                                He placed her facing me on my lap and told us to kiss. We did and I felt warm mixed love juices leaking onto my thighs.
                                                                I have to get off the computer now.

                                                              • Voyeurcuck
                                                                  Post count: 131

                                                                  Thanks for updating – I was beginning to get a bit worried about you 😉

                                                                • DD22
                                                                    Post count: 36

                                                                    Jenn came to me this morning before leaving for work and we talked about continuing with Wayne. I brought it up first as I am missing her more everyday. Not just the sex but the intimacy; we both miss the everyday contact we had before Wayne moved in. I confessed to Jenn that this is getting more difficult for me the last few days and I asked if she would consider wrapping up his stay after the weekend or earlier. Jenn was silent and looked down to her lap.
                                                                    After and uncomfortable 20 or 30 seconds I finally asked, “Well?…”
                                                                    “I don’t know Dave. I’ve had some thoughts about ending it too. I love you and always will.”
                                                                    I waited for the “But…”
                                                                    And then there it was, “But I have deeper feelings for him than I expected and I’d like him to stay. I think this is good for us. You were the one who introduced him a couple years ago and when we decided not to find another guy after Wayne moved away I was OK but you kept bringing him or new guys up. It was fun talking about it in bed and you always came hard when I said his name. If we ask him to leave I think we will regret it and then what?”
                                                                    “Maybe. I don’t know Jenn. What kind of feelings? Are you in love with him? Or is it lust?”
                                                                    She looked at me for a moment and without any hesitation said, “Yes. Both. I’ve never had better sex with anyone than Wayne. You’re great baby but c’mon you’ve seen his body and what he does to me. He’s also super smart and we have chemistry that you cannot deny. When he bent me over in front of you (after you came outside me) and then picked me up and raised me off the floor and pumped my body on his cock I had an epiphany: His cock and skills can never be matched by you. Dave, I don’t mean to be mean but there is no way you can compare and I don’t want to loose what we have but I need Wayne in my life right now. Maybe forever.”
                                                                    She never spoke like that to me when he visited a few years ago. She always said she enjoyed herself but just really wanted me. Was she just saying that to make me feel better then? Maybe it’s the current situation and frequent sex with him that’s got her in this state. I was dizzy.
                                                                    She took my hand and said she loved me and that I should try to become friends with Wayne more. Maybe that would help.
                                                                    “I don’t know. I’ll try but I don’t think he cares for me that much. I don’t think he respects me.”
                                                                    “Well why the hell should he respect you!” She was standing up getting ready to leave for work now. “You’re letting him fuck and sleep with your wife! How could he respect you? He told me you’re a nice guy but can’t understand how you would let another man ravage your wife. He admires you’re skills at running the farm but told me my life seems routine and asked if I wanted more. You know what? I do want more fun and adventure in my life!”
                                                                    “ok”, was all I could muster.
                                                                    “I’m late for work now. I have to go. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings but I want to be honest with you about MY feelings.”
                                                                    She kissed my cheek and walked to the door leading to the garage. She turned around and lifted her dress to show me her sexy black lace panties. Pulled them to the side to show her vulva, “This is Wayne’s.”
                                                                    Then she covered up, turned and left. I sipped my cold coffee as her car drove away.
                                                                    I got up to put the cold coffee in the microwave when I saw Wayne standing at the entrance of the kitchen. He smiled at me, “I heard everything. I wasn’t spying. Just wanted coffee when I heard you talking.”
                                                                    “Dave I think Jenn has made her decision.”
                                                                    I sighed, “yeah”
                                                                    “OK very good then. I’ve got conference calls all day so I won’t see you until 6:30. Have a good day and please have dinner ready for Jenn and I tonight. I’d like to have a private dinner and evening with her.”
                                                                    “ok I’ll make a nice dinner and be your waiter.”
                                                                    “Splendid! I’ll serve her dessert while you stay in the basement then.”
                                                                    With that he left. I had a lot to do today and now I had to come up with a menu for them. I noticed my penis was hard now.

                                                                  • TransStar
                                                                      Post count: 140

                                                                      So what’s for dinner?

                                                                      Candles? Fine China?

                                                                    • Voyeurcuck
                                                                        Post count: 131

                                                                        Dave, I’m sorry to say but I think your journey is taking an unhealthy detour lately.

                                                                        I have played both as Bull and later as cuckold or stag. But no matter what role I played, the marriage and the bond between husband and wife was not to be questioned. I think Wayne disrespect your marriage and probably just want a cheap hotel with room service, not a true game for all three.
                                                                        If he disrespect you it’s time for him to leave. If your wife is so fascinated by him, she can leave too, but trust me she will return once the daily mill kicks in.
                                                                        If I wäre you I would prepare a dinner for three and call for a time out to discuss things. And if Wayne would like to stay, he needs to give you and your wife time alone. Perhaps your wife can split the nights between the two of you?
                                                                        Also let him pay for his stay. If he’s a business man money counts for him and is (the only?) Way you can get his respect. $120 for a night with breakfast, $75 for ordinary dinner, $300 for a night with your wife and so on

                                                                        Hope you work things out

                                                                      • DD22
                                                                          Post count: 36

                                                                          Wayne is paying us rent and utilities and helps with groceries. He doesn’t go off the property so he gave me his credit card when I venture out for groceries. All in all he has been paying his way. This was agreed on his arrival meeting.

                                                                          I did use our wedding china and good crystal wine glasses for the dinner I prepared. Found a great recipe for a light dinner (Wayne requested nothing heavy since a full belly isn’t good for ‘prolonged fucking’-his words). I also went to our wine fridge and Jenn had a note on an expensive red (for us $75). It just said “this one for tonight”. Not even a ‘please’ or ‘love’.

                                                                          Jenn texted around 3pm she wouldn’t be home til 6ish so I knew I likely wouldn’t have time to be with her much. Wayne was busy working but did help me when I twisted my ankle after falling about 4 feet in the barn. He heard the ruckus when I came down hard along with some tools. I keep a first aid kit in the barn and he helped get me up and then did a very professional job of splinting my left ankle. I commented on his job and asked where he learned that. I found out he served as an Army drill sergeant and medic in the early 90’s and then was involved in “classified operations” around the world until honorable discharge in the mid 2000’s. I asked him more but he said he didn’t want to discuss it. He did tell me his IT business caters to military intelligence. Then he laughed saying that was an oxymoron. His Alpha male qualifications went up a few notches to me and I could feel my submissive side being reinforced. He helped me into the house and got me some Advil and ice for my ankle. He had me elevate it and an hour later unwrapped it and examined it. “Nothing bad. I doubt it is sprained. Just light bruising and swelling which should be better in a few days. You’ll be fine to make dinner tonight. Jenn called me. She said she won’t be home until about 6:30 so I’d like dinner when she gets here. Then we will shower together and enjoy ourselves.”
                                                                          I nodded to him.

                                                                          I rested the rest of the day til 5 then got dinner ready. My ankle was not hurting thankfully.
                                                                          Jenn arrived, kissed my cheek and went to Wayne for an embrace and deep kiss. She said Wayne told her about my ankle and it would be ok if I didn’t act as their water tonight. I had opened the wine an hour before to breath and Wayne poured their glasses. He said I should abstain since on Advil. Damn I was wanting to have some…it was supposed to be for our upcoming anniversary I realized just then.
                                                                          Wayne instructed me to go to my room to rest and Jenn said, “that would be a good idea honey. You need to let that heal”. I left them at the candle lit table. I didn’t go to my basement room but sat on the 3rd step and tried to listen. They chatted about her day. They remarked on the excellent wine and dinner I cooked. I could her the wine affecting Jenn’s voice as it does after 2 glasses. They finished dinner and Wayne asked if she wanted to join him in the shower. We have a large two person shower with multiple shower heads. I guess 4 people could be in it with plenty of room. I heard them get up.

                                                                          After about 5 minutes I heard the showers turn on so I came into the kitchen to see the remains of their dinner date. The wine was finished.
                                                                          Quietly I walked to our…their bedroom. The door was open so I went in and saw the bathroom door was also open. I had to look. The glass wall and door of the shower was fairly steamed up. I could make out their bodies in a hug and they were kissing. Jenn got on her knees and took Wayne’s hardening cock in her mouth. Her head bobbing. Wayne’s head tilted back. The sound of the water made their sounds unheard.
                                                                          Jenn finally stood up. Wayne didn’t cum yet. He pressed her body facing me into the glass. Her boobs pressed flat. He stood behind her as he soaped her back. She saw me! I stood there and she didn’t react except for a wink and a smile. She turned around and he washed her front. Fearing Wayne would see me I went to clean up the kitchen. I heard Jenn’s hair dryer and then Wayne came into the kitchen.
                                                                          “Feeling better Dave?”
                                                                          “Yes, thanks. Was dinner ok”
                                                                          “Delicious! That wine was amazing. Jenn said she rarely drinks more than one glass but she had 2 1/2. I think she’s a little tipsy.”
                                                                          “Yeah, most likely. She’s a light weight.”
                                                                          “So…We noticed you peeking in on us in the shower. I don’t recall us inviting you. But since you made such a wonderful dinner Jenn and I would like to reward you tonight. You may be in the bedroom with us tonight to witness our passion. However, Jenn said she would like to make sure you are restricted by being tied to the bedpost corner.”
                                                                          I kind of liked that idea. “Yes Sir I would like that”
                                                                          “Good. Go brush your teeth and freshen up then lets get you ready while Jenn fixes herself for me.” I did so and came back upstairs. “Follow me.”
                                                                          When we got to the bedroom I saw some type of leather bondage straps arranged on the bed.
                                                                          “Sit here on the bed corner with your hands behind the post. Cross your legs unless it hurts your ankle”
                                                                          I did so and my ankle was ok. He bound my wrists behind the post and unbuckled my jeans and pulled them down. He left my underpants on. Then he left. I sat there like that for maybe 10 minutes. Jenn came in first. Fishnet stockings, red thong and matching bra. Perfect hair and makeup. She smelled divinely feminine.
                                                                          “Do you like my outfit? It’s a gift from my lover. I feel so sexy baby. Are you ok?”
                                                                          “remember no talking or making sounds. And don’t try to escape. Just sit there like a good boy and watch the show. I have some surprises for you.
                                                                          Wayne came in now. He was naked but flaccid. “Did you tell him?”
                                                                          “not yet but I told him I had a surprise for him”, she had a mischievous smile.
                                                                          I couldn’t ask but I suspected Jenn was going to fulfill one of her fantasies. I guessed correctly.
                                                                          “Honey, I want you to make Wayne hard for me using your mouth. You know it’s been one of my kinks to see you blow a guy. Are you ready?”
                                                                          I looked at her and felt my eyes watering.
                                                                          “Oh baby don’t cry.” She wiped my tears. “Do it for me. It doesn’t make you gay ya know.”
                                                                          Wayne stood on the bed towering over me. His thick flaccid cock just inches from my face. He smelled like a man. Neatly trimmed pubic hair and shaved scrotum.
                                                                          He looked at me, “Dude this was her idea. Not mine. Let’s just do this and make her happy.”
                                                                          “ok” I surrendered.
                                                                          Jenn’s small hand and fingers held Wayne’s monster. “Open you mouth Dave.”
                                                                          I did and he moved closer to my face and Jenn place the head of his cock in my mouth. This was a first for me. I knew Jenn had this kink but only brought it up when she was drunk.
                                                                          I felt it twitch and then engorge as he pushed in deeper. My mouth was now stretched open and the corners of my lips stung. His lower ab muscles were tight and seeing his masculine chest hair I kind of understood Jenn’s infatuation. His body was so much more manly than mine.
                                                                          Wayne was standing holding the bedpost for balance above me. His knees slightly bent to allow my mouth to take him in. He was so big and hard. He was half way in. Any more and I knew my gag reflex would kick in. My tongue massaged his head and shaft. I could feel the veins so defined and fill. It was very hot to the touch. He pushed firmly and deeper and I gagged. He pulled out to allow me to recover and Jenn took him into her mouth right in front of me.
                                                                          Then she positioned his cock between our lips and he pumped between us. Our eyes locked together. Our lips not able to touch because of the beast between us.
                                                                          “Fuck yeah I’m going to come!” Wayne warned.
                                                                          Jenn took his cock in her mouth down to the base and just suckled. Her head motionless. Wayne began making primal grunts.
                                                                          Just as he began throbbing she pulled him out and aimed his cock to my face. Immediately he shot spurts of thick hot cum all over my face and hair. My eyes stung and I tasted a musky salty warmth in my mouth. Jenn held it there and milked him more into my open mouth until he was drained and told her to stop.
                                                                          Wayne fell onto his back. Jenn left me there with a dirty face and licked Wayne’s ball sack, ass crack, crotch but when she tried to put his shaft in her mouth he pushed her away. “Enough. Let me catch my breath!”
                                                                          Jenn came to me and kissed my lips. Her mouth opened and she Frenched me deeply exploring with her hungry tongue. Then she licked his spunk of my face and swallowed it all.
                                                                          She lay down next to Wayne still in her sexy outfit.
                                                                          “Thank you Wayne and Dave! That was so hot!!”
                                                                          The rest of the night I stayed tied as they fucked doggie style, reverse cowgirl, and Jenn did some yoga positions as Wayne fingered and ate her. It was a blur of scenes and I think it ruined porn for me forever; nothing would ever match seeing my bride star in this hardcore show!
                                                                          After a few hours they snuggled and I watched them fall asleep and I could feel my body wanting sleep.
                                                                          I awoke and saw the clock 4am. Still tied I felt the bed moving slowly and my eyes adjusted to see Wayne on top of Jenn. Slowly making love in missionary position. Her legs raised. Knees to her ears I watched as he slowly entered and exited her. Juices coating his cock and dripping into her little pink flower of an asshole. She held tight to his back and softly moaning I saw his shaft throbbing as they came together gently.. He pulled out. Jenn looked so small next to him. He rolled over and looked at me. No words. He just opened her vulva and we both watched the cream pie, So pink and white.
                                                                          Jenn was spent and drifted back to sleep. Wayne untied me and told me to go to my room.
                                                                          I did so.

                                                                        • Anonymous
                                                                            Post count: 52

                                                                            Can’t wait for the update.

                                                                          • DD22
                                                                              Post count: 36

                                                                              Day 20. This past week I just haven’t felt like writing much. Wayne and Jenn are more of a couple than me and her now. I’m coming to terms with it but it’s still hard at times seeing their relationship strengthen in and out of the bedroom. Jenn has spoken with me privately about her feelings toward Wayne. Yes, she still loves me and wants me as her husband and best friend. But that’s about it. Her talks with me have been piercingly honest and has hit me every which way. Mentally (sadness, excitement, confusion, jealousy, anger, acceptance), physically (nausea, shaking, almost constant erections, insomnia, need for activity to calm my mind), and spiritually (faith in my marriage as it changes ebbs and flows, self doubt).
                                                                              Jenn confessed that during our dating and married years she enjoyed sex with me but rarely orgasmed and faked them most of the time to end the sessions. She never had multiple O’s with me. She found private release with her vibrator when she had the need to cum. She told me that she keep this a secret in fear of hurting my feelings and was OK with my lack of ability.
                                                                              A couple nights ago Wayne had to work late so Jenn and I were allowed to be intimate. I was ready for a hardcore night. I had not been inside her in over 2 weeks! Over wine Jenn and I spoke about our feelings and I confessed I felt inferior to Wayne in so many ways. Jenn agreed he offers superiority over me. During their first encounters before he moved away Jenn told me she came every time with him and usually 3-4 orgasms per date night. When he moved she felt so bad she spoke with a therapist but never told me. She had thoughts of leaving me and moving to be with him. Thankfully (for me) the therapist was on my side and felt it best for Jenn to stay with me and just bask in the memories.
                                                                              Our night together was mostly talk until very late. Jenn and I got in bed. She wore a pair of panties Wayne gifted her, no bra, her “W” belly ring.
                                                                              She snuggled next to me. I reached into her panties.
                                                                              “Just a little bit Dave. One finger only.”
                                                                              My index finger found dryness and her clit was small. I went to lick my finger but Jenn ask me to stop. She just wanted to touch me and go to sleep.
                                                                              I was taken back. I thought this would be a night for us to have sex but Jenn said she didn’t want to go all the way and was happy to touch me though.
                                                                              “Roll on your back”
                                                                              I did and she got some baby oil on her had and sat us cross-legged next to my hip. Her hand was cold but warmed up as she pumped my penis. A few tugs later and I had a weak orgasm. Cum just oozed instead of shooting. I went soft right away. She handed me a few Kleenex and rolled over and turned off the light/
                                                                              “good night Dave. I love you”
                                                                              “I love you too”
                                                                              That was the last time we slept together and the last time I came.

                                                                            • Voyeurcuck
                                                                                Post count: 131

                                                                                Dave, this is really sad news you bring today. I honestly feel a bit of your pain reading your last post. And I really think your honest conversation with your wife was damaging too much.

                                                                                I’m no way an expert in your relationship, but could your wife’s hard words be a part of the game, all though inappropriate in the context? I’ve seen this with my own wife at least once.

                                                                                Another aspect would be she says so to let you go back and fight for your marriage and your love? Many women use tricks like that to guide their husbands in many other aspects too so I find it likely it’s what she tries here too.

                                                                                She seems to get her best sex ever with Wayne, but does she realize she only gets it because you are there too? Even distant you are an important part of the game, and if she leaves you and becomes Ms Wayne she would no longer have the thrill of being a nasty hotwife…..and the magic is gone one day.

                                                                                Did you tell her how you feel? Or was the honestly only on her side? Any good wife would care about her husband’s feelings too no matter how tiny cock he has or how unsatisfied she has been sexually with him.

                                                                                Maybe you didn’t tell her honestly how you felt because you are fascinated by the submissive role too? But unless you want to stay like that and ultimately loose her you have to call her for a time out and tell her your view.

                                                                                Where do you see this ending? And where does she see it’s ending? One day, the lock down is gone and Wayne has to move. If she’s a smart woman she helps him packing and kiss him goodbye in the driveway before she goes back to her loving and supportive husband and gets reclaimed properly.

                                                                              • Anonymous
                                                                                  Post count: 52

                                                                                  Your wife is probably not the first and not the last female in Wayne’s life. If he is such a pussy magnet, your wife soon gets dumped. Very big part of her value is that she is a housewife of somebody else. If she leaves you, her value decreases a lot. Then she will be only a divorced woman who craves for sex and it will start annoying Wayne soon. He is not a husband type. Now your wife is blind due to her overwhelming feelings but it is very easy to fall from top to bottom for her. The sooner she realizes it the better for her.

                                                                                • TransStar
                                                                                    Post count: 140

                                                                                    This is a cuckold website. Dave is sharing his story. Cuckolding is not all fun and games for each person. He initially asked for advice but has not recently. Do you see any question marks or solicitation for advice? Then just read what he offers without judging or telling him what he should do.

                                                                                  • jay
                                                                                      Post count: 2

                                                                                      I agree with TransStar. Voyeurcuck and bpcuckold you two may be stepping over the line, you do not know Dave or his wife, you have no right to assume you know where this situation is heading, other than this pandemic will pass. In everything Dave has shared to this point his wife clearly loves him, she is confident enough in her marriage to pursue her needs and, I believe, she knows her own husband well enough to allow him to pursue his own needs. Dave is experiencing all the emotions a person in his place would and should. I applaud him and his wife for taking the chance they have. Sometimes we think to much and do not feel the experience. If there is encouragement to be offered it may be to try and turn off the brain and just feel, feel the energy, feel the excitement, feel the anxiety, most of all feel the love of the others within your shelter in place household. I support your love for your wife and her for you. If the feelings wane, you will know then it is time to make a change.
                                                                                      As a side note, none of us know Wayne either, we cannot possibly typecast him in one direction or another.
                                                                                      One last thing, right now Wayne and Jenn are, for lack of a better term, in their honeymoon stage, this too will pass.

                                                                                    • Anonymous
                                                                                        Post count: 52

                                                                                        Well, we definietly have right to express our opinion in this forum until we stay polite. It is not China or Soviet Union so please don’t play mindpolice. We were polite and honest, and I think if it hurts Dave’s feeelings he will tell and he doesn’t need advocats. Neither you know him, furthermore we talked about the situation not about Dave or his wife.
                                                                                        Don’t be surprised but people usually write here for feedbacks. It is not a devilish thought to suppose that Dave too likes to get feedbacks.

                                                                                      • Anonymous
                                                                                          Post count: 52

                                                                                          So back to the subject, I guess when your wife gave you only a handjob, she tried to test your limits. Probably it was Wayne’s suggestion. Submissive cuckolds are often denied and even the idea could have came from this site’s guide. I don’t judge it as I too am denied and even wear a chastity cage 24/7. Your plan was that Wayne would owns you. If we focus on denying, what is happening is exactly that. I think most cuckold experiences the same feelings then get to the comfort phase after getting used to it. Denying has a very strong sexual charge what keeps the cuckold aroused on a level constantly and it is like a drug.

                                                                                        • Voyeurcuck
                                                                                            Post count: 131

                                                                                            @Jay & Transstar
                                                                                            Both comments are the first comments ever made on this board?

                                                                                            A bit strange you lurk here and then correct me and others about our contribution here?

                                                                                            I apologise to Dave if I gave my comments when not asked. On the other hand I presume interaction with likely minded people is what he’s looking for here and not drama with internet police men telling what not to do?

                                                                                          • DD22
                                                                                              Post count: 36

                                                                                              Well I never expected such a following and support as I journal this experience! First off I want to make it clear that the fantasy of being “owned as a couple by and Alpha male” was originally a fantasy of mine and mine alone. When we first met Wayne a few years ago for Jenn’s occasional date nights I only mentioned the fantasy to Jenn. During that time the only role play was Wayne restricting our sex a week or so prior to his visits. Jenn played along but would ‘cheat’ on rare occasion and have sex with me. I think she did it to show me she loved me and didn’t want to make me feel bad. I liked that she allowed me to make love to her but always had an undercurrent of missing the denial build up. After he left the first and 4th date nights Jenn would let me be sexual with her. The other times she was too sore and worn out in which case she would touch me or hold me as I masturbated next to her. She fell asleep before I would come though. Even then I felt closer to her.
                                                                                              I thought she was ok after he moved but as I wrote earlier I found out she missed him dearly. Enough to seek counseling by herself which she said helped her cope with losing him. Had I known about her conflict I’m not so sure I would have agreed to him quarantining with us. But, alas, the 3 of us have been under the same roof 3 weeks now. My bedroom smells like Wayne now.

                                                                                              After Jenn jerked me off the last time I wrote we fell asleep and when I awoke Jenn was still in bed sleeping deeply. Her arms above her head as she lay on her back.I pulled back to covers to look at her body. Perfect white skin and soft pink nipples. I noticed some armpit hair that she missed shaving. Wayne’s “W” belly ring slightly askew rose and fell with her soft breaths. A few stray pubic hairs of her landing strip poking up thru the fabric. Then those long yoga toned legs. I was hard now and moved next to her. My aching penis now pressing on her outer thigh. She must have felt it throb and woke. “Mmmmmmmm”, she moaned. I missed her morning breath. “Let me turn over so you can ride me.” Her eyes still closed.
                                                                                              We hadn’t done this in many months. Jenn doesn’t care for anal. We tried it once and we both agreed it wasn’t for us. However Jenn liked to be prone whine my oiled erection rode between her butt checks just grazing her pink exit hole. I pulled her panties down just under her cheeks. The marks from our punishment night were fading but still visible.
                                                                                              Now oiled I begin humping her tush while she occasionally tightened them together gripping me. A couple times I slipped and felt my head at her pussy lips. I started to push in but Jenn would adjust me back to her cheeks’ valley.
                                                                                              My body lay on top of her’s and I felt my orgasm building. I tried to prolong cumming but couldn’t hold back. Her crack full of whatever semen built up during our sleep stuck us together.
                                                                                              “I have to pee so bad Dave. Let me up”
                                                                                              I did so and watched her stand, wipe my come with her panties. She left them next to my face and went to pee. That smell of her crotch and my cum on the fabric was ripe.
                                                                                              When she came out she was wrapped in a bath towel.
                                                                                              “I’m going to check on Wayne upstairs and shower before I head to work. Would you please make me breakfast Honey?”
                                                                                              I heard her foot steps on the stairs. Laying there naked I collected myself. I put her damp panties on and got hard again. I got up and put on sweatpants and my shirt and headed to the kitchen.
                                                                                              As the coffee was ready I took it to their bedroom and heard the shower running. I knocked.
                                                                                              Wayne said, “come in”
                                                                                              Coffee in hand I nodded to him still in bed shirtless but in boxers. I went to the shower and gave Jenn her coffee. Jenn asked if I had brought any for Wayne.
                                                                                              “Not yet”
                                                                                              “Ask him if he wants some. I’ll be out in a moment”
                                                                                              Wayne said he’d like coffee in bed so I brought him a cup.
                                                                                              Jenn came out smelling feminine fresh which mixed with Wayne’s musky scent that marked what was once my bed.
                                                                                              “I told Wayne how you rode me this morning. Oh, where are my panties by the way?”
                                                                                              I turned red wanting to leave. She knew I liked wearing them sometimes.
                                                                                              “Oh don’t be shy…show Wayne.”
                                                                                              I pulled my sweatpants down reveling my secret. Too small to cover the head of my erection peeking out from the lacey waistband. The blotch of semen stain getting colder exposed to the air. I was embarrassed.
                                                                                              “You are a kinky SOB Dave!” Jenn sat next to Wayne on the bed wrapped in her towel and another wrapped on her hair. They giggled and sipped their coffee. I pulled up my pants and knew I should leave.
                                                                                              Before I passed through the door frame I turned and saw Jenn’s hand in Wayne’s underpants.
                                                                                              “You may stay if you’d like Dave. I think Jenn wants to give me a morning blow job. Isn’t that right Jenn?”
                                                                                              She stood letting the body towel fall away but her hair stayed wrapped. She pulled his cock out through the front slit of his boxers and put his whole soft cock in her mouth. She stayed like that about a minute and then slowly pulled away revealing his hardening shaft. She kept the head on her mouth and suckled. He grew harder and the veins engorged. He pushed her head a little deeper and the held her head and moved it face fucking her. Jenn’s mouth was leaking saliva.
                                                                                              Then he roared loud and emptied into her mouth. Again I saw his cock pulsing in a rhythm that proved he was cumming hard while her throat proved she was swallowing each spurt. His pulsing stopped but Jenn kept still while still swallowing. His limp thick cock plopped out and there was no cum anywhere.
                                                                                              He kissed her and she said she had to get ready for work. She left.
                                                                                              Wayne looked over at me. “Pull your pants down again.”
                                                                                              I did and he smirked and just shook his head. “ok kinky boy time for me to get up. After Jenn gets home tonight I think to set up a group meeting as we are going on 3 weeks now. Nothing pressing but it’s time we all have a chat.”
                                                                                              Jenn overheard this and said we should do it on Friday night (I’m writing this from Wed. morning events. Today is Thursday. I’m still not sure why she wanted Friday and not sooner.
                                                                                              More to follow.

                                                                                            • Voyeurcuck
                                                                                                Post count: 131

                                                                                                Being a submissive oriented cuckold myself I find your situation extremely arousing to read. But also scary in a way, and I can’t imagine what you go through Dave. For us, it’s something we can put away, for you it’s not.

                                                                                                All the best and thanks for sharing this wonderful experience

                                                                                              • Anonymous
                                                                                                  Post count: 52

                                                                                                  I wonder when the next update we get.

                                                                                                • Voyeurcuck
                                                                                                    Post count: 131

                                                                                                    Me too, 4 days without updates. And they were going to have a pow-wow last Friday?

                                                                                                  • DD22
                                                                                                      Post count: 36

                                                                                                      I haven’t felt like journaling the past few days. I’ve been keeping busy helping my cousin on his farm the last few days and Jenn has been working later due to some layoffs at her office. It’s been almost a full month since Wayne moved in and I’ve got so many visions of him with Jenn I have lost count and the memories often blend together.
                                                                                                      I’ll give a synopsis since I last wrote:
                                                                                                      Last Thursday was pretty basic. Wayne was busy online with clients and Jenn worked til 7:30. Wayne allowed us an hour of personal time. I heard all the gossip at her office while giving her a shoulder rub. When she is stressed she gets achy. She kept her shirt on but did that magic women due taking their bra off while keeping shirt on. She threw it back on my lap. Just one of her plain bras but I could feel its warmth through my jeans. When she was done she rubbed my shoulders and back. She reached to my crotch and felt my hardness. She rubbed it a bit more but then stopped, “I haven’t asked Wayne if it’s ok. I should stop.” Her hand returned to my shoulder to continue the massage. I told her about my day. My cousin hurt his back and asked if I could help out over the weekend on his farm. Part of his house caught on fire last month and he is doing repairs by himself. I asked Jenn if it would be ok to help him. He lives about 4 hours away and I could commute daily I told her.She said that would be nice of me to help. We were both silent and left it unspoken that realistically I would likely be gone a few days.

                                                                                                      Jenn noticed the time and playfully said, “I’m not yours now. I need to freshen up for my Bull!” That was the first time I heard her refer to Wayne like that. She kissed my cheek and reached down and smiled, “Still hard I see! Poor baby!” She went upstairs and I followed. I saw her hugging and kissing Wayne in the kitchen. Wayne had made dinner for us. She went to freshen up and I helped Wayne set the table. “Dave, I have to thank you for being such a generous host. I’d hate to be in my condo crammed with everyone else. I appreciate it.”
                                                                                                      “Your welcome”
                                                                                                      “I’d like to keep it light tonight and get to bed after dinner. Jenn’s had a long day and I think we both need to retire soon.”
                                                                                                      Dinner was quiet. Jenn was tired but looked great after her refresh. She wore a t-shirt of Wayne’s and her black yoga pants. Neither of us mentioned my potential travel away yet. I think we were still processing what it would entail.
                                                                                                      I cleaned up after dinner and they headed to their bedroom. The door was shut but as I tested the handle not locked so I left it cracked open enough to watch them gently make love. Wayne finished in a few minutes and Jenn didn’t cum from what I could tell. They spooned with Jenn on the inside. I turned the handle and silently closed the door.

                                                                                                      Friday evening came quickly.
                                                                                                      Jenn came home at 8. I got carry out from a local Italian place for our dinner meeting.
                                                                                                      Dinner chat was light and fun but my appetite was diminished by what the meeting was for. I saw Jenn’s plate was not touched much also. Wayne ate most of the food. Jenn sipped her wine.
                                                                                                      “Let’s move to the living room.” Wayne suggested. We left the plates on the table and put away the left overs.
                                                                                                      Wayne motioned for Jen and I to sit on opposite ends of the couch while he sat in the recliner facing us. His western boots, jeans and flannel shirt made him look more like a rural guy than me. I was in sweat pants and t=shirt now. I looked over at Jenn. She had her hands clasped on her lap. Our eyes met and we smiled a little. Her nipples were hard and well defined through Wayne’s white t-shirt.
                                                                                                      “Thank you both for this past month! I want to check in with both of you. I know this has been a fantasy come true for you both yet trying at times.” He stood and poured himself a bourbon. Jenn and I waived off his invite to join him. We both needed clear heads right now.
                                                                                                      I’m not going to transcribe the meeting in detail. Wayne asked us to describe how we have been feeling about his “ownership”, how we were doing as a married couple, if and how we would like to continue. He also said he would like to stay longer and evolve his “ownership” of us.
                                                                                                      It was kind of like marriage counseling with a major twist!
                                                                                                      He asked Jenn to speak first and she was shy describing how much she was enjoying being with Wayne. I could tell she was holding back not to hurt my feelings. She bit her bottom lip often which means she’s feeling naughty but trying to stay composed. She trailed off describing how good he looked and felt. With and apologetic look she smiled at me.
                                                                                                      “How do you feel Dave?” Wayne interjected.
                                                                                                      I told him the roles were a big fantasy of ours and the reality has been even more intense. My sub side feels pushed and I’m still dealing with jealousy and miss being with Jenn. That I’d like my sexual contact with Jenn. My words failing me.
                                                                                                      “That is to be expected. Jenn tell Dave what you told me last night please.”
                                                                                                      She looked at me and told me she loved me, that I am a great husband and dad, that she cherishes our life together. And that she is also in love with Wayne. That it’s not just lust. It was lust but her feelings cannot be hidden anymore and this “game” is no longer a game. That she thinks we might want to consider being in a poly marriage with Wayne and have him live with us after the pandemic is over.
                                                                                                      She said more but I could only see her lips moving. I felt out of my body for a few minutes.
                                                                                                      “Dave? You here?” Wayne broke my trance. “Thoughts?”
                                                                                                      “I don’t know what to say really”
                                                                                                      “Jenn has invited me to be her lover and other husband. I kind of like that idea. With some more time I think you will too. Jenn, come to me.”
                                                                                                      She stood up.
                                                                                                      “Naked please.” She made herself so. Her backside to me. No more spanking marks on her buns thankfully.
                                                                                                      Wayne stood and kissed her. Then he turned her to face me. He reached around her chest and took each nipple between his thumb and index finger. “Tell your husband more” She inhaled as he squeezed the pink erasure tips.
                                                                                                      “Dave I…just. I think Wayne is good for us. I feel satisfied sexually like I never was with you. It’s not to be mean but Wayne does things to me you just can’t and it’s ok baby. I love you and I also love Wayne now. Even you said he was good for us…”
                                                                                                      “Dave come here with us. Naked like Jenn” I stood and did so. My cock was soft and very small lie when I’ve been in cold water.
                                                                                                      I walked over to them facing Jenn. I felt powerless.
                                                                                                      Wayne let go of Jenn’s nipples; they stuck out farther than I’ve ever seen. “Kiss each other”
                                                                                                      We embraced and Jenn gave me a passionate kiss.
                                                                                                      “I’m going to allow you to make love and sleep together alone tonight. Dave I understand you may be traveling this weekend?”
                                                                                                      “Yes” I explained the situation and drive times.
                                                                                                      “Enjoy Jenn tonight but then pack your things and spend a few nights with your cousin. Jenn and I can fend ok while your away. Right Jenn?”
                                                                                                      “I’m sure of it Wayne.” She was still hugging me.
                                                                                                      Jenn and I went to my basement bedroom and didn’t speak much. The decision was made that I will be gone a few nights. Jenn was very loving and passionate but I could tell she was trying to please me. We fucked missionary and then her on top. I tried to hold back and make her cum but she didn’t until I licked her clit. It was a small orgasm but I felt successful. We drifted to sleep.
                                                                                                      It’s Tuesday afternoon now. I just got home. Their is a note on the kitchen table saying they went for a walk but will be home to make dinner for me. The house is very clean and tidy. Their bed is made. I’m going to take a shower and have a stiff drink. I think I’ll need it.

                                                                                                    • TransStar
                                                                                                        Post count: 140

                                                                                                        We are here to support you. Pls make sure to do what is best and healthy for you. It sounds like Wayne would become a second husband and maybe less of a bull. If you would like to enter a arrangement where Jenn has a second husband the this might be a good time to insist on sleeping with Jenn more and having sex more frequently.

                                                                                                      • TransStar
                                                                                                          Post count: 140

                                                                                                          “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” Rumi

                                                                                                        • Voyeurcuck
                                                                                                            Post count: 131

                                                                                                            Dave, you really seems to be a supportive and helpful husband and family man. Going 4hrs drive to help a cousin at his farm with a lot (I think) to do on your own is really outstanding.

                                                                                                            “work goes where work gets done” is a local proverb where I come from. Make sure you still see and take care of yourself in all this. I’m really concerned others take advantage of you in many ways, make sure you take care of your own needs too.

                                                                                                            A poly marriage on the current conditions will not make Wayne a second husband. You will be the second husband and Wayne the first and preferred.

                                                                                                            Are you really willing to this?

                                                                                                          • DD22
                                                                                                              Post count: 36

                                                                                                              Thursday 4/23/2020
                                                                                                              After arriving back home Tuesday afternoon I knew things were never going to be like before Wayne’s visit. The house was very clean and tidy but the living room and bedroom had the furniture rearranged. I actually liked the layout. But it didn’t feel like my home so much if that makes sense. I sipped on a Johnny Walker Black on the front porch waiting for them to come back from their walk. I waited and poured another.
                                                                                                              There’s that ‘magic’ time before sunset that makes the world glow and that’s when I saw them approaching the house. From afar I watch them playfully running around chasing each other and as they came closer heard their laughter and teasing. Jenn is super fast and ran circles darting around Wayne. Now on the front lawn Jenn spotted me and no off guard was caught by Wayne. He grabbed her and they fell and started play wrestling. Wayne noticed me now but kept up the antics. Jenn tore the front of his buttoned shirt and then he pinned her. He kissed her and she wrapped her arms around his now shirtless back.
                                                                                                              The stopped kissing and just laid there for a few minutes catching their breath.
                                                                                                              Wayne stood (the lighting was perfect to display his perfect body) and help Jenn stand up. Holding hands they walked to me waving hello.
                                                                                                              Wayne went to get them water and Jenn sat on my lap
                                                                                                              “I’m happy you’re home honey. How’d it go?”
                                                                                                              I kissed her sweaty face and inhaled her scent. Fresh grass and lavender. I told her everything went well and it was good I went to help out. My cousin was in no shape to do the repairs himself and we accomplished most everything. His wife was a great cook and even pitched in helping.
                                                                                                              Wayne returned with 2 large glasses of ice water which they drank quickly.
                                                                                                              Jenn go off my lap and said she was ready for some wine and Wayne asked for her to refresh my scotch and bring him one also. She went in the house leaving shirtless Wayne standing in front of me. I’m not gay but this man is like a Michelangelo sculpture. Chiseled and defined. Sweat dripped through his dark chest hair, brown nipples hard. He stretched his arms wider than I’m tall and flexed his biceps knowing I was staring at him. He shook his head like a wet dog. His hair was down past his ears and close to his shoulders since no haircut in a while. His sweat sprinkled on my face. He smelled like a man.
                                                                                                              “Dave, hope everything went well. You’re a great guy to help out and even cooler you left Jenn alone with me; we had a lovely time together. Perfect weekend and we both had Monday off.”
                                                                                                              I asked what they did.
                                                                                                              “Well I’m sure Jenn will fill you in on the details tonight. Suffice it to say she has been used more these last 3 days than almost my entire visit. I’m leaving you two alone tonight after my drink. I’ll eat in the den while working with a client in Asia tonight”
                                                                                                              Jenn brought our drinks and we toasted our reunion. We watched the sunset and Wayne kissed Jenn and headed in to his Zoom meeting. Wayne came back out and told us to take a shower in the master bath and said we could sleep together in their bed tonight. I miss that Temperpedic! It used to be my bed…
                                                                                                              Now dark we got up. I went to my basement room and got my essentials for my ‘sleepover’.
                                                                                                              Jenn was already in the shower with a head full of floral shampoo. I came in and the second shower head was running hot water. I saw the bar of soap with a few of Wayne’s pubic hairs dried on it. I felt my penis twitch. As Jenn conditioned her hair I took the soap and lathered it in my crotch knowing Wayne’s hairs were touching me there. I suds my butt crack and underarms never taking my eyes of Jenn’s beautiful body. Imagine a ballerina ice skater yoga goddess. Suds cascading down her curves. The pubic stubble she had when I left was now gone. Perfect white and smooth with soft pink lips slightly peeking down.
                                                                                                              She turned and asked me to wash her back. I included a gentle massage but moved my hand away as I tried to touch her flower. She returned to favor of a back massage. She got out to dry while I shaved my face for her. I wanted to eat her pussy so bad tonight. She always requested I shave my face for that so as not to scratch her sensitive inner thighs.
                                                                                                              I came out to the bedroom drying myself. Jenn stood with her back to me next to her nightstand. She had her knees bent slightly and her thighs parted. I saw her hands holding a white syringe like thing and she pushed the plunger into her vagina. She saw me but walked past me to rinse the thing off.
                                                                                                              “So….I’ve got a UTI and a yeast infection! Can you believe it?!”
                                                                                                              I knew there would be no tasting her tonight. Dammit!! Thinking about it now I’m surprised it didn’t happen earlier but like Wayne told me they were very ‘active’ while I was away.
                                                                                                              “How about I tell you about our weekend while I touch you? Come in bed with me”
                                                                                                              Jenn kept her ‘granny panties’ on and told me to keep my underpants on too. ‘I like feeling your hardness under the fabric.’
                                                                                                              On my back she rolled on her left side and put her right hand over the front of my white Jockeys. Her finger traced the outline of my head and corona (yikes that word has new meaning!).
                                                                                                              The morning I left (Saturday) they went for a run and worked out together in our makeshift gym. I had set it up a couple years ago but Jenn used it the most. I regretted not getting in better shape now.
                                                                                                              Wayne was bench pressing shirtless and Jenn said she tried to spot for him but really could help with the weight he was lifting. I asked her how much but she just said ‘a lot’.
                                                                                                              Wayne coached her on proper lifting technique. They decided it would be fun to work out naked so they stripped down. Jenn told me how she liked seeing Wayne’s cock flaccid. “It’s still so big and think. So sexy below his abs as they come down to his pubs. I love his big mushroom head. I mostly see it hard ya know.” I was trying not to come as her finger continued tracing my head and shaft now.
                                                                                                              “We had a fun time and really had an intense work out. He pushed me hard but it felt great when we were done. I love how he smelled all sweaty and manly. Like a good stink…” My cock was so full now I was hanging by a thread.
                                                                                                              “We did some yoga together and I helped him with positions. He’s more flexible than I thought. He told me during his military training he did lots of stretching and some type of Brazilian and Israeli martial arts. I forgot the name of it. He showed me some moves but I was too tired to try them.” I tried to imagine their perfect bodies glistening as they posed in those erotic yoga positions.
                                                                                                              “I can feel you leaking Dave.” Her finger gliding on the wet spot of precum on my underpants. She felt my perenium, “Mmmmmm you’re sweaty down there!” She pressed hard knowing how much pleasure that prostate massage gives me.
                                                                                                              “I found that copy of the Kama Sutra you bought us a few years ago and we tried a few of the positions. It was so much fun; I felt so tiny and just let Wayne position me every which way. He made me come twice and then filled me up. After we took a shower and had a long nap and slept past dinner time. Then we just channel surfed and went to bed. We were well rested and Wayne just ravaged me all night. He wanted to try anal but was ok with me not wanting it. I remember the time we did it but can’t imagine the pain with his huge cock!” I remembered that night. We both had a lot to drink and tried it. We used lube but it felt abrasive inside her colon. She never loosened up and said it hurt. The bits of feces and smell on my cock was enough of an experience. Well, at least there is something Wayne or I can’t do with her!
                                                                                                              “I think we fucked 5 times and woke up Sunday at noon. Wayne wouldn’t let me get dressed. I had to stay naked the whole day. He even made me remove my wedding ring and belly ring. No earrings either. He said he wanted to see my body as it was created. He can be so romantic.” I felt her left hand against my butt. No wedding ring. My right hand grazed her belly to feel the “W” belly ring back in place though. She noticed my detective work.
                                                                                                              “Wayne said I can’t wear my wedding ring now that I’ve agreed to be married to him. He said he will get me a new one once this is over and I’ll wear ours on a necklace. He kept my ring somewhere.
                                                                                                              “I liked being naked all day after my self consciousness faded. It’s liberating. No bra! We did have to keep the heat on inside. He has amazing stamina and rebound. I was his sex slave all day and night. Anytime he wanted to fuck he would just grab me and use me. Like a caveman! I lost count but he filled me up so many times the last time was to wet his previous loads spurted out with each thrusts. I never felt so loose. I hate this UTI but it was so worth it!” She push my prostate even harder and my penis was so hard.
                                                                                                              “Monday morning I could tell I had a UTI. Thankfully I had an extra supply of antibiotics and Monostat. I told Wayne and he has been very understanding. Monday we just kicked back and did a light work out and snuggled. Wayne read me the book I’m reading while I rested my head on his lap.” So this made me jealous; reading to her was part of our special time. Jenn would lay on the couch with her head on my lap while I read to her. We had done this since dating. Again, I felt I lost something of our bond. My penis started to soften but Jenn grabbed it tight now and was more aggressive. I knew she felt my angst about the reading and was shifting my mind to my crotch. It worked.
                                                                                                              “Monday night we were both feeling the lack of sleep. I sucked on Wayne and swallowed every spirt of his cum. I like the way it feels shooting forcefully in my mouth. It’s musky and so hot coming into my throat. Would you like to come in my mouth right now baby?” She didn’t wait for my answer. Under the covers her hand pushed the elastic waistband down under my ball sac and her open mouth took my penis inside. I came instantly. The release was intense. The load unemptied since I left was massive. Such a release. Then I felt warm liquid bath my crotch. The mixture of Jenn’s saliva and my semen ran down between my ball and ass leaving a huge wet spot under me.
                                                                                                              “Make sure to change the sheets in the morning OK? You tasted nice Dave.” Then looking up at me from under the covers kissing the head of my soft penis. “I only swallow for Wayne.”
                                                                                                              She got up and brushed her teeth again. Mouthwash and then brushed again. Back in bed I aske her if she wanted me to read her book to her. She said she was too tired so we spooned and fell asleep.
                                                                                                              She was gone when I awoke Wednesday morning. I was kinda stuck to the sheet and lay there remembering the night. Gathering the sheets and mattress protector I headed to the laundry and put fresh sheets on the bed for her and Wayne.
                                                                                                              Wayne come out of the den. he slept on the pull outsofa bed. “That bed sucks! The mattress in our bedroom is much better!” I agreed and had coffee together.
                                                                                                              “Sorry Jenn’s got an out of commission pussy Dave.”
                                                                                                              “Jenn said it was worth it.” It was all I could think to say.
                                                                                                              When she came home she told things were feeling better but needed more time to recover. She was feeling horny though and asked Wayne to let me suck on him again while she watched. Wayne looked at me like “WTF?” He and I discussed our mm play and agreed it’s not our thing but Jenn liked it so we’d do it again if asked but not volunteer.
                                                                                                              She had Wayne stand and pulled his cock out of his jean’s zipper she motioned to me to come to them and had me get on my knees.
                                                                                                              “Open your mouth”
                                                                                                              I did and she brought his hardening cock to my mouth. Again that manly odor filled my nostrils as his beast took all the room inside my mouth. Losing myself I just sucked and let my tongue explore. He came unexpectedly without and pretense and I felt what Jenn had described: that musky somewhat salty very hot semen shooting down my throat. She held my head closer to him and whispered, “All of it Dave. All of it!” I gagged slightly when I thought about it but then just let it happen. More spurts. I wished it would stop. More spurts but less frequency and volume. His cock softening, Jenn released the pressure from the back of my neck and it flopped out. Jenn squeezed his cock hard. Nothing leaked. “Good job Dave. Good to the last drop?”
                                                                                                              I wiped my mouth and stood. Wayne looked spent and just smiled at me. She kissed me deep on the lips and then Wayne’s.
                                                                                                              “Goodnight. Wayne, will you read to me tonight while I fall asleep?”
                                                                                                              “Of course beautiful. Goodnight Dave”
                                                                                                              We separated and went to our rooms.
                                                                                                              When I awoke Jenn was at work and Wayne’s car was gone. He was grocery shopping. Nice guy.

                                                                                                            • Anonymous
                                                                                                                Post count: 52

                                                                                                                I am starting to think that this move in was not a good idea. He should respect your marriage. This ring story… it was an asshole move of Wayne.

                                                                                                              • DD22
                                                                                                                  Post count: 36

                                                                                                                  Bpcuckold I do feel like this has gone too far at times but I’ve never seen my wife so happy and sexually satisfied. I’m planning on having a man to man talk with Wayne tomorrow. As I’m typing this Jenn and Wayne are on the couch and he’s massaging her feet. She said she’s feeling better “down there” but needs more time off so Wayne said she can sleep with me tonight.

                                                                                                                • TransStar
                                                                                                                    Post count: 140

                                                                                                                    Sounds like you’re warming up to Wayne.

                                                                                                                  • Voyeurcuck
                                                                                                                      Post count: 131

                                                                                                                      Wayne, I understand your reasons and would probably take the same chance you did if I were in your shoes. But what started out as a temporary game between equal adults seems to have turned into an unbalanced relationship for your part with no end date.

                                                                                                                      Being in that uncertain stage could be part of the thrill, but only if it’s clearly a game.

                                                                                                                      Have you considered to suggest a regular “time out” from your game where you all step out of. Your roles and discuss equally what happened and what is acceptable and what’s not?

                                                                                                                      I think you should suggest Wayne that option. If he agrees it shows he’s playing a game as in the beginning. If he refuse I suggest you contact a lawyer to ensure a fair divorce

                                                                                                                    • TransStar
                                                                                                                        Post count: 140

                                                                                                                        His name is Dave. You sent to Wayne.

                                                                                                                      • Voyeurcuck
                                                                                                                          Post count: 131

                                                                                                                          Of course

                                                                                                                        • DD22
                                                                                                                            Post count: 36

                                                                                                                            Jenn and I had a heart to heart talk last night. No drinking so we could keep clear heads. Although her UTI and yeast infection are almost 100% clear we agreed no sexual activities last night. Truthfully I was ok with that after the show we put on for her. I told her I really do not enjoy sucking Wayne and that he’s not a fan either but we did it to please her and he and I do not want this to be a regular thing. She smiled said thanks and ok. We sat in bed in silence for a while after that. I held her left hand and touched her ring finger. The whiter skin where her ring used to be still showed. She clenched her hand and turned red in the face.
                                                                                                                            “I’m sorry Dave. Wayne asked me to give him my wedding ring while he stays with us and I took it off without thinking. I miss wearing it but at the same time it feels better being with Wayne not wearing it. Remember when we fantasized about being ‘owned’ you were the one who thought of me giving it up. You can’t be made at me. It was your idea.”
                                                                                                                            “ok I know but sometimes this is just too intense. I miss being with you”
                                                                                                                            “We are here together right now.”
                                                                                                                            “Yes but you know what I mean Jenn”
                                                                                                                            “Dave you have been so good about Wayne and me. Please don’t make this harder on yourself or me and Wayne”
                                                                                                                            I breathed deep. Jenn has been my wife for decades and we dated in our late teens. We were always the cute couple at social events and although my sex drive was much higher than her’s we found a good balance over the years. I didn’t realize her deep sexual appetite until her first dates with Wayne. We had tried swinging before him but Jenn just couldn’t get into it and found the guys not up to her standards. That 3rd date night a few years ago when they went bareback was just a hint of her vixen personality. I think I wrote about that in an early journal entry.
                                                                                                                            “Jenn what the hell am I supposed to do?” I was getting angry now. “You’re with him most every night and you’ve told me more than once how I haven’t been able to please you in bed. You’re having hours of intense sex with Wayne while ever since we started having sex you were done as soon as I came. You did it so many times while I was gone you got a UTI. What the fuck!” I was really getting pissed.
                                                                                                                            She took her hand from mine and crossed her arms. “This was your idea!! You wanted to see me with other guys even though I said I didn’t. You pushed me into this! Now that I’m satisfied and happy you want me to end this? If you’re upset about the ring then I’ll tell Wayne I want it back to wear. Would that make you happy?” She was on the verge of tears.
                                                                                                                            “Do what you want Jenn. You gave the ring to Wayne. We agreed to be owned so I guess it’s up to you and him. It’s just a symbol of our marriage…” I trailed off.
                                                                                                                            “Yes but now that’s changed and I want to have a deeper bond with Wayne. This is not just a game anymore. I warned you early on when we started swinging that I was concerned I would fall in love with another man and you laughed at me!” Listen to me, I want Wayne in my life and I want you too. You guys give me so much that you can’t individually. Wayne makes me feel like a sexy woman and you are my touchstone and best friend forever. This new to all of us and with time it will feel natural. I’ve read up on the cuckold lifestyle and this seems like a normal phase you’re going through. You can’t deny it anymore and you’ve got to work through the anger to get to acceptance. How can we help you get there?”
                                                                                                                            She seemed genuine in her concern and willingness to help me. Her hand went to my crotch but I asked her not to. I wasn’t going to be seduced to forget we need to clear this up.
                                                                                                                            “I want more time with you. I want you to help me please you sexually. I didn’t realize how you just accepted my inadequacies all this time. I love you and don’t want to loose you.”
                                                                                                                            Jenn smiled and kissed me.
                                                                                                                            “I have some ideas. Let me talk with Wayne tomorrow and see what we can come up with. He does like you and I think with more times this new poly relationship could be amazing for all of us.”
                                                                                                                            She took off her shirt knowing that I would likely end the talk now that her boobs were on display. She was right. My mind shifted and she had me lay down. My pants now off she oiled my penis and silently pumped me slowly until I came. She wiped me off and we fell asleep.
                                                                                                                            This morning she had the day off. They are talking upstairs about me now. I’ve lost her in some ways but have gained something too. I just haven’t figured out what it is fully yet.

                                                                                                                          • TransStar
                                                                                                                              Post count: 140

                                                                                                                              Good job I’m proud of you Dave. Yeah tell her you expect her to wear the wedding ring you gave her. If Wayne wants to get her something she’s got nine other fingers.

                                                                                                                              Poly is different then your wife having a Dom bull. Poly should be a relationship of equals and respect, right?

                                                                                                                              I urge you to continue to tell them what you need

                                                                                                                            • TransStar
                                                                                                                                Post count: 140

                                                                                                                                You write very well Dave you are obviously very intelligent.

                                                                                                                              • Voyeurcuck
                                                                                                                                  Post count: 131

                                                                                                                                  This story is so amazing and your relationship keeps developing. I think you did well Dave, and the roles seems to be more open again, so play your cards well.
                                                                                                                                  One thing would concern me a bit though, and that’s Wayne’s sudden interest in anal sex. How would you feel if he talks Jenn into anal while you never did? For my own part I can say my wife has done anal with a boyfriend before my time but never with me. In the beginning I was very upset about her refusing me anal, but now I find a pervert satisfaction knowing another man had anal sex with her not just once but several times!
                                                                                                                                  We still talk anal from time to time, and one of her arguments were I should try myself before I ask her. Which I must say I did with a dildo a couple of times…and enjoyed. It’s though so humiliating in my view I only tried myself, not with her… but one day maybe?

                                                                                                                                • DD22
                                                                                                                                    Post count: 36

                                                                                                                                    The last 5 days have not been easy for me.
                                                                                                                                    Jenn and Wayne came down to talk with me the morning after Jenn and I had a heart to heart talk. Wayne was dressed up. Suit and tie. Polished shoes. At 6′ 3″ broad shoulders with slightly white hair on his temples he looked the CEO Alpha male. Jenn always loved that look but I could never pull it off. It was Friday but Jenn had the day off and said her hours were likely going to be cut down and she could do more work from home. She told me her and Wayne had a chat and they wanted to meet with me. Wayne spoke up and said, “Dave it’s time for you to understand and accept your position as a cuckold. This has become more than role playing and I’m not going to tolerate you trying to establish equal bearing with me. I know the ring thing is a trigger for your emotions but it is something I’m insisting on. Jenn will not be wearing her wedding ring unless she wants to. If she wants to wear it when she is with you alone then I will provide it to her. I don’t want to see it on her finger in my presence.”
                                                                                                                                    Jenn looked at me but glanced down right away as Wayne ended his sentence.
                                                                                                                                    “Jenn has agreed to that and I will keep the ring safe. Now I understand you also want more sexual activity with Jenn. She’s beautiful and so talented and your desire is understandable. I have enjoyed every inch of her body and plan on using her more. Jenn understands that I have final say in how you two interact. Of course if and when Jenn wants you I will be benevolent within reason. Jenn tell your husband what you said to me just a few minutes ago.”
                                                                                                                                    She was sitting next to him. She reached for his hand and held it.
                                                                                                                                    “Dave, I like being owned by Wayne. We talked about this as our fantasy for a long time and now we are living it. I really cannot go back to our regular life. I don’t think we could. Even though this has been more than you anticipated I know deep down you’re enjoying being owned too. Remember last night? How I said you need to get through the anger and get to acceptance? Wayne agrees with me on that. We want you to move past that ugly feeling and allow your true submissive side to be realized. This isn’t a game. It’s our new life now. You are not Wayne’s equal. You are under him. I am under him while over you. This is how it is now.”
                                                                                                                                    Wayne interrupted, “Jenn’s body has fully recovered and I see her mind is crystal clear on what she wants.”
                                                                                                                                    “What I need. I need you Wayne.”
                                                                                                                                    I just sat there looking at them and then they kissed. “Jenn please get my briefcase from the bedroom.” She sprinted away and came back quickly. I remembered what was in the case and felt powerless.
                                                                                                                                    “Dave, Jenn and I feel a demonstration of our superiority is in order. Please stand up and remove your clothes.”
                                                                                                                                    My body began to betray my mind. I stood. I could not hide my erection through my underpants.
                                                                                                                                    “Pull down your underpants Dave.” Jenn ordered.
                                                                                                                                    Red faced I pulled them down and stepped out of them. Bare before them I waited for instructions. They just looked at me for a while. I grew soft.
                                                                                                                                    “We want to help you work though negative emotions and learn to love your captivity. We’ve had a lot of talks but this lesson will be physical. As in punishment Dave. Jenn has selected two items which she will now administer.”
                                                                                                                                    Wayne clicked open the case and handed Jenn a cat-o-nine tails whip and a small electric prod. She took off her robe exposing just her black bra and matching panties. I noticed now she was wearing high heels too. Wayne also stood.
                                                                                                                                    Jenn spoke, “I want you to find pleasure in your punishment and come out the other side with acceptance of our positions. Wayne is going to hold and restrain you for the next few minutes. I don’t recommend resisting; he is much stronger than you. Come over to us now.”
                                                                                                                                    Wayne turned me around and my back to him he took his muscular arms and held me in a firm upper body lock. I struggled but his grip tightened and I was immobilized. Jenn took the electric wand and shocked my left nipple. HOT SHOCK! Then again on the right one. Then back and forth more times. My penis was flaccid. She held it on my pee hole and asked if I was ready. 1,2,3…HOT SHOCK. Then to my scrotum. She adjusted the power up and repeated the entire order. I was sweating. The buttons from Wayne’s suit dug into my back.
                                                                                                                                    Wayne relaxed his grip and had me turn to him. He bent my head and torso down and held me with his legs between my armpits and ribs. My ass exposed I felt Jenn rub oil on my cheeks and crack. Then I felt the first blow of the whip. She didn’t hold back and the blows were firm and the pace quickened. Wayne held my hips higher for her aim. A few more cracks of the whip and she stopped. More oil was applied to my crack and then I felt her finger slowly go inside me. It pressed my prostate and a mixture of pleasure and pain rushed though me.
                                                                                                                                    Wayne informed me that Jenn was going to insert a butt plug in me which I would keep in for most of the day. Once in they were going to leave me with my thoughts while they enjoyed each other.
                                                                                                                                    Still between his tight legs unable to escape I felt Jenn lube my asshole even more and the started to push the plug in. It hurt, I tightened up.
                                                                                                                                    “Breath! Slow breaths Dave”, they both encouraged me.
                                                                                                                                    Focusing on my air flow allowed some loosening enough for Jenn to push in the plug. The base snug between my buns. This was a first for me and I felt full but more comfortable than I expected. Wayne helped me up. Jenn handed me my underpants and took hold of my penis and twisted it. Yes, it hurt! I watched them pack up the brief case and walk to the bedroom. Putting my underpants back on I started to get hard again. When they were gone I touched myself and came hard inside the white Fruit of the Loom. I kept them on and got dressed. It took an hour to get used to the plug and I did not do any hard work Friday. A wave of emotional release washed over me and the weight of anger was lightening. Acceptance was stronger.
                                                                                                                                    Around 4 pm Jenn called me to come to my basement bedroom. She asked how I was doing. I told her about the emotional reset and she smiled. “Wayne said that would happen after our session this morning. It’s time to remove the plug now. Would you like help?”
                                                                                                                                    Fearing the intestinal fallout I told her I would do it myself. She waited on my bed while I went to the bathroom. It came out easy once the wider base end was out. It felt so good to be empty but my anus was loose. Pretty clean procedure all things considered. Naked I came out to her. I saw she had her wedding ring on!
                                                                                                                                    “Make love to me.”
                                                                                                                                    She took off Wayne’s dress shirt (from his suit) and he panties. She lay on my bed and lifted her legs to her shoulders. It was evident she had been fucked. Wet and red. What little pubic hair was matted in dry cum. Then I saw her pink butt hole was more open than I ever saw. I knew then that Wayne had used her anally. The raw pungent smell of their sex wafted out of her holes.
                                                                                                                                    I kneeled down and put my face into her crotch to experience this up close. Her diamond ring was duller. Wayne’s dry cum coated it.
                                                                                                                                    I pulled on my penis and grew hard enough to enter Jenn’s pussy but then decide to go lower. As the tip touched her pink circle she said “No! Just my pussy. Wayne own’s my other hole.”
                                                                                                                                    I slipped in without feeling much friction. She was dripping wet and loose. Wayne’s load coated me and in a minute I came. Jenn motioned me to dismount and when I did our cum drenched my sheets. We laid there and then Jenn told me how Wayne eased her into anal by first fingering her and then used different sized toys until she was able to take in some of his huge cock. She told me she liked having him in her ass but still couldn’t take in the whole thing and could not yet take much pumping. She wasn’t sure if it would be a regular thing for them. She agreed to Wayne’s request to only allow him to take her that way. I accepted that without anger.
                                                                                                                                    The weekend flowed well but Monday morning I had a lot of anger and jealousy. Wayne noticed it and Jenn was called in to administer more of the same punishments while Wayne held me. The plug was inserted and I was left alone while they worked on their laptops.
                                                                                                                                    Monday evening Wayne told me I could remove the plug, clean it and return it in the velvet bag he gave me. I did so and brought it to him in their bedroom. Jenn was prone and I saw her ass covered in oil and cum.
                                                                                                                                    “This will be a standard punishment when you get pissy Dave. And know that when that plug is up your ass I will be ruining Jenn’s asshole. She knows I enjoy taking her like that. She says it hurts and feels good at the same time. She understands that when you are plugged she will be used like that. In a way it’s up to you then isn’t it?”
                                                                                                                                    Jenn spoke, “It’s pretty much up to your attitude.”
                                                                                                                                    They said good night and I left.
                                                                                                                                    Tuesday was ok. I had to catch up on chores. Jenn worked and Wayne got groceries. I mad dinner while they relaxed and chatted. Wayne invited me to witness their lovemaking last night. I watched for a while but could see they were not involving me at all so I told them I was going to my room. Wayne told me to kiss Jenn. She was straddled on him and he was deep inside her. We kissed and her mouth opened. Our tongues danced and her body convulsed in an intense orgasm. She collapsed onto his chest. As I left I turned to see his thick cock spasming and slowly thrusting her pussy. White goo between them.
                                                                                                                                    I closed their door and had a drink.

                                                                                                                                  • Voyeurcuck
                                                                                                                                      Post count: 131

                                                                                                                                      Stay strong Dave, this must be a tough moment in your development you go through right now. You get more involved, but probably not the way you expected?

                                                                                                                                      The punishment you receive is probably going to trigger your mind too, and in a few days you will feel less jealous and agressive once your subconscious has connected that feeling with the pain and thrill from Wayne’s punishment. I think he’s a good Master and may have trained subs before?

                                                                                                                                      Have you started getting aroused using the butt plug? If not yet I would suggest you to prepare for that feeling soon

                                                                                                                                      Looking forward to the next update

                                                                                                                                    • TransStar
                                                                                                                                        Post count: 140

                                                                                                                                        Sounds like you are adjusting quite nicely, dave. Has there been any talk about being open to sharing your new lifestyle with family, friends and neighbors? it might help empower others to enjoy this lifestyle. I sure wish otherwise would encourage my wife to be more open to cuckolding me.
                                                                                                                                        Do you have any pics you could share of Jenn and Wayne?
                                                                                                                                        When you masturbate you may want to focus on Wayne and Jen being together. For example focus on Jen being on her knees servicing Wayne instead of being with you. That would help you accept this new reality and gain enjoyment from others being pleasured.
                                                                                                                                        You are a good husband for putting your wife’s happiness in front of your own

                                                                                                                                      • TransStar
                                                                                                                                          Post count: 140

                                                                                                                                          It was very telling when you initially watched Wayne and your wife make love and then walked away without masturbating or being excited. You are accepting them as a couple. It’s no longer a matter of anxiety or excitement or envy. It seems more just matter of fact.

                                                                                                                                        • TransStar
                                                                                                                                            Post count: 140

                                                                                                                                            Do Wayne and Jenn know you are sharing your story? Might Jenn want to chime in and share how she has enjoyed this transition of adding a bf (2nd husband?) To your marriage? Will there be a ceremony? We would all love to be there. Maybe it could be recorded and put on YouTube for all of us to enjoy.
                                                                                                                                            I’d love to see you “give the bride” to Wayne.

                                                                                                                                          • DD22
                                                                                                                                              Post count: 36

                                                                                                                                              We keep private about our sex life and will not be telling others. I am concerned how this will play out after the lockdown. If Wayne does move in we will have to have a cover story. Right now I would like him to leave. I want Jenn back but realistically she will never be the same. If I ask him to leave he probably would but Jenn would hate me forever. She has told me more than once, “This was your idea now live with the consequences!”
                                                                                                                                              We have not discussed the poly marriage lately and I think it may have been a phase. This is currently more of a Dom Bull Owner situation.
                                                                                                                                              For our privacy no photos will be shared. I’m sorry to disappoint you. Use your imagination and look at other photos on the web that could suffice for visuals.
                                                                                                                                              No, Wayne and Jenn are not aware of my journaling and I prefer this being my secret outlet.
                                                                                                                                              I appreciate the support from those responding. It helps me get through the rough patches.
                                                                                                                                              No, I do not enjoy being plugged. I accept it as part of my submission training. I know Jenn likes seeing me plugged and I suspect her anal training is challenging for her.
                                                                                                                                              Wayne is a good Master and his military and psych ops training have given him skills as our owner. He intimidates me mentally and of course physically. Jenn is infatuated with him still. I noticed she printed out a photo of the two of them and it’s framed on her nightstand. Since they rearranged the bedroom furniture it’s no longer my bedroom.
                                                                                                                                              When I’m alone I try not to focus on this situation too much. It is draining emotionally.
                                                                                                                                              Jenn is at her office today. Wayne and I had coffee together. Our conversation was about the current headlines. No sexual talk or role play. His work is going well and he is happy as more new clients are needing his expertise. He’s back in his office (my old den) now.
                                                                                                                                              I’m going to work in the garden. Feeling kind of melancholy today.

                                                                                                                                            • TransStar
                                                                                                                                                Post count: 140

                                                                                                                                                I’m sorry to hear that you would like him to leave and don’t see a way out. Would you like us to make suggestions about how to make that happen or how to accept life as it is?

                                                                                                                                              • Voyeurcuck
                                                                                                                                                  Post count: 131

                                                                                                                                                  I’m sorry to read you want Wayne to move – I think you have worked well with yourself and is in a very interesting development now when Wayne (and Jenn) has taken a more physical dominant role. Don’t you want to see where this can bring you? I imagine a few days more would bring your submissiveness to a completely new level.

                                                                                                                                                  You wrote about getting Wayne’s respect a few posts back. I don’t think you will ever get it honestly: The few men who has fucked my wife has never really respected me either. We could small talk and got along well, but there were always this “I fucked your wife and you know how she liked my big dick” that was unspoken between us.

                                                                                                                                                  What I think you should ask yourself is more about where Jenn’s respect has gone. She seems to put it all on you “you asked for it and has to live with it” – but does she really respect a husband if she puts an unpleasant situation on him? If you want to end this, I think you and Jenn has to talk and she has to ask Wayne to leave, not you. There’s a reason you got married, had children and promised “till death do us apart” and it goes both ways

                                                                                                                                                  And even if Wayne leaves, he can still visit you. It would be less unusual to have a friend during the weekend for the neighbors and you all three can live out what you just did the past weeks as many weekends you want.

                                                                                                                                                  Personally, I think Wayne is a type that doesn’t want to settle in a poly marriage. If he’s the business man you describe it’s too boring for him, and no opportunities to meet other married ladies which I’m sure he would

                                                                                                                                                • TransStar
                                                                                                                                                    Post count: 140

                                                                                                                                                    I agree consider carefully what you would like to happen. If you want Wayne to leave tell your wife the safe word and tell her you wanted to end. She may leave with him. If so let her go don’t kiss her ass trying to get her to stay. I did that and and I still regret it. If he doesn’t leave or if she leaves with him it’s time to call a good lawyer. And a good counselor / life mentor.

                                                                                                                                                    And maybe it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Maybe Wayne and Jen can spend time together on weekends or every other weekend.

                                                                                                                                                  • Glasgow982000
                                                                                                                                                      Post count: 14

                                                                                                                                                      Hi Dave, stay strong, we are here to support you.

                                                                                                                                                    • DD22
                                                                                                                                                        Post count: 36

                                                                                                                                                        The last week has been smooth despite my inward bursts of emotions. I am more accepting of Jenn and Wayne being alone together in and out of the bed and have not been plug since I last wrote aside from one evening when I was made it known I was mad that Jenn wouldn’t sleep with me for a night. Wayne look at her and told her I was being a brat. She went to get the plug and Wayne just stood in front of me on the couch. He took off his pants leaving his tight white T-shirt on and told me to start sucking him. I did as we awaited Jenn. She liked the action and came behind Wayne, grabbed the base of his cock making it swell in my already stretched mouth; I tasted his precum.
                                                                                                                                                        He pulled away and his beast fell out of my lips leaving a thread of his precum on my top lip and then broke and ended up on my chin.
                                                                                                                                                        I was told to stand and disrobe. Jenn lubed my butt hole and Wayne put the plug in easily. Now full he told me to take off Jenns pants but leave her shirt on. I did and noticed no panties and her pussy was freshly shaved. She turned and lifted he buns toward Wayne’s fully erect cock. He lubed her and then entered her star. She took half of it in and then gasped no more. Wayne holding her hips pumped slowly a few times. She bent over and put her hands on my knees as I sat on the couch. Our faces just inches apart. Her breath on my face. Pleasure and pain in her eyes. Wayne grunted and then held her still and firm. She kissed me and I swear I could feel the change of pressure in her open mouth as she was being filled with Wayne’s cum.
                                                                                                                                                        She kept kissing me while he pulled out. She farted loudly and a lot of cum quickly exited her exit hole.
                                                                                                                                                        Wayne turned her to him and kissed her. Her ass faced me and Wayne gripped each bun and pulled her apart to show me her open pink hole releasing his white goop. The odor was ripe and almost unpleasant.
                                                                                                                                                        “Stand up now Dave”
                                                                                                                                                        I did and he bent me over and removed the plug not so gently.
                                                                                                                                                        That was the last and only time that punishment was done since I last wrote.
                                                                                                                                                        The rest of the week nothing was discussed about that.
                                                                                                                                                        I liked kissing Jenn and something happened to me emotionally. Like a switch went off. Acceptance washed over me. I surrendered inside. Jenn loved me I knew but she needed Wayne to open up her naughty side. I tried for years but she always was the PTA soccer mom even in bed with me. Now she was his toy and she thrived. I knew I could never have her turn back and lately have started dreading the thought of Wayne leaving.
                                                                                                                                                        He has informed us yesterday that he is planning on moving back to his home as the pandemic flattens. He’s not sure when yet but likely no later than next week. he allowed Jenn and I to sleep together last night. They had been excluding me from their sexual play since that night of anal play. I was told they wanted more private intimacy. Wayne had me go to my room every night since no later than 9pm. I would hear them watching TV and chatting but could not make out the topics of their conversations.
                                                                                                                                                        Needless to say Jenn was very emotional in bed last night. We made love and it was sweet and passionate. I really felt she wanted me emotionally but her body was just going thru the motions. She did ask I pull out before ejaculating which I did after 5 minutes. I was kind of proud to coat her “W” belly ring with my cum.
                                                                                                                                                        We cuddled and she was tearing up and then slight sobs saying she was going to miss Wayne. I whispered “Me too.” I am having a hard time imagining Wayne’s absence and having to ‘regain’ Jenn. We drifted to sleep. Jenn was already gone to work when I awoke this morning. There is a note on the kitchen counter. ‘I love you both’
                                                                                                                                                        Wayne is still asleep as I type.
                                                                                                                                                        Thanks to everyone’s feedback and concerns. Although very exciting and erotic these past few weeks have not been easy. My marriage has had a huge challenge and I’m concerned about the future with Jenn as she adjusts to life without Wayne although I’m certain they will have dates in the future. I’d like that for her and us. Knowing she has had sexual fulfillment beyond my skills I can’t deny her that for as long as she wants to be with him.
                                                                                                                                                        Will write more soon.

                                                                                                                                                      • Poet9
                                                                                                                                                          Post count: 7

                                                                                                                                                          I think the best news is that Wayne will leave. Are you
                                                                                                                                                          sure you can trust him? Most likely he has someone else
                                                                                                                                                          lined up for his treatment. I am sceptical.

                                                                                                                                                        • TransStar
                                                                                                                                                            Post count: 140

                                                                                                                                                            I feel like I should send you and Jenn a “sorry for your loss” card.🥴
                                                                                                                                                            I think you will miss the sexual tension as well. You may not the plug in your ass, but you’ll eventually miss having Wayne’s big cock in your mouth, the taste of his load and his smell.
                                                                                                                                                            What a wonderful memory, visual of your wife bent over kissing you while Wayne pumped his sperm in her ass. Maybe you should get beligerant one more time before he leaves.

                                                                                                                                                            Maybe we should all send him a thank you card. Job well done, Wayne.

                                                                                                                                                          • Voyeurcuck
                                                                                                                                                              Post count: 131

                                                                                                                                                              Thanks for the update Dave. I think I wrote this could be any cucks wet dream or worst nightmare, and it seems like my prophecy was true….you certainly got the whole package in but kept the best part for yourself: Your loving and exhausted wife.

                                                                                                                                                              I’m eager to hear how it goes in the coming weeks, but so far you have earned the cuckold marathon gold medal

                                                                                                                                                            • TransStar
                                                                                                                                                                Post count: 140

                                                                                                                                                                Like in the movie Jerry Maguire

                                                                                                                                                                Rod Tidwell:
                                                                                                                                                                You are hanging on by a very thin thread and I dig that about you!

                                                                                                                                                              • Glasgow982000
                                                                                                                                                                  Post count: 14

                                                                                                                                                                  Hi Dave I am Glad that you make love that night. You say make love. That’s wonderful. But what’s your thought on why she wants you to cum outside and not inside? She is on birth control right?

                                                                                                                                                                • TransStar
                                                                                                                                                                    Post count: 140

                                                                                                                                                                    “Acceptance washed over me.” Is desire on the other side of acceptance? Is it now your preference to stay in a cuckold relationship with Jenn and Wayne? To continue to be submissive to Jenn and she to Wayne?

                                                                                                                                                                    In retrospect, has it been comforting to have them set boundaries, order and discipline? To know how you can all work together to support the team?

                                                                                                                                                                  • TransStar
                                                                                                                                                                      Post count: 140

                                                                                                                                                                      Glasgow982000 has an excellent question. Might Jenn have denied you to make sure Wayne’s sperm impregnated her? That would be … interesting

                                                                                                                                                                    • Poet9
                                                                                                                                                                        Post count: 7

                                                                                                                                                                        Dave, I sent you a long private message that may
                                                                                                                                                                        have misread the situation. I really thought Wayne
                                                                                                                                                                        was a bad actor that wanted to ruin your lives in
                                                                                                                                                                        his love of power.

                                                                                                                                                                        I am surprised that you dread Wayne leaving,
                                                                                                                                                                        I would be jumping for joy. I do want to thank you
                                                                                                                                                                        for posting, as the dynamic made me think about
                                                                                                                                                                        my past relationships, one of which was abusive.

                                                                                                                                                                        Do you realize that you and Jenn both took
                                                                                                                                                                        a huge risk? Will you and Jenn be “owned”
                                                                                                                                                                        by Wayne going forward? Will he be calling the shots?
                                                                                                                                                                        How much time will Jenn and Wayne be on the
                                                                                                                                                                        phone once he is gone?
                                                                                                                                                                        Assuming Jenn opts to stay with you what will
                                                                                                                                                                        you do to reset the marriage? If you did not
                                                                                                                                                                        please Jenn in the past, didn’t she
                                                                                                                                                                        hold out on you by not communicating?
                                                                                                                                                                        Do you really think the chemistry with Wayne will
                                                                                                                                                                        last forever? (unlikely) She will mourn the fact
                                                                                                                                                                        that he is gone how will you fill the gap?

                                                                                                                                                                        What is your daily contact like with Jenn?
                                                                                                                                                                        When was the last time you bought Jenn flowers?
                                                                                                                                                                        Get some sweet cards. Leave notes on a
                                                                                                                                                                        card each day. Tell her how much you love her. What she
                                                                                                                                                                        means to you. Tell and text her every day how much you love her.
                                                                                                                                                                        Each day you must remind her of the most special times you
                                                                                                                                                                        have shared with her.

                                                                                                                                                                        I am dumbfounded by her behavior in all of this. If she
                                                                                                                                                                        still loves you,(I think she does) you have a lot
                                                                                                                                                                        of communicating to do. I now think a lot of the
                                                                                                                                                                        conventional wisdom about women is B.S.
                                                                                                                                                                        Let’s face it women can behave like animals. 🙂

                                                                                                                                                                      • DD22
                                                                                                                                                                          Post count: 36

                                                                                                                                                                          To answer some questions and concerns from those following my situation:
                                                                                                                                                                          Wayne had a vasectomy years ago as did I. No risk of pregnancy and the thought of Jenn being pregnant from Wayne is not anything the 3 of us want.
                                                                                                                                                                          yes, we took a risk in realizing our deep mutual desire to be ‘owned’. It has been beyond our expectations and surpassed all of our kinky pillow talk.
                                                                                                                                                                          Jenn had me come on her belly because only Wayne is allowed to ejaculate into her. I respect that restriction. Just happy I got to be inside her. I know I don’t satisfy her sexually (as I found out I really never did). Wayne exposed her to physical and emotion highs I am incapable of and that is something I must accept. I love her and wish her all the happiness and joy possible even if I’m not the one bringing it. Acceptance like I said earlier has come and replaced dark feelings.
                                                                                                                                                                          Jenn and I will be somewhat adrift when Wayne leaves. I know we’ll have challenges and I’ll need to devote more of myself to show Jenn my love without expectations. Sure, I’ll by her flowers and write notes but a part of her is gone from me and belongs to her lover.
                                                                                                                                                                          This morning Wayne mentioned that he and Jenn were planning on getting together regularly and he is looking into having her work for his company and likely travel internationally with him. Today I found out he was promoted to COO of his company while staying with us. I don’t know the details but she’ll would work from home and go to the office a few times a month for in person meetings.
                                                                                                                                                                          During the next few days I’m going to do my best to leave them be and at their service. I’ve made a nice dinner for them and set the table with fresh wild flowers. Table for two as I do chores outside. Bad weather coming this weekend.

                                                                                                                                                                        • TransStar
                                                                                                                                                                            Post count: 140

                                                                                                                                                                            You write very well Dave You’re obviously intelligent. And a real sweetheart. Thanks for sharing your story

                                                                                                                                                                            Thanks for answering our questions

                                                                                                                                                                          • Voyeurcuck
                                                                                                                                                                              Post count: 131

                                                                                                                                                                              Get a promotion and first thing he does is to hire his secret lover? Not the smartest thing to blend sex and business that way IMO?

                                                                                                                                                                            • Glasgow982000
                                                                                                                                                                                Post count: 14

                                                                                                                                                                                Thanks Dave for the clarifications and answer. I believe the 3 of you will work out fine.

                                                                                                                                                                              • DD22
                                                                                                                                                                                  Post count: 36

                                                                                                                                                                                  Jenn and Wayne slept together the last 2 evenings and they allowed me to be in the bedroom provided I stay dressed, off the bed, and no talking. They look so good together it’s hard to describe. Seeing my wife giving herself to him has ruined porn for me. She is the only woman I get excited watching now. Online porn doesn’t give me those intense feelings like seeing Jenn do anything to please Wayne. They’re so passionate together. His much larger and fit physic next to Jenn’s fit slim yoga body is a beautiful contrast. Her skin flushes and gets moist when they are naked together. Her small hand wrapped around his thick 8″ cock. How her mouth stretches when she gives him head. Her other holes too.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Standing in the shadows while the room was lite with candles and erotic music I watch in awe as they make love. The bodies moving in rhythm as one. The sounds of wet hydraulic pumping over and over longer than I ever could. The ripe odor of their bodies, sweat, phermones fills the room and the temperature is at least 10 degrees warmer than the rest of the house. Wayne likes me to turn up the heat so Jenn sweats more on him.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Both nights were almost the same:
                                                                                                                                                                                  I prepped their bedroom. Clean sheets each night. Set lighting etc and then I put on black jeans, black shirt and black socks. All so I would not stand out in the darkened room. Then stand in the shadow in corner and wait for them to enter. Waiting was intense. Both nights they sat on the couch finishing their wine and chatting and laughing. 15 minutes…30 minutes and then finally Wayne came in and did his bedtime hygiene while Jenn did the same in the other bathroom. I could hear Wayne emptying his bladder and it sounded like a garden hose!
                                                                                                                                                                                  Wayne came out naked and Jenn came in naked too. She went to her knees and his back to me I saw her hands hold his ass as her mouth took him in. Then Wayne lifted her to the bed and slowly entered her vagina. He stood as she was on the edge of the bed. I could hear the fluid and sloshing as she got wetter and eventually took in his fill shaft. He lifted he off the bed. His swollen head must have touched her G spot just right because she came each night during that maneuver. Then he got on top of her, he knees up to her ears and then the forceful thrusts became unrelenting. Jenn had quick multiple orgasms every few minutes and after about a half hour Wayne’s gluts tightened and he held firm deeply in her as he filled her up with his load.
                                                                                                                                                                                  They lay together panting; stuck with sweat. Dismounting always resulted in a loud quaff from Jenn’s pussy and they would laugh. Asked for water I brought them two glasses> The first night Wayne asked me to leave after that. Jenn asked that of me last night. I could sleep well last night so I snuck a peek and watched her ride him for a long time before he came.
                                                                                                                                                                                  What I heard next was the main reason I needed to write today.
                                                                                                                                                                                  The state we live in has lifted most stay at home orders now and has opened a lot of businesses. Things seem to be getting to some as semblance of order now. Wayne is planning on departing sometime next week and he told Jenn he had a surprise for her if and only if she wanted it.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Well it turns out a good friend of Wayne’s from his military days was going to be driving close by on his way back home and Wayne mentioned our situation. I knew what was likely going to be offered and I was right. Wayne asked Jenn if she would like to meet the guy and have sex with him and Wayne. Jenn was very surprised and curious. I could see her on her belly resting her chin on her palm, elbow bent. Her face was close to Wayne’s and I had to struggle to quiet my heart beats to hear their whispering conversation. They were still both uncovered and naked. Jenn asked about the guy. His name is Gordon. He’s 46 and served with Wayne during his time in Iraq. Recently divorced no kids. Masters degree in electrical engineering. Wayne said he could fix anything and that often saved their asses in the field. From what I heard Gordon took some shrapnel in his leg from an IED and otherwise it might have killed Wayne. I’ve never been in combat so this was something I could not imagine. Wayne told Jenn that Gordon is a great guy and one of his best friends. Jenn asked more about what he looked like. 6′ and all lean muscle, shaved head, and has a brand on his shoulder from his undergrad frat.
                                                                                                                                                                                  “A brand? Like a tattoo?” Jenn asked
                                                                                                                                                                                  “Well Gordon is black so a ink really wouldn’t do much. He is dark dark black. Born in Senegal but his parents moved to the States when he was a baby.”
                                                                                                                                                                                  Jenn was processing this information and I knew her answer was going to be yes. Her other fantasy has been to be with a black guy and now she had her chance. Gordon would be her first.
                                                                                                                                                                                  “I’ll ask Dave ok?”
                                                                                                                                                                                  “No Jenn it’s your decision and I want Gordon to enjoy you. I owe him and I know you’ll like him. Just tell Dave you’re going to do it.”
                                                                                                                                                                                  Jenn didn’t hesitate, “Ok, you’re right. My body my choice!”
                                                                                                                                                                                  They covered up and spooned. I left and went to my basement bedroom to gain perspective.
                                                                                                                                                                                  This morning Jenn had the day off and she told me about Wayne’s friend. Most of what she told me I had overheard so I pretended it was news to me. I could sense her excitement to have sex with a black stallion (that’s how she described her black guy fantasy back in the pillow talk days).
                                                                                                                                                                                  She didn’t ask but told me he was going to visit Saturday.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Wayne told her to sleep with me tonight and she could pleasure me but she had to stay in her PJ’s to be fresh for them.
                                                                                                                                                                                  I’ve occupied my time with physical work but the weather has gotten really cold and wet. Back inside drinking tea now. I know she’ll make me cum quickly but it will be Friday’s highlight.
                                                                                                                                                                                  I hope our visitor is going to be good to her.

                                                                                                                                                                                • Anonymous
                                                                                                                                                                                    Post count: 52

                                                                                                                                                                                    exciting news.

                                                                                                                                                                                  • TransStar
                                                                                                                                                                                      Post count: 140

                                                                                                                                                                                      Have you asked Jenn if you will be permitted to watch the two men take her? Will you be cooking dinner for them? Good sex starts with a good meal. What does this new man like to drink?

                                                                                                                                                                                      Has Jenn ever discussed feminizing you when she has dominant male visitors? It may be a good reminder to you.

                                                                                                                                                                                      Will you help her prepare for her evening?

                                                                                                                                                                                      • Luvr
                                                                                                                                                                                          Post count: 288

                                                                                                                                                                                          @transstar this is not a site/forum for the encouragement of feminization or male/male play no matter how subtle the encouragement. This will be your only warning.

                                                                                                                                                                                      • TransStar
                                                                                                                                                                                          Post count: 140

                                                                                                                                                                                          You have never stated if the the color of Jenn’s skin is lighter. And it doesn’t really matter. But there’s just something about seeing a black cock and a white pussy that’s quite appealing to me. Perhaps you will discover the same.

                                                                                                                                                                                        • TransStar
                                                                                                                                                                                            Post count: 140

                                                                                                                                                                                            I am truly envious of all the wonderful memories you and Jenn are creating.

                                                                                                                                                                                          • Voyeurcuck
                                                                                                                                                                                              Post count: 131

                                                                                                                                                                                              Threesome with 2 alpha males? Jenn will surely get her skin sweating

                                                                                                                                                                                              We started out with a planned threesome, but it was evident I didn’t perform like the guest (a true alpha male) so it became a bit awkward. But having my wife fucked by two real alpha males would be a completely different thing.

                                                                                                                                                                                              Looking forward to hear how it went Dave

                                                                                                                                                                                            • Voyeurcuck
                                                                                                                                                                                                Post count: 131

                                                                                                                                                                                                So what happned Dave? Did Jenn have her threesome with Wayne and Gordon? Did she like his big black cock? Was it bigger than Waynes? And is she still with you at the farm or did she go to the city with her 2 new lovers?

                                                                                                                                                                                                You can’t let us hang like this, we’re a big audience waiting breathless for your next update 🙂

                                                                                                                                                                                              • Poet9
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Post count: 7


                                                                                                                                                                                                  If ownership continues, what will be dictated by Wayne. Will
                                                                                                                                                                                                  he tell you when and how you sleep with Jenn? Will he dictate
                                                                                                                                                                                                  your sex lives? Will she be asking him for approval? Will she
                                                                                                                                                                                                  report to Wayne if you misbehave? What type of marriage is that?
                                                                                                                                                                                                  It seems that control is what Wayne wants. If Jenn works for
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Wayne, won’t she be more under his control?

                                                                                                                                                                                                  What if Wayne says, “it is time for you and Jenn to divorce,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  and you will sign over the house, the farm and the financial
                                                                                                                                                                                                  accounts to us…”

                                                                                                                                                                                                  In intimate moments, isn’t Wayne telling Jenn: “he never
                                                                                                                                                                                                  was good enough for you…”

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Questions for you and Jenn:
                                                                                                                                                                                                  How will we celebrate our anniversary?
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Will Wayne tell us how?
                                                                                                                                                                                                  How do you feel about our marriage now?
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Do you want to marry Wayne?
                                                                                                                                                                                                  How will we celebrate each others birthdays?
                                                                                                                                                                                                  How will we celebrate the holidays?

                                                                                                                                                                                                  People are mostly motivated by love or fear. In this dynamic
                                                                                                                                                                                                  have you been motivated by love? Or fear?

                                                                                                                                                                                                  If you have had sleepless nights, loss of appetite, anxiety
                                                                                                                                                                                                  and a knot in your stomach, isn’t fear the order of the day?

                                                                                                                                                                                                • Poet9
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Post count: 7

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Hi Dave, Be strong in this…

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Have you lost Jenn?
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Wayne is very well aware of the damage he is doing.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Below are a few questions regarding “If you are being abused…”
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Does Wayne:
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Make you feel uncomfortable or afraid?
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Put you down, humiliate you, or make you feel worthless?
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Constantly check up on what you’re doing or where you are going?
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Try to stop you from seeing your own friends or family? (Such as your wife?)
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Make you feel afraid to disagree or say ‘no’ to them?
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Scare or hurt you by being violent
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Pressure or force you to do sexual things that you don’t want to do?

                                                                                                                                                                                                    If you have answered ‘yes’ to any of these, then there are signs that
                                                                                                                                                                                                    you are not being treated right, or that you are being abused.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    If you don’t feel safe, respected and cared for, then something isn’t right.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Hang gliding and skydiving can be fun, a big thrill, but some safeguards are
                                                                                                                                                                                                    essential. You and Jenn have jumped out of the plane, so to speak. What is
                                                                                                                                                                                                    your safety net now?

                                                                                                                                                                                                    If this has been difficult for you, consider that it has also been difficult for Jenn.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Jenn is not in love. She is “addicted” to Wayne. He is “drugging” her with
                                                                                                                                                                                                    domination and constant sex. She is addicted to his domination. If you have
                                                                                                                                                                                                    been living like a trapped animal, won’t it be good for it to end? What if Jenn
                                                                                                                                                                                                    has similar feelings?

                                                                                                                                                                                                    When Wayne leaves, it may be a dramatic upheaval. (That is what
                                                                                                                                                                                                    he wants) Don’t you think he wants that validation of his power.?
                                                                                                                                                                                                    The damning thing is that you may both “miss” Wayne. You will both crave
                                                                                                                                                                                                    the D/S dynamic, a dynamic that evokes the fight or flight response, giving
                                                                                                                                                                                                    rise to an endorphin “high.” Wayne will exploit this to drive you apart. You
                                                                                                                                                                                                    may both feel “lost.” When children are taken from abusive parents and placed
                                                                                                                                                                                                    in foster care, they commonly want to go back to what they knew. The key issue
                                                                                                                                                                                                    is if Jenn still wants to have a relationship with you going forward. If you and Jenn
                                                                                                                                                                                                    want to go for counseling, will Wayne forbid it?

                                                                                                                                                                                                    I think you are both under a great deal of stress. I think Jenn is living
                                                                                                                                                                                                    with deep denial. She is grieving.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Wayne only wants power.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    You may have lost Jenn.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Isn’t she basically shattered?
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Has Wayne won?

                                                                                                                                                                                                    What happens to the wedding ring?

                                                                                                                                                                                                  • DD22
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Post count: 36

                                                                                                                                                                                                      I think it’s been 10 or 11 days since I last journaled here. Things have changed a lot in my life and this may be my last update. I’m shook up but stabilizing; thank you to those who have expressed their concerns.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      I’m not going to write as graphically as I have for brevity. It takes a lot out of me emotionally to rehash these past week’s rollercoaster ride.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Gordon showed up and Wayne greeted him outside. They both looked the part of ex military: tall, fit,handsome, and imposing. Jenn was instructed by Wayne to wear a sports bra and tight shorts as he wanted to show her off. She and I were on the front porch when they come up to the house. Gordon shook my hand and was happy to meet me but then went to Jenn and gave her a hug and squeezed her butt cheeks. Wayne smiled at me and winked. Small talk and then Gordon asked to freshen up and shower. I provided towels and lead him to what was my shower in the master bathroom. He asked for a drink and I went to pour him one. When I came back he was lathered up. I opened the glass door and handed it to him. His body was lean and defined like Waynes. No body hair and his head was shaved shiny bald. The darkest uniform skin I’ve ever seen. His cock was huge and hung down mid thigh. Embarrassed and feeling inadequate I left him alone.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Wayne and Jenn were still on the porch giggling. Wayne had me make the drinks and then Wayne told me that he and Jenn decided her first time with a black guy should be a private experience for her. My heart and stomach dropped. I hoped to watch. Jenn got up and kissed my cheek, took her drink and went to the bedroom. She closed the door.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Wayne and I stayed on the porch silent sipping our drinks.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      An hour or so later Gordon came out wearing just his underwear.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Have to sign off now. More later.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    • GoddessMarianne
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Post count: 12

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Dear Dave,

                                                                                                                                                                                                        This is Tom a sub cuck, who with Goddess Marianne is experimenting, experiencing and consuming any knowledge on being owned. In all of that journey, We have not come across such a elegant and well written account of a journey to ownership. You clearly explained and documented every detail of an extraordinary path to fullfill you secret desire. If only our society of family, religion, education and peer influence did not cover up these primal instincts and desires. In short, there is in each of us, an expression of our true nature. Thank you for letting us follow along.

                                                                                                                                                                                                        with love,

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Marianne & Tom

                                                                                                                                                                                                      • TransStar
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Post count: 140

                                                                                                                                                                                                          I agree. My wife would excel as the familial leader and as a hot wife if norms were different. I suspect I would have struggles like Dave. Although I would not shy away from fluffing her bulls. 🤭
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Thx for sharing your journey, Dave

                                                                                                                                                                                                        • Voyeurcuck
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Post count: 131

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Must have been a “long drink” you and Wayne had at the porch that night? Did any noise escape from the house?

                                                                                                                                                                                                            In a strange way it must have been a lessons learned for Wayne too. He has built up the alpha male role the past 2 months and then…. an even more well hung alpha shows up and he ended as no one in the row of betas together with you. A kind of Cuckold nemesis

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Looking forward to hear the next update. Take your time, it must be hard to put on paper

                                                                                                                                                                                                          • TransStar
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Post count: 140

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Good point. Did Wayne enjoy being a cuck, too? Did he mention cuck tears? When Mr BBC walked out did Jenn tell Wayne she was already stated and he could leave? “Just drive that nice man home for me, Wayne. Your services are no longer required.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            • DD22
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Post count: 36

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Wayne told me a bit more about Gordon and their service in the mid east wars. Because Gordon saved his life Wayne considers him his best friend and brother. He ‘gifted’ Jenn to him. It wasn’t a cuck thing for him at all. It was respect and generosity.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Gordon smelled of Jenn’s perfume and her pussy juice when he came out and high fived Wayne. I got up and made them fresh drinks. Gordon told me to take a look at Jenn in the bedroom. I went in alone and saw her sweaty body still sprawled on the bed with her legs wide open. Gordon’s seamen still oozing from her wide open vagina. The room felt thick and steamy and had a different smell than when Wayne was with her. Jenn saw me and smiled. Then she reached between her legs and scooped into her pussy bringing a handful of Gordon’s deposit to her face and let it drip into her parted lips. She motioned me to come closer and we kissed deeply. Her tongue push his cum into my mouth and we swallowed simultaneously. I can’t say I enjoyed it but knew Jenn wanted it to happen. She wanted to shower and have a bite to eat. I asked her about how it was. She just smiled and said it was amazing, how she felt so naughty all alone with such a black stallion. She came hard 4 times and felt used like a rag doll. She needed to freshen up because she wanted a threesome with them later after dinner.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Gordon past me in the hall as Jenn ran the shower. He thanked me for their private play and said I could watch later if Wayne was cool with it. He got dressed and came back out.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                The three of us sat outside just talking in the sunset when Jenn came out in fishnet hose, high hells, short skirt and white see through top with no bra. She looked stunning. Perfect hair and makeup. Light perfume. Wayne and Gordon whistled. Jenn asked fo a drink so I left her alone with them and made her a cosmo. When I came out she was sitting on Wayne’s lap. Amazing how tiny she looked next to the black and white Adonises. She sipped her drink carefully as not to spill it on her blouse. The lighting was perfect; her pink nipples shined through the fabric like small glowing roses.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Wayne instructed me to freshen up the bed room. I grabbed fresh sheets and saw the sweat and come stains drying on the sheets I had just put on that morning. I opened the windows for some fresh air. Their musk was heavy and kind of stale. I light some candles and set up music.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Finished I left the room but the 3 of them were heading my way. Wayne said dinner was on hold and they were going straight to dessert. Jenn grinned at me and said “the men have a surprise for us and I want to do it in front of you!”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Great I thought I will get to see her perfect white skin next to Gordon’s perfect black skin! It was one of our favorite pillow talk visuals. I was in for more than I expected as I found out what the surprise was later that night.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                I watched as the men took turns kissing Jenn and feeling her body. She was on her knees quickly and sucking their thick long cocks. She tried putting both in her mouth together but her mouth couldn’t stretch open enough.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                I will never forget the sights and sounds as Jenn was used for the rest of the night. They took a few bathroom and water breaks but it was otherwise nonstop for almost 3 hours. Use your imagination as I just can’t write everything. Yes their was dp vag but not anal/vag at same time (tried but Jenn said it hurt too much). She was like an animal panting and cumming over and over. I lost count after 6 times. Eventually they all were finished. I stood at the foot of the bed the whole time silent and now I needed to sit.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Gordon told me to turn the oven on to 500F and wait in the kitchen. I did and waited there.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Wayne and Gordon met there and had me sit down with them at the kitchen table. Wayne told me that first of all Jenn has agreed to this surprise and it is her decision alone to make. I had no say in what was about to occur.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Jenn was to be branded with the letters “WG” in a few moments. I asked Wayne to repeat that. He did. I ran to the bedroom. Jenn was naked and tied with each limb pulled tightly to the bedposts. I told her what they were planning and she said she wanted the brand. She was their property and she welcomed the pain that was coming. I panicked and told her NO don’t do it!! I thought of her perfect skin scarred for life with their initials. She said it was her choice and that I could watch or not. Back to the kitchen and I saw Wayne open the oven door removing a two paperclips each bent to make a “W” and a “G”. They were glowing a bit red and were placed into a frying pain. I followed them. Wayne asked Jenn if she wanted this as there was no going back once her flesh was burned. “Yes” she whispered. Wayne took a pair of pliers and grabbed the W. It was about 2″ square. Gordon did the same with his. They kneeled on the bed each on one side of Jenn. Then they each took an index finger and placed it on their targets on her mons lateral to the center slit of her vagina. They said something in Latin like an oath or pledge and then Jenn said a couple words in Latin in response. At the same time the hot metal letters were placed on their targets and Jenn screamed so loud my ears rang. Unable to even buck up her hips she could only move her head back and forth.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                The smell of burning flesh and more screams as the brands were removed. Seared just above her pubis were the letters W and G.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                They kissed her mouth and Wayne had me kiss her too. She was crying but smiling. They dressed the fresh wounds and Gordon gave her a pill for the pain. She was untied and we were told to sleep together while they stayed up talking and drinking.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Jenn didn’t want to talk. The pain was intense but easing from the pill. I held her head on my lap as she fell asleep. My tears falling and absorbed into her hair.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Gordon left the next morning without saying goodbye. He was gone before Jenn and I awoke.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Wayne checked her wounds and said everything was looking good but needed much care to prevent infection over the next few days. Jenn could not be sexual for a few days. Jenn and I have not spoken much. I’m still in shock. Wayne would be leaving soon.

                                                                                                                                                                                                              • Poet9
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Post count: 7

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  OK Dave. So Gordon has gone bareback with Jenn. This means
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  he has a clean STD panel test? Jenn used the morning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  after pill? Or will she wait two weeks for the pregnancy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  test? Is Jenn now “owned” by Gordon as well? Do you now
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  have a new “owner” ? Will he gift Jenn to HIS friends?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  You and Jenn have not spoken much in TEN DAYS?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Does Jenn feel guilty?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Is Jenn afraid?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Is she in denial?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Is she ashamed?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Are you dealning with the same?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Don’t kid yourself. If this has been difficult for you, it has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  also been difficult for Jenn.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Dave, you write well, but the interpersonal dynamic seems to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  be left out. Is this on purpose? Please do not ghost out from this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  forum. While you do not owe any explanation to anyone, I would like
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  to hear how you and Jenn are doing a month from now, six months
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  from now, etc.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  What happened to the wedding ring?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Anonymous
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Post count: 52

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Most interesting thread in this forum.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Voyeurcuck
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Post count: 131

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I hope they paid proper attention to bend the paper clips nicely? Nothing worse than a poorly made tattoo or branding for that matter, with uneven height of letters and so on.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I’m not sure how much heat a paper clips can hold, but expect it to cool down fast even if it was glowing when they picked it up from the pan. It will be painful, sure but probably not do any harm to the deeper layers in Jenns skin. So if you are lucky, the branding didn’t go too deep and will vanish with time.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I must say you are a tolerant husband Dave. Most men would probably in no particular order have used the safe word, called the cops or branded the butt of Wayne and Gordon with a shotgun if something like that happened to their wife, no matter if she agreed in the moment or not.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Gordon must be a very special personality, leaving without a goodbye after such hospitality and gifts from his best friend. Did they argue after they were left alone? Or was he not pleased with the gift?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    • Poet9
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Post count: 7

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        What is the difference between BDSM and abuse?


                                                                                                                                                                                                                        If you or Jenn have ever had had sleepless nights, loss of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        appetite, fear, anxiety and a knot in your stomach, haven’t you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        been dealing with abuse?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Are you and Jenn dealing with anger or depression?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Are you confused and disoriented? If so, you are both
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        dealing with the after effects of abuse.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Do you both want more of this dynamic?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        If you really love the “ownership” dynamic, then enjoy.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        What if Wayne says, “I am going to brand you Dave, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Jenn will brand you on behalf of Gordon.” You would love this

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        There is the real chance that Jenn feels guilty about the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        whole thing. Are you both angry with Wayne? Or angry with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        each other?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Remember you both enabled him.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Be careful in this situation, Wayne may exploit your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        emotions to further drive you apart. If Jenn has difficulty
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        making eye contact with you, then that means something
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        is wrong. What do you see in her eyes?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        You can just tell them both that ownership over.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Jenn was upset when Wayne was angry when
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        you broke the “rules” by being intimate–a normal,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        natural desire. Jenn was upset, due to Wayne’s abuse.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        It is unfortunate that you beat Jenn at Wayne’s prompting.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Wayne prompted you to abuse Jenn. This was his way of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        driving a wedge between you. Does Jenn ask Wayne for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        “permission” these days?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        How much time do Wayne and Jenn spend on the phone?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        How will you and Jenn celebrate your wedding anniversary?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        What happened to the wedding ring?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • DD22
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Post count: 36

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          This will likely be my last post. I appreciate your concern and advice along the way. The experiences have been beyond my imagination for better and worse. Jenn and I have reached a decision to separate but remain married for the time being. We had a long heart to heart talk and did not reach this conclusion lightly. She has deep feelings for Wayne and he provides her physical pleasure I could not and never will. This was evident during their first few dates a couple years ago and was solidified during Wayne’s move in. Jenn loves me but she said she deserves more in her life and wants her new chapter to be part of Wayne’s life.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I feel sad but understand her needs. We had a great relationship and raised a wonderful son, now grown and on his own. We plan on telling him soon after Jenn moves out.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Wayne left last week and the 3 of us had a long talk about Jenn (and Wayne’s decision). Wayne was cordial to me but I knew he lost respect for me completely now that Jenn was leaving me. She will be moving to one of his condo properties near Atlanta and will start traveling with him for business soon. I didn’t realize the extent of his wealth and international business. Jenn was the one who told me about his unique lifestyle during the meeting. Wayne has 2 other women he “owns”. They live in the same high rise but separate condos. Jenn will have a condo in the same building. He lives in the penthouse. Jenn has Zoomed with the other women and said one is her age and the other is early 40’s. They were both from previous cuckold marriages that Wayne took over. The women are bisexual and said Jenn is welcome to explore with them at her pace. They are still married and their husbands visit a few times a year but no sex is allowed. I can’t imagine visiting Jenn and being under restrictions like that.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I did ask Jenn to stay with me. Tried not to cry but I did. Right in front of Wayne too. Jenn held my hand and Wayne let us alone. We hugged and she soothed me and told me this was for the best for both of us. I could find a new lover perhaps. She wanted me to be happy knowing that although I could never really please her sexually I should be happy she is getting what she needs now. She got me some water and tissues. I calmed down and Wayne came back in the room. They kissed and whispered something I could not hear. Wayne left and Jenn asked if I would like to watch them in bed before Wayne left the next morning? Conflicted I just sat there. Jenn’s hand squeezed my crotch and I realized I was hard. She squeezed a few more times and made me smile. I didn’t want to smile but I couldn’t help it. She pulled my hand and lead me to the bedroom.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ignoring me they made love. Not fucking. They had passionate slow sex. She is so beautiful. After an hour or so I left and closed the door. Wayne and his things were gone when I awoke at 5:30. He left a note for me saying thank you and a check made out to me from his company. I won’t say how much but it was more than I make in two years!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Jenn was still sleeping when I peeked in on her. So innocent but so…. I don’t know the word.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          We haven’t spoken much since then. Jenn has packed most everything she needs and will move out this Friday. I will miss her dearly and do my best to deal with the regret of having Wayne stay with us during “these unprecedented times”.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        • Anonymous
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Post count: 52

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Wayne is a true manipulator indeed. He has real psychopatic attributes. I am sorry you became his victim. In long term Jenn will be so. Sooner or later she becomes unhappy but that time she will be bond to him by unhonest methods. She will not be independent financially and even can be blackmailed. She has to cooperate with the two other woman and indeed with other future women too. The day Wayne select a new target, Jenn will revalue her decision. If I were you, I would not wait until that. You learn your lesson and obviously you must to open an entirely new chapter in your life. She must learn her own lesson too. Living together with a psychopat is not the recipe of happy careless life even if he takes care of her financially but emotionally.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          • Poet9
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Post count: 7

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Hello Dave,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              This is a very disturbing turn of events. Possibly you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              sensed this was coming. I feel very sad about this.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Look at how the dynamic changed.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              First there was “ownership.” The dynamic then increased.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Then there was the idea of the poly relationship.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              You lost Jenn more and more.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Then there was the idea that Jenn would go back and forth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              between you and Wayne.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Lies or misunderstanding:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Wayne had not been with any other women. Sure.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              “I need you both. You are my best friend forever, my touchstone.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              “We will have a poly relationship.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              “You need to get past the anger to acceptance…”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              “I need this, we need this. This is good for us…”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              You can file a 2 million dollar lawsuit against Wayne.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Give Jenn a fair amount of time, (six months?) Then
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              tell her you are filing for divorce. You have a shared life.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              What about property, and joint accounts?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Jenn will not have Wayne to herself. She will have to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              share him with two other women. I see a train wreck coming.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              You both enabled him. You decided to allow them their “alone time.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Jenn may someday realize that she has made a massive mistake.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Jenn may feel guilty about all of this. Maybe she has cried when
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              away from you about the destruction of your marriage. This is a big
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              deal, she is giving up so much. You have a shared history together.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Please do not ghost out. Please describe your parting moments. Please
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              do not stop posting. Let us know how you are in a month, three months etc.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Have you really arrived at “acceptance?”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Do you really think this will be good for Jenn?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Do you feel you did the right thing?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Have you and Jenn been intimate since Wayne left?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              How will she say goodbye to you?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Will you visit Jenn?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Will Wayne forbid her from contacting you?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Are you proud of how you handled this situation?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Is Jenn proud of this dynamic and the outcome?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Where is the wedding ring now?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            • Voyeurcuck
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Post count: 131

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I wonder what Jenn will tell your son?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Dad and I felt in love in Highschool, we got married, got you and raised you in a loving family. Dad always worked hard on the farm and I at the office to provide you a future.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Now I realized I could get more in life than dad. And got an interesting offer from our friend Wayne, so I will move to the city and become his parttime escort girl together with 2 other women. Dad realized he can’t put up with Wayne physically and financially, so Wayne wrote him a check and offered me the position.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                That’s life my son, you need to have both a big dick and a big wallet to keep girls like me. Your genes from your father may not made you well hung so stay focused at college and make sure you get a well paid job

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Cheer up

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              • TransStar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Post count: 140

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  I knew a married couple J and L. L went to Japan for a couple months. J hooked up with L’s best friend K. J and L get divorced. J and K get engaged and their wedding site shares “our story”. It was an interesting read. Surprisingly no mention of L.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  “I knew he was Mr Right after he branded me and shared me with his best friend. How can a wife say no to that!”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Anonymous
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Post count: 52

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I don’t get the point of the first half of your post.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • TransStar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Post count: 140

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Jenn may choose to share her story of how Wayne met her and how he romanced her with others in the future without any mention of Dave or that she was married at the time. It happens.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    • jay
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Post count: 2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Somewhat believable till the end. Great writing. I enjoyed it. Make it a bit longer. it would make a great short story in the erotic fiction isle.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Londonstartercouple
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Post count: 13

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Hi Dave
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I am saddened by this latest turn of events, with Jenn leaving home. I wonder if Jenn will enjoy her new lifestyle. Especially if she has to share Wayne with two other women. I expect Wayne will require her to engage in sex with them and she will soon enjoy that. Hopefully you will get to watch on visits.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Despite the outcome, in the last few weeks you two – especially Jenn – have experienced some of the most intense erotic experiences. Wayne is a master of the art.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          First, when you and Jenn had unauthorised sex, Wayne’s sentencing was exquisite, as he required you to punish Jenn. The sexual pleasure of being forced to spank her hard and see her flinch all because of your joint misdemeanour. How that must have added to your enjoyment – and even Jenn’s as she looked back at it, but it pushed Jenn away from you. Wayne read you well. You would have tolerated punishing her a second time to get sex with her, but she would not take it and preferred to stay with Wayne.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Likewise, when she had to punish you, prodding you with an electric shock wand on your nipples and cock. See how this succeeded in making you accept your exclusion meekly. Again, a very effective punishment at her hands, which she enjoyed administering and which benefitted her and Wayne.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Jenn’s branding was also keenly done, as she voluntarily accepted that level of pain to be branded with her two lovers’ initials. Too erotic for words. You can see that Wayne learnt his military manipulation skills well.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Of course there are questions to be raised. Wayne pretended that he had no other women. Jenn failed to disclose that she had had counselling about her relationship. You were misled.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Well, Jenn has decided to go off in this new direction. You can decide whether to be involved with it, as the other cuckold husbands have. But I expect you will drift away from Jenn if she is physically away from you. She may try to come back to you, but she is under Wayne’s control so she may not feel free to leave his condo. The other women haven’t.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I hope you keep posting and will let us know how it pans out.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        • Voyeurcuck
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Post count: 131

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Hi Dave,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            I think your post have been the all time high in terms of replies and comments. It has been very interesting to follow for many here, and I think people still enjoy reading it.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            How are things now? I see your profile says retired, and Jenn left you. But I understood you were still allowed to see her from time to time?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Have you met her and Wayne? Is she still happy living with him and his other wifes?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            We really appreciate an update, even just a small one

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          • John Jordan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Post count: 4

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Hi Dave I wholeheartedly agree with Voyeurcuck if you can provide an update I’m sure we would all appreciate that. I’m new to this site but I read your story from start to finish and I was blown away how erotic, emotional and exciting it was with a great loss at the end for you.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              I have only been a bull for one couple But I sure would have loved to have met you and Jenn along my journey. Hoping to hear from you soon. Best John

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