Home discussion Lifestyle Discussions True Experiences I got a 45 year old woman pregnant in 2017, 18 years older than me

  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 16 minutes ago by WiseMan187.
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        She’s not the first or the last one though. I was (and still am) a sperm donor online privately for people for free. It’s been a fruitful life thus far. This 45 y.o Romanian lady contacted me and she decided that I’ll be the father during our discussion. We made the tests and she flew over to me in Norway. Her husband wasn’t present and she was trying with him an IVF which never worked. After being one night at my place, 10 days later she started feeling sick and the test came back positive. Her husband thought that the IVF worked and was sceptical that I’m the one who impregnated her and they did paternity test. His DNA came back negative to the test.

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