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    • dee
        Post count: 1

        Hello, we are new to this but my wife has slept with a man she met on Craigslist. She has recently discovered orgasms and I cant keep up with her sex drive. it is a real turn on when she went out with the gentlemen from Craigslist. so , if there is someone in southern California who has the stamina, please contact us. Ed and dee

      • Anonymous
          Post count: 20

          Hey there. Would love to chat and learn more. I will send you a personal message.

        • X
            Post count: 1

            Not sure if you are still looking but I’m 33 and blk bull in SoCal. Would like to talk to you both more.

          • UsefulBull John
              Post count: 4

              Let me know when and where she need s to experience more climax in her life I would be happy to helpher

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