Marriage Evolved discussion Role Discussions Submissive Husbands Is it important to interact with a bull?

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    • VItaly
        Post count: 2

        I’ve never had a proper conversation with him. Although, I did see him fucking my wife on cam. We just said hello to each other. That’s it. I try to avoid chatting with him. My wife was thinking of bringing him over to our house to spend the night in the future. My wife asked me if I would mind sleeping on the couch when he comes over for the night. The couch won’t bother me but I’m not sure if I really want to see him face to face. So, I was thinking if it is important to interact with the bull when in a cuckold marriage.

      • Gracie
          Post count: 92

          When she brings him home, then yes, it is very important for you to interact with her bull. Be very courtious, and shake his hand. Wear whatever your wife tells you to wear. You should even thank him for fucking your wife, so that he understands that you are very okay with it. You need to make him feel very comfortable.

          • Cuckold Ray
              Post count: 2

              You should great her Bull and call him Sir. After all you are to give him proper respect and treat him as a superior during while he is in the house. If you meet him on the street then it is okay to speak to him as a friend but not when he is in the house.

          • Anonymous
              Post count: 6

              Definitely submit to him and for god sakes thank him for doing what your tiny dick can’t. I think a bull should be treated like a king and served along with the wife.

            • Anonymous
                Post count: 6

                Just be nice and show respect. It is better if you get along but you don’t have to be friends. Every relationship different and has its own dynamic.

              • Anonymous
                  Post count: 10

                  Me and my wife were friends with her current bull long ago before becoming her bull. We have a very close and friendly relationship with him.

                • Gracie
                    Post count: 92

                    Vitaly, it has been nearly 2 months since your original post. Please tell us what has happened. Did the bull sleep over? Did you talk to him? How did it go?

                  • Got2bgood
                      Post count: 1

                      This whole lifestyle is all about communication…good communication…communication between all parties involved. I think not interacting or at the very least trying to be cordial and chatty with your bull is a big mistake…can lead to questions about the integrity of what is going on. Be happy with your chosen path and enjoy those in it.

                    • viperco
                        Post count: 9

                        It is important to show respect for her bull and the service he is performing for both of you. She needs your support and making everyone feel at ease. It is all about her pleasure.

                      • Jan X
                          Post count: 9

                          The interaction thing with the wife’s lover is quite strange. Jan my wife has had several lovers. a couple were long term. The first guy Rick I liked and I could talk to him, although I didn’t meet him often and when I did there would always be a sexual tension around because in short he had come to fuck her. I was cool with it. It excited the fuck out of me, I was a cuck in every way as I always have been whoever Jan has been with. I prepare, and I orally excite and am happy to clean, basically I do as I am told. But outside the fucking my wife thing I felt I could get on with him. He second long term lover, Rob, I never had the same relationship with. Tbh I didn’t like him. He would look down on me. Of course I carried out the same duties. He once told me I was nothing but a cock sucker. I never said anything to Jan while she was seeing Rob. It was always part of the agreement that she fucked who she wanted to not who I wanted to. But although I found it exciting I did find it harder to cope with. I knew Jan loved having sex with him but i was never as comfortable with him as I was with Rick fucking her. Oral sex to completion was always something that grated me. I could understand her wanting to fuck him. For his sins he had an awesome cock. But I would have preferred her not to have blown him. Naturally he enjoyed blow jobs and would ask for them, Jan always complied often taking him to completion. I would often watch.He clearly enjoyed me watching Jan blow him. Her getting a mouthful of his jizz excited me for the sexual act, but disappointed me because of the person.
                          Strange I am happy for her to fuck guys I like? Most of the guys she had had sex with I have liked.

                          But of course being a cuckold the choice who she has sex with isn’t mine and nor should it be. I continue to support her.

                        • dave
                            Post count: 4

                            My wife takes long term lovers and she always makes sure we all three get along. I have had good friendships with her lovers.

                          • Gracie
                              Post count: 92

                              My wife has a huge number of black boyfriend lovers. A few are her main guys, and I get along with them very well. There are a couple of her lesser bfs who I have difficulty with, but I never make an issue of it.

                            • N Houston Cuck Couple
                                Post count: 5

                                We were both friends with my wife’s lover. When we’d go to hotels we’d get a suite and I’d be invited to join but had to sleep on the couch. She’d stay with him some weekends while I stayed home with the kids. Some other weekends he’d stay the night and I’d stay in the adjacent room so I could hear her being fucked. Outside the bedroom we got along well we’d occasionally go to the bar for drinks and would occasionally vacation as a group.

                              • JsCuck
                                  Post count: 54

                                  We prefer to be friends with a Bull. We have been friends with her current, and hopefully long term, Bull for a few years, even when we weren’t involved with him.

                                • Anonymous
                                    Post count: 1

                                    I think you should try to be friends with your Bull, or at lease polite respect by calling him sir when addressing him.

                                  • Derek Smith
                                      Post count: 1

                                      A cuckold has made a choice in his life, in his marriage and in his family life. That choice will forever change it all and more. Once you cross the line, there is no going back. That is a fantasy that will never come true.

                                      You dreamed it. You discussed it. You acquesced to it. You witnessed it in one form or another. You are it. It is who you are.

                                      So, how to handle it? The truth be told, women have married beneath themselves since the beginning of time. Sometimes they are the first to realize this. Sometimes they are the only ones to realize it. But, once in a while – and it is a beautiful thing – the husband gets to realize it first. Or, at least, soon enough to do something about it.

                                      He wants to save his marriage – keep his family, his home, his status quo, his reputation and position in the community. The cuckold lifestyle allows him all this. It beats divorce, heartache, lonliness, despair and dysfunction. It is an opportunity – cuckoldry. It is a gift. It is mercy for a weakened, compromised male out of his element.

                                      In ancient times, he would lose it all and be enslaved or killed. We are evolving into a more civilized society.

                                      How to handle the relationship with your wife’s lover – bull?

                                      It is simply wrong to avoid him. If he is successful – if he is going to be the “one” – even for a time, then you have to deal with him. And, if he is worth his title, he will feel strongly that this should be and will eventually insist on it. Any fool can sneak around and fuck a married woman. It takes a man – a Bull – to come into another male’s home and take his wife from him in every relevant sense, enjoy the experience immensly and be better for it in the end.

                                      Further, these dominant men – bulls – bring a great deal to your wife, your marriage, and your life. We a tremendous amount of life experience, personal and professional success, and nautural abilities as men and as lovers. Many of us have actually provided the couples with whom we have been with marrital advice and counseling essentially. No dominant man wants to see the woman he possesses divorce her husband. The husband is part of the arrangement. He and his role are the “caviar” that go with the “main meal,” so to speak. The submissive husband’s travails are of great interest to us. We want to see and experience all his emotions, anxiety, angst and pain with him.

                                      The cuckold always has questions, concerns and requests. All too often they beat the wife to death with these obsessive questions and worrying, and to no avail. Sooner or later, despite the wife’s reassurances about various things, the cuckold realizes very little of the majority of these issues are up to his dear bride. Thay are up to her lover – her bull – her master. In truth, it is the bull the cuckold must deal with. It is the bull the cuckold must make his peace with – if there is to be any peace at all.

                                      So, yes. Meet your wif’e lover – her bull. The man that, if it works well, will own her and be a part of your married life for a long time to come. Be hopeful that he is that man. It will work much better than her wandering for years searching for that fulfillment. Odds are, you know she has done enough of that already in her life.

                                      Be open and up front. Ask for some of his time in private. Do this in front of your wife. Don’t ask her. Ask the man she has chosen for this role. Let the bull handle having your wife give you and he privacy. He will almost certainly handle it perfectly – whereas you would probably fumble it badly. Talk to him openl;y and honestly. Do not put up false fronts or engage in false pride. It will be obvious, irritate any dominate man and will require a response that will waste everyone’s time. Tell him what you are seeking from the relationship between he and your wife – and you. If necessary, avoid eye contact to show deference and avoid any misuderstandings. Do not look away, but look down. Speak quietly. Explain your concerns, your fears. Ask for whatever concessions you think wise. Be prepared for his decisions. If at all possible, accept those decisions. You have no idea what the long-term consequences to conflict might be. Ask him for a “safety word.” If you have requests, make them up front and respectfully.

                                      Finally, if the bull is willing. Stay and watch anything that is possible. Be prepared for emotional turmoil. Make sure you have discussed this possibility with your wife’s new lover so that if you have to excuse yourself, it doesn’t create a scene that would disturb their lovemaking. Finally, remember there is a lot at stake in handling this well. If life is going to be good, it will be in the lifestyle. Otherwise, it will get rough – because you have to realize by this stage – there is absolutely no going back.

                                    • viperco
                                        Post count: 9

                                        My wife and I are friends with her long term bull and enjoy the relationship. We have gone on vacation together frequently and always enjoy the excitement and times. I am at their service, take care of his needs to get hard and remain hard, clean them both after they fuck. Whatever my wife wants me to do I do so he will always get me to service him through her. That is why I am a cuck.

                                      • Anonymous
                                          Post count: 5

                                          I am a disabled cuck. I am paralyzed from the waist down from an injury five years ago. I have a permanent catheter and wear a nappy often. I can get hard but it takes a long time and the help of a vacuum pump and then a band round my cock. My wife was not great with it all and we decided on the cuck thing two years ago. It’s saved our marriage. She has three regular bulls and they are all her work colleagues. I am locked when they come in a cock cage which helps me a bit so they don’t see my limp cock. My wife loves me and after the bill has cum to cement our love and for me to be part of it I always perform oral. This is my moment. It took a lot of getting used to and I end up eating cum but she always cums again with my tongue. It works for us.

                                        • Anonymous
                                            Post count: 5

                                            Just to say I meant to say so in keeping with the title of the post I am very greatfull to the bull and because I am very submissive now I always thank him and make a fuss. When I have my moment they have usually gone to have a shower. One guy stays and helps us get into position and encouraged me in this. It probably makes him feel better. These guys are an important part of my marriage now and I am hoping another bull can be found soon. I have actually talked to a guy I know but my wife was not happy with me doing so which I understand. She needs to control and choose I should not have done anything.

                                          • Gracie
                                              Post count: 92

                                              Very sorry to hear about your accident, but glad that you have been able to overcome this specific problem by becoming a cuck. It is really great that you do the clean-up duty on your wife.

                                            • Dennis
                                                Post count: 1


                                              • Older Cuck with Hot Wife
                                                  Post count: 16

                                                  My interaction with Stacey’s lovers is mostly indirect. I help her make decisions on who to link up with whether we are surfing date sites on the web or in a social setting where she wants to meet somebody new. I am able to veto a potential lover but once she’s taken him I have no say in the matter. I have met nearly all of them over the past 40 years. I am only involved briefly – when she is screening a potential lover in a public place. So after drinks or dinner I’m dismissed. I am not allowed in the room when she has sex. I do listen often – my imagination runs wild. I have watched her being seduced in a bar or in the back of our car with me driving on several occasions. Nothing turns me on more than sitting across the room in a public place and watching a potential lover get her worked up. And I’ve accompanied them to our hotel suite and watched them make out in the elevator and room before retiring to the bedroom. I’m not allowed to say anything – and I generally try to be invisible.

                                                • gary001
                                                    Post count: 30

                                                    Although we are pretty new to this amazing lifestyle, eighteen months. I think it’s very important to treat a wife’s boyfriend with respect and courtesy, After all, he is the one who is coupling with her, he is the one who she has chosen to give her body to. I treat Christy’s boyfriend like he is a God! He is the Alpha male in our life and he is far more superior than I am or ever will be. She wants his cock and not my little penis, therefor, he is a main part in our marriage and he should be treated as such. Be open to him, as already advised in this thread, look down to him, let him see that you are his servant, His relationship with your wife will, hopefully last for a very long time, so treat him as family.

                                                  • Cuckoldme
                                                      Post count: 6

                                                      I am very good friends with one of our bulls but I do know that he is the BOSS. I do anything he or she tells me too…..anything. Some of the other bulls just like to fuck and tolerate me by letting me sit in the corner and jack off.

                                                    • portscuck
                                                        Post count: 15

                                                        I feel that if the Bull is going to cuckold me then he deserves my respect and I will always address him as Sir. I will always kneel in front of him to show my submission, if he decides that is what he wants.

                                                      • Anonymous
                                                          Post count: 8

                                                          As an experienced bull, I have met couples, some have not got past the mutual interview stage, where decisions are made as to how far to take things, and some wanted to go ahead, that perhaps shouldn’t have. In those cases, I found that, despite the fantasy and desire in both the husband and wife, the husband had difficulty in accepting the reality of seeing and accepting his wife enjoying another man.

                                                          I found that one in particular, got to the point of offering violence, and at that point, I tipped my hat to them both and left. Since then, I have carefully looked for that potential in a husbands temperament, and haven’t had a problem since. As a bull, I’m very much aware that I’m in a priveleged position, being invited into a private marital arrangement, to enjoy another man’s wife sexually. I like to get on with both parties, and although in some cases a couple prefer my roleplaying to be that of a dominant arrogant self-assured alpha male, the arrogance and attitude is just an act. For the husband it’s often a rollercoaster of emotions that can catch a man unawares, despite how he thinks he’ll behave when he’s turned on.

                                                          Hopefully these points will be considered by all that look into this site who are curious and seriously considering going down this pleasurable route..

                                                          • Maryscuckian
                                                              Post count: 8

                                                              Thank you for that explanation of your experiences. We’ve been fortunate for Mary to be with her lover for over 11 years. He also enjoys both of us and knowing it’s part of the new dynamics makes it more comfortable for all involved. Your interaction with the one that had violent tendencies is a definite red flag. Glad you walked away from them.

                                                              Thanks again and take care.

                                                          • Anonymous
                                                              Post count: 8

                                                              We have been in the lifestyle since very end of 2017. I was not keen to the idea at first
                                                              but I have come around to understand and accept my shortcomings as a husband thus have accepted
                                                              my place in our cuckold marriage. That being said, is there an average time period for a mature cuckold couple to be able to find a Bull/Dom? We have chatted and emailed with quite a few men who represent themselves as Bulls but nothing long term has resulted. Meeting with two different guys for several days each was very educational for our marriage but did not result in our long term goal of having an experienced Bull. Maybe we tend to be too careful searching locally or perhaps we need to widen our scope to other locations so that we can be making ourselves more out there for perspective Bulls looking for a mature cuckold couple such as ourselves.

                                                              Lantz and Katherine

                                                            • Maryscuckian
                                                                Post count: 8

                                                                It’s definitely important to interact with him, especially in the house. My wife and I have known her boyfriend for over 20 years, so the connection was already there. Be submissive when with them in the home, be a third wheel when out together. It’s a change of lifestyle for us but seeing how happy SHE is makes it all worthwhile.

                                                                Treat him with respect, thank him for taking care of her and just be positive.

                                                              • Anonymous
                                                                  Post count: 27

                                                                  Deffinately and like stated above you should treat him with respect and courtesy,this man is your wife’s lover treat him as such.

                                                                • beta_hubby30
                                                                    Post count: 8

                                                                    I understand you, meeting the man who’s fucking your wife can be very humiliating but after that, interacting with him can be very exciting and pleasant.
                                                                    I could meet our first and current regular Bull two months after he started fucking my wife. I felt very humiliated in the first time but it was very important for me to understand me as a cuckold. I could understand why my wife has chosen him and now I admire him and I think he deserves to fuck my wife.
                                                                    Our interaction now is similiar to a Boss-Employee: we have some kind of friendship that helps to keep a good environment but I am naturally submissive and always respectful to him. The interaction with him can be exciting when:
                                                                    – I receive feedbacks about how my wife was on their dates and I helped her to prepare
                                                                    – When we talk about his private dates with my wife and he tells me all the details (I prefer when he tells me than when my wife tells me)
                                                                    – Watching them
                                                                    – When I and my wife plan something to please him. It’s another thing to bring us closer than before cuckolding.

                                                                  • Anonymous
                                                                      Post count: 1

                                                                      We have no experience yet, but she knows I want to. It would be my goal to become the best loving, devoted and supportive cuckold she could desire. In my opinion to achieve my goal interaction with her (our) Bull would be very important. Especially when it is has a long-term character and due to his experience, he will teach us how to deal with all the aspects of bringing cuckolding into our marriage.

                                                                      He will be the one who can comfort my wife but also me when we both or one of us is experiencing a difficult moment or period. A strong interaction besides the physical action will enable him to guide my wife in her own feelings but he can also teach her how to guide me and comfort me when I will be having a difficult time or moment. But also, the other way around, when my wife would experience certain emotions, he can guide me when and how I need to support her.

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