Home discussion Lifestyle Discussions Getting Started Is this place still active?

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    • #40037

        Besides the forum, there doesn’t seem to be any new content in a long time. What happened?

      • #40038
        Ricky Joiner

          Its been dormant for years. Site owners seem to have lost interest. It’s a pity really because the site has a lot of potential. It just needs new owners know no what they are doing, basically.

        • #40039

            Thanks. Someone is still paying the hosting and domain bill. You’d think they’d be ready to pass that along.

          • #40041

              Yes, look at the timeline post for December 18, 2021. The site used to be able to host members’ own photos and videos.

            • #40111

                It does seem very quiet.

              • #40118
                Cathy & Jerry

                  I miss all the activity, I don’t know if there’s any other really good cuckold sites

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