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    • greenhat
        Post count: 9

        Its great to be able to chat with other cucks and bulls on this site. I don't really have anyone to talk to about being a cuck or what turns me on and what not. So I found it interesting that a lot of cucks on this site don't have the Bi feelings I do. So It made wonder what are everyones limits? Is there something that you absolutely will not do? Can a cuck even have limits? A good cuck should go as far as he's pushed. Or is something you hope she never asks of you? Would you do it?

      • Luvr
          Post count: 288

          Everyone should have limits. Even those in the D/s or general BDSM realm who consider themselves slaves and devoid of personal choice, should have limits or at least qualifications regarding whom they will serve and when their service has become such that it no longer reflects their needs.

          What makes for rewarding play in the D/s arena is pushing limits, expanding them. Often this can be done simply because the subject has a misconception about something that I can easily clear up. 'Pain' for example: few people really want to enjoy being hurt, but rather the change in how the body interprets sensation when aroused. The slap of a belt across the ass stings, but when aroused, it's….something else.

          The same can be said about what, on the surface, could be called bisexual behavior. As a culture, a large amount of negativity is applied to the idea, especially for males, which is what makes it an effective tool when choosing to have a male submissive express submission. As a husband, as a man, little is more submissive that having to directly handle the cock of the male cuckolding you. Many would call any such contact 'gay', but I would not. If you would have a relationship with a male in the same manner you would a woman, ok, yes, you're a bisexual, but if your only inclination to be involved with other males is within the context of cuckolding, then I'd have to say it's much more about expressing your submission than it is a desire for bisexuality.

          If, as a Dom, I choose to have the cuckold attend to us in the shower and bathe us, he will obviously have to handle me to properly bathe me. Am I getting off on being touched by another guy? No, I'm getting off on her husband being our slave in front of her as he gently soaps and rinsing the bits that pleasure his wife while he accepts denial.

          Even among women, where bisexuality is much more accepted (for good reason!), it can still be an expression of submission to engage in sexual play with another woman when directed to by a dominant lover. 

          That's my two cents.

        • kissherass
            Post count: 11

            Limits? I imagine nothing happens over night. Well actually alot can happen in a night but to the point, I would think cuckoldry and submission is breaking down our boundaries. I know I’m tired of mine. For a Dom to master the couple or at least the cuckold he must tear away all those things that might hamper or restrict access to the wife. The cuckold feels incapable of providing for her needs sexually but he wants desperately to hold on to her and some control over his domain. Breaking down these strong holds that keep him from letting go of what he doesn’t deserve and his wife from the feeling free to know real sexual pleasure. Thus takes time I would think and alot of effort and is best when guided by someone with experience in a loving 3 way relationship. Gay or bi activity whether the husband is actually gay or bi is just another tool or means to the end. If he is bi then the master encourages him to be bi and not fruitlessly hold onto the false notion he isn’t and can please his wife. If he isn’t bi then forcing homosexual acts removes any self respect, pride, notions of control providing him with a new sensation, humiliation which encourages the submission response.
            I am not especially attracted to men(big cocks fascinate me though), my wife hates fatty men yet i have an overwhelming desire for her to see me forced to. I guess to destroy any respect she may have for me and encourage her freedom, dominance and mistreatment of me and to solidify my inferior position in the household.
            I’d like to hear from Dom’s that might confirm or correct my thinking on this. Or anyone that can help us move along.

          • greenhat
              Post count: 9

              Well put kissherass. I agree, I would love to hear about what its like to push that cuck along a path where he pleases the Bull or his wife but at the expense of his self respect. I would love to hear what its like for a wife to see her husband take a dick in his mouth/or ass. What goes through her mind. How differently does she see her hubby after he has the bulls cum inside of him? 

            • kissherass
                Post count: 11

                well maybe lvr can send someone our way to explain it.

              • Nick Mitchell
                  Post count: 1

                  Yeah my wife has already said she plans on forcing that on me at some point, I live in fear/anticipation of the day.  She says it's more about the dominance thing than wanting her husband to be gay/bi or anything; she also says that she just likes seeing two guys together regardless of the circumstance, she thinks it's hot.

                • Suescuck
                    Post count: 3

                    I am not Bi, but my job is to serve my wife and make sure she is ready and has time to be with her Bull.  I will do what she tells me to do even if that means serving her Bull in some way.  My wife does not like seeing gay men in action so I don't think she would be turned on at all by me doing much for her Bull other than cleaning him with a warm cloth after cleaning her with my mouth and than a warm cloth. Who knows what she will make me do if her Bull commands it.  Whatever, I gave those things to her to control. I don't worry or think about it anymore.  At this time my wife is looking for a Black bull in SC.  Who She always loved Black men, but happened to have only white boyfriends in the beginning of our married life.  We had kids and know they are grown and she is looking forward to getting back into the lifestyle.  She wants Black only.  She is very sexually ready as she only uses my hands and mouth so she can fantasize about being with her Bull.  I have been shaving her and serving her this way for two years.  She allows me to masturbate, but no oral or intercourse.  She is saving that for her Bull lover.

                  • Skorzeny
                      Post count: 4

                      My wife’s been cuckold in me for so long I no longer have limits. I clean up my cum, his cum, sleep in the cold at times, put up with the humiliation and am learning to take her strap on. I will submit to anything for my beautiful wife.

                    • mikeeeboy
                        Post count: 1

                        Limits are set but are eventually broken and exceeded. Firstly it was that my wife is to be in the same room as me when having sex, then I should be in the same house.
                        Now Mel goes and meets guys even when I am working away from home. It is the same with having sex bareback. That was a golden rule at one time but now guys we know well are allowed to fuck her bareback.
                        I cannot think of a rule that we have had that has not been broken or extended. What tends to happen is that the rule is stretched and then that becomes the new rule, which is eventually stretched again.
                        I am bi anyway so having her lover or bull want his cock sucked is not a problem for me.

                      • Andre
                          Post count: 14

                          It would imagine its different for everyone but in my case the roles that have evolved through my wife and I open exploration of our sexuality as a hot wife and cuckold husband has bought out desires and behavior we would have thought was outside of what we enjoy but its truly amazing how far the journey can take you if you are in a trusting relationship and openly and honestly run with your feelings and excitement the word limits usually fades away in the pleasure of the joint experience its unbelievable and we are still finding new ways to grow the pleasure and intensity of orgasm you can experience when all your inhibitions are pushed aside is well worth exploring dont knock it to you’ve tried it at least once to see bee honest about the way it made you feel you may even surprise and learn something about yourself

                        • carolinacuckandwife
                            Post count: 15

                            My cuck husband has been in this lifestyle with me for quite a few years. I will try to get him to add his opinion of this on this thread as well but he has always allowed me (or my Bull) to decided what was to happen, from jerking my Bull off, sucking his cock, cleaning up creampie, serving us dinner and drinks, being humiliated in public, or simply just sitting in a chair wearing a pair of panties and jerking himself off while my Bull fucks me. Limits end up being set by the cuckold couple and sometimes along with the Bull’s interpretation of his own limits. If something is off limits to my cuck, he simply removes himself from the situation until we can discuss it later and work something out that suits us both.

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