Home discussion Looking For Someone Males Seeking Cuckold Couples Master for long term D/s cuckold

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    • #9400

        Here is what I offer:

        Ownership of you both
        I only have sexual interest in the female but I would own you both
        Knowing you more intimately than anyone ever has, then taking that knowledge to create situations and scenarios which address your fears and desires
        leading you down a path to fulfillment and contentment
        I would eventually come and go at your home as I see fit, I would take and use you as I see fit
        I will share you, slut you, show you off and use you. you will be Mine
        Breeding is a possibility but not required
        I expect obedience and submission
        No experience is required on your part but sincerity and genuineness is required. you should convince Me of that early on.
        I would care for you, protect you, even love you.
        I will not interfere with your career or family or friends, you will have discretion in your vanilla life
        Discipline will be firm, ongoing and steady.
        I seek a long term situation, not interested in one night stands
        I will become a major part of your life
        Be attractive and care to look your best for Me

        This is never formulaic, anyone who convinces you that it is will fail. Every couple and every girl is different. The art and experience is understanding how to make it work long term with you.

        If this intrigues you then please respond (preferably via email).

        I know how to do this very, very well. All question will be fairly answered.

        Colorado Only. Email Me at Arapahomaster@gmail.com.

      • #10409

          By the way I am 52, 6 foot, 200, very blue eyes, professional, smart and creative. Email Arapahomaster@gmail.com.for more details.

        • #10415

            Interesting site and conversations; I look forward to hearing from more of you.

            I seek that one right couple for very long term. The couple who values the connection and wants it to last.

          • #10424

              I love the cuckold dynamic; the honesty and transparency. It is the most intimate relationship model; it compels the couple to be open. There is very little in life as gratifying as a couple that has never cuckolded and making them see and understand, reassuring their fears and leading them through living their fantasy to fulfillment then building the relationship to ever greater heights of intimacy and intensity. 

              Giving a wife the permission of her husband without judgment or condemnation; having the husband hear and see his wife in such ecstacy, cumming again and again, begging for her Master; leading them both to a new model of intimacy and trust between themselves is extraordinarily pleasing. Her knowing she is owned and Mine, to be used and taken often and where and when I wish, her being shown off and understanding how beautiful and desirable she is, watching her flower and blossom in a way she never has before is what I seek and live to make happen.

            • #10429

                Kiss Married to a beautiful brunette, very slim, we are talking about such a relation you describe;


                Found of rope games, we would like me being tied for the night, or beside, while she is getting f… Are you a lot in this type og game ?

              • #10431

                  Yes, exactly one of the activities I am into. Email Me at Arapahomaster@gmail.com and lets discuss.

                • #10434

                    I have thirty years experience as a Dom and Master, seventeen years experience cuckolding and I have had cuckolds of five and nine years. I have taught many first timers. The key to long term cuckolding is establishing that emotional connection with the girl; making her know she is safe, protected, valued and treasured everyday. Sincerity and being genuine is all that is required of a couple. 

                  • #10441

                      know if you were Mine, I would own you, all of you. your heart, mind, mouth, pussy, tits, ass; all of you.

                      I would own you, dominate you, make you Mine.

                    • #10442

                        I have had several people IM or email Me telling Me how they like to masturbate while reading My post; how many of you like to do that?

                        • #19456

                            I definietly swell into my cage. 🙂

                        • #10443

                            @ArapahoDom said:
                            I have had several people IM or email Me telling Me how they like to masturbate while reading My post; how many of you like to do that?

                            I masturbated to your post! Smile

                          • #10444

                              How about make them masturbate and cum by telling them the story of my beautiful wife introduction and taming to cuckoldry ?

                            • #10446

                                As instructed by you, sir, after confessing my desire to masturbate to your ad, I closed the door to my office and masturbated right here at work, making my (very) little mess.  It is very fulfilling to give over that control to you.  Thank you.


                                I also did something to increase my humiliation further.  I’ve always confessed online to people that I’m 5 inches “fully erect”, but my measurements have always been “cheating” measurements by pushing the ruler back as far as I could.


                                I got out my office ruler while jerking, and gently rested it on top of my penis, flush against my pelvis, but no pushing back.  I *barely* reached 4.5 inches at the longest.  I kept re-measuring, not believing it, and most measurements came out to 4.25 – truly not a worthy contender for ANY woman. Embarassed


                                Thank you for this opportunity to deepen my understanding of myself.


                                jnh (aka “cuckalicious” on chat)

                              • #10447

                                  I have enjoyed hearing from so many of you, I look forward to hearing from and meeting more of you.


                                • #10448

                                    Somewhere in Colorado there is one very lucky couple who will someday serve you!

                                  • #10449

                                      I think one of the more interesting dynamics is that men who are, or want to be, cuckolded often transfer an immense amount of responsibility onto their wife. This may be conscious or not but marital responsibilities that the husband should own get placed on the shoulders of the wife. She often feels overwhelmed by responsibility. Consequently when the husband approaches her about cuckolding it just looks like another responsibility to organize and manage and try to make work successfully. A good Master will take those responsibilities off of her shoulders and place a significant amount of them on His own shoulders while making the husband own the responsibilities he should as a cuckold. A Master should make the life of the wife more stress free and enjoyable, not add to her burdens. 

                                    • #10452

                                        ArapahoDom & I had a brief e-mail conversation recently that speaks volumes to his last statement (8-15-12). “when the female approaches the Dom about cuckolding it typically moves forward,when the male approaches the Dom,it typically doesn’t”. My wife wholeheartedly agreed:)  Thanks for the straight forwardness.


                                      • #10453
                                          wives have asked Me what it is like to be Mine. Like this:


                                          I see you now. Naked on your knees, your eyes sparkling. You are beautiful, so sexy, so submissive. I slowly began to walk toward you and I stop when I reach you and feel your body. I long for this moment more than any other. It is what I live for, and when you look up at Me, knowing you are Mine, in completeness, I am fulfilled. I raise my hand and gently touch your cheek and you tilt your head back and close your eyes. My hands are hard and your skin is soft, and I slide My cock into your warm wet mouth. I know that this is the moment I have been waiting for. 


                                          I enjoy every moment with you, every movement you make. you are Mine. you are treasured, cared for and adored. 
                                        • #10454

                                            A woman who has a husband who adores her is exactly the couple I seek.

                                          • #10455

                                              The personality and intellect you bring to this is as critical as your submissiveness. I seek a woman who desires something more than just being tied and taken (though that is part of it too).

                                              For Me the whole point to D/s is intimacy. It produces (when done properly) the greatest degree of intimacy possible, transparency. 

                                              I am D/D free, 6 foot, 200 lbs, 49, light brown hair, very blue eyes, professional, available time during the days, evenings and weekends. I am seeking a long term D/s cuckold relationship local to Colorado. A wife and couple I can see often, multiple times a week with daily email/text/IM communication.

                                              Attitude matters to Me much more than looks but be clean and care to look your best for me. I am real and know how to do this. I am no amateur or first timer being curious. No experience required on your part but a good attitude is required.  I would like to get to know you with a great deal of emotional depth and a relationship that builds on itself.

                                              You are reading this and know what it was like to have a man want you, desire you, think of you constantly. I want a girl who wants a Master to think of her constantly. I am very adventurous and bold. If you are at that point in your life where passion, desire and having your fantasies brought to life is worth the investment of time and emotions then let me hear from you. 

                                              I am very good at this, smart, creative, emotionally available, stable, experienced and have a great deal to give. 

                                              I understand the dynamic between the girl and I, the couple and I, and the couple themselves.

                                              Bondage, objectification, light pain, and control will be involved. I very much enjoy spanking and I very much enjoy putting you in situations you have never been in. I adjust what I do to the person and couple I am with, this is not formulaic.  I can be very intense, I am not for everyone. If you wish to feel force, power and control then this is it.

                                              I always have appreciated that the truly submissive women are so often the strongest women in their vanilla life. Smart, decision makers, successful, reliable. I so enjoy these strong women melting into submission, releasing control and assuming a safe and protected place under My care. Having a place and Man where they can let go of responsibility. I do not expect a door mat and certainly not a women of below average intelligence, what would be the point and pleasure in that? I expect a strong woman who requires Dominance to be demonstrated, for it will be. I expect a strong mind that recognizes her Master and what He provides her that she has never had before. As I said, not for everyone. For the right couple this would be the thrill of a lifetime. 

                                              Just never ever bore Me. The unforgivable sin. 

                                            • #10456

                                                The most common response to what I do is that it is exciting and scary.

                                                I understand that. I will promise that the more you know Me, the more exciting and less scary it gets.

                                              • #10458

                                                  Most of the women who have become Mine are very strong women, successful, decision makers. What they find is a model without the responsibility on their shoulders is extremely attractive, where a Master will care to discover them and their fears and desires. In reality, women find it extraordinarily liberating. On the surface it may seem counter to liberation; under the surface many many women desire this model. They are wired to respect, want the attention of, want to please and be appreciated by a strong, confident, dominant man. 

                                                  For the woman, a huge part of this is confidence. It takes a tremendous amount of confidence in her life to do this. That takes time to develop. Women will typically only do this if she believes she can maintain all of her existing relationships (husband, children family, neighbors, professionally). 

                                                  This requires discretion and sensitivity to all parties involved. This is all about the wife feeling safe, secure, confident and the Master taking the tasks and unnecessary responsibilities off her shoulders and providing her a safe place to breathe and be herself and be His.

                                                • #10464

                                                    @ArapahoDom said:

                                                    I have had several people IM or email Me telling Me how they like to masturbate while reading My post; how many of you like to do that?

                                                    I too am guilty (very guilty) of masturbating while reading your posts. Whew they are erotic.

                                                  • #10468

                                                      I’m guilty of it, as well.  You are very sensual in your life and in your descriptions of your life.

                                                    • #10469

                                                        I’ve not checked in here for a while but its something I never can seem to leave behind. I’ll have to read your post but I’m sure I’ll be another one imagining along wth your words and posts.

                                                      • #10472

                                                          Hopefully your wives enjoy just as much!

                                                        • #10474

                                                            If we listened to convention, we’d never have the fulfillment and love we yearn for. We’d never have the cravings satiated. We’d never know the exquisite pleasures, because we’d be afraid. Well, do not be afraid. Be confident in a Master who will care for you and bring you together in ways you have never imagined; in obedience and submission, in service and adoration. 

                                                            I’ve had wonderful love affairs cuckolding. The most sincere relationships, the deepest emotions, the best sex, the most transparent thoughts have all been through cuckolding.

                                                            Mark Twain said “One is apt to overestimate beauty when it is rare.” This is true in cuckold relationships; when the right Master meets the right couple you will believe it is the most beautiful thing you have seen or experienced. However, this is rare. Rare because we tend not to trust (especially on the internet) and rare because we do not have the courage to follow our hearts. 

                                                          • #10479

                                                              I can only imagine what a wonderful bull you would be for my pretty wife’s first cuckolding experience.  We are moving in this direction, but she says I give her mixed messages, because of my jealousy.  Unfortunately, she’s right.  I adore my wife of 27 years, and she is a real knockout.  I wish I could go unfettered in the cuckolding direction, because it feels SO erotic, and even spiritually fulfilling.  I know I would be a lot different with a stranger than with a friend or neighbor.  Any suggestions?  Your postings leave me weak in the knees, so far.

                                                            • #10477

                                                                Ownership is a beautiful thing

                                                              • #10480

                                                                  matmagic – email Me at arapahomaster@yahoo.com and we can discuss how you move through this.

                                                                • #10483

                                                                    It takes courage

                                                                  • #10484

                                                                      I am a Master you can love. I will love every little thing about you. I will love your smile, your eyes, and the sound of your voice. I will love your touch, and you will love the warmth you feel when I’m by your side. you won’t stop thinking about Me when we are apart. you will need Me by your side. You will complete me and I will complete both of you. I will be the one you have always wished for. 

                                                                      your heart will sing. you will feel like the best poetry ever composed, the best song ever played, the best picture ever painted. 

                                                                      Tomorrow’s hopes and dreams will be fulfilled. The desires in your heart will guide you. you will gain the greatest gift of all, the gift of ecstasy and fulfillment you rightly deserve.

                                                                      Never let anyone stand in the way of you pursuing this dream.

                                                                      Know that you will always have a Master to rely on whenever you need Him.  

                                                                    • #10488

                                                                        Sweet cuckold

                                                                      • #10489

                                                                          I wish I were your sweet cuckold and you were my wife’s(and my) sweet dom.

                                                                        • #10490

                                                                            @ArapahoDom said:
                                                                            I have had several people IM or email Me telling Me how they like to masturbate while reading My post; how many of you like to do that?

                                                                            Sir, i’m new to the forum, but after reading all of your posts in this thread, i owe you this confession:  I got erect at work and masturbated (and that doesn’t happen so much).  Your confidence and control is exciting.

                                                                            Your depth in this is very moving.  i have no doubt that women adore you, and that you will find a cuckold couple who will happily worship you. 

                                                                          • #10491

                                                                              I was asked how I approach cuckolds.

                                                                              How I approach the cuckold’s place is never formulaic. It all depends on his needs and desires and the role he (and his wife) wish for him to play. I think he should be included, I think he should be an active part in the relationship, I think his needs are as valid as the wife. I generally only humiliate as punishment. He should be obeying Me, submitting to Me, and waking up everyday thinking ‘what can I do today to please My Master’. That can range from bringing Me a beer I like when I walk in the door to bathing his wife for Me to driving us on a date to holding her purse while she dances in a club. I use his ability to have sex with his wife and to be present when I take his wife as a reward for behaving well. 


                                                                              The woman will never see the husband the same again.


                                                                              A cuckold should relish My telling him ‘good boy’ just as much as his wife enjoys Me telling her ‘good girl’. It should make him smile and send a shiver down his spine that he has pleased Me. 

                                                                              I have had many slaves and some I have loved dearly. The slave realizes the pleasure in serving and pleasing the One who owns them; that is where the satisfaction comes from. Service that is unconditional and executed with pure adoration will result in love for the slave.

                                                                              It is a beautiful thing when done correctly. 

                                                                            • #10270

                                                                                 I will take you, fill you with My cock, make you Mine, teach you to be My slut and own you.

                                                                              • #10501

                                                                                  Interesting conversation with a cuckold: “I feel guilty I cannot give my wife what she needs”

                                                                                  Response: “you are actually giving her exactly what she needs.”

                                                                                • #10502

                                                                                    I desire you to be rational, smart, understand what you know and do not know, sincere, eager, and committed

                                                                                  • #10504

                                                                                      @ArapahoDom said:
                                                                                      Interesting conversation with a cuckold: “I feel guilty I cannot give my wife what she needs”

                                                                                      Response: “you are actually giving her exactly what she needs.”

                                                                                      You’re a kind Dom to offer comfort your cuckolds.  My guilt would be not so much that I can’t give a woman what she needs, but that i pretended that i could, that i’m a fraud as a man.

                                                                                    • #10512

                                                                                        As you were taught to do betaboy. The important thing is, you realized it and corrected course.

                                                                                      • #10517

                                                                                          you want My cum to fill your mouth, you want to feel it dribbling down your chin. you want to feel My cum dripping out of your pussy, stretched and sore and swollen.
                                                                                          Obey, submit, do as directed.
                                                                                          Obey and submit with enthusiasm, show Me how you want to please your Master. Understand what pleases Me, wake up every morning thinking “how can I please My Master today?”.


                                                                                          I will make you understand what it is to be a woman and a slave. you will serve, you will earn My cock, you will learn to obey and you will learn to submit as your first nature. you will be objectified, desired and understand how beautiful and sexy you are. you will be made, forced and compelled. you will understand power and you will understand dominance.

                                                                                          Do you want to do what it takes to please Me and earn the opportunity to taste My cum?

                                                                                        • #10521

                                                                                            Good working definition of objectified: Sexualized, desired, an object of pleasure and enjoyment and beauty.

                                                                                            Not an object of chores, an object of art.

                                                                                          • #10522

                                                                                              I have exchanged emails with ArapahoDom and he has wisdom and great insight into how this should be done. I love in Colorado and would really hope someday to have him own my wife. She is very early in this process and is hesitant and has concerns. Probably the biggest barrier is opening her mind to this being OK and safe. She wants to be sure it will not change that we are married legally, that her career would not be affected, and of course safe from disease. Also she was raised in a conservative family when it comes to attitudes about sex, so always drummed into her head that good girls do not do something like this. I have been able to get her to admit that I do not give her sexual fulfillment. She also tells me that women give themselves differently in some cases, that there has to be an emotional connection. I think this is way submitting to ArapahoDom is the right path, it creates the emotional intimacy and connection to allow us to submit completely to his will.Smile

                                                                                            • #10529

                                                                                                Dear ArapahoDom, your posts are so erotic. I constantly masturbate while reading them. I was wondering if you could go into more detail about how you control the husbands/males in the cuckold couples that serve you? Or perhaps even tell us about the previous couples that you owned and how you became a part of their lives and what you did with them? Looking forward to hearing more…



                                                                                              • #10530

                                                                                                  Tony –


                                                                                                  Control is an interesting word because couples generally give over control to Me, they find it a relief to do so. My control is through the desire to please Me, continue with Me, the improvement I make in peoples lives and marriages, the innate desire to submit and obey and have the burden of having to figure everything out themselves taken off of their shoulders. The feeling that the couple can relax and breathe because they have finally figured this out and it was so much simpler than they had imagined, so drama free, so pleasing to all involved. The sense that control is there, power is there, dominance is there, all the security those things bring is there, someone caring for them, looking out for them, seeking their best interest in the control and power He has over their lives. The genuine desire to please the Man who has done this for them, the love and affection that it generates, the understanding that to have this so little is actually required of them in terms of what they have to do: submit and obey, be genuine and transparent, be themselves. Sometimes couples have a difficult time believing that, at the end of the day, that is all they actually have to do to make this work.


                                                                                                  More than anything else that is what I provide couples, the opportunity to be themselves without judgment or condemnation or ridicule. 


                                                                                                  There is so much more to this, at least to how I do this, than just showing up with My dick hanging out. 

                                                                                                • #10538

                                                                                                    The range of what couples seek varies quite a bit, the level of understanding and the level of courage also varies quite a bit. The husband is often eager, the wife much more cautious. The possibility of the long term fantasy, the fantasy by which they have mutually gotten off so many times of an owner and a Master, becoming real and being the real thing is to be pondered and considered. 

                                                                                                    The nine year cuckold that I had started when the wife, who I had known in a platonic way and knew I was a Dom, came to My office and threw herself at Me with her husbands permission. she wanted to be owned, wanted to be Mine, wanted to be in love with Me and wanted Me to love her, was willing to lay down everything she had to be Mine and have My attention daily, to have Me thinking of her constantly.

                                                                                                    I accepted her as Mine. I came and went at her house as I wished, I had a key to her house, I took her to coffee, lunch and dinner, I spent My time with her as I wished (which was pretty much daily), the trust was complete between her, her husband, and I. I took her to clubs and to parties, I shared her with My friends, she was proud to be Mine and I was so very proud of her. There was nothing in their life that they with held from Me, including her womb. she was fulfilled as a woman to be Mine. Where as she had a career, was a wife, was a mother; she felt for the first time in her life like a woman and that a Man appreciated her and loved her as a woman. Loved her and desired her for what she was.

                                                                                                    I put a ring on the ring finger of her right hand, so each day she had a ring on her left hand to remind her of her husband and a ring on her right hand to remind her of her Master. We had a D/s ceremony where he officially gave her to be Mine; they each vowed their obedience and submission. Their marriage drew closer for it was no longer a tug of war but a focus on their Master, with his duty to prepare and facilitate her for My pleasure. In exchange they quit fighting and arguing over the petty things in life, quit worrying about the emotional insecurities, and became secure in themselves for the first time.

                                                                                                    I am not seeking to recreate all this in detail; each couple and girl is unique and as I said before this is never formulaic. I do wish to have the same or increased level of commitment, trust and enjoyment in the couple I choose.

                                                                                                    I understand how exquisite this can be, how fulfilling and wonderful. I understand all of your dreams can come true, the fantasy can be real, and you can feel like a woman each and every minute of each day.

                                                                                                  • #10539

                                                                                                      The sacrifice the husband makes so his wife may have this, may be fulfilled, is enormous. The cuckold husband is to be respected for the love he shows his wife, not disparaged or ridiculed. The wife needs to thank him, daily, and make sure he knows his sacrifice is appreciated. 

                                                                                                    • #10540

                                                                                                        @ArapahoDom said:
                                                                                                        I have had several people IM or email Me telling Me how they like to masturbate while reading My post; how many of you like to do that?


                                                                                                        Count me in as a cuckold masturbating to your post

                                                                                                      • #10541

                                                                                                          People have asked what am I like outside of this…

                                                                                                          I own businesses, I ride motorcycles, I go to Sturgis, I hunt elk…

                                                                                                        • #10542

                                                                                                            One of the best analogies I have heard about D/s is from a girl who was Mine some years ago: being a submissive with a good Master is a lot like skydiving; it is the thrill of falling, having no control what so ever, but trusting that the Master will ensure that you have a soft landing.

                                                                                                          • #10547

                                                                                                              I have missed you today. I do not know you yet, but know I miss you. I think of your arms around Me, the wonderful flutter in the pit of your stomach when I look at you with loving eyes, the tender kisses that you leave on My skin.

                                                                                                              There is just something about the autumn air that makes Me particularly think of you. It’s hard to describe the emotion churning inside my body. It is like a delicate thunderstorm. With every kiss the storm will get stronger. The lightning strikes and My body yearns for you as yours does Mine. The thunder roars and thoughts of your kiss, your touch, your taste…

                                                                                                              I close My eyes for the few seconds that the thought lasts and savor it.

                                                                                                              With the simplest kiss, you will make My heart soar and My body tingle with anticipation of your warmth.

                                                                                                              you will be amazing.

                                                                                                            • #10550

                                                                                                                I tried to email you about my wife’s reaction to your work this morning, but it was returned.  Are you unavailable now?  

                                                                                                              • #10549

                                                                                                                  Let Me emphasize; anyone who wishes to converse may contact Me. However if you are interested in My being your Master I wish to hear from the girl. she is who the primary relationship must be built with.

                                                                                                                • #10426

                                                                                                                    @sporto10 said:

                                                                                                                    @ArapahoDom said:
                                                                                                                    I have had several people IM or email Me telling Me how they like to masturbate while reading My post; how many of you like to do that?

                                                                                                                    I masturbated to your post too.

                                                                                                                  • #10553

                                                                                                                      Many times the wife is hesitant to acquire a Master; though the desire is there she is concerned about a host of things such as

                                                                                                                      Is she attractive enough
                                                                                                                      How will it effect her long term relationship with her husband
                                                                                                                      Will her friends, family and professional acquaintances find out
                                                                                                                      Can she trust the Master who takes her
                                                                                                                      Will the Master protect and care for her

                                                                                                                      All of these are valid concerns; which is why a girl should be careful about the Master she chooses. Here is how I address those concerns:

                                                                                                                      I focus on making sure the dynamic is such that the husband and wife pull closer together, not pull apart. The marital relationship will evolve (that is guaranteed). Having a Master who is cognizant of this and moves you two closer rather than farther apart is critical to the long term health of the marriage.
                                                                                                                      I will not compel you to tell your friends or family; I will not out you. you get to choose who you tell.
                                                                                                                      I will do as I say, that is the hallmark of a good Master. Do as you say you will do; that is how the trust is built.
                                                                                                                      A good Master will always protect his girl. I have physically thrown men out of bars and houses for not behaving appropriately toward My girl. you will not be abused or disrespected by anyone if you are Mine. Ever.

                                                                                                                      Think on this, it is a major decision. It can be, with the right couple and the right Master, the most exquisite thing you have ever done in your life. It can be more rewarding and fulfilling than any relationship the girl has ever had.

                                                                                                                      As far as ‘are you attractive enough’, I take into consideration all of you. Personality, sincerity, earnestness, intellect; all that counts considerably in how attractive I find you. Nothing is as attractive as a girl who truly wishes to be Mine. The path to My heart is through submission. 

                                                                                                                    • #10562

                                                                                                                        Cuckolding is a bit different than some other D/s dynamics in that the Master you choose should take into consideration not just his relationship with each of you but you and your husbands relationship with each other. your Master should allow for and plan for enhancing the dynamic that you and your boy have together. Undoubtedly the relationship dynamic you two have will change when you have a Master join. It will change most significantly for your boy, it always does. Allowing yourself that full release of submission to your new Master is critical; you need to take care in choosing a Master who understands that a major part of this managing the evolution of your marriage into something which draws you all closer.


                                                                                                                        It won’t be the same as what you currently have, the key is selecting a Master who will make it better than what you have now.

                                                                                                                      • #10563
                                                                                                                          Dont be frustrated and worried; be thorough and smart.

                                                                                                                          you can do this.
                                                                                                                        • #10565

                                                                                                                            One of husbands major fears is a Master taking his wife away from him. I have had the wife ask Me if she could leave her husband and just be Mine; the request is not that uncommon.


                                                                                                                            I have always said ‘No’ and always will. That would be a complete betrayal to allow her to do that. I send her home, reminding her of the commitment to the entire relationship, not just to Me.

                                                                                                                            Do not be too hard on the wives, everyone has a bad day or series of days with their spouse. The temptation is present.


                                                                                                                            Be assured I do not ever allow that to occur. Ever.

                                                                                                                          • #10566

                                                                                                                              Thank You for taking the time to discuss and help me work through some of my thoughts and concerns in mine and cissy’s delving further in cuckolding him. 

                                                                                                                            • #10602

                                                                                                                                I have read this thread with much interest. What ArapahoDom has expressed in this thread really bears out what our experience has been like in the cuckolding lifestyle. My wife has been owned by her Bull for about 10 years now. It has been a very liberating experience for me in many ways. The responsability for looking after my wifes sexual well being is no longer mine, she is looked after by Paddy who is far more capable sexually than i could ever be. He fulfills her in ways I never could, I am not putting myself down. I am just accepting a fact of life. He has made her into the woman she was meant to be, something  I wasnt able help her to achieve.

                                                                                                                                ArapahoDom knows what I mean. I have spoken to him about it and he knows exactly what I am trying to say.


                                                                                                                                ArapahoDom has expressed himself far more clearly and eloquently in this  thread than I ever could do on this subject.


                                                                                                                                All I can really do is say how much I agree with him. The peace and tranquility that Paddy as an experienced Bull has brought to our marriage cannot be really expressed in words. We have someone in Paddy to protect and look after us, he has taken away all the sexual performance anxieties and related fertility issues that I used to have as a husband. Being a cuckold husband I no longer have the sexual or fertility problems that I used to have with my wife, Paddy now looks after my wife’s sexual well being and her fertility is no longer my responsability. Paddy has assumed full ownership of my wife in our marriage.

                                                                                                                              • #10619

                                                                                                                                  Thank you, AraphoDom, for your posts here. They’re thought provoking on many levels. I’ve always thought of cuckolding as a forbidden sexual desire, but you’ve helped me understand it as an emotional need too, and maybe a more genuine part of me as a man than I’d thought before. Your respect for the relationship and the cuckold shows a realistic scenario, one where the cuckold retains his dignity by accepting what he really is. In fact, what you describe seems like the way to help or even save a marriage where the husband is not a true Man in the sexual sense.

                                                                                                                                  Of course everyone have fears and questions. It’s a huge lifestyle change. I wonder about what a cuckold should expect from a Master. I know the lifestyle can vary a lot, and any 3-way relationship is going to have a unique chemistry, but of course a lifestyle Master is going to have at least great influence over everything, and the cuckold will presumably have less, assuming he’s genuinely submissive. It would be interesting to know a Master’s preferences. For example, what is communication like between the Master and cuckold? Is the cuckold addressed in a diminutive way, like “boy” or something else? Is the cuckold expected to serve at hand? Run errands? Do housework? Is he subject to physical discipline (assuming again, that he has given general consent as a submissive). I often wonder about what the actual lifestyle might be like in the day to day.

                                                                                                                                  In any case, thank you for your posts.

                                                                                                                                • #10620

                                                                                                                                    I would communicate daily with the cuckold; voice, email, text, in person and yes he generally would serve. That could mean running errands, driving his wife and I to places, he could be subject to physical discipline. If he was deserving he would be addressed as ‘good boy’.

                                                                                                                                  • #10621

                                                                                                                                      Couples often find taking that step so difficult; stepping out of the life they live to the life they want. Having a life driven by the trivial, by insecurities, by meaningless conflicts, by hopes, by fantasies that will eventually fade when not acted on can and does feel so comfortable. 

                                                                                                                                      Moving to a new model of relationship, with a Master who does care and who will build you both up in different ways so you feel fulfilled and valued in all that you do going forward does take courage. It takes trust and it takes sincerity. Submitting to the ownership of a Man with the hope that all the pettiness goes away, that you will be led and directed to care for each other so much more and in ways that you each realize it, this takes holding each others hands and taking that step forward to having a Master.

                                                                                                                                      Sometimes the hopes of the wife and the hopes of the husband are different; they can be merged. Sometimes the complexity of the unknown seems daunting when the actual case is that a good Master can simplify all of your life. Sometimes the tendency to overthink things causes one to not act at all. Sometimes it is the fear that you actually will get all you dreamed of.

                                                                                                                                      Be bold, this is here for the couple that is sincere. The fear that you are not good enough, pretty enough, or the doubts that you can actually be Mine creep in. you may fear possible rejection. If you are sincere about this you have nothing to fear. 

                                                                                                                                    • #10622

                                                                                                                                        you want someone to know who you are, to know you, to see you, to be your confidant and to hold your trust. you want a Master to whom you can be open and transparent without being betrayed or used. you want a Master to whom this is not a game, but with whom you can still laugh and have fun. you want a Master with whom the stress in your life goes down and you can completely be yourself, who ever that is. you want to be accepted and loved for you, the unique you, the special you, the you that brings forth what no one else ever can or will. you want to be recognized for who you are, for being that special prize that a Master will treasure and keep forever. 


                                                                                                                                        you can find that with Me.


                                                                                                                                        It may have been a long time since a Man reminded you daily of how beautiful you were, since a Man told you how your smile lights up a room, since a Man told you that your eyes sparkled. It may have been a long time since you spent your work day competing with your own thoughts about a Man touching you, it may have been a long time since a Man looked at you with adoration and desire in his eyes, it may have been a long time since you were truly lusted after. 


                                                                                                                                        you remember what it was to have a Man thinking of you constantly, sending you sexy notes during the day, reminding you by the minute that you are a woman. you want that again, or maybe for the first time, the attention and focus of a Man who does see you for the beautiful and sexy creature that you are and that you want to be.


                                                                                                                                        Don’t allow it to be too much longer dear

                                                                                                                                      • #10623

                                                                                                                                          you have spent so long being a wife and perhaps a mother. Now it is time to be a woman and have a Man who reminds you that you are a woman, beautiful.

                                                                                                                                        • #10632

                                                                                                                                            The fortunate couple will bond and be drawn closer by sharing a fate.

                                                                                                                                            There is tremendous amount of intimacy in that occurring.

                                                                                                                                          • #10633

                                                                                                                                              Look around your world, at your life. Is he sitting there watching tv, or playing on Facebook,  and kids are constantly saying me, me, me, me, me…? Did you come home and have to cook and are you the one who is cleaning the house? When you go to bed it is unsatisfying, no longer exciting and transitioning from that wife/mother role to being a woman is getting more and more difficult? 

                                                                                                                                              maybe you should rethink about what you have been living…

                                                                                                                                              The dynamic needs to change for you to be fulfilled.

                                                                                                                                              you can have your husband and family and all of those relationships as well as a Master who makes you feel as a woman right down to your core every minute of the day.

                                                                                                                                              Now this is my world…

                                                                                                                                              Im your Master to fulfill your life, moisten you, make your heart beat faster and take your breath away “

                                                                                                                                              I have worked my entire life learning how to be the best Master I can be for the right couple.  My Dominance is My gift, not your right.  you must earn it with sincerity and affection.

                                                                                                                                              I give My all to you if you are who I choose.

                                                                                                                                              Whatever My and her sexual desires are they will be fulfilled. We compliment each other in a perfect triangle. I will provide you inspiration. 

                                                                                                                                              you will live to serve your Man, as He shows you unconditional love. 

                                                                                                                                              “Fantasy, fairy tales, a moment in time. Did Cinderella lie? Is finding the one you didn’t even know you were missing a possibility or just the things of which dreams are made?”

                                                                                                                                              Make life happy for your Master and life for you will be ecstatic.

                                                                                                                                              An awakening awaits you both.

                                                                                                                                            • #10644

                                                                                                                                                you are torn, should you pursue your fantasy or should you play it safe. your very soul tells you to pursue your fantasy, but it is so hard. you have re-read all the stories several times, you have looked into all the available information.

                                                                                                                                                you will tell Me of your desires, what you are interested in, hoping I will contact you back. you will wait. It is the longest wait you will ever have. 

                                                                                                                                                you are afraid both that I will respond and that I won’t. you will start checking your email almost hourly. 

                                                                                                                                                Then, it will happen. An email from Me. I will discuss My interests, both vanilla and as a Dom. I discuss your desires and how I reflect them in My desires. you will be hooked. 

                                                                                                                                                I won’t assume she is My slave already. I will talk to her as a person who would be a sub, a person with feelings and interests. I will talk about the road I would take her on and how it would lead to her final submission. 

                                                                                                                                                she will feel warmed by My interest in her and knows this was a Man she would happily submit to. Thus begins her journey to submission, freedom, and happiness. 

                                                                                                                                              • #10686

                                                                                                                                                  If you contact Me as a couple to be owned and dominated; be prepared to voice verify fairy quickly.

                                                                                                                                                • #10701

                                                                                                                                                    I find it interesting and common that one of the fears the wife has is her husband knowing how badly she wants this. she knows her husband wants this badly, she knows she wants this, but she is afraid of her husband discovering just how badly she wants it. Often times the wife has been masturbating since her teen age years to the fantasy of submitting to a Master, to her body being exposed and showed, to her being shared with a Masters friends, to being made into a slut. It is one of her deepest desires and often one she never thought she would have the opportunity to fulfill. her fear is often what her husband will think of her if he were to know just long and deeply she has held that desire. Interestingly, the husband often has the same desire for her. This is sometimes the stumbling block for a wife; often the request to a Master is not to tell her husband just how badly she wants this. It is very culturally ingrained for a wife, even a wife who has agreed to cuckolding, not to have her husband know she desires to be shown off and shared. While cuckolding puts the husband in a very vulnerable position; having her husband know she has fantasized about being a slut and desires that in the depths of her heart puts her in equally as vulnerable a position.


                                                                                                                                                    husbands need to reassure their wife, that what ever she desires he supports and that pursuing her desires will only elevate her in his eyes, not diminish her, regardless of what those desires may be.

                                                                                                                                                  • #10719

                                                                                                                                                      Life is so interesting, this dynamic is so fascinating…. and rewarding

                                                                                                                                                    • #10737

                                                                                                                                                        Wow loved this thread it has spoken to me, and like others I have cum reading it, my wife deserves better than my small offereing and thanks for helping me take the next step, my submission is clear now.

                                                                                                                                                      • #10732

                                                                                                                                                          you are to the outside world the neighbor next door. They have no idea what lies behind that smile and friendly wave as you pass each other in the street or of the long suppressed wants, needs and the things you hunger for that much of the world will never understand. Dominance and being nice do mix, as does building a real relationship, a balanced relationship including you both. The emotional touching is a vibrant, living thing. I am someone who is a gentleman that will take from a woman and make her into a sloppy, mascara smeared, wet mess… 

                                                                                                                                                        • #10733

                                                                                                                                                            Thank you Arapaho.   I wish we were in Colorado so you might become our bull.  When you are a bull in a relationship do you tell the wife that she is your’s exclusively and her pussy is no longer open for her husband?  Do both the wives and their husbands generally accept such a decision by the bull?  If the husband is no longer allowed to enter his wife, do you as the bull determine how he is releaved?  Sorry for so many questoins but we are progressing and this is something we need to face.

                                                                                                                                                          • #10735

                                                                                                                                                              If I am in the relationship, I own her. I allow the husband to experience sexual activity as a reward that I decide where and when.

                                                                                                                                                            • #10736

                                                                                                                                                                Hi Not sure what this is all about now forgive me folks. Just blowing some fresh air into the subject. Surely the purpose of becoming a couple i.e as in a man and a woman together is to share your love for each other at least that is the ideal. Lets look at this. Loving someone is to make them feel whole, make then feel better about themselves than they could do on their own.In case you are thinking I am not some religous intruder in your lifestyle. I have been cuckolded as in my wife had an affair. I did for a while think it could be sexualised. And indeed it can be to a degree.However all the cuckolding and masturbating fantasies in the world will not and cannot replace the love of a good woman, for you meaning, for you and nobody else. You may have a smallish penis and be quite accommodating in your nature , some may call being kind and generous submissive, so be it. But lets smell the coffee here there are some people who actually like kind and generous people in this unforgiving world.Sometimes it is nice just to be valued and everyone is unique and has a value. So where does a cuckold end up in this lifestyle. How can someone drive themselves down sexually and a a person for so long and this not have a real effect on their wellbeing overall. At some point this is for real and you are really the person you imagine you are and there is no going back.Do you want to be that person? Take a step back and think. I dont doubt it is possible your wife could have another sexual partner. I do not doubt she could love both of you or maybe even more men.I do not doubt her or you could have a sexually submissive experience as a turn on. However this would be done as a one off or in a fixed session after which all return to normal.I just think there is a warning to be made here if you keep playing the game long enough it will be for real with dubious consequences. I believe all cuckolds need this debate

                                                                                                                                                              • #10742

                                                                                                                                                                  Most certainly true, you do not know….

                                                                                                                                                                  cuckold, submissive husbands are quite content for quite a long time when treated well.

                                                                                                                                                                • #10744

                                                                                                                                                                    “It’s hard for an educated woman to turn her head off. That’s part of the joy of being a submissive. None of the decisions are yours. When you can’t refuse anything and can’t even move, those voices in your head go silent. All you can do, and all you are permitted to do, is feel.” 
                                                                                                                                                                    ― Cherise SinclairDark Citadel

                                                                                                                                                                  • #10753

                                                                                                                                                                      I do get that, and I do get the submissive side of sexuality it could be an amazing experience I have no doubt particulalry for women. I do not however think long term male submission and humiliation has any place in marriage. Marriage is an institution in a great part and exists partly to keep society in place. Marriage sort of institutionalises sex, keeps it tame and for purpose. The reward in marriage for your fidelity and sobriety sexually is that a true friendship bond is built between two people who essentially have foregone the possibility of having sex with others. Sex is thus tamed. In fact it could be said that marriage actually assists the taming of the woman insuring her wilder desires are not expressed in return for a faithful husband. The basis is thus laid for family building career development and loads of other things which do not involve sex. Speaking of cuckold marriage is like speaking of warm ice cream which of course would be a food but not resemble ice cream.Therefore I believe when a couple go down this road they have abandoned marriage as such. I would describe them as mutually assisted sexual realtionships. In other words the submissive man gets off on some of the things the submissive woman gets off on. However the submissive woman may be having something more akin to a traditional relationship with the bull i.e. they may be showing each other love and affection and so on.There may well in return be no love and affection for the cuckold as how could there be if he is in a state of intimate denial and humiliation. If this gets out of hand the cuckold could well end up exited from the relationship as the woman may crave normality with the bull. In fact I would be surprised if a lot of cuckold relationships do not go this way. I would suggest it is inevitable. So , cuckolds beware your mutual sexual relationship could end altogether then imagine what would happen. The woman who you crave who you desire beyond all others who you love with a deep psychological love has basically told you to clear off and the play acting humiliation becomes real. Imagine her saying ” listen pencil dick you are a loser and you know that no woman wants to be with a loser I am tired of your wanking and fantasies, sick of it ” and she leaves. Think about it………………………..

                                                                                                                                                                    • #10159

                                                                                                                                                                        Who wants to be owned and dominated?

                                                                                                                                                                      • #10161

                                                                                                                                                                          Hello, good to see you are still around. You must be too busy for chat. I hope all is going well.

                                                                                                                                                                        • #10552

                                                                                                                                                                            Denise – I am still around, email me at arapahomaster@yahoo.com

                                                                                                                                                                          • #10925

                                                                                                                                                                              i must confess, ArapahoDom. I read your thread and collected your thoughts and views. i must say that i enjoyed reading your views and appreciate your perspective on things. i admire you as a Bull and think what you’re doing is great!! keep up the good work!! oh, and yes, i did masturbate. i would dearly love to be cuckolded. it would be that much more special to be cuckolded by a Dom Bull like you. it’s my dream!!

                                                                                                                                                                            • #11023

                                                                                                                                                                                Good boy

                                                                                                                                                                              • #11777

                                                                                                                                                                                  Thank You, AraphoDom, for posting such a wonderful thread, Sir.  we are new to cuckolding and found this post very informative and erotic.  You have proven Mastery over the desires of submissive cuckold couples and a path that will enhance a marriage and prove very fulfilling to the Bull, hotwife, and cuckold alike.  If there were more true Doms like You, Sir, there would certainly be more submissive cuckold couples.  we hope that You continue Your presence and informing on the cuckold lifestyle with Your amazing insight.

                                                                                                                                                                                • #11927

                                                                                                                                                                                    Thank you, looking for My next couple

                                                                                                                                                                                  • #12061

                                                                                                                                                                                      Still seeking that right couple to own long term

                                                                                                                                                                                    • #12119

                                                                                                                                                                                        Happy New Years!

                                                                                                                                                                                      • #12270
                                                                                                                                                                                        • #19454

                                                                                                                                                                                            There’s truth here I think, along with a fair amount of BS and shrewd self-promotion. AD is sharp and perceptive, knows the buttons and just how to push them. I’m not immune to all of it myself.

                                                                                                                                                                                          • #19455

                                                                                                                                                                                              I’m just saying it’s no a bad thing there’s an occasional voice like nigel’s thrown in.

                                                                                                                                                                                            • #19790

                                                                                                                                                                                                No BS

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