Marriage Evolved discussion Lifestyle Discussions Getting Started May be making progress with wife

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    • jacknclaire2001
        Post count: 4

        I have known that I have been a cuckold for years.  Mostly I have kept this fantasy hidden and confined to simply exploring it on the internet.  I have been married 20 yrs and was very afraid to bring up this fantasy to my conservative wife.  She was a virgin when we met and although sex has always been pretty good for us, it has been far from experimental.  Also, over the years I have noticed that I have had some decline in ability to get and maintain erections, although fantasizing about being a cuckold during sex definitely helps with that.


        The closest I had previously come to even mentioning this was actually talking to her about eating “cream pie”, which obviously in our case would have been my own.  She was intrigued by this and loves that.  Usually if she is on top, she will simply move forward after she and I cum, and drop her vulva directly on my face after sex and let our combined juices drip onto my face and into my mouth.  I think she likes this a lot, as I seldom even have to ask her to do it.


        Recently we were on a trip out of town for a few days at a nice resort, with the  kids (all teens) left behind at home.  So it was just the two of us.  We had a nice dinner and some wine, came back to our room pretty tipsy, and fell asleep together, although we were both quite horny.  We had had too much wine though, and sleep prevailed at that point. As we slept I dreamed that she and I had sex in public which was discovered and attracted a group of onlookers, mostly men, who watched us.  None of them had sex with her, but they did develop erections, and they masturbated while watching us and feeling of her breasts and legs as she and I had sex.


        We both woke up a few hours later, and for some reason I decided to tell her this dream.  I sort of presented this as “you wont believe what I just dreamed” so in case she was offended, I could back out and say “it was just a dream”.  I could tell the dream sort of made her nervous but at the same time she seemed sort of interested in it.  So I told her about it in detail, including how hard the other men had gotten watching her.  We began having sex, and I continued the story.  She came very hard during this.  Afterwards we talked some more about the fantasy and she admitted that the idea of being caught and attracting a crowd like that was sexy to her.  I didnt push too much into the area of the other men getting too involved physically in the situation for fear of scaring her away.  She admitted it would be very sexy for me to show her off in public, such as exposing her to men in public.


        This seems like a breakthru to me.  I am not sure where to go from here.  What do others think?



      • jacknclaire2001
          Post count: 4

          If anyone has any suggestions on how to proceed, please let me know.  I need all the help i can get!

        • HotWifeToni
            Post count: 3

            Show her off in public but in a very classy, sexual way.  If she has pretty legs buy her a mini-dress to show them off and have her wear her highest heels and buy her some lace underwear.  Go out to a nice nightclub to dance and show her off, I guarantee men will notice her.  Give her lots of attention by holding hands and with soft kisses telling her how beautiful she looks.  Tell her it would be okay to flirt.  This is how my husband got me started.  Just remember, take it slow and see how she reacts.

            Finally, excuse yourself and leave her alone for a few moments at the bar or at a table or booth.  When you leave see if men come over to talk.  It doesn’t seem like much but I know she will love it.  When you get home keep the conversation light but tell her how hard she made you and let her stroke your cock before having sex.

            Remember if you thought that your dream was a breakthrough this might be a start to the next level of being a real cuckold hubby! 


            Toni  Smile

          • jacknclaire2001
              Post count: 4

              Thanks for the encouraging words, Toni.  That will indeed be my next step.  Let me ask this, if I excuse myself for a bit after having her flirt a little, and I return to find a man chatting with her, what should I do?  Give them some privacy?  Join in the conversation?  


              I am just so new to all this I am not sure how to proceed.  I feel we are delicately poised, and I dont want to spoil it.

            • jacknclaire2001
                Post count: 4



                showing off a little bit

              • Captmike53
                  Post count: 3


                  she is a hottie! keep us posted on your progress, i like Toni’s suggestions, hope you try it!


                  capt mike

                • Cumaf
                    Post count: 1

                    Thanks for your post.

                    I suggest that you talk to her.If you love and trust eachother and leaves in a strong relationship than you can talk about it.

                    How could she know what you think or like if you dont tell it to her?

                    Good luckWink

                  • new_cpl_ind
                      Post count: 1

                      I think our case is same earlier she was least interested but out continuous watching the hot scenes has made her desirable and now mostly she brings up the topic of cuckolding when we make love I can see she gets very wet as soon as we start talking of cuck and bull things its very hot now… I guess now the seeds are developing for future cuckolding…

                    • wannacuckold
                        Post count: 1

                        Hi New Ind cpl
                        we too from india

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