Marriage Evolved discussion Lifestyle Discussions True Experiences My Story (Is it sex or lovemaking?)

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    • Anonymous
        Post count: 216

        My wife’s lover, her ex, came over yesterday and spent the night. Of course sex between them occurred as expected. But something was different this time.
        It seemed like the usual, clothes off, my wife naked, her ex naked, me naked but sitting off to the side, the voyeur. My wife laying on the bed, her legs spread, her ex licking her clit, my wife’s body reacting to the stimulation as she felt up her tits. The prelude to penetration and fucking.
        I watched as he climbed up on top of my wife, reaching down under his body to grab his hard cock, positioning it for penetration. I knew he was going to thrust it into her, deep. I anticipated the moaning and her body’s reaction. I had seen it many times, and yes, it always made me rock hard.

        I waited, my wife waited.

        However, he hovered over her, gently placing his cock head on her cunt, rubbing it slowly between her cunt lips. Sliding it up and down, parting those lips. Placing his cock head at the entrance, holding it there for a moment and gently pressing it into her. I watched as the shaft of his cock disappeared into her cunt, as long as I could, until he lowered himself on top of her. He pushed it slowly. My wife’s body still reacted, but it was different, not as intense.
        When his cock was clearly all the way in, his pubic bone pressed up against my wife, he stopped. His chest slightly above my wife’s tits, holding himself up on his elbows. He was just looking at her, my wife looking at him. An then he lowered his head, kissing my wife, still holding his upper body over her. It was a passionate kiss, open mouth, I knew there was tongue. They were bonded, his rock hard cock in her wet warm cunt, their lips together, tongues exploring. No movement except for the kissing.

        My reaction, frozen, confused, jealous. I did not realize it at the time, but I was losing my erection. But I did nothing, just sat there.
        Soon I saw movement, a contraction of his ass muscles, slight. Pulling his cock out slightly, then back in. I had never seen him do that. His fucking was intense, sometimes slow but always that constant in and out motion. This was different. Slow penetrations, consistent, gliding in/out, in/out. Holding his body above her tits. Seeing his hard chest muscles was hot, seeing my wife’s tits slightly parted from their size, her nipples erect, pointing up, my cock got hard again.
        I saw more movement and thought okay, now the intense fucking is going to occur, but he just moved his body slightly up onto top of her, pressing his pelvis directly on top of her. His cock had to be pushing down towards the bed. It was like I could feel the sensation his cock had to be feeling.
        His fucking was still slow, steady and soon I heard my wife moan, the bucking of her body the sign she was cumming. He kept on fucking her.

        Why I looked, not sure, but I saw the time it was. This slow fucking continued for 30 more minutes, my wife cumming twice more. How did he control himself? I am lucky if I last 4 minutes when I fuck, but he was still going. After my wife’s third orgasm I heard her say she could not take anymore. I expected him to just start thrusting his cock in her to cum, but he kept the motion and soon he was cumming. He had to be holding back for one moment it was slow steady fucking and the next he just came. No intense outward signs of his orgasm, like normal, but he was definitely shooting his load in her. The grunting, the hardness to his body, those signs were all there.
        Was he still cumming?? He was not pulling out.
        Two naked bodies, skin glistening, his on top of hers, his chest pressed against my wife’s tits. No movement. I could not see their faces. Was he going to get off of her, pull his cock out? I waited, for what seemed a long time, until he lifted up, and I could see him sliding his long limp cock out of her cunt. He rolled onto his back. I have to admit I love seeing his limp cock after sex. It is wet from my wife’s cunt, his cum, it is long and lays over his big balls, which look like they have emptied everything out, the scrotum spreading out, showcasing each ball.

        I waited for a bit, watching them laying there, my wife’s body looking used, but the smile on her face showed her sexual contentment. I got up to fuck my wife, but as I got to the bed, she just looked at me and said she was too worn out and raw. I was not going to fuck her. I stood there, he had his eyes closed, no shame in his nakedness. My wife closed her eyes, she too just laying there naked, her legs slightly spread open, his cum clearly sliding out of her.
        It was like I did not know what to do, but I guess instinct took over, I went to get a towel for my wife, slid it under her ass to catch his cum. I walked towards the bedroom door, stood there looking at them. Both naked, laying next to each other, the after affects of fucking. My cock was hard, I needed relief. Why I closed the bedroom door, I am not sure, but I left them there in our marital bed. Went downstairs to the family room and masturbated. I came quickly, no surprise there, and despite the sexual relief I felt, I also felt numb.

      • TransStar
          Post count: 140

          Sounds like her ex made love to her. 😍
          For a long time. Kissing is so intimate

        • TransStar
            Post count: 140

            He sounds more like a current boyfriend than an ex

            • Anonymous
                Post count: 216

                I guess at this point he is my wife’s bf who just happens to be her ex. Of course the intimacy would come naturally to them since they were an intimate married couple and he put babies in her. I have to remember that when I see then together having sex.

            • TransStar
                Post count: 140

                There are certainly pro’s and con’s to your situation. Your wife and her bf (ex-) have history and most likely still have strong feelings towards each other. They probably still love each other but remember that being married did not work. Hopefully the result is an equilibrium where all can benefit from the caring, loving, co-parenting and great sex of a LTR without the frustrations experienced in their marriage.

                • Anonymous
                    Post count: 216

                    I have to agree with you on the pros and cons. Had my wife taken the cock of another man she may have fallen in love with him to the point of being with him, not me. Yes, as hard as it is to admit, I know my wife still loves her ex-husband. I can only wonder if her love for him is stronger than her love for me. Despite the sex they are having, the intimacy they are experiencing I have faith, or I like to believe I have faith, that she loves me and would never go back to him as in marriage. Since he has included me in their sex play, even if mostly as a voyeur, I feel there is a bond between the three of us. We definitely share something together, especially there are their kids in our lives, he is the father, I am the step dad, he is the ex, I am the husband, he is the lover and I have marital sex as the husband.

                • groom2010
                    Post count: 17

                    I say it is both sex and lovemaking

                  • Dumptruckwife
                      Post count: 3

                      He straight up made love to her and by the sound of it, she loved every slow thrust of it.

                      • Anonymous
                          Post count: 216

                          I would have to concur.

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