Marriage Evolved discussion Group Discussions Zebra Lounge My wife left for her bbc addiction

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    • Anonymous
        Post count: 1

        I found out my wife was having an affair for over 2 years. I had my suspicions but never found any evidence. Just hearsay, someone caught her and her lover in their office (she works in education), I’ve heard neighbors complain about noises and seeing “strange” black men coming in. Every time I brought it up she dismissed it. I got home a little early one day saw her in stockings and lingerie thrown about, she was sweaty and the bedsheets were soaked and a complete mess, she was still out of breath, she looked panicked and out of the restroom came a really muscular naked black man with what looked like the largest cock I’ve ever seen. I was hurt and angry, she tried to explain but I just left. I come back about a day later and we talk she said it was a lapse in judgment and it wouldn’t happen again. It did she kept seeing him, found out through texts and iCloud. I didn’t say anything, I couldn’t stop thinking about her taking that massive bbc and what that must’ve looked like. Without telling her I started to support her cheating by telling her my whereabouts and time I’d get home always allowing for extra time. I’d get home and would see in her eyes that she’d just been satisfied in ways I couldn’t. We started having a lot more sex and on occasion she’d slip his name out which turned me on more and she could sense it. I finally worked up the nerve to tell her and she agreed to let me watch, it was magical. Her lover had a cock 3x bigger and fatter than mine. She did things I’d never seen or experienced with her. He loved to humiliate me and talk trash to me about how much she loved black dick, and he would tell her to say these things to me. Eventually she did it on her own and made me wear condoms then no sex just handjobs and blowjobs but no cumming in or on her. Then a cage. Then she got pregnant we had multiple gatherings to celebrate then she broke the news it was his baby (already several months pregnant). I said that was fine but She must’ve gotten over it and bored with me she separated from me and moved in with him. They have a beautiful baby but we’re still technically married. And now I’m trying to get her back

      • Len
          Post count: 9

          Keep working on her. Also work on yourself, physically and mentally. Women love a strong mans mine. You could work this out i believe as long as you all talk. This is just my belief. Good luck.

          • Dickless
              Post count: 5

              You know, with what happened, and with what the “cuck’s” chances are of getting her back; this actually COULD be taken as revenge-porn. Am I the only one with that opinion?

          • Connor.cuck
              Post count: 4

              We agree with Len. Self improvement is the key. Best of luck.

            • Tackle
                Post count: 28

                Affirmative work on improving yourself while, contacting an attorney to establish “legal paternity’ and child-support payments which, you need to address in court upon the child’s birth. Lastly, as a BULL (25 years in the Lifestyle), qualities such as honesty, trust, mutual-respect and open-communication are essential ingredients for success in any relationship but, especially in the Lifestyle.

                Please clarify why, you want to win her back after the experiences you shared with this forum?

                • Mick
                    Post count: 3

                    As a cuck I want to say you’re a shit bull if you don’t understand why a cuck would want his cuckoldress/woman back after she’s been bred by black bull. For some (like me) it the ultimate goal/dream.

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