Marriage Evolved discussion Lifestyle Discussions Member Success Stories Our first step into cuckolding happened

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    • curiousmwm
        Post count: 16

        We have been talking about the possibility of this life style for a few years. It started with me asking her about her past sexual encounters and experiences and her noticing how excited it got me when she spoke of these times. So we started playing a fantasy role of her with other guys, it started slowly with having a threesome talk, then it morphed into having a threesome and me getting up to shower and walking back into the room and seeing her riding his cock. Then my next fantasy was walking in on her having sex when I came home form work (still hoping to make this a reality)

        Anyway, we have been getting pretty close to taking a leap, starting to search for potential opportunities. Recently we were in Maui on a wonderful vacation.
        One night we were in the hot tub, it was a unique secluded hot tub surrounded by lava rocks, you really could not see into it, unless you came to the stairs to walk in. We visited with a few other people and there was a guy there that was very personable and my wife and him seemed to laugh with each other. I truly thought nothing of it until one time I got up to get a some drinks and came back and they were the only ones in the hot tub and truly laughing with each other.

        That night we went back to our room and had some hot sex as I was whispering in her ear about maybe sucking his cock at the hot tub tomorrow night. She blushed and said “you would like that wouldn’t you?”

        Fast forward to the next night, back in the hot tub, similar scenario but some young kids were hanging around way too long the three of us laughing getting to know each other better. I went and got some drink again and by the time I came back the kids were gone and he was speaking quietly to my wife kneeling in front of her in the tub. She saw me walk in and he quickly backed away.
        She said out loud “Seems Jim here would like to fuck me without you knowing” Jim immediately apologized and started getting out of the tub. But my wife said “Hold on Jim” “I won’t fuck you, but let me see what you have first”
        My jaw dropped. I didn’t know what they spoke about when I was gone (she told me later) but he looked at me confused. I did not know where this was going to go but I was ROCK HARD>

        He say on the edge of the tub and lowered his shorts to show an average cock, with the hair trimmed very short. It was getting hard fast. My wife looked at me and smiled. Shrugged her shoulders and asked “what do you think honey? Is it good enough for our first?”

        My mouth was dry and my heart was pounding.

        She glided across the tub and looked at his cock. I though she was going to suck him. But she just looked at her first new cock in years and I could see her hands shaking.
        She took it in her hands and slowly stroked his cock.She looked right at me and said “I am so horny sweetie you better fuck me after this”

        I watched her stroke his cock slowly, he started moaning within a minute and said he was going to cum right away. I watched as my wife made another man cum with her hand in about two minutes….. watching his cum splash against his stomach. She looked at him and asked “Did you like that?” Jim replied “That was the hottest thing I have done in a long time, thank you” He asked about tomorrow could we try again?” (he had to try).
        My wife just said “we have gone far enough for now, thank you Jim”

        I watched him walk away and my wife looked at me and said “you better get me to the room and fuck me or I am going to follow Jim” I thought about it for a brief second, but grabbed her towel and said “Lets go !!”

      • Anonymous
          Post count: 9

          Nice story. Please do keep us updated on developments in your cuckolding journey.

        • Anonymous
            Post count: 27

            That’s great news enjoy every second of it.

          • JB
              Post count: 1

              Great story. Hope there’s more

            • Anonymous
                Post count: 7

                Wow, me, I would have told Jim that I would be happy to watch him fuck my wife, if she wanted to, but that it was up to her.

              • Tommy
                  Post count: 13

                  Each step has its own special part … let her lead the way

                • Don
                    Post count: 17

                    Sounds like you and your wife are heading in the right direction. It took my wife years to warm up to the idea, but she finally did.

                    I also share your fantasy of walking in on my wife in bed with her lover. This has become reality for us. I’ve done this with more than one of her lovers and loved it. If they were having sex I joined in. If they were asleep, I just slipped in bed with the two of them.

                  • curiousmwm
                      Post count: 16

                      I would love to have a threesome with my wife and wake up in the middle of the night to the bed moving and look over and see her riding her lovers cock. I would watch them in the moonlight and she cums for him and he cums in her.
                      I love watching her. Walking in on her enjoying a cock makes me hard just typing this.

                      I hope our adventures continue.

                    • Dafydd
                        Post count: 12

                        Have you been able to continue these encounters during Covid?

                      • RAVIRDK
                          Post count: 6

                          i was seduced by boss and we had affair in office. after he fuck me after work. my hubby is beta i wanted boss full time i gradually told story to hubby in our pillow talk .i could tell the story that i am much happy with boss. now we had affair during 26 years . i have 8 years old daughter belong to my boss.

                        • Anonymous
                            Post count: 1

                            That is really hot and exciting to hear! We are in early stages, seems like it progresses each time to more specific guy friends. At one point she told me she would like a friend, an ex-boss, to creampie in her. She’s not an any birth control so I think I know what she means. She’s got his number but almost started a text. I got so nervous and anxious of what maybe become. The thrill of her owned and cuckolded father to her ex boss made me feel weak and excited. Hope we become a success story here someday.

                            • Glasgow982000
                                Post count: 14

                                That is wonderful and good progress. Keep us here the updates please.
                                We wish you success.

                            • drewnj
                                Post count: 2

                                Would love to have this happen on vacation with my wife! I would have suggested that we both follow Jim back to his room!

                                I know that I’ll never get my wife to do this…I’ve suggested it many times…but there’s always hope!

                              • 4Ever7713
                                  Post count: 13

                                  Really hot experience. I am going to share it with my wife, maybe she gets some ideas. If I was in that situation I definitely let her go to his room and wait for her to come back to reclaim her or go with them to watch. At that point I would had come in two seconds. How did she feel afterwards?

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