Marriage Evolved › discussion › Group Discussions › Enforced Chastity › Penectomy is the ultimate enforcement of chastity
ParticipantDecember 6, 2018 at 3:04 amPost count: 8I believe penectomy is the ultimate humiliation to a man,
Once my penis is gone, I will lose all of my sexual pleasure, lose my masturbation, be a virgin for lifetime, and have to sit to take piss for the rest of my life. -
ParticipantJanuary 3, 2019 at 9:30 amPost count: 13Wow that would be huge commitment, also just having penis removed leaves ones testicles and their hormones in tact to give cuckold desire for sex and no possible way to reach a real orgasm. The ultimate humility
ParticipantJanuary 4, 2019 at 10:46 amPost count: 8I believe all real cuckolds should have his penis surgically removed, and all the beta male should have it done as well. Do you agree ?
January 5, 2019 at 2:46 amPost count: 52Fortunately you are not in the position to decide about it.
ParticipantJanuary 5, 2019 at 12:08 pmPost count: 8Oh, yes, do you thinking locking up in chastity is better than penectomy ?
April 5, 2020 at 11:42 amPost count: 5299% of cuckolds don’t share your opinion. That is why I told fortunately you were not in position to decide of other people’s penectomy.
Stacy Beaumont
September 13, 2019 at 11:56 amPost count: 5Keeping a cock numb with banding is a good, less invasive/permanant way to go without the use aof a cage.
September 21, 2019 at 10:36 amPost count: 5MsBeaumont, what do You mean by banding?
April 5, 2020 at 7:53 amPost count: 3hi…mwm 58 here..wife is 55…
i’m cucked and annie has been using bands as Stacy described above..
they do shrinks the testicles and so hard to cum now..if i can at all..
im sure over time it will diminish more too -
April 7, 2020 at 2:10 pmPost count: 1Vince,
I believe Stacy is referring to banding tbe penis to slowly kill the nerve. I have heard a short banding if it can basically make it go numb for several days.
April 8, 2020 at 3:27 amPost count: 5Thank You and understood
ParticipantMay 19, 2020 at 1:24 amPost count: 12Good Morning,
Can anyone describe or illustrate the banding, or perhaps direct us towards a site that expands process, bands and effect both short and long term.
Thank you very much
Marianne & Tom
ParticipantMay 19, 2020 at 7:17 amPost count: 12Good Morning,
Maybe this is separate thread, But lets start here. We have spoke to 2 bulls who request the use of female hormones by the beta cuck as a therapy to complete surrender and elimination of desire for the wife. We are slightly surprised as we have not spoken to more than 30 Alpha bulls, is this common?
Second, castration, we have spoke to two cuckold wives who have said their husbands are castrated, both confirmed this meant removal of the testes. Now they both confirmed their cuck husbands were in their late 60s or early 70s, so as testosterone drops over time with age, beyond the obvious, it does not seem like a big step. Both ladies confirmed their husbands were happy and content all be it “placcid” in their actions, one wife’s word! Again this seems to be more common practice than originally contemplated. Love feedback on either process as a norm or extreme to cuck surrender.
Marianne & Tom
KeymasterJune 2, 2020 at 6:31 amPost count: 288No, this is not common and a pretty specific fetish – also not one I would encourage as it is a medical and mental health decision that must be both asked for and evaluated by professionals.
ParticipantJune 2, 2020 at 5:08 amPost count: 40Hi Marianne & Tom,
One of my cucks is castrated and did have his testes removed. He can’t have sex, but enjoys watching and loves his wife and understands her needs. Banding I’m guessing is cutting off the blood to the testicles and they drop off, but best and safe is chemical castration or surgery which is common. -
KeymasterJune 2, 2020 at 6:37 amPost count: 288While the fantasy of penectomy (or orchiotomy) is not uncommon among submissive males and cuckolds, medically it’s ill-advised. As a submissive I grant that it’s a massive but ONE TIME expression whereas suffering the penis being unused in favor of someone else is a gift that keeps on giving.
These types of modifications/surgeries are not common except where medically indicated and I do not want to see any forms of encouragement to make such body mods without medical evaluation and assistance.
Unless a male who has lost both testicles is on hormone therapy, he’s not going to give a shit what his wife is doing sexually. The whole thing that makes this lifestyle tick is the contrast of what one wants vs what is given away. Without the desire to have his wife, it’s not cuckolding.
ParticipantJune 3, 2020 at 9:04 amPost count: 8Actually, penectomy and castration have been widely practiced in the harems in oriental countries since ancient time. In Ming dynasty in China, there were more than 100 thousands eunuchs serving the empire, most of them had both of their penis and balls removed. The eunuchs are often married to the odalisks (the chamber maids), the odalisks were the sex slaves of the emporer, while the eunuchs cannot have sex with their wives. I think that kind of life style was similar to cuckolds today.
KeymasterJune 3, 2020 at 1:49 pmPost count: 288Was there ever a eunuch in those countries/dynasties who consented to it? I’m going with no.
Slaves were perfectly legal at one point, but guess what – not so much anymore.
African cultures are still removing the clitoris from girls – should we celebrate that?
Live in the now – the closest we should dance with forced genital mutilation is voluntary denial with consent.
June 9, 2020 at 2:24 pmPost count: 131I don’t get the point of permanently removing ability to have sex? Cuckolding is all about denial and consensual rejection, and all that goes away if the ability is permanently removed?
Perhaps permanent castration is tempting in fantasy, but it’s a kind of fantasy that should remain a fantasy
ParticipantJune 2, 2020 at 8:18 amPost count: 12Dear Luvr,
Thank you and we agree wholeheartedly. We were a bit taken back with a couple of initial conversations. Thank you and we greatly respect your insight.
From out standpoint it is nonstarter.
Marianne & Tom
ParticipantOctober 9, 2022 at 11:05 pmPost count: 3I also think that a penectomy is the ultimate enforcement of chastity but I think that castration with also the removal of the scrotum (more beautifull to my opinion…) is a nice “in between”. Being castrated (orchiectomy) you still have a penis and you are still a man but that has a penis that can not perform or that is “impotent” and you are still in the love-trangle of cuckolding. To me it feels psychologically more interesting as a cuckold in being castrated because you still have a penis but that can not perform what makes it more frustrating then having nothing (pencetomy) to be frustrated about. If you are a “nullo” that had a penectomy you are to my feelings more a “nothing” that goes out of the equation of the love-triangle of cuckolding. When you get castrated surgically or chemically by taking anti-androgens and/or oestrogen you lose the source of testosterone what makes that next to the wanted effects that cuckold mostly wants being: not having erections anymore, shrinking of the penis and shrinking or removal of the penis you loose your libido because of the lack of testosterone. Then also you loose (to my opinion) one of the most important aspects of cuckolding being the hornyness and frustration that is also induced by testosterone. The ideal in between solution to me is the castration but with the extra of taking testosterone supplements so that you still have some libido.
Nowadays despite al the attention that goes to gender-issues I think it is a pity that you are obliged to choose to being a man or woman when you undergo a sex-reassignment. This is done to match how you feel being a man or a woman. If you feel (as I do) in between the two bioogical sexes a chirurgical solution ( castration or penectomy) is not possible due to the medical ethics. It is mostly only for prostate cancer (that is triggerd by testosterone), testicular cancer or a twisted testicle-cord with a damaged testicle as result that you can get a castration in the western medical world. Apparently you can sometimes find exceptions and find doctors in the U.S. that want to do it, or in Thailand, the Philippines or Morocco.
A lot of cuckolds seek for the submissiveness of being not able to perform sexually with the properties of having a small penis, small testicles and not being able to get hard eventually with the extra of being infertile, not having real ejaculations (it drips/runs instead of squirts) and low volume eventually transparent instead of white. All this enhances the less to non-performing role of the cuckold compared to the strength of bull/lover of the wife.
Next to a real penectomy or castration you can use other methods and combine them
to loose your ability to perform physically and psychologically:– Move your sexual sensitivity from your penis to your ass (by anal stimulation and sex)
– Learn to masturbate with a soft penis (with 2 fingers or with a magic wand)
– Wearing a chastity cage
– Wearing adult diapers
– Hormone therapy (after 2 years you will have killed your penis, balls and fertility)
– Vasectomy (is not making your penis perform less but psychologically and symbolically it is rewarding..)Anyhow not using your penis will make it loose its function next to the psychological aspects you will
make believe yourself of your inability to perform compared to the lover/bull of your wife as also the
psycholgical casration that will be induced by you wife telling you how big and how performing the penis
is from her lover and how small and not performing is yours. -
July 2, 2024 at 4:48 pmPost count: 6@Pampix – I agree completely with your assessment! Losing the ability to have frustrated desire as a cuckold by removing the biological/hormonal source of sexual appetite would defeat the whole purpose. Being a cuckold would no longer be fun! The idea of castration or penectomy works as a fantasy, but doesn’t seem to translate well into real life. Unlike some of your other good suggestions. Vasectomy is a greatly underrated way of diminishing one’s sexual ability. The idea that you can no longer procreate, especially in comparison to the boyfriend of your wife who is completely fertile, brings about a beautiful anxiety.
I am also curious about one of your other suggestions — transferring the focus of one’s sexual arousal to anal stimulation. I have read, on some other sites, stories of men who, once trained to orgasm through anal stimulation, in combination with a chastity practice, lose the ability to maintain erections even when uncaged. That seems to me to be a very nice solution to preserving sexual desire by shifting it away from the erect penis. If anyone has personal exprience in doing this please do share.
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