Marriage Evolved discussion Group Discussions Enforced Chastity Question (and replay) on long term chastity


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    • realsubcuckold
        Post count: 22

        on the subject of forced and long term chastity people often ask me many questions. I report the most common, with their answer, hoping to be of help to other people. I emphasize that what I say comes from my personal experience and it is not said that they are as good for everyone:

        1) it is difficult to wear the belt 365/24/7?
        YES, it is difficult and hard, I would even say painful, at beginning; over time, you get used to it, but not a few months are enough. In my experience I can say that it took me more than 2 years to feel comfortable during the day while for not having problems even at night it took me from 3 to 4 years.

        2) what does it mean to be constantly closed?
        Being locked 365/24/7 involves changes in everyday habits, involves changes in the mental and even physical in the long term.
        for the daily aspect the main things to get used to are: pee while sitting, do not wear tight pants, do not cross your legs in a violent way, etc.
        At the mental level at the beginning you are very frustrated, you feel really forced, crushed, then gradually you get used to it and the feeling decreases until at some point it feels naked without the cage. At the same time you feel a relationship of greater belonging to your wife, you feel completely in her hands, as the link with her grows more and more and becomes stronger.
        On a physical level, things go hand in hand with the mental one; at the beginning pain is felt both for erections and for the lack of ejaculation; nocturnal ejaculations are not rare; as it gets used to the idea of ​​the cage and the intervals between the ejaculations, the pain decreases.
        I believe that in the physical and mental changes the way of using the cage, the interfaces between the releases, etc., is very important.

        3) wearing the cage constantly for a long time makes impotent?
        In my case definitely yes, but I do not know if it can be a general rule. As I said in the previous point, the more you get used to the cage (constant use, interevallo between the ejaculations gradually longer, etc.) the more the mind and body reactions fit; in my case I noticed a lower interest in sex, I mean that gradually I found myself less and less eager to have sexual relations, less and less need to empty the balls and less sexual power so much to become totally impotent.
        I would like to clarify that I still feel high interest in my wife (and women in general), I appreciate very much the beauty and sensuality but I do not feel the desire to have a sexual relationship with them as it could happen in the past; I realize that this is a difficult point to explain, but towards the women I feel a platonically interest, no longer sexual. This my “detour” has grown as I have been caged

        soon I will try to develop other points, in the meantime every question is welcome!

      • bfunk
          Post count: 5

          Hi real cuckold. I’ve been in Chastity for almost exactly one year now everything you wrote is like it’s coming from my experience to. However I have not had a release since March 6 2018.
          I haven’t had my cage on for almost 3 weeks now and I think I became totally impotent. Not that that’s a bad thing it just allows me to be in chastity without a cage. Sometimes it worries me a little bit but it also give me some me some relief to know that I don’t have to perform sexually. At this point I hope I do stay impotent. Long-term cage wearing isn’t too bad when you get used to it. I do have to be in very tight underwear or panties to feel comfortable. If I start getting morning erections again the wife for sure will make me put the cage back on.

        • realsubcuckold
            Post count: 22

            Hi bfunk, thanks for sharing your experience!! congrats for you story.
            I agree with you, be impotent is not a so bad thing!!

          • ChastityTrip
              Post count: 1

              Hi everyone,
              my experience is a little different from yours, i’ve been in chastity for two years and during time my releases were delayed, so i started from a weekly relaese to a monthly.
              I really do not wear the chastity belt 24/7 because i do a lot of sport and i’m allowed to remove it (obviously without any sexual stimulation) and replace it immediatly after the shower. I do not have any real issue with erection and i’m always super high even if i’m allowed to cum only once a month.

            • realsubcuckold
                Post count: 22

                Hi ChastityTrip,
                thanks a lot for you experince, I’m glad for you you still be “hard”!
                This kind of exeperience are really important becasue we are not all the same, so different reaction to similar situation!

              • Dr MBogo
                  Post count: 3

                  Everybody experiences long term chastity a little differently. In fact, most guys’ experiences will vary over time. In general (I think-just my opinion) the older you are, the more likely that you become effectively impotent with sustained long-term chastity. I’ve been in chastity more or less 24/7 for over 18 months. (I wear an evolution Bijou anchored by a frenum piercing) My last release for orgasm was 12/31/18, and I came so quick I wasn’t even really hard. And I haven’t felt even an attempt at an erection in some time. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if I am completely impotent now. And, neither my beautiful wife/KH or I are concerned about that.

                  • realsubcuckold
                      Post count: 22

                      Hi Dr Mbogo, i agree with you, different man different reaction to chastity, and also agree about the age issue. Honestly my impotence came in the lasts years, before also i was 24/7 caged i get hard.

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